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milestails last won the day on January 5 2018

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264 Jedi Grand Master


About milestails

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    Jedi Master

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  1. I have a question about the KOTOR 2 mod Taibhrigh's Female Player Head Replacement Skin (PMHC07). I got this mod to work. When I checked the override folder I had to use the search function to find them and the files were different than the others. But at that point the mod worked. Then, for reasons I cannot explain, the mod stopped working. When I attempt to delete these weird looking, search only files, I cannot. My computer says they aren't there. Now I cannot delete these files from my override folder. And when I attempt to install it again it doesn't work. Could you help me please?

    1. milestails


      Can't help ya out there sir - I just uploaded that mod on behalf of Taibhrigh.

  2. Also makes mention of a certain restoration mod....
  3. Hi Milestails,

    I remember you were the last one over at LucasForums handing out copies of long-lost mods for Jade Empire before it closed for good. Might you still have those? I'm especially interested in the "Bugfixes" mod by SpaceAlex and the "Smarter Allies" mod.


    Cheers & happy new year!

    1. milestails


      Sent you the SpaceAlex mods via PM.

  4. Really like this channel, so I thought I'd share their latest documentary. Hope all is well here!
  5. milestails has logged back in for the first time in over two years? 😏

  6. Samsung Galaxy S9+ - Yay or Nay?

    1. Mephiles550


      Which phone OS are you more familiar with?

      Really, if you liked the previous Galaxy S# models, this one just seems the same but with a faster processor and little else. I always thought Samsung phones looked super cool, but I prefer IOS so what do I know.

    2. milestails


      Android moreso.

      Mind you, I am upgrading from a S4 😂

  7. I approve of Solo: A Star Wars Story.

  8. After the debacle that was The Last Jedi, I must say I enjoyed Solo. Won't give too much away here, but..... Great performances by Alden Ehrenreich and Donald Glover. Learning Chewbacca's age was pretty neat. Now I know what the Kessel Run is. L3 was humorous as the "social justice" droid....perhaps a parody of all the recent social justice themes in the recent films? Cool visuals of space and some classic musical elements returned from previous installments. The Millenium Falcon really looked a lot different in its newer state. And of course......Darth Maul? Can anyone explain how he survived being cut in half by Obi-Wan?