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Dark_Ansem last won the day on January 24 2018

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About Dark_Ansem

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    I, in fact, love it because I was always bothered by how non-R2D2 like T3 sounded.
  1. As I said, I think it's an issue with Aurora, as NEverwinter nights had a similar issue.
  2. May I ask you to post a small video about it?
  3. It's a custom track with no silence, and somehow that setting doesn't work for combat loops at all. The lag is not as noticeable for standard BGM.
  4. I did that and I'm fairly certain it doesn't work. Can always try again. EDIT: nope. This is especially noticeable during combat.
  5. Shout out Sith Codec for an amazing tool. Also, I think the delay between loops is likely un-removable, that's an Aurora engine issue, I believe. for
  6. Update gonna come thanks to JC2
  7. So, I really like the hand gesture made for Choke, and not so much the one used for kill or others. How can I edit 2da files so that that gesture is used as much as possible, for other spells such as Kill?
  8. Windows 10, I think It's 4.5 or newer by checking the regedit.
  9. Is there any way that you know of to remove the second of delay between loops when a track ends?
  10. It doesn't work for me, and stays open despite closing the window, must be killed in Taskmanager.
  11. Slightly clearer instructions would be welcome, but great stuff overall. It doesn't work if installed BEFORE M4-78. That one overrides it. I tried with M4-78 and they don't work together. which strings did you add? Nevermind, this should be enough of a compatibility patch. soundset (2).2da
  12. Not much I see, but unimportant. So, because of a mismanaged hardware upgrade, I have to restart: could someone please provide me with a savegame collection of an UNMODDED game at its various points/planets?
    I bugged him for a good couple years, so it's only fitting I review this first. I think it is perfect and I see no bugs - but I largely play 1h Consular. So I might miss some of the most exotic ones. Thank you so much DeadMan, for your patience and efforts.