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Everything posted by DeadMan

  1. IIRC, if you don't tell Dopak "Go Ahead" he will not join you during battle of Khoonda if you side with militia.
  2. HK bug happened to me even on nVidia cards (in fact, I never tried playing KotOR/TSL on ATI cards). IIRC, this can be fixed by changing his envmap to cm_baremetal in appearance.2da.
  3. I use Win7 (x86) and never had problems with KT.
  4. Yeah, a short period between reloading your system and installing the new driver. Shouldn't be a problem on WinXP and newer.
  5. I'm playing both KotOR games on nVidia cards (first on GF 6600, then 9800 and now on 450) and had this problem only once (on my old 6600). In my case, reinstalling the graphic card driver solved the problem (before reinstalling, clean your system from the old drivers). Update: Changing appearance.2da have one drawback - if you change envmap for PC which have alpha channel in head skins (like PMHC06 or Mira) it will look awfull. Having a metal-glossy plate in the hair isn't a good idea. BTW, when I had transparency problem editing appearance.2da didn't changed anything. Shaders just didn't worked at all.
  6. You should not be able to use mando armors on female characters. At least, I'm sure I've set gender restriction for them. The only one which can be used is Mira's armor, but only she can use it. But even if I've forgot to set restrictions, it still shouldn't be a problem - they're just disguise items. Anyway, let me know if you'll encounter any bugs - this mod was tested with TSLRCM 1.7 and may need some rework for 1.8.2.
  7. I believe it's engine issue, I've had such bugs with other characters.
  8. They won't change if you already have them in your inventory before installing the mod. Use cheats or KSE to get the new ones.
  9. Have you ever wondered: "Why the hell I'm doing all this? Is it worth the effort?"
  10. Finally got some free time... and a copy of StarCraft II.

  11. Can't say anything about new version. I'm too busy IRL, and I'm not sure how I can improve this mod. Adding hoods is a good idea, but it raises more problems than it's worth.
  12. DeadMan


    I'm not sure what glitches you're talking about(screenshots with more detailed explanation will help), but if you are looking for a good robe mod - try mine.
  13. Yeah, I've thought about that. And will probably do if Fallen Guardian won't do them himself before I'll have more free time.
  14. I was planning to make something like this for my next playthrough, but looks like you saved me a lot of time Awesome mod!
  15. Best game: Fallout 1&2 (yes, I love both of them and I can't decide which one is better. Today I like 2 more, but tomorrow I'll say that the 1st is the best, and so on) Honorable mention: Planescape: Tourment; Deus Ex; Dragon Age: Origins; Arcanum; Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines; Freelancer; Duke Nukem 3D; Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past; Syndicate (the old one, made by Bullfrog in 1993); Prince of Persia (original); Resident Evil 2; Rock N' Roll Racing; The lost Vikings; Soldier of Fortune. Favourite Series: Dark Forces/Jedi Knight Honorable mention: Max Payne; KotOR; The Witcher; Resident Evil; Mass Effect; StarCraft; Civilization; Age of Empires; Gothic; Devil May Cry; Mortal Kombat; Doom; Quake; Half-Life.
  16. I hate the fact that when the new version comes out I have to reinstall all my mods and/or remake compability fixes for some of them.
  17. I'm still too busy IRL. But I hope it will change soon and I'll be back to modding. Anyway, I want to make a small announcement: if anybody want to use my mods in their own work - be my guest. You don't need to ask me for permission, even if readme says otherwise.

  18. I first played it on my Core 2 Duo (3 GHz) with 4 GBs of RAM and GeForce 9800GT and never experienced any perfomance problems.
  19. BioWare is working on a SW game. What could that mean? KotOR 3? Addon for TOR? Something completely new?[/size] Anyway, if it's not a MMO, then I will play it. Let's just hope that it will not suck like Dragon Age 2.[/size]
  20. All my modding projects are temporary frozen. Too much RL work.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I hope all gets sorted out in your RL!

  21. Yeah, and the Pirates is the only thing I rwally enjoyed. Mostly because it reminded me of the Monkey Island series of quests (which was made by Lucas... hmm...) Anyway, I don't think things can be much worse for SW than they're already. At least for the games. Because all modern SW games are piece of : TFU - nice idea, terrible realization (try to play Devil May Cry or God of War - that's how slashers are meant to be made). TFU2 - was a bit better in gameplay terms, but it was too short and the story sucked. TOR - it's not a game, it's MMO.
  22. My game (even unmodded) often crashes to desktop in that area, so I suppose it's a "buggy engine syndrome". In my case, restarting the game and loading a save which was made at the cave entrance usually helps.
  23. Hmm, looks like Stoffe fixed that in the last version. I remember it was unable to do that in first releases.
  24. It says something about wrong/non-existing folder, right? If so, just create a folder named "G0T0" (without quotes) in your Override. 2 Darth_Sapiens THe above issue is because TSLPatcher cannot create new folders, and you've set the installer to put files into "G0T0" subfolder in the override. All you need to fix it is just simple edit in changes.ini file. Just replace install_folder0=override\G0T0 with install_folder0=override.
  25. 2 shaggoth: IIRC, Avol's Vader uses Nihilus as supermodel, so this mod should also affect him.