Regarding Barrington, Protocol Droid Butler:
Could you have the following things included for this new character:
- Have Barrington acknowledge other possible new party members such as "Sera Deagana" from Brotherhood of Shadow and/or "Jedi Knight Kay" from Recruitable Kay if they are in the game
- Have Barrington be a part of the conversation/scene when the entire party discusses if they still support the player character after the "big KotOR reveal." Have the reply fit the personality you set for him.
- Personality suggestion: Have a "Obsequious" option, for all those that want their droid to suck up to them in an over-the-top manner.
Regarding Adoption:
How appropriate is it before a potential parent to adopt during a "we must save the universe from evil" story like we have in KotOR? Just my two cents...
Regarding Marriage:
If you have a marriage, why not have it done during the medal scene after the Star Forge is destroyed. (Or if dark sided, during the "Hail Revan" scene.) That way, you're aren't interrupting the flow of the main story.