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Everything posted by ShayOrdo

  1. ShayOrdo

    Sith Stalkers [K1]

    Okey. I checked it out and yep, the mod works on SF and Leviathan (I think? May have forgotten about it.) But Tatooine, Kashyyk and other planets don't work along with it. Probably because (as the Sith ambush mod hints) due to ties with dropable Dark Jedi Knight robe item. So either you have to manually override the drop or replace Sith Stalker for another one of the attackers instead of the middle one.
  2. After replaying SWTOR and Kotor, I remembered that there was a mission on Taris in SWTOR for Sith Inquisitor's related to getting in contacts with spirit of Kalatosh Zavros - Ashara's ancestor, who was a former Jedi Master, followed Revan during Mandalorian Wars and stated to be either a Dark Jedi or even Sith, who was serving on Taris, but died in the proccess. And since there was no real statement on how exactly he died in terms of whether the bombardment specifically killed him or was there any other case - could it be an option to make a mod for such a character?
  3. ShayOrdo

    Sith Stalkers [K1]

    Unfortunately, I can't open the console in game. Since I tried to make the game without usage of any console commands.
  4. ShayOrdo

    Sith Stalkers [K1]

    That's the problem. I installed Sith Stalker last but the appearance wasn't overriden
  5. Well, I stated that I went for Dark Jedi first, then the Ambush mod and then finally hitting Sith Stalker mod. Unfortunatly, English isn't my native so... Apologies if I made it seems as if I was saying it wrongly. But I do have to tell that out of those 3 specific mods the Sith Stalker one was used as the last one,not the first one. Also... What's a pre-requisite?
  6. I stated earlier that I installed that and Sith ambush mod firstly, then went for Sith stalker mod. The Sith Stalker[K1] was the last out of three mods I used
  7. Well, basically I used entire list of Diverse Galaxy mods made by N-Drew, along with K1 Legends mods, Weapon overhaul mods, the tin can and Parametrics vip tin-can, etc, leaving the Dark Jedi stuff last
  8. Greetings. During my weekends I decided to redownload kotor and installed a big amount of mods, which all work fine except for the: As it only changes the sound of the Dark Jedi that should've been replaced by Stalker, but not the model itself. Also I mixed 2 more mods, first going for the : And secondly going with : Before going for the mentioned mod... Could there be a reason why this one specifically refuses to work fully?
  9. ShayOrdo

    Sith Stalkers [K1]

    Tried combining the mod after Using Dark Jedi use JC robes and Sith ambush and while the middle Dark Jedi voice changes - he is still in the Cloaked robe skin, not Sith Stalker... Could there be a reason why it goes this way?
  10. ShayOrdo

    Heart of Beskar

    Nice mod... Though, I have a question... Does it remove the Cassus Fett's armor from vendor on Dantooine? Cause I used to find it there and on my visit to Dantooine - the trader didn't had Cassus Fett's armor in the store.
  11. ShayOrdo

    Armor 5 HD

    Check her mods, one of the player heads is the one you're looking for.
  12. ShayOrdo

    Armor 6  HD

    Damn, that's a nice armor rework. Hope there will be remodelling of other armors, like some of the heavy types or unique ones.
  13. Well, I can use TSL patcher to uninstall and reinstall the mod anyway,just need to use to see of Sith stalker mod would work. As for the Light npcs... Could have any of the models be in different format, preventing any of the lite npcs from being changed? I think that may be a possible reason. (I mean, it does even alter some of the heads on non lite npcs a bit and has the results showing even after Diverse Galaxy mod being installed.) and it is kinda worth using due to the mod affecting not only human or alien npcs, but also droids, animals and aliens (which are also getting affected)
  14. I used unofficial k1cp and lite of my life patch, also installed them in the order you mentioned - Dark Jedi wear JC robes, Sith ambush and Sith stalker last, in fact, Sith stalker was my last mod to download even.
  15. I see, I just installed this mod after the combination of other two: and And even though they don't seem to have a conflict, while I do see the assasins from K2, but I stead of a Sith stalker in a middle I have a regular Dark Jedi in middle in Black Jc's robes Also many Tatooine settlers out side of Space port for me are default lite npc males with White clothes and green shoes
  16. Is this mod compatible with:
  17. Well, I decided to reinstall the full thing and the weird sound issue on Marl seems to be gone,so...I guess it might've been an issue with older mod version... I guess?
  18. Well, I installed the mod a few days ago and during that time the soundset had a feminine voice, hell, it's kinda similar to one Handmaiden from TSL has, which is weird... Cause I can 100% tell that the voice was feminine.
  19. Would this mod be compatible with and
  20. Well, the comment section in the Ksr 2022 states that mod modifies the files about the quest, which resulted in glitches of the Bolook's quest and Griff search on Dantooine, which is why, untill creator would fix it, you need a copy of K1CP dan14aa.mod and tat_m17aa.mod from module section and then put it back once you have loaded the mods related to those planets. Since that was stated in Ksr 2022 mod section comments. And the glitch in Bolook's quest was simply a glitch made by the saber mod pack that we talked about, not the NPC Diversity, for some reason KSR 2022 makes glitches in Bolook's quest and search for Griff on Tatooine (Czerka Officer convo), and since we have no better alternative for a good saber hilt mods - we gotta make hand made fixes with that lightsaber mod untill the author would make a fix or someone makes a better lightsaber pack.
  21. Okey... Apparently the only glitch with bolook quest was not from this mod incompatibility with something, but due to Messing with Bolook's quest and Griff's 1st search on Tatooine and to fix it I simply need to replace the files dan14aa.mod and tat_m17aa.mod which are in K1CP already... May I ask in what folder they should be in that case?
  22. During installment I had a weird glitch with Bastilla's lightsaber being invisivlble till reload. Also what dialogue files would the mod affect? Cause I had an issue with Bolook's quest being stuck on 1st round
  23. It's not changing appearance, so... Doubt it would be an issue, though, for my case the mod combination does result in weird stuff like Bolook Quest being stuck all the time...
  24. Well, I used 1.2.2 download (since it's the only one on the load option), however, Jedi Master Twi'lek remain in default robe, though, override kinda did it for me. Since patcher always fails to notice Jedi Master Oh wait... I am an idiot...
  25. Greetings. Russian Kotor fan here who would like some help with mod installment since I have been running into a few issues recently : 1) small sized map when using widescreen fix and UI fix for white screen. 2) Bolook's "Murdered Setler" quest on Dantooine gets stuck on the first round no matter what I would do and how many reloads I would make beforehand. My mod combination is starting with kotor editable executable. For UI For videos Along with a few Dark Hope mods on HD textures for chars, Logical Datapads mod, Marius Fett Sith armors and aditional armor packs, effects, heads and other stuff installed after it, plus a weapon pack combo I found working quite well together. And also K1 Legends combo of mods As of now, I figures that first I should keep the armor related mods being downloaded last in this case (since for some reason installing armors first would result in some npcs dissapearing) and using any droid skins after K1 Legends Januce Nall mod as well, in order to avoid her dissapearing. Everything else works fine, but the map and Bolook quest are the only issue not progressing further. Could anyone help with that? My current weapon pack is: /1209 Along with