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Everything posted by Masamune753

  1. @InSidious When you have a chance, can you update the description to include the number of placeables added? Per the issue found by @DarthParametric and their Jedi Captive Diversity mod, there is a hard limit that will impact compatibility (in particular, these two together, but really any that add to that placeables.2da file).
  2. Progress update...none as of yet, but I still have this project on my mind. Just very busy as of late. My bandwidth is pretty limited, so I put out some requests to some other great mods to be a part of the T3-M4 repair component of this project. I assumed it would take some time, but I haven't heard back since February so I am just going to figure out something on my own.
  3. I directly tried this with Mission for my companion rewards mod. It didn't work.
  4. Wait, so if you were willing to edit every relevant module (which might be all of them), you could add additional scripts to specific locations and events? That does feel huge. Off the top of my head you could... Add AOE damage on story relevant location (The Ravager, poison rooms, etc.) Send the PC to jail/or healing room on a death event Turn NPCs hostile if you are wielding certain items (Red lightsabers, Revan robes, Jedi Robes, etc.) in specific areas
  5. @Sdub This is amazing! Just to confirm this mod's status as a resource... is it okay to include this mod within another mod or do you prefer that players download both separately (crediting you either way)? I want to make sure to know the right way to use something as useful as this!
  6. Is this K1 or TSL? In K1 those live in the .UTI for the actual lightsabers. Equipment have all those properties already in the file, and then when the player applies the appropriate upgrade item, it adds the bonus.
  7. Oh wow, I came here to suggest a color change to black only to find that the issue has been thoroughly explored. Not sure if it would be any easier now vs. a few years ago, so I'll 2nd the request anyway. My other comment was whether you'd consider something similar for Bacca's Ceremonial Blade? Both are considered ancient during the events of K1, so I'd buy that they share some visual elements (the model), but from a gameplay perspective it would highlight both as the higher-level melee weapons they are meant to be.
  8. Hello @todevuch! I sent a PM a month or so ago. Would you be open to me using some of these items in a mod I am working on? Details are in my PM, happy to discuss there or in this thread.
  9. Went to create a new thread... but I see that the topic had already been requested. There are definitely a ton of mods now that we are 8 years away from this post. I was thinking of the following: Current: + Media + Mods + Skins + Modder's Resources Proposed: + Media + UI (Icons & Menus) + Weapons / Armor + Force Powers & Abilities + Skins + Worlds & Locations + General Mods + Expansions I made the list above in relation to K1, but I could see it applying to TSL as well.
  10. That would work, not to derail the thread, but my goal for the duel-wield batons was to touch as few things like .2da as possible (at the time for my lack of expertise; but with the added benefit of it being compatible with pretty much anything). It was never my goal to make all stun batons be DW because, from a design perspective, their properties aren't built with that in mind. For sure, that might be more of a concern for lightsabers to vibros vs. vibros to stun batons, but I haven't tried it out to know how much of an issue it is in practice. I was trying to frame the solution as simple as possible, but you make a good point that it would be easier to adjust the base item value for a vibrosword uti than it would to strip a lightsaber uti of all the extraneous properties those have. Unfortunately, I don't think there is any way around that (at least that I know of). You'd have to convince the game to think you are wielding a lightsaber while still using unarmed animations for attacks.
  11. Does it need to be all vibros or just a specific item for your use case? I was able to get around the dual wield limit for stun batons by pointing a vibroblade uti (with stun properties) to a stun baton model. Could you make a lightsaber uti and point it to another weapon model to make it work with Force Jump?
  12. I love seeing a unique robe! Is this fully compatible with all of JC's other robe mods? Specifically: JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Hybrid Robes JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Party Robes If so, is there a recommended install order?
    I love bonuses for the droids! Both are already underpowered vs. non-droid characters, and even worse vs. Jedi characters. Its a struggle to buff characters in a balanced way, so using cut content from TSL as inspiration is a great way to keep things at least thematically consistent.
  13. Thanks for the coding wisdom! I am in the copy-and-adjust phase of learning to write script, so any advice is always appreciated. Right now, the idea would be that Jolee would have the easiest time with the stealth/awareness aspect of this project. Besides that, I am not sure what else to go with. I struggled with this in my Sidequest Reward mod as well, Jolee is already OP as a Jedi vs. other party members. None of the other skills feel like they would make sense. He directly states he is not tech savvy. Persuade could work, but his personality feels incongruent with that. Plus it's just too easy and a little tedious to dump points in persuade and always switch in Jolee for merchants. Definitely open to any ideas I haven't thought of though!
  14. Progress update! Computer Use → "Unlocking" T3-M4's ability to act as an upgrade bench ✓ Already done Treat Injury → Swapping Canderous Implants (ala TSL) Not started. Repair → Custom skill challenge with T3-M4 to create unique items: ✓ Created new dialog entry with script that bumps to new .dlg file (styled as computer interface) ✓ Ported over TOR version of Revan's lightsaber from TSL with permission, and some guidance, from @Kaidon Jorn (Thank you!!!) ✓ Adapted .uti files for the new lightsaber: ✓ upcrystals.2da change and multiple .uti files created to make saber fully upgradeable (including Guardian & Mantle) ✓ Matching all file names/models references to ported over models/textures ✓ Added unique bonuses to the lightsaber that will stack on top of upgrades/customizations Persuade → Make all* merchants adjust their prices based on persuade skill 26% of appropriate merchant call scripts adjusted (thank you @DarthParametric!) Awareness → Swap out all Sith assassin encounters ("Malak was most displeased...") with stealth challenge: Not started.
  15. Confirmed on my side. Thank you! Adding the feedback was also genius. Perfect, yes that was my intent. Thank you!
  16. Oof, thanks for catching that. Thats what happens when you fiddle with something in excel for too long. I gave the above script a try (thank you), it also did not work. Either as nBonusMarkUp or MarkDown. Is there something about the if/ else if statements that is particular? Or an issue with running a formula through the script?
  17. Does anyone have advice on a scripting issue I am experiencing? I grabbed the following and made some edits based suggested script by @DarthParametric(Thank you again!) The following works: but this does not (is treated as 0): I am trying to create a very particular sliding scale of discounts to persuade skill rank. I have been able to code a little bit so far, but I don't come from a coding background, so if I have some kind of syntax error somewhere I am not able to recognize it.
  18. Coming off of my first major project, K1 Companion Sidequest Rewards, my focus is still on gameplay/design enhancements for the first Kotor. Something that struck me during my most recent playthrough is how unimportant/tacked on skills feel. This next project's goal will be to further imbed skills into K1's gameplay, validating INT/Sent/Skill focused builds as a more meaningful choice for players. The outline for this project builds on the awesome work by @jc2 and their Improved Grenades mod. For the other skills, I have the following ideas (ascending rank in terms of perceived difficulty): Computer Use → "Unlocking" T3-M4's ability to act as an upgrade bench (ala my Sidequest Reward mod) Treat Injury → Swapping Canderous Implants (ala TSL) Repair → Custom skill challenge with T3-M4 to create unique items: Dual Wieldable Stun Batons Lightsaber variants (Reg/Short/Double) Unique Droid Items for T3-M4/HK-47 Recreate Revan's "Original" lightsaber Persuade → Make all* merchants adjust their prices based on persuade skill Awareness → Swap out all Sith assassin encounters ("Malak was most displeased...") with: Create some kind of trigger that initiates a cutscene/dialog Spawn in Sith assassins during scene, framed as though they came out of stealth If Awareness (per current party member) is less than X, they lose half their health Regular dialog/Regular combat (Potential; Spawn in more assassins based on player level/difficulty) I have a sense on how to approach all of these ideas except the last one...creating custom encounters is totally out of my current understanding. As always, if anyone has any tips/comments/warnings on any of the above, I am eager to hear them.
  19. View File [K1] Companion Sidequest Rewards Brings a version of TSL’s richer companion interactions to K1. Grants character specific benefits after finishing their sidequests. Description: I am a big believer that story and gameplay should effect each other as much as possible. In TSL that is fulfilled by lots of real benefits for engaging with party members. The same should be true for K1...but the features just aren't there. The bones for what we see in TSL exists as the upgrade system for HK-47, so that is the foundation I built this on. This mod works by leveling up companions and equipping custom items to their hidden inventory slot when you finish their relevant quest or dialog. The goal is to provide some unique incentive for fully experiencing each character's storyline. The specific triggers for each rewards are below (potential spoilers): Each party member, besides Bastila, will receive the following bonuses (Mod/Story Spoilers): Some quests can end in more than one way, in those cases rewards will be granted (or not) in a way that makes sense for the character. If you are not seeing a reward (Level up + bonus) after finishing a quest, you should after having a follow-up discussion with them. For some, K1's difficulty can already feel low. While I have done my best to keep these bonuses balanced, completing these quests will increase the overall power of your party. Because of this, I'd recommend a mod that increases the overall difficulty, such as Zulkain's Impossible Difficulty Restored. Compatibility (updated 3/4/2022): Known Bugs (updated 3/4/2022): Permissions: Please do not redistribute this mod on another platform without my permission, unless I cannot be reached for 3 months time. Anyone is free to use any of the content of this mod in whatever projects/mods they want as long as they credit me where appropriate. Credits: Darksaber UTI/Model/Texture – Jcarter426 Big thanks to Thor110 for directing me to his video tutorial on Kotor modding! Additional gratitude for DarthParametric as they talked through issues Huge thanks to ebmar for helping me clean up my change.ini for TSLpatcher JC & Sdub for helping me figure out Xor’s real .dlg file StellarExile & N-Drew25 for taking a look at my mod before release Blue for their Kotor Scripting Tool Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool tk102 for their DLGEditor Stoffe & Fair Strides - TSLPatcher (Original Credits for JC's Darksaber for K1) DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus ERFEdit – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides NWMax – Joco KOTORMax & MDLEdit – bead-v NWNSSCOMP – Torlack, stoffe, & tk102 Saber – Andrew Kramer & tga2tpc – ndix UR Submitter Masamune753 Submitted 01/23/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No
  20. Thanks to everyone's help in this thread! I finished and tested this last night, everything looks good. I submitted the full mod, so just waiting on approval for it to be available 🤓
  21. Version 1.1.0


    Brings a version of TSL’s richer companion interactions to K1. Grants character specific benefits after finishing their sidequests. Description: I am a big believer that story and gameplay should effect each other as much as possible. In TSL that is fulfilled by lots of real benefits for engaging with party members. The same should be true for K1...but the features just aren't there. The bones for what we see in TSL exists as the upgrade system for HK-47, so that is the foundation I built this on. This mod works by leveling up companions and equipping custom items to their hidden inventory slot when you finish their relevant quest or dialog. The goal is to provide some unique incentive for fully experiencing each character's storyline. The specific triggers for each rewards are below (potential spoilers): Each party member, besides Bastila, will receive the following bonuses (Mod/Story Spoilers): Some quests can end in more than one way, in those cases rewards will be granted (or not) in a way that makes sense for the character. If you are not seeing a reward (Level up + bonus) after finishing a quest, you should after having a follow-up discussion with them. For some, K1's difficulty can already feel low. While I have done my best to keep these bonuses balanced, completing these quests will increase the overall power of your party. Because of this, I'd recommend a mod that increases the overall difficulty, such as Zulkain's Impossible Difficulty Restored. Compatibility (updated 3/4/2022): Known Bugs (updated 3/4/2022): Permissions: Please do not redistribute this mod on another platform without my permission, unless I cannot be reached for 3 months time. Anyone is free to use any of the content of this mod in whatever projects/mods they want as long as they credit me where appropriate. Credits: Darksaber UTI/Model/Texture – Jcarter426 Big thanks to Thor110 for directing me to his video tutorial on Kotor modding! Additional gratitude for DarthParametric as they talked through issues Huge thanks to ebmar for helping me clean up my change.ini for TSLpatcher JC & Sdub for helping me figure out Xor’s real .dlg file StellarExile & N-Drew25 for taking a look at my mod before release Blue for their Kotor Scripting Tool Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool tk102 for their DLGEditor Stoffe & Fair Strides - TSLPatcher (Original Credits for JC's Darksaber for K1) DeNCS – JdNoa & Dashus ERFEdit – stoffe, with updates by Fair Strides NWMax – Joco KOTORMax & MDLEdit – bead-v NWNSSCOMP – Torlack, stoffe, & tk102 Saber – Andrew Kramer & tga2tpc – ndix UR
    In terms of quality-of-life + Force powers, it is a choice between this mod and extended force power durations. For me, adding Force Enlightenment is the clear winner. It is lore-consistent given TSL and feels much more balanced than set-it & forget-it buffs.
  22. Interesting. That all makes sense, I guess what feels strange is that Xor's dialog seems to act differently than the dialog files I have edited for the rest of the party. My edits are to already existing branches the game should be already moving through. Instead of hitting the next node (one I added) it just ends the dialog. If I try and add a node earlier in the middle of the branch, that node gets skipped. Overall, my goal is to flag an alignment shift in-dialog the way they are normally presented in-game.
  23. Does anyone know why, and a way around, not being able to add new entries/replies at the end of the Xor dialog? No matter what I do, whether the new entries/replies are before or after the final moments, they aren't shown. This is true of both the LS and DS path. Besides this issue, every other character has been tested and confirmed to work on my current build.