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About Jahus

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  1. Right, that would be better. On my side, the mod was installed "after" K1R, but after finishing Taris. That may be the reason I didn't encounter any issue during the playthrough.
  2. This mod needs Toasty Fresh's, do you know if the WMO KOTOR 2 Beta needs has similar requirements?
  3. Installed it above K1R and didn't have any problem with it.
  4. I'm genuinely curious about why the mod creator didn't batch process the TGA files before uploading.
  5. Jahus

    Canderous Overhaul

    5 mod files already exist...
  6. Jahus

    Rey's Clothing

    Would be great for TSL.
  7. Hosted on OneDrive, if people don't want to create an account on Nexus forums: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgBH040wBaVxhYgUVUPF_95wp6H0gw MD5 hash: 3B9DC7F2BF5CD08F10BAC0CE461A0FF4
  8. Why are there 2 files named the same way, in this post?
  9. Can this be installed after Restoration pack?
  10. Can someone confirm that the mod works with KotOR1 RP?
  11. Jahus

    Playable Twi'leks

    TIL Revan is a twi'lek xD Nice mod.
  12. Couldn't the mod creator just upload processed textures? Or isn't it how it works?
  13. Jahus

    Restored K1 BIK movies

    Is this compatible with other mods like RC?
  14. Interesting question. If someone can provide an answer, please.