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Everything posted by Mellowtron11

  1. Cool! Looking forward to playing with the demo in the next few days. A quick question- on the mod demo download page, the uninstallation line says the following: uninstallation: N/A. How will the full mod or future demo releases work if you can't uninstall the current demo?
  2. Sounds great! Glad I was able to recognize that error too
  3. Very nice video! I like how you tied that Duros assassin with the illegal weapon quest you pick up early on Telos. Will this be added to the demo soon, or is it supposed to be part of the final mod? Is the TSF officer supposed to join in the fight? A small little 'bug'- in the pistol description, the start of the last sentence should read, "Despite its size". Sorry for being nit-picky, I just thought you'd want to know that.
  4. Yeah, I remember reading about that in Scorchy's LP.
  5. Just watched the part 3 video. Were the thoughts your party members had while the Exile was unconscious supposed to happen when the Genoharadan base blew up and your party thought the exile was dead? So were those thoughts not originally supposed to happen when the Exile passes out in the ruins of the enclave while meeting the council?
  6. Wait, what? There was an older GenoHaradan mod?
  7. 3,659 downloads

    This is the Official 1.03 Patch for Knights of the Old Republic. I downloaded this from the Lucasarts website a long time ago before the original website went down back in the late 2000's. I didn't find it here on Deadly Stream, so I thought that I'd upload it. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by BioWare - retail v1.03 patch Installation: After downloading the update, double click on SWKotOR1_03.exe to install. The installer will automatically search for the folder where you originally installed Knights of the Old Republic and install all of the updates. If the update does not locate Knights of the Old Republic on your system, you may need to reinstall the game and then run the SWKotOR1_03.exe. This update for the game has been modified to correct the following: * Fixed a bug where the Walk key was not bindable. SWConfig: --------------- * Added in detection for Soft Shadows support for ATI video cards based on the supported driver version. v1.02 changes: ============= * Added the ability to map the Arrow keys for main game movement. * Added a Walk option button; by default it is the B key. While holding down the Walk button, your character will walk. * Added support for 1280x1024 resolution. * Added the ability to see all available party members character, ability, and equip screens while on the Ebon Hawk or in the apartment. * Added the ability to hide the game GUI when taking screenshots. Use the following settings in your swkotor.ini in the "Game Options" section: [Game Options] EnableScreenShot=1 GUIsInScreenShot=0 * The container GUI screen will no longer close everytime you click Give Item. * Holding Shift when clicking Give Item or double-clicking the item to give will transfer the entire stack, without shift it moves the items one at a time. * Added in some extra error checking and logging for loading and saving save games. If there is any problem, a file called "fileerror.log" is created. * Made a fix to the Force Point Regeneration item property so it actually regenerates Force points. * Fixed an issue where in some rare cases, the player would be killed while on the Leviathan. * Fixed an issue with Dantooine Pazaak occasionally breaking Suvam Tan on Yavin. * The Sand Person disguise will no longer be reset when entering Anchorhead and the Dockingbay. * Dead party members will no longer show up later in the game. What with them being dead and all. * Fixed the Hidden Bek Door (Security Station) to no longer display the 'Impossible' message. * Fixed a visual issue with Power Blast and using Dual Blasters where the off-hand blaster wasn't firing. * Fixed a problem which would cause dialogue to skip through without playing any VO. * Fixed a problem where you would get stuck at a black screen after a game load or an area transition. * Fixed a problem where the screensaver could activate during the playback of a movie. * Put in a symptomatic fix for your character's attributes being reset to all 8's. * Put in a symptomatic fix for party members getting stuck and not fighting. * Put in a symptomatic fix for losing force points when going through area transitions with Force Valor active. * Removed the +2 bonus to the offhand attack when wielding a balanced weapon in the offhand or when wielding a double bladed weapon. * Removed the ability to bind controls to the "Alt" key. The "Alt" key was never inteded to be a usable key in the first place. * Fixed a rare crash bug when leaving the Ebon Hawk or the Apartments with party members. * Made some stability improvements. SWConfig: --------------- * Added a check for the minimum graphics card driver version for ATI and NVIDIA based video cards as stated in the Troubleshooting Guide. If you scan your hardware and do not meet the minimum requirements for the game, you will be prompted to launch your web browser to download the latest drivers. * Fixed a minor bug in RAM detection where it was sometimes off by 1 or 2 MB. v1.01 changes: ============= * Added two new "swkotor.ini" sound options: [sound Options] Environment Effects Nonstreaming=1 Environment Effects Streaming=1 NOTE: The Environment Effects Streaming=0 option was added to fix a problem with sound pauses while playing the game with an Intel i845 or i850 chipset motherboard and a 100 MHz Front Side Bus. * Removed the awareness penalty when running * Made a fix to the "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects" option in "swkotor.ini": [Graphics Options] Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1 * Made a fix to the Enable Hardware Mouse option when it is disabled. This fixes a crash with certain ATI Radeon 9600 video cards. * Made a fix to a display issue with Small Fonts. * Made a fix to a gamma issue after movies finish playing. * Removed the display of Force Points on portrait tool-tips for non-Jedi characters. * Fixed bug where some objects in the game would give a sticky mouse indicator like they had an inventory when they did not. * Fixed an issue where if you changed appearance while Force Speed was active your movement rate would return to normal. * Fixed an issue with droid animation when the item they were using ran out or their target died. * The turret mini-game should no longer have the blur visual effect if you enter it with that visual effect turned on. * The Security option no longer displays for doors which a key is required. * Fixed a rare bug where the game could get stuck if an auto-pause was triggered at the exact same time as an area transition. * Fixed a rare crash that could happen when a Dark Jedi dies at the exact same time as he deflected a blaster bolt. * Fixed a rare crash on startup under Windows 98. * Fixed a few memory leaks.
  8. If you don't mind me asking, did you integrate some of your other fix mods, like the first lightsaber crystal fix and the Female Dark Jedi restoration?
  9. Thanks, I'll give it a shot soon. Kind of busy at the moment moving and packing though. I'll let you know how the scripting goes.
  10. 1) When did the problem begin to occur? When I get inside the first module of the Harbinger 2) Did you install the latest version of the mod? Yes 3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version? 4CD, US version 4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region? Yes, I installed the 1.0b patch 5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file? Fresh install for both the base game and the current mod version 8) What other mods did you have installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.) New Player Character PMHC05 by Darth Moeller; K1 Style T3-M4 by N-DRew25 TSL NPC Stat Fix Mod by Me KOTOR2 Computer Use and Repair Swap Mod by Me 9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen? It's inside the first module of the Harbinger (151HAR). There's always one group of Sith Assassins that gives 125 XP each inside of the usual 150 XP. The group's location switches each time I re-enter the Harbinger. I know there was XP unification for the Harbinger Sith Assassins during one of the last TSLRCM Updates, although I don't remember which one. 10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod? No 11) Have you tried using a different save game? Yes, I reloaded from a different module, both before getting in the Administration level and before entering the Harbinger. 12) Have you tried starting a new game? Yes this is a new game I've been playing on. 13) What Operating System do you use? (List Virtual Machines as well if you are using them.) Windows 10 64 bit
  11. I only got to play the xbox version once, and even then, it was a very buggy and glitchy experience. I'm surprised I even got to the ending, especially with the Nar Shaaddaa invitation bugs. With TSLRCM, we at least get some level of closure with the team. And there is the great line "Need any company? I mean, I'm not doing anything" as you and Atton walk out of the Trayus core.
  12. Yes, as opposed to the party vanishing completely at the start of Malachor like they did in the vanilla game. That was just brutal. All that character building and exposition- completely gone at the end of the original version of TSL.
  13. Thanks for understanding! I tried saving Fair Strides' code above in a notepad document by adding the nss tag at the end and it saved fine. Although every time I double click the nwnnsscomp from the KOTOR tool program files x86 folder, a pop up box quickly opens and then closes. That's not supposed to happen, is it? As for testing, I'm guessing that you need to load a save before your character turns certain NPCs into a Jedi?
  14. And I would use what to compile the script? Sorry for all the questions, I've just never done any scripting before. Thanks for your help!
  15. Will the Jedi Characters have a starting pair of force powers at level one then?
  16. No problem on the toolset beta, you've already made a lot of progress. Anyone who's been in college can remember busy times during their terms. If using KOTOR tool, do I use the ERF builder to write the script? Every time I double click the a_makeajedi line, there's a dialogue box that says "error launching nwnnsscomp Is it installed in the same directory as the program?" Seriously, that's all that's needed? How do I make the file an .nss file then? Notepad++ has an encoding bar, but there's no .nss option. I can copy and paste the script that Fairstrides posted above and edit it accordingly, and then drop it in the override folder, right?
  17. It kind of reminded me of the Star Forge ending in K1- fight waves of enemies to get to the final boss. However, for a dialogue heavy game like TSL, I don't think the last levels on Malachor worked out as well. Then again, there was the rushed deadline.
  18. I guess Disney is really hell-bent on keeping pace with their 10 year Star Wars plan.
  19. Update: 1.1 version released with a few little things I forgot to add in the mod the first time around. Changelog V.1.1 (All of the changes from 1.0 remain the same unless otherwise noted) Atton · Set treat injury to 1 and computer use to 4 HK-47 · Set HP to 72 Mira · Set Constitution to 13 Handmaiden · Set Constitution to 15 and Charisma to 12 Hanharr · Removed improved power attack feat
  20. I sure hope that it's got something to do with storylines 4,000 years before the movie storylines
  21. Wow.... I wasn't expecting this type of response at all. Thank you very much! One quick question- how to compile the scripts together? Do I need your toolset beta to write the nss files, or should I use the Script editor by Blue? Sorry for the questions, I just have never done any scripting before.
  22. That depends on who you talk to, I'm sure. As for me, I noticed problems around the time of Mass Effect 3 (which is one of the few EA titles I've played at the moment). There were several public relations problems that hurt EA, most noticeably the original ending of ME3. Good god, there was so much backlash from the players about that ending. There was also the matter of the infamous day one DLC that dropped at the game's release date (From Ashes DLC). What was BS about that instance was the fact that Javik, the DLC's main character and squad member had his character models and dialogue files in the base game, but the main mission files were still locked out and inaccessible without the DLC pack.
  23. Personally, I think that his cell room's shield blocked out the toxins (maybe?)
  24. A couple questions- 1- Would you want the sabers to be color coded to match their Jedi class- blue for Guardians, green for Consulars, etc? 2-Why a short saber? To make it seem like it's a training saber for the new Jedi, perhaps?