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Everything posted by Mellowtron11

  1. Will there be an announcement on when the upcoming site outages will be? Thanks for helping to fix up the site!
  2. Yeah, I wonder why there hasn't been an upload of M4's 1.3 version on this site yet. It's still not visible on deadly stream, even when logged in as a member. There's the 1.2 version on though.
  3. Is the feat set that you were talking about?
  4. Shucks, I thought that making a feat would be pretty straightforward. Oh well. Thanks for letting me know. Is there anything else in the game that's hardcoded that I should be aware of?
  5. Okay, I poked around the game files for K2 a bit and found some feats info in the .2da section. I can look at the feats in the .2da editor, but how do I go about changing what a feat does? For instance, what would I have to do if I wanted to edit the hit value of the War Veteran feat? Similarly, how do I have make a new string of feats? How do I create one from scratch, put values and class/level restrictions in? I planned to make a line of superior dueling feats for the marauder/ weapon master. Thanks for looking!
  6. Glad we didn't get what? Sorry, just unsure what you meant.
  7. I guess I think that Luke's current mindset reminds me of Kreia's criticisms of the Jedi Order, but you're probably right. Kreia's philosophy would be very hard to get put into a standard 2.5 hour long Star Wars Film. And keep in mind that Chris Avellone wrote up Kreia to address what he considered flaws of both the Jedi and the Sith. Picking apart the flaws of two conflicting organizations wouldn't exactly make for big screen movie material that would draw people in. And Kreia is nowhere near a sympathetic character that audiences would care for. I will say this too- it would be very neat for Luke to at least mention events where the Jedi Order nearly collapsed like, surprise surprise, the 1st Jedi Purge in K2. Probably won't happen given how all the old EU stuff is no longer canon. Hey, we can dream, right?
  8. As for my own opinions, I enjoyed TFA during its release in theaters. But by the time the hype died down, I felt that TFA was literally just ANH 2.0 and obviously was disappointed. I really was hoping for something new. Rogue One was a predictable film for obvious reasons, but I personally felt that the filmmakers really brought that 70's feeling back to Star Wars, which was a good thing. You can see those influences from the hair styles and mustaches, to the little cameos and easter eggs and even down to the 70's Vietnam-era surplus gear on the Rebel commandos' costumes. I also really liked how the filmmakers made the battle at Scariff a Pyrrhic victory for the rebels- All the main characters die, most of the Rebel Fleet gets blown to hell and Vader nearly captures the plans in that hallway. But I understand why people are worried about TLJ. I too hope that it's not another rehash of ESB, but the shots of the new walkers on a white plain, and the Millennium Falcon flying through what looked like an asteroid tunnel are making me very skeptical that this film won't be ESB 2.0. However, it seems Luke has serious doubts about the Jedi as an organization, much like Kreia did. That gives me a little hope
  9. When I first heard that there was going to be a new Star Wars trilogy several years back, I immediately thought that Heir to the Empire, along with the rest of the Thrawn trilogy were going the new films. I thought such an idea was perfect- take a classic EU novel and put it to film. Make the older generations happy and introduce the younger generation to a book series that kicked off the EU. Sadly, that obviously never happened.
  10. View File TSL NPC Stat Fixes Mod TSL NPC Stat Fixes by Mellowtron11 Description- This mod is intended to fix some of the inconsistencies found with your party members’ stats and feats in TSL as listed below. · Adjust a few skill point allocations that were excessive for the NPC’s skill rate and level · Add or remove feats and powers based on the NPC’s starting level limit, class and playstyle · If needed, add or subtract a few attribute points from the NPC For instance, how does Visas have such low HP and FP stats for a level 6 sentinel? Or how do the Disciple and Handmaiden have a +5 in stealth, despite being level 6 soldiers with 10 Intelligence? This mod intends to fix these little oversights. Installation- Copy and paste or drag and drop all the UTC files into your override folder. Installation Notes- A new game is recommended for this mod, as to not conflict with the current. utc files from your party’s NPCs. To have the mod take effect, load a save game before your party members join your team (load a save with a different module before you enter a new area where the respective NPC shows up for the first time). If you install this mod after party members have joined your group, the intended changes will not take effect for the party members already joined and will instead continue to show the original stats. Uninstallation- Delete the proper files from your override folder Known Bugs- None, but if there are any, please message me at Deadly Stream. All of these characters have been tested, with the exception of Hanharr and Disciple, as I’ve never played a dark side character or female in TSL (yet). Permissions- Please do not claim credit for this mod or redistribute it without the author’s explicit permission. Thanks- -Bioware, Obsidian and Lucasarts for an amazing pair of RPG games. -Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool. -N-DReW25 for answering my many, many questions (Seriously, thank you for all your help! I don’t think I would have gotten far without your help). -Darth Parametric and Kexikus for answering my other questions. -Everyone who downloads and uses the mod. -The TSLRCM Crew for fixing KOTOR2 -Wizards of the Coast’s Star Wars Roleplaying Game-Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide Book for additional ideas on stat allocations -Strategy Wiki’s KOTOR2 Guide, especially the following pages LEGAL NOTICE- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, OBISIDIAN, BIOWARE, DISNEY OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THIS MOD AUTHOR OR THE DEADLY STREAM WEBSITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Changelog V.1.3 Replaced Atton’s Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol feat with the Conditioning perk, as this feat has more utility for Atton during the whole game and fits his defensive character style. Changelog V.1.2 · Added separate folder for Hanharr’s UTC, as TSLRCM has a modified Hanharr UTC file in the override folder already Changelog V.1.1 (All of the changes from 1.0 remain the same unless otherwise noted) Atton · Set treat injury to 1 and computer use to 4 HK-47 · Set HP to 72 Mira · Set Constitution to 13 Handmaiden · Set Constitution to 15 and Charisma to 12 Hanharr · Removed improved power attack feat Changelog V.1.0 T3-M4 · Level 3 HP set at 24 HP · Set Natural AC at 2 (up from 0), bringing defense to 16. This is done to match the other 2 droid NPCs who have a natural +2 to AC Atton · Set wisdom to 12 Kreia · Level 3 HP set to 27 (down from 36) · Level 3 FP set to 33 (down from 49) · Removed force sensitive feat · Set charisma to 10 (1-let’s face it, she’s has a high enough wisdom score, 2-she’s neutral, so having a high charisma is moot for reduced opposite alignment costs for force powers and 3- she’s not that charismatic of a person anyway) · Added wound power, as Kreia was one power short for her level and because she also is seen using this power several times over the course of the game Handmaiden · Set treat injury skill to 8, awareness skill at 2, and stealth to 0 Visas · Proper level 6 stats set at 54 HP and 42 FP · Added burst of speed power, as Visas was one power short for her current level · Removed the lightsaber focus feat, as that feat is something the Exile can teach her · Removed first rank of two weapon fighting feat so the player has more leeway on deciding whether to go the two-weapon route or dueling route with her HK-47 · Added improved power blast feat, as HK was one feat short for his level · Set starting HP to 78 · Set Repair to 8 · Strength set to 14 (down from 16) Disciple · Set both charisma and wisdom to 12 so he can have a couple more points in wisdom when he becomes a Jedi Consular (so the player doesn’t have to drop the first couple attributes points into Wisdom for only a mediocre bonus) · Set treat injury skill to 8, awareness skill to 2 (Without any bonuses from WIS) and stealth to 0 · Removed close combat, rapid shot and superior weapon focus lightsaber II feats Mira · Added the flurry feat and medium armor proficiency feat (Scouts got these feats for free in KOTOR 1) · Set Wisdom stat to 12 (up from 11) G0-T0 · Level 6 HP set at 54 HP · Set strength and charisma at 8 (Down from 10) · Set Dexterity to 16 (down from 18) · Added class skill: stealth feat, given G0-T0’s inherent cloaking ability · Removed improved gear head feat and the close combat feat Mandalore · Set stealth to 0, persuade to 0, Demolitions to 3, Awareness to 8 and Treat injury to 9 · Removed improved power blast and close combat feats Hanharr · Added first rank of two-weapon fighting to feats list · Removed heavy armor proficiency feat Submitter Mellowtron11 Submitted 10/11/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  11. Version 1.3


    TSL NPC Stat Fixes by Mellowtron11 Description- This mod is intended to fix some of the inconsistencies found with your party members’ stats and feats in TSL as listed below. · Adjust a few skill point allocations that were excessive for the NPC’s skill rate and level · Add or remove feats and powers based on the NPC’s starting level limit, class and playstyle · If needed, add or subtract a few attribute points from the NPC For instance, how does Visas have such low HP and FP stats for a level 6 sentinel? Or how do the Disciple and Handmaiden have a +5 in stealth, despite being level 6 soldiers with 10 Intelligence? This mod intends to fix these little oversights. Installation- Copy and paste or drag and drop all the UTC files into your override folder. Installation Notes- A new game is recommended for this mod, as to not conflict with the current. utc files from your party’s NPCs. To have the mod take effect, load a save game before your party members join your team (load a save with a different module before you enter a new area where the respective NPC shows up for the first time). If you install this mod after party members have joined your group, the intended changes will not take effect for the party members already joined and will instead continue to show the original stats. Uninstallation- Delete the proper files from your override folder Known Bugs- None, but if there are any, please message me at Deadly Stream. All of these characters have been tested, with the exception of Hanharr and Disciple, as I’ve never played a dark side character or female in TSL (yet). Permissions- Please do not claim credit for this mod or redistribute it without the author’s explicit permission. Thanks- -Bioware, Obsidian and Lucasarts for an amazing pair of RPG games. -Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool. -N-DReW25 for answering my many, many questions (Seriously, thank you for all your help! I don’t think I would have gotten far without your help). -Darth Parametric and Kexikus for answering my other questions. -Everyone who downloads and uses the mod. -The TSLRCM Crew for fixing KOTOR2 -Wizards of the Coast’s Star Wars Roleplaying Game-Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide Book for additional ideas on stat allocations -Strategy Wiki’s KOTOR2 Guide, especially the following pages LEGAL NOTICE- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS, OBISIDIAN, BIOWARE, DISNEY OR ANY SPONSORS OF THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND THIS MOD AUTHOR OR THE DEADLY STREAM WEBSITE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER BY THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Changelog V.1.3 Replaced Atton’s Weapon Focus: Blaster Pistol feat with the Conditioning perk, as this feat has more utility for Atton during the whole game and fits his defensive character style. Changelog V.1.2 · Added separate folder for Hanharr’s UTC, as TSLRCM has a modified Hanharr UTC file in the override folder already Changelog V.1.1 (All of the changes from 1.0 remain the same unless otherwise noted) Atton · Set treat injury to 1 and computer use to 4 HK-47 · Set HP to 72 Mira · Set Constitution to 13 Handmaiden · Set Constitution to 15 and Charisma to 12 Hanharr · Removed improved power attack feat Changelog V.1.0 T3-M4 · Level 3 HP set at 24 HP · Set Natural AC at 2 (up from 0), bringing defense to 16. This is done to match the other 2 droid NPCs who have a natural +2 to AC Atton · Set wisdom to 12 Kreia · Level 3 HP set to 27 (down from 36) · Level 3 FP set to 33 (down from 49) · Removed force sensitive feat · Set charisma to 10 (1-let’s face it, she’s has a high enough wisdom score, 2-she’s neutral, so having a high charisma is moot for reduced opposite alignment costs for force powers and 3- she’s not that charismatic of a person anyway) · Added wound power, as Kreia was one power short for her level and because she also is seen using this power several times over the course of the game Handmaiden · Set treat injury skill to 8, awareness skill at 2, and stealth to 0 Visas · Proper level 6 stats set at 54 HP and 42 FP · Added burst of speed power, as Visas was one power short for her current level · Removed the lightsaber focus feat, as that feat is something the Exile can teach her · Removed first rank of two weapon fighting feat so the player has more leeway on deciding whether to go the two-weapon route or dueling route with her HK-47 · Added improved power blast feat, as HK was one feat short for his level · Set starting HP to 78 · Set Repair to 8 · Strength set to 14 (down from 16) Disciple · Set both charisma and wisdom to 12 so he can have a couple more points in wisdom when he becomes a Jedi Consular (so the player doesn’t have to drop the first couple attributes points into Wisdom for only a mediocre bonus) · Set treat injury skill to 8, awareness skill to 2 (Without any bonuses from WIS) and stealth to 0 · Removed close combat, rapid shot and superior weapon focus lightsaber II feats Mira · Added the flurry feat and medium armor proficiency feat (Scouts got these feats for free in KOTOR 1) · Set Wisdom stat to 12 (up from 11) G0-T0 · Level 6 HP set at 54 HP · Set strength and charisma at 8 (Down from 10) · Set Dexterity to 16 (down from 18) · Added class skill: stealth feat, given G0-T0’s inherent cloaking ability · Removed improved gear head feat and the close combat feat Mandalore · Set stealth to 0, persuade to 0, Demolitions to 3, Awareness to 8 and Treat injury to 9 · Removed improved power blast and close combat feats Hanharr · Added first rank of two-weapon fighting to feats list · Removed heavy armor proficiency feat
  12. I was always curious why the player couldn't teach the forms to Handmaiden. Teaching the forms works perfectly fine for Visas, Atton, Mira and Bao-Dur. Did the Handmaiden not have voice-overs for that type of conversation?
  13. Either way, do you think that this G0-T0 dialogue fix will get thrown into TSLRCM at some point? Maybe the 1.8.6 version?
  14. Thanks! On another note, I've been working on some edits for a bit now. I have a few questions- what the difference between the base hit points, current hit points and maximum hit points? Similarly, what's the difference between max force points and current force points?
  15. Continuing from my previous post, maybe have the player switch over to solo Bao-Dur to have him fight off waves of enemies until he gets overwhelmed and dies. Maybe something similar to the Object Rho's Fight for your Life sequence from Mass Effect 2's Arrival DLC where the enemies get progressively harder.
  16. Basically, I can put all those utcs from templates.bif in a single folder and just drop it into the override, right? Will I still need the TSL patcher regardless for this type of utc mod to prevent any problems?
  17. Thanks for pointing that out. I'm not planning on editing the modules, just some of the party NPC stats is all. Still a good point! Do you think this utc mod would conflict with the game's module files then? And does any TSL mod need the TSL Patcher? Basically, most game mods go to the override folder, right? And what would not be possible for #5? Sorry for being confused on that last one.
  18. I like this idea a lot and maybe it can work out. In my mind, I always envisioned Bao-Dur having a last stand moment trying to help HK-47 get into the factory. During the battle of Telos, Grenn says that he saw Bao-Dur disembark with you and Atton adds that HK-47 is also missing. Then those two take a shuttle and fly down to Telo's surface. Basically, Bao-Dur would hold off wave after wave of HK-50s or security droids after getting HK-47 inside the factory and eventually he would get killed. By having this sort of action sequence, that cuts down on some of the dialogue needed, right?
  19. So I downloaded Kotor Tool, and started to look at some of the TSL .utc files. I was hoping to make a small stat correction mod for some of the party NPCs in TSL. I haven't gotten too far, as I don't want to do screw up the game files badly. I do have a few questions to ask, if any of you folks know the answers. 1- When I select a file to extract, where should the extracted file get sent to? Should I make a separate folder, and if so where at? 2- If I want to edit a party NPC file, I go to the following location, right? Kotor 2 -> BIFs -> templates.bif -> Blueprint, Character 3- When it comes to editing force point and health point pools, there are two boxes- current force/health points and maximum force/health points. If I want to change the values, do I put the same numbers in both boxes? 4- When I finally save the template edits to skills, feats, attributes and powers for a character, where do I save the edited .utc files? 5- If I want to put all of these changes together, should I create a mod file? If so, how do I go about putting everything together? Thanks for reading and helping!
  20. Basically, how do your player character and party members get their final base Defense stat at low levels? I know there's a few things that add to it, like the modifiers from your dexterity stat (e.g. 14 DEX has a +2 modifier) and feats like Jedi Sense and Scoundrel's Luck add to defense over time. However, most of your party still have high defense scores even at low levels like 3 or 6, as seen below. I know that 3.5 D&D had a formula for this stat: 10+armor bonus+ shield bonus+ dexterity modifier+ size modifier I know there are a few differences (no size modifier or shield bonus in KOTOR1/2), but is that pretty much how defense was calculated in both games? Were other modifiers added to the final defense stat, aside from the starting number of 10 and the dex. modifier?
  21. Found some more info on the different upgrades and their corresponding rewards on repairing T3 on Star Wars On the bottom of the page.
  22. Just out of curiosity, do you know if the scripts got edited to drop lower level gear at low levels (say for instance, padawan robes at low levels) and then progress the loot levels to higher end gear (e.g. like named robes/armors such as Jolee's/ Crado's robe)?
  23. This isn't a bug per say, but I noticed that in the current version of the mod, Visas' stats are still pretty low for her level. If her CON and WIS modifiers are taken into account for her character level, she should have 42 FP and 54 HP. Isn't this a simple fix to a couple of numbers to her .utc file?
  24. I like this idea as well. Unless you kept rotating your party constantly in KOTOR 1, then you'd miss some really interesting dialogue and banter between party members. If this idea comes to fruition, good luck to who ever works on this as a future project.