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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. You need to edit portraits.2da. That's the one that controls head textures.
  2. It doesn't affect the textures. All it does is edit the model to change the render flag from 1 to 0 for the four meshes that make up the end platform. They are still there, they just aren't being rendered by the engine. It won't have any affect on the rest of the game.
  3. Here, extract this into your Override and see what happens: http://dpmods.wheb.org/files/kotor/k1/[K1]_Manaan_Speeder_Track_MDL_Edit.7z
  4. Nothing practical I would think. For one thing the textures are generic Manaan ones, (middle strip is LMG_Manwall09, side strips are LMG_Manfloor01, railings are LMG_Manwall15) so you'd have to hex edit the level model to use unique texture names to avoid causing issues elsewhere in that and other Manaan levels. For another, presumably any other textures are going to be similarly affected. It could be a GPU/driver issue perhaps. Do you know if it looks like this for everyone? I don't think I've ever bothered with the swoop races beyond the required one on Taris, so I have no personal experience of it. You could maybe try editing the model to raise the platform slightly so the water is no longer above it, but my previous attempts at that sort of thing haven't gone so hot, so maybe someone more familiar with level editing can chime in. One possibility might be just hiding the platform center sections altogether. That is easy enough to do with a simple hex edit, switching the mesh render flag.
  5. I don't think the problem is the platform texture per se, it's the fact that there are multiple water planes that overlay and clip through the surface of the pad. Observe: Presumably the texture semantics that allow for the water effect have an adverse influence on anything they overlay.
  6. For the dead Bioware link, use this - https://web.archive.org/web/20070209092240/http://nwn.bioware.com/developers/
  7. Ah, so it is more of a MDLOps issue then, unsurprisingly. Scale could be useful for placeables, given they are static. I'd suspect it wouldn't be so great for animated meshes like characters (I'd have though Bioware would have just used that instead of having small/medium/large bodies if it worked).
  8. Maybe not great news for anyone that just started playing in the last week or two, but if you are planning on playing SWTOR, you might want to hold off for a few more days: http://www.swtor.com/dark-vs-light/ Basically you get rewards for every new character you create and level to 50 (and above for higher tiers) after the event starts on June 28. More info here: http://www.swtor.com/blog/dark-vs.-light-event-and-rewards-blog and here: http://swtorista.com/articles/swtor-dark-vs-light-event-list/ It kinda sucks for anyone who has already levelled all the classes, especially multiple times, but it's probably a great time to be someone new to the game.
  9. I tried playing around with some trimesh options and comparing the compiled results. Test model was a simple cube trimesh (8 verts, 12 faces, 24 tverts) and an AuroraBase. Here's what I found. "scale" - Float. Default is 1.0. Changing it yielded no result. Compiled models were identical regardless. "transparencyhint" - Int. Default is 0. Changing it yielded no result. Compiled models were identical regardless. "alpha" - Float. Default is 1.0. 2 Bytes. http://dpimages.wheb.org/KOTOR_MDL_Test_01_Alpha.jpg "render" - Int., 0 or 1. Default is 1. 1 Byte (?). 1 = 256. ID'd in CChargin's data table (common mesh header, although # is different) http://dpimages.wheb.org/KOTOR_MDL_Test_02_Render.jpg "shadow" - Int., 0 or 1. Default is 0. 1 Byte (?).. 1 = 256. ID'd in CChargin's data table (common mesh header, although # is different) http://dpimages.wheb.org/KOTOR_MDL_Test_03_Shadow.jpg "rotatetexture" - Int., 0 or 1. Default is 0. Changing it yielded no result. Compiled models were identical regardless. "beaming" - Int., 0 or 1. Default is 0. Changing it yielded no result. Compiled models were identical regardless. "inheritcolor" - Int., 0 or 1. Default is 0. Changing it yielded no result. Compiled models were identical regardless. "tilefade" - Int. Appears it has 4 set values. 0 for "not a cap", 1 for "fadable, 2 for "base", 4 for "neighbour". Default is 0. Changing it yielded no result. Compiled models were identical regardless. I assume all those values that did nothing are redundant Aurora options that NWMax spits out. Or at the very least MDLOps just ignores them.
  10. My HK model references the original HK model as the supermodel. It's not compatible with the melee mod because that mod changes the base HK model to a skinned mesh using the Wookiee rig and the standard Human animations. There's no way to "make" it compatible without replicating the same trick, and I have zero interest in doing so.
  11. I have a bunch of characters on the US west coast server Harbinger. I also have few (mostly/all Republic I think) low to mid level chars on the EU RP server Progenitor, but as I mentioned in a reply to LiliArch's status I haven't really looked at them since launch.
  12. Could you use a script to destroy the character at the end of the conversation and then spawn in a new non-interactive character that uses the same appearance?
  13. For placeables it should just be the "usable" and "party interact" checkboxes in the advanced tab I think. I'm not sure about characters.
  14. The head will be unaffected by Handmaiden face texture mods. As it says in the description, it uses custom named models and textures. The hooded outfit still uses the vanilla P_HandmaidenA/P_HandmaidenAD01 textures and will be affected by any change to those.
  15. I assume even Obsidian couldn't resolve it, as there seems no reason otherwise to set it up as a full body model.
  16. This is the animation sync issue I mentioned when setting up the hooded outfit as a standard body model, if anyone was curious: Interestingly you can see at the end that it just pops into sync (it had actually been out of sync for a minute or two prior). It also syncs if you move or otherwise undertake an animation besides the idle.
  17. View File Handmaiden with Long Hair This mod is a head edit for the Handmaiden that gives her shoulder-length hair. It started life as part of experiments in aid of this request thread - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4335-handmaiden-appearance/ The hair mesh is a transplant from Kreia, with the braids chopped off. In order to accommodate DS transitions, which requires the face and hair to share a single texture, the UVs for both meshes were compressed 50% horizontally to fit side-by-side within 0 to 1 UV space. The Handmaiden and Kreia textures were then combined into a single 1024x512 texture. The versions bundled with the installer are DDS, but I have provided the TGA sources as an additional download for those that may wish to undertake retextures. Additionally, the clothes models for Handmaiden’s hooded outfit have been modified. The vanilla bodies include the head mesh as part of the model (i.e. functionally speaking it is basically a disguise). Based on my experiments with removing the head and setting it up like a normal body model, it seems that there is an animation synchronisation issue that crops up between the head and the hood, which may be why Obsidian went the full body route. This mod changes the hood outfit models to use the new long haired head mesh. The hood has been enlarged to fit the Handmaiden's new larger hair mesh. Hopefully I've cured the most prominent clipping issues, but possibly in some extreme combat animations some might still occur. This mod doesn't alter the portraits, so should be compatible with any custom portrait mods. It uses custom model and texture names, so it should be unaffected by simple overrides, like retextures. However, it won't be compatible with any mods that alter the Handmaiden's appearance.2da or heads.2da entries. Submitter DarthParametric Submitted 06/21/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible  
  18. Version 1.0


    This mod is a head edit for the Handmaiden that gives her shoulder-length hair. It started life as part of experiments in aid of this request thread - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4335-handmaiden-appearance/ The hair mesh is a transplant from Kreia, with the braids chopped off. In order to accommodate DS transitions, which requires the face and hair to share a single texture, the UVs for both meshes were compressed 50% horizontally to fit side-by-side within 0 to 1 UV space. The Handmaiden and Kreia textures were then combined into a single 1024x512 texture. The versions bundled with the installer are DDS, but I have provided the TGA sources as an additional download for those that may wish to undertake retextures. Additionally, the clothes models for Handmaiden’s hooded outfit have been modified. The vanilla bodies include the head mesh as part of the model (i.e. functionally speaking it is basically a disguise). Based on my experiments with removing the head and setting it up like a normal body model, it seems that there is an animation synchronisation issue that crops up between the head and the hood, which may be why Obsidian went the full body route. This mod changes the hood outfit models to use the new long haired head mesh. The hood has been enlarged to fit the Handmaiden's new larger hair mesh. Hopefully I've cured the most prominent clipping issues, but possibly in some extreme combat animations some might still occur. This mod doesn't alter the portraits, so should be compatible with any custom portrait mods. It uses custom model and texture names, so it should be unaffected by simple overrides, like retextures. However, it won't be compatible with any mods that alter the Handmaiden's appearance.2da or heads.2da entries.
  19. It would take a bit of reworking. The "Sleeping Beauty" body doesn't even come close to having the proper neckline.
  20. Yeah it's not just a retexture, it's basically a different face. The mesh has undergone some changes in the DS version, adding in additional polys, the vert positions for the nose/mouth/chin are altered quite significantly, and the UV map is completely different.
  21. I think a hybrid with "evil Kreia" would look a lot better:
  22. That Darth Atris sure is wacky looking. I wonder who thought that funny hat was a good idea?
  23. Wouldn't the holobook things be better off going red?
  24. It would be more apparent if you pointed out (for those that don't check the original source) that the comments are by Dark0ne, the owner and founder of the Nexus. I said when the news of the GameFront archiving was first announced that I was extremely surprised for exactly this reason, that it seemed to fly directly in the face of prior public statements by Dark0ne regarding mod author rights and respect thereof. I found this statement particularly amusing: Now granted, Nexus isn't an official site, but Jesus, that's the exact same problem they have with their stupid GameFront archiving. Also, as an aside, I am #9 on his list.