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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. Regarding Group Finder, as I said in the OP, I am trying to avoid random PUGs like the plague. I don't need the aggravation. Yeah I have a Smuggler I started today for the two Republic FPs. He's at lvl 12. I did try queuing for Warzones on him earlier, but it was the middle of the night in the US, so no joy. I've parked him until the weekend, will try again then.
  2. So I'm coming late to this party. I ignored the Dark vs Light event up until now, but I decided a few days ago that I could probably knock it over up to the Eternal level pretty easily before it ends in a few weeks. That was before I realised that not all the Flashpoints had solo modes added. I'm uber casual (dirty clicker) and basically never do group content, beyond the odd class story teamup with friends back at launch. I'm not looking to PUG for these and deal with the grief that often entails, and I have no interest in joining a guild. I just need someone to babysit me through Tactical versions of the ones left on the DvL checklist. I hear they are duoable (if that is a word). These are the ones: Athiss Cademimu Czerka Corporate Labs Czerka Core Meltdown Hammer Station Kuat Drive Yards The Red Reaper Mandalorian Raiders I have a 65 Jugg (Vengeance) as the main for the DvL event which was what I was planning on using for these. Gear is just the base Common Data Crystal 208 stuff. I can respec to Immortal if a tank is preferable. I also have to do PVP to reach Valor 5. Blech. I've never even set foot in a Warzone.
  3. The most practical way would be to duplicate some of the existing animations and rename them to whatever the missing ones are. Although that might not be super great, depending on what animations are missing.
  4. So is this just Magnus's original version of KAurora, or has it been modified? Still waiting for the supposed holy grail of a KAurora and MDLOps union.
  5. You could check out the KOTOR comic I guess. They had a bit of Hidden Beks stuff in a few issues as I recall. There are probably some outfits that could be used as inspiration, although you are probably pretty limited without custom models. You could always try condensing the UVs 50% to fit them both within 0 to 1 space, then sticking both textures side-by-side as a single 1024x512 texture. That would allow you to do DS transitions.
  6. Don't put stuff in Program Files. Windows is pissy about access rights there.
  7. I think it's at least true that the official reveal with the Deceived cinematic at E3 set expectations beyond anything the game could ever live up to.
  8. The cinematic trailers were all by Blur Studio, which at a reputed cost of something like $1,000,000 per minute, is a cool $26+ million dollars worth. I'm not sure who did the HK unveil video.
  9. This would appear to be the final version of the one recommended to you the last time you asked. Mirror of the KOTOR Files listing: https://web.archive.org/web/20150227155903/http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Blue_Interface_in_TSL;103121 Mirror of the file at Gamefront downloadable here: https://web.archive.org/web/20151027220709/http://www.gamefront.com/files/14392653
  10. I've been busy with work stuff, no time or inclination for KOTOR modding lately. I still have the ponytail head source model, but I don't have a compiled game-ready version at hand presently. I'll cobble together something when I get the chance.
  11. I'm pretty sure Twi'leks know all about leather thongs.
  12. It seems like he has leggings, but his crotch is indeed adrift in the breeze.
  13. I can manage to transit in and out of the cache on Dxun without crashing, which is where I took those pics. Could be an unrelated issue. Here's a save: http://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/misc/TSL_ForDrd_Test_Save_Dxun.7z
  14. Just extract ndix UR's C_ForDrd.mdl/mdx into your Override folder.
  15. That actually makes things easier. It means it can use the existing combined textures I made for the male version. Just need to make some minor mesh adjustments to hide some backface culling issues.
  16. I hadn't planned to, since I already had a male version I had played around with previously. However, having a quick look at it the female robe is far more roomy. It doesn't have any of the clipping issues the male version had around the chest plate. Aside from trimming off the shoulder pads and backplate, they basically slot straight together with minimal effort.
  17. There's only a single Toydarian appearance as far as I know, so any change should affect all instances. I'd suggest clothes would require an extensive remodelling of the Toydarian mesh, which is highly unlikely to be undertaken by anyone.
  18. You can use nwnnsscomp.exe directly via commandline, or you could try the KOTOR Scripting Tool.
  19. That's from 7½ years ago. Move on with your life.
  20. http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/242-quello-to-watto/
  21. If it happens on a 3rd playthrough, wouldn't you want to set the value to 2? Or does it happen on all playthroughs subsequent to 2?
  22. There is no vanilla cape model that has full player animations. The only thing I am aware of would be the "Revan's Flowing Robes" mods, Sithspecter's for K1 and Hunters Run's for TSL. You could maybe try ripping the robe off that and transplanting it to one of the other body models, but seeing as you can't successfully decompile the binary TSL model, you are out of luck. Not to mention there is no female version to boot.
  23. I don't really have any time for testing. Try this and see how it goes. https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_DP_Armoured_Jedi_Robes.7z
  24. They basically destroyed Crew Skills when they introduced the Cartel Market. All the best stuff comes from packs these days. While you can craft some crystals now that aren't level locked, they are all kind of crap and the material requirements are absolutely ridiculous. It's far easier just to buy them off the GTN. And these days they are pretty affordable (unlike at the start of the CM system, when good crystals would cost millions a pop).