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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. Things like attachments are gone, but you can still get the archived forum posts: Tutorials: General Tutorials + Tools https://web.archive.org/web/20160210162357/http://lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=592 Tutorials: Skinning and Modeling https://web.archive.org/web/20160329203130/http://lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=595 Tutorials: .2da Editing https://web.archive.org/web/20160415132559/http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=596 Tutorials: Scripting https://web.archive.org/web/20150911120112/http://lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=597
  2. A bit late in the day. Seems pretty pointless if they didn't preserve the original content.
  3. Assuming that is the directory where the EXE/TLK is, you want: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BioWare\SW\KOTOR] "Path"="D:\\Spiele\\Star Wars® Knights of the Old Republic® COLLECTION"
  4. Just paste one of these (depending on your version of Windows) into a text file, edit the game install location as appropriate, save as a .REG file and double click, saying yes to add to the registry. Make sure you keep the double slashes between folders in the Path line. For 32bit Windows: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BioWare\SW\KOTOR] "Path"="F:\\Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic\\K1" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LucasArts\KotOR2] "Path"="F:\\Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic\\TSL" For 64bit Windows: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BioWare\SW\KOTOR] "Path"="F:\\Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic\\K1" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\LucasArts\KotOR2] "Path"="F:\\Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic\\TSL"
  5. I got it into the game: There are a couple of minor issues with it, some of which are inherited from the vanilla models (bad deformation, clipping), but generally it seems OK. Just needs a couple of minor tweaks. It's just using the vanilla textures atm, but ideally someone would retexture the armour bit.
  6. I did mess around a bit with merging the PMBN master robes with the PMBH heavy armour models for TSL to approximate the armoured Jedi robes from SWTOR, but haven't tried compiling a model and getting it into the game.
  7. No, KOTFE is single player. All you can do is spectate. Makes a lot of sense in an MMO, right?
  8. In beta all the companions had much more dialogue and all of them had personal quests that you would accompany them on. Now it is only the first companion that gets that (or 2nd, in the case of the Jedi Knight), and a lot of the dialogue has been cut back. You could also kill or dismiss pretty much all of them, but they got rid of that after too many people whined about no longer having a healer after they killed one of their companions. There is no further personal or companion story progression once you finish the main class quest and all the companion dialogue at level 50, because that's what the core game was built around. When the game failed to live up to their financial expectations, they scrapped any further content focused on personal stories, and went with one generic story for everyone, with the odd throwaway class reference here and there. It's even more generic in KOTFE now that everyone also shares all the same companions.
  9. Yeah that would be your problem. The boss is scaled for a party of four. That fact that you even got that far shows how ridiculously overpowered companions are now. You'd never be able to solo a flashpoint solo in the old days without being 5-10+ levels above it, which doesn't work any more with level scaling. Resetting the flashpoint won't help, you'd just have to do it from scratch. Presumably you can't drop it because it is part of a story quest chain. I'd say your only option is to get someone in to help you. What server are you on? If nobody here is on the same server, you'll have to go with a pickup group of randoms.
  10. MDLOps is borked, yes. So is KAurora for that matter (albeit in different ways). It has nothing to do with self-illum/glow specifically, the problem is that you can't compile functional models for many/most droids, amongst other things. In this instance you'd need to split out the eyes to new meshes, thus you'd have to compile a new model.
  11. Based on my prior experiments, replacing the war droid model (using the same rig) is a complete no-go. Replacing the assassin droid model is possible, but it completely breaks its combat functionality because for some reason blaster bolts are no longer generated, so it deals no damage.
  12. The protocol droid? The eyes are separate meshes from the head. Same for HK-47. In HK's case they are keyframed to turn the glow on and off so you get the flashing during dialogue.
  13. Self-illumination, if that is what you are talking about, is handled in the mesh, not the texture. The original model doesn't have any self-illum for the eyes because they are part of the head mesh (and obviously you don't want the whole head glowing). There's currently no practical way to address that for this model. It's not something that can be hex edited, because you'd need entirely new meshes for the eyes. Trying to compile a new model will almost certainly not work due to the issues with MDLOps. The only option is to fake it in the texture, the same as the original texture did. Start by cranking up the brightness.
  14. Their basic level design is a series of hallways stuffed with endless trash mobs. It becomes extremely tedious after more than a couple of minutes, and they stretch it out as long as possible to pad out the play time. Then you get to the end of the corridor and there's the old "fight boss who takes X amount of damage, goes invulnerable, spawns adds, repeat until dead" trick they love so much.
  15. Too bad that it turned out to be a complete waste of time with later retcons.
  16. The option to create a level 60 character is just for those people that want to roll a new character for KOTFE without having to grind it all the way up from level 1. Your existing character can jump into KOTFE no problem. If it's your first character then (assuming you haven't already) it would be advisable to do all the ROTHC, SOR, and Ziost story content beforehand, so you are familiar with all the back story, characters, and references. With how overpowered the companions are now, you should be able to burn through that pretty quickly if you ignore all the side-quests.
  17. If MDLOps could ever be fixed (or at least made less broken), we could import some new protocol droid models. Are you using xNormal for your bakes? I usually find that the easiest route, assuming you are creating a high poly source mesh via a subdivision surface or the like.
  18. Would be pretty sweet if the movie ended with Vader choking them all to death, but I suspect that may impact negatively on their future sequel plans...
  19. Way too high tech for people that have laser swords and faster than light interstellar travel?
  20. I'd hazard a guess that would be hard-coded.
  21. DarthParametric

    Kotor Apeiron

    Not an RPG. More an action/adventure sort of thing in an open world/semi-open world. Think something like Uncharted but with a Star Wars flavour, in the same vein 1313 was originally pitched as.
  22. Leaving aside the complete impracticality of that for the average punter, it's not just the bone names that are incorrect. The additional issue in this case is that the bonemap is completely screwed up (weights assigned to wrong bones) and some of the weights are bad (including two bones worth of weights combined in one instance). The typical array of face bones is: head_g necklwr_g neck_g f_jaw_g f_um_g (upper mouth/lip) f_Llm_g (left lower mouth/lip) f_Rlm_g (right lower mouth/lip) f_lmc_g (left mouth corner) f_rmc_g (right mouth corner) f_lns_g (left nostril) f_rns_g (right nostril) f_mdbrw_g (middle brow) f_lbrw_g (left eyebrow) f_rbrw_g (right eyebrow) f_llweye_g (left under eye) f_rlweye_g (right lower eye)Instead, PMHC06 has: head_g necklwr_g neck_g f_llweye_g (f_jaw_g's weights) MaskHook (f_um_g's weights) f_rns_g (f_Llm_g's weights) f_lns_g (f_Rlm_g's weights) GoggleHook (f_lmc_g's weights) teethDWN (f_lns_g's weights) f_lmc_g (f_rns_g's weights) hair_front (f_mdbrw_g's weights) f_tonguetip_g (f_lbrw_g's weights) f_um_g (f_rbrw_g's weights) talkdummy (f_llweye_g's weights) f_rlweye_g (seems to include both f_rlweye_g's and f_rmc_g's weights)In short, it's pretty much a case of toss out everything except the meshes and start from scratch.
  23. It's dormant, not removed. Chances are it will nag you again in the future, but to buy it instead of get it for free.
  24. Don't worry about doing that. It's a bad idea I just spouted off without much thought as to the consequences. The easiest solution is just to put copies of the UTIs (a_robe_47.uti/a_robe_48.uti) and icons (ia_revan_047.tga/ia_revan_048.tga) in the vanilla Override folder (\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override). KSE will read those UTIs and add the item info to your save file (the icons are just to stop it popping an error). The game will actually pull the information from the Workshop TSLRCM Override folder.