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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_DP_Handmaiden_Atris_Bun_BETA.7z As per the other versions, it includes LS/DS hooded clothes with the new head and is not compatible with other Handmaiden mods. I'll leave that for someone else. I think I've about had my fill of Handmaiden hairdressing for the moment.
  2. The files are basically MP3s with a fake WAV header. If you trim off the first 58 bytes and save it as an MP3, that should fix the issue. WinAmp seems to just ignore the header and play them regardless if you just rename them to MP3. I think the music may be a little different, at least in TSL's case. Perhaps someone like Fair Strides could look at these and come up with a program to automate the process: https://gist.github.com/shmerl/2cec6273ba25dd1486dd https://gist.github.com/shmerl/30412cda5a5107132a1f#file-gog_kotor2_extract_music-sh-L54
  3. Here you go: https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_DP_Handmaiden_Ponytail_BETA.7z As I said, the texture is just a placeholder. Someone will need to make a proper version. Includes LS/DS hooded clothes, as per the long hair mod. Obviously it's not compatible with that, or other Handmaiden mods. I did actually start on it right back when I was first experimenting with various hair options, but never got further than the initial mesh fitting/adjustment. She looked a bit too much like Atris for my tastes, so I dropped it. It would need the UVs to be adjusted before it would be ready to use. I'll get around to it at some point. I thought I also tried a mirrored version that flipped the part to the opposite side for a bit of visual differentiation, but I'm not sure what happened to that.
  4. There aren't really any torsos with a plain shirt that you can use for a mashup. The closest is probably the A body (underwear) jumpsuit: Alternatively, you could consider the N_Smuggler body instead, if you could live with the Solo-style vest. That wouldn't require any model alterations (albeit available in male only):
  5. I made some minor revisions. Scaled up to VarsityPuppet-approved medium size, removed the little cylinder thing from the back which was clipping through the jacket, adjusted the belt UVs to use the Scout texture. Edit: Revised version below. I did play around with some skin weight adjustments around the waist to try and alleviate clipping issues when bending/crouching, but it seems like whichever way you go there just aren't enough polys to get a smooth deformation. I've left it with the vanilla skin weights.
  6. Ah, it was the female version you did. I didn't realise earlier. I typically always work on male stuff, seeing as that's my personal preference for a player character, but I know a lot of people like playing a female character. As to the actual direction, well I'm lazy, and this route seems like the easiest.
  7. Here you go, try this: Edit: Updated version uploaded in subsequent post. It's a straight override, so just dump it in your Override folder. It uses custom UVs (compressed 50% for a side-by-side 1024x512 merge of the two textures), so it won't be compatible with any reskin mods. Only the male version for the moment. Perhaps Fair Strides can make the female version and you can see which approach you prefer.
  8. The legs are medium, the torso small (the soldier is large). TSL uses medium for everything, which I think is what that K1 mod you referred to does, switches all the appearance.2da entries to medium (I don't think it actually rescales the class clothes body models). The fit at the waist is not related to scale, it's a physical shape of the mesh issue. There's a gap, but it is hidden by overlap. I did a quick run through some animations and there is some clipping that goes on during ones with extreme waist bending, setting/disabling mines for example. I'm not sure how egregious it will be in-game, as camera angles are more restricted there.
  9. This is what you're after? It requires some scaling of one part or the other, as K1 has its 3 different body sizes. For the above example I scaled the legs down 0.97 to fit the torso. It's not a perfect match, so I expect there will be issues around the waist in certain animations.
  10. You can compile models around that size, but if it takes more than a couple of minutes that's pretty much game over. You could try progressively deleting elements to see if you can isolate what specifically is causing MDLOps to choke. It would actually be good to revert something more akin to the more verbose output of MDLOps 0.5, but preferably even more verbose, in order to better diagnose compile errors like that.
  11. As I said, TSL includes the relevant K1 content, so there is no porting. Besides, it's just a custom skin of Svosh's fixed TSL robe models anyway, so again, no porting.
  12. The K1 robe model and one texture are left over, unused, in TSL's files. This fact has been exploited by a number of mods.
  13. Yep: https://web.archive.org/web/20150310144925/http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Force_Fashion_II;104261 I don't think it made it across to Gamefront though. I did find an alternative link, but I am unsure as to its validity as an official mirror.
  14. It's not a reskin, it's an entirely new model. Typically in a case like this you can't just copy and paste the model and texture files, as they use custom names. However, fortunately in this instance through an "improper" export process on Oldflash's part, the fix is easy. Download the archive. Extract bd_remote.mdl, bd_remote.mdx, bd_rem.tga, and bd_rem.txi. Rename the model files to C_SenBall.mdl and C_SenBall.mdx. Now copy and paste all 4 files to your Override folder. Oldflash failed to change the names of the AuroraBase or anything else, just the filename of the compiled model (and the texture, but appearance.2da doesn't use a texture override for the Remote).
  15. You didn't use the proper texture name. Your texture's filename is "N_SithSoldier04" but you put "Sith_Soldier04" in the 2DA. You also only need to change the values in the racetex and texa columns. I presume you are changing the appearance ID in the appropriate UTCs as well? You'll also need a save before entering the area you want to test in for the first time.
  16. I think the gold looks fine myself. You could try changing it to silver if you want a bigger contrast. I assume those bits will be getting an envmap?
  17. You just need to change the racetex and texa column values.
  18. The texture name can be whatever you want. There's no hex editing involved, so no character limitations. Just make a new appearance.2da row that duplicates one of the existing Sith Soldier rows and change the texture to whatever you named yours.
  19. The Sith Soldier is a full body model, so its textures can be directly overriden via appearance.2da. Look at rows 28, 44, 261 in K1's appearance.2da and you'll see the 3 types all use the same model, they just specify different textures.
  20. If all you want is the existing K1 twilek_m03 texture variant, it already has an entry in K1's heads.2da. Just add a new appearance.2da row that uses a normalhead value of 67. If you want a new, custom, texture, then follow the below. If you look in heads.2da, you'll see the model names in the heads column. The Twi'lek head models (in both games) are: twilek_f twilek_f02 twilek_f03 twilek_f04 twilek_m twilek_m02 twilek_m03 With F designating female, and M male. You'll need to extract the appropriate MDL and MDX from BIFs -> models.bif -> Aurora Model and BIFs -> models.bif -> Aurora Model Extension Note that you need to select the appropriate files and hit the Extract button, don't double click on them. That converts them to ASCII with MDLOps, but you want the original binary files. Next you'll need to do some hex editing. I'm not going to provide a blow by blow account of how to do that here. The gist though is to choose a new model name and a new texture name with the same number of characters as the originals, rename the MDL/MDX files to your new filename, open the MDL in a hex editor and do a Find and Replace on the appropriate values. As is common with KOTOR models, these Twi'lek heads (with the exception of twilek_f/twilek_m) use the same name for both model and texture. So for example you could take twilek_m02 and replace all instances of that with something like twilek_m27 (whatever you want, as long as it is the same number of characters as the original). Create your texture with the same name. Then go through the 2DA editing process I outlined above to add your new entries. Now you could say that this is the "proper" way to add custom head variants, and perhaps the only way for K1. But for TSL they added a new column to heads.2da called alttexture where you can specify an override texture. If you look at how they set up the vanilla Twi'lek heads, you can see that they just specified the first model (twilek_f/twilek_m) and then specified the variant texture (Twilek_f07, twilek_m04, etc.) in the alttexure column. So for TSL you can get away without hex editing.
  21. Make a copy of the Twi'lek male head model, give it a unique new filename, then hex edit it and change the texture name (you must keep the same number of characters). Create a new row in heads.2da that references your new Twi'lek head. Then create a new appearance.2da row as you presumably have done previously, and specify your new heads.2da ID number in the normalhead column. Make sure when setting up TSL Patcher that you specify the heads.2da info first, so that the memory tokens can be set correctly.
  22. They are globals, defined in the script that Fair Strides posted: string stringGLOB_4 = "g_w_blstrrfl001"; string stringGLOB_5 = "g_i_adrnaline003"; string stringGLOB_6 = ""; string stringGLOB_7 = "g_w_blstrpstl001"; string stringGLOB_8 = "g_i_adrnaline002"; string stringGLOB_9 = "g_i_implant101"; string stringGLOB_10 = "g_w_blstrpstl001"; string stringGLOB_11 = "g_i_secspike01"; string stringGLOB_12 = "g_i_progspike01"; string stringGLOB_13 = "end_locker01"; As Fair Strides pointed out, stringGLOB_13 is the starting footlocker. Referring to the globals list, the tag is end_locker01. If you look in the placeables list for end_m01aa_s.rim, you'll see a number of footlocker UTPs. If you check the tags, you'll see the one you want is footlker001.utp. To do what you want, you'd have to delete the clothing item from the footlocker's inventory by editing its UTP, then edit the script Fair Strides posted to spawn the particular items you want for each class. Then you'd need to package it up as a MOD file.
  23. Time for you to upgrade to the 21st century and the wonders of mesh painting, young Padawan.
  24. I'm curious as to why you'd be changing the Hammerhead's texture to an apparently non-existent one to fix the nebula issue. It seems like only 104perb would need editing. 101perzc: V_Hammrhd01 to V_Harmrhd01 104perb: EBO_neb to PER_neb 104perg: V_Hammrhd01 to V_Harmrhd01