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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. There are posts about the issue in 0.7a2 back at the end of January 2016, so news of it isn't new.
  2. Yeah, that's basically what I was getting at. Malak in his full regalia, as he appears in the game, is not practical as a player model. Here's a skirtless version if you want. https://www.darthparametric.com/files/kotor/tsl/[TSL]_PxBM_No_Skirt.7z That's a whole other thing. No, nobody has done it with PxBM that I can recall off the top of my head. Having messed around with mating master robes and standard armour myself, it's kind of a pain in the ass. I never finished the female version as it had all sorts of issues: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4676-heavy-armored-master-robes/
  3. Or http://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/9 if you prefer a less ghetto webpage. While Malak's model is in TSL, it's not really practical to use for players. It has its own unique skeleton and animations, but lacks most of the generic animations required by player models (like slicing doors/crates, laying/picking up mines, etc.). You'd have to completely re-skin the model to the base player rig. It's a lot of work, which is why nobody has done it (that I can recall anyway). As to the Jal Shey/Zeison Sha model, it is possible to edit the model to hide the skirt, but as superSzym said that will affect all armours that share that model.
  4. It's the program used in those bash scripts for Linux I posted earlier in the thread (it's a standard inclusion in Linux packages I believe). I didn't realise at the time that someone had compiled a version for Windows. I was messing around with trying to do the batch trimming in Powershell when I saw mention of the Windows binary. I'm not sure to be honest, I haven't had much to do with audio mods.
  5. If you do it this way then you won't have any problem regardless of what program you use. Just make sure you are trimming the right number of bytes.
  6. From a quick sample, it looks like the K1 voice files have a fake header of 199 bytes. You can batch convert them with DD - http://www.chrysocome.net/dd (scroll to the bottom of the page). Put the source WAVs and DD in a folder together, open a command window (Start -> Run -> CMD), navigate to the folder, then put in this: for %F in (*.wav) do dd if=%~nF.wav of=%~nF.mp3 bs=1 skip=199That will trim the fake headers. If you want to turn it into a batch file instead, you need to change it slightly: for %%F in (*.wav) do dd if=%%~nF.wav of=%%~nF.mp3 bs=1 skip=199 pausePaste that into a text file, save it out as xxx.BAT, put it in the same folder as the files and double click. The "pause" at the end isn't strictly necessary, but it will leave the window open with a "press any key to continue" so you can see what happened. Edit: Or, if you want something where you can enter whatever number of bytes you want to trim, try this: @echo off set /p byteno="Please enter the number of bytes to trim from the header: " for %%F in (*.wav) do dd if=%%~nF.wav of=%%~nF.mp3 bs=1 skip=%byteno% pauseAlternatively, install Cygwin - https://www.cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe or https://www.cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe - making sure to enable XXD in the package list, download the bash scripts I linked to earlier, https://gist.github.com/shmerl/2cec6273ba25dd1486dd and https://gist.github.com/shmerl/30412cda5a5107132a1f, copy the K1 and TSL music files to separate folders under the Cygwin Home directory (e.g. \cygwin64\home\<username>\) and put the appropriate SH script in each. Now open a Cygwin terminal, navigate to the particular music folder (you can use CD to change directory, the same as DOS) and run the bash script using "./", for example, ./gog_kotor_extract_music.sh
  7. Win 7 is fine until 2020. And chances are they will be forced to extend support, like XP. You might want to try somewhere like https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/ for feedback on your list.
  8. LAN port drivers? Read the model number off the motherboard and Google it. Its manufacturer should have a page with all the relevant drivers (bundled drivers are always out of date anyway). Edit: I'm talking about the motherboard model by the way.
  9. I'd suggest holding off for a few weeks (if you can) to see how AMD's new Ryzen shapes up. The press embargo lifts today, so there should be a flood of reviews, benchmarks, and general info. Everything I have seen pre-release suggests that they may finally be back in the game. Even if you don't want to go that route, their pricing is going to force Intel to make price cuts on their CPUs, so again it is worth waiting a bit to see how things shake out.
  10. Here's a textured version. Haven't gotten it into the game yet.
  11. I whipped up a fuel drum based on a UN 55 gallon drum, with the details exaggerated a little to read easier from a distance: For textures I was thinking primarily red, with the center band white? Plus various warning logos and text.
  12. It would need to be recompiled with a custom version of MDLOps (or completely custom alternative) that supports bumpmaps. I think ndix UR has such a thing. Maybe PM him and see if he might recompile the model for you. I recall I included an ASCII model, but I can also supply the Max source model if needed.
  13. Like a 44 gallon drum type of thing? The classic Doom-style exploding barrel? For flying ships you might get away with simple billboards, depending on where and how you plan to feature them. In that case you could just render out images of the TOR models, which would save a bunch of work.
  14. I thought I had seen Z fighting there, but I might just be remembering looking at the model outside the game and seeing the collision geometry. If it's a lightmap issue then it is likely overlapping UVs.
  15. Those look more like geometry issues rather than UV issues. Missing and/or inverted polys, Z fighting, etc.
  16. You have to set it the base item as a disguise and then use the disguise property to set the appearance. Look at the Sand People disguise item for an example of how to do it, tat17_sandperdis.uti.
  17. A UTC edit will only take effect when entering a module for the first time. If you load a previous save then it will have stored the old appearance ID. I tested a corrected version of your 2DA, it works fine when re-entering the module from an earlier save (I added a green variant of the armour as 09).
  18. What's all this talk of XML files? Your row has been added, but you added it above the final row and put an out of order ID value. Seems like that might be an issue. Move your row to last and increment the ID by one (i.e. 509, not 600).
  19. https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/other/tool/nwmax-8
  20. Yes. You'll need the GMax-specific version of NWMax to handle KOTOR importing/exporting.
  21. GMax is 3DS Max. It's juts a stripped down version of 3DS Max 4. All the basic functionality is essentially identical.
  22. Any time something is "removed from the game", it typically means they just turned off a few UI elements, disabled a few scripts, etc. Most of the content is usually still active in the game's files, it's just inaccessible because of a few impediments to activating it. I think I recall being one of the ones rushing to get it done before the quest was removed.
  23. If you assume the inner ear is basically identical then all you are talking about is a flap of skin, nothing overly exciting. Consider elephant seals for example. The bump map is presumably only an issue if you want to keep it. In which case shuffling the goiter's verts around and using Taina's Replacer should suffice. Otherwise, there is at least one denizen lurking hereabouts who has an unreleased compiler (MDLOps or otherwise) that produces working bump maps.
  24. It's canonical. Male Twi'leks have human-like ears, females have sensory cones. Sexual dimorphism is not an uncommon biological trait. But in reality it is another legacy of the Bib Fortuna makeup effects no doubt.
  25. You could just slip in an intermediate supermodel that only has the breathing/idle animation, then point it at a renamed copy of the original. It will override that animation. That way if there are any issues you only have to deal with a single animation.