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ChrisC26 last won the day on July 24 2015

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About ChrisC26

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    Jedi Padawan

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  1. Thank you! So what I plan to do is edit the lev40_carth.dlg in the lev_m40ac.mod file using the Holocron Toolset where zm_dropdpad causes the datapad to show up. From my understanding I can do this all with the Holocron Toolset and just save it from there. Then I'll edit the k_hcar_dialogue.dlg to include the zm_ebocomp script as ZimmMaster intended with his mod. Where the PC talks to Carth about being Darth Revan. Edit: That appeared to work. I played through the Leviathan and was able to get the items as ZimmMaster's mod intended.
  2. I am running into a potential incompatibility issue with K1CP and ZimmMaster's Revan robes mod. When the Leviathan sequence starts instead of the escape plan cutscene starting with everyone around the center table, a quick bit of dialogue plays from Bastila's "This isn't over Malak" line plays and then the PC is stuck in the Ebon Hawk with all the party members around the table. Towards the cockpit is a dialogue option saying "START CUT" or something along those lines. From checking around the files I think the culprit is the two Carth dialogue files from ZimmMaster's mod. And the following scripts I could not find any changes between k_hcar_dialog.dlg and the default KotOR .dlg file. I did not find any k_hcar_dialog.dlg files in any other mods so I think that one may be okay and from my understanding the ZimmMaster mod is supposed to add the zm_ebocomp.nss script to the k_hcar_dialogue.dlg dialogue. K1CP also has a copy of the k_hcar_dialog.dlg file. Now for lev40_carth.dlg I did find the following difference where it adds the zm_dropdpad.nss script. When I delete the lev40_carth.dlg file from the Override the problem goes away. If I add the zm_dropdpad.nss script to the default version of lev40_carth.dlg in the same place, the problem comes back. Here is what the zm_dropdpad.nss script does And here is what the the zm_ebocomp.nss does And lastly here is a screenshot of the changes.ini file from ZimmMaster's mod in regards to the script files and the dialogue files, I would really like to make these compatible and work and I would appreciate any help! Thanks everyone!
  3. Hey DarthParametric, do you know how to do this in GIMP or maybe you have a link to a guide on how to do it?
  4. Sadly I don't think it was. But I agree that Prodigal Knight one is incredible looking. Also the all black corrupted robes are hella sleek . I don't think @L0ki194 has been on in years. I think this is the closest we can get atm unless someone wants to re-create Loki's designs or Loki comes back.
  5. Hey @Thor110 I just wanted to thank you too for continuing this project. If I had more time and KotOR modding knowledge on my hand I would help but I simply don't. I come back every now and then to check out what cool things the KotOR modding community is doing and this project is always at the top of the list for things I check on. I sort of wish the KotOR modding community didn't have such a strong stance on porting for so long or this project could have started years ago. But regardless I will keep following this!
  6. Glad to see this project getting resurrected. I haven't modded KotOR in so long and I've pretty much forgotten how so I'll be of no help there but if you ever need someone to voice a minor and inconsequential character, I might be down for that! haha
  7. Very interesting! Personally, I think the only things from the TSL engine/game that I'd like to see mechanic wise for use while playing KotOR is the higher level cap and the more in depth weapon customization/item crafting and I figured these two things wouldn't be possible to move over to K1 but IDK. I'm sure others could think of some other things. I guess it would be cool to have Force Enlightenment and have it work the way it works in K2 while playing K1. I'm sure people will grab the Force Crush animations and sounds and make a number of cool Force Power mods with it for K1. I'd really like to see people bring over the, IMO, much better Jedi robe designs that can be found in K2 and all the new armors and items in general which I'm guessing will be fairly easy at least in regards to the models and textures. Mainly I'm just throwing ideas out there. I'm so busy these days I probably won't get to enjoy or help with some of the awesome things the community is going to do.
  8. So porting is finally good to go? In my honest opinion, this is long overdue. I can't wait to see what awesome content the community can storm up. Maybe eventually we'll even be able to get most of the story from KotOR onto the TSL engine.
  9. ChrisC26

    Battlefront Turmoil

    I almost completely agree, however I would say this new 2017 Battlefront II is quite an improvement over the 2015 Battlefront and is very fun. The gameplay is smooth, it has great sound design, beautiful visuals, and decent action. In fact I would say the only major issue with 2017 Battlefront II is this whole micro-transaction bullpuckies. I think the silver lining here is to get Disney and LucasFilm to notice that the fanbase is NOT happy with EA and that they need to have a talk with them. EA may be hot Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in the gaming industry, but LucasFilm with Disney's might, could end them if they wanted to. In my opinion, it would be poetic justice after all the developers EA has shut down. Admin: Your post has been censored. Your next profanity violation earns you a three month time out.
  10. I think I have a solution for you. Copy the entire contents of the "Knights of the Old Republic II" folder in "Steam\steamapps\common" and rename it something else like "VanillaSWKotOR2" or "TSLRCMSWKotOR2" whatever it is you want to designate it. Then whichever mod (or collection of mods) you want to play, simply rename the the folder they are in to "Knights of the Old Republic II" but just make sure no other folder is currently named as such.
  11. Link? Here is the link. Any recommendations on what pages to skip? I remember back in the day following the progress on the different big projects around LucasForums. Was so much younger then... lol
  12. ChrisC26

    Help to HK-47

    I just edited HK's .utc file to make him even more bad ass. And I edited the skill.2da file so that he would earn more feats overall.
  13. Awesome work DP! I'll hopefully be able to take a look at them this weekend in-game and I'll try to provide screenshots with different texture mods. I think I can almost speak for everyone when I thank you for taking up the request!
  14. Once again DP you have done some awesome work. I'll give it a try this weekend!