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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. I'm not sure where this rightly belongs, so mods feel free to move it if necessary. Gamefront is closing down its servers on April 30 - http://www.gamefront.com/gamefront-is-closing-down-april-30-2016/ If you want anything from whatever scraps of KOTOR Files still remain, you've got the next fortnight to archive them.
  2. Doesn't really need a new face texture, the existing Handmaiden one is fine for that. If you want to redo the hair so it is a proper white, it's just the standard PFHC01 texture. I compressed the original UVs 50% and made a new 1024x512 side-by-side texture, so there are no overlaps or effective departure from the vanilla position.
  3. It's possible, with a lot of slicing, dicing, vert tweaking, and UV finagling to combine two separate textures (heads require a single texture if you want DS transitions): However, the danglymeshes for the ponytail, bangs, etc. no longer work. MDLOps doesn't compile these properly, so these bits are rigid. Someone would need to do a better texture for the hair. I just did a half-assed overlay in PS to get it white-ish looking.
  4. I sent a version to livnthedream for testing, but have received no reply, so I just went ahead and made a public release: TSL - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4333-downloadpre-war-style-silver-gold-trimmed-jedi-robes/ K1 - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4334-downloadsilver-gold-trimmed-jedi-robes/
  5. File Name: Silver & Gold Trimmed Jedi Robes File Submitter: DarthParametric File Submitted: 12 Apr 2016 File Category: Skins K1R Compatible: Yes Adds Jedi robes with silver and gold trim, styled after the “Silverlined Jedi Robe” mod by Cerasumat, which no longer appears to be available for download. Use KSE or console command to add items g_a_mstrrobe47 and g_a_mstrrobe48 to your inventory. Warning: This mod requires an environment map/cube map in order to get the shiny metal effect. In K1 it would appear that an alteration of the “envmap” column in appearance.2da is required to force this for robes (the simple addition of a TXI doesn’t work). This may have unintended effects on other model types, particularly custom textures with transparency. Additionally, the requirement of a 2DA edit means it will not work properly for custom heads without a manual edit of appearance.2da by the enduser. For those that wish to do that, change the envmap column for your custom head rows from DEFAULT to CM_Baremetal. Click here to download this file
  6. Version 1.0


    Adds Jedi robes with silver and gold trim, styled after the “Silverlined Jedi Robe” mod by Cerasumat, which no longer appears to be available for download. Use KSE or console command to add items g_a_mstrrobe47 and g_a_mstrrobe48 to your inventory. Warning: This mod requires an environment map/cube map in order to get the shiny metal effect. In K1 it would appear that an alteration of the “envmap” column in appearance.2da is required to force this for robes (the simple addition of a TXI doesn’t work). This may have unintended effects on other model types, particularly custom textures with transparency. Additionally, the requirement of a 2DA edit means it will not work properly for custom heads without a manual edit of appearance.2da by the enduser. For those that wish to do that, change the envmap column for your custom head rows from DEFAULT to CM_Baremetal.
  7. File Name: Pre-War Style Silver & Gold Trimmed Jedi Robes File Submitter: DarthParametric File Submitted: 12 Apr 2016 File Category: Skins TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Adds K1-style Jedi robes with silver and gold trim, styled after the “Silverlined Jedi Robe” mod by Cerasumat, which no longer appears to be available for download. Use KSE or console command to add items a_robe_47 and a_robe_48 to your inventory. Note: This uses the K1-style Jedi robes mesh. However, it is not a port. While the original medium sized model was replaced by the new movie-style robe for TSL, Obsidian left in the original K1 large and small models for both males and females, along with the female texture. I have rescaled these models to the same size as the medium model, along with making some UV adjustments for the male model to fix various texture stretching issues. Warning: In order not to replace the existing Obsidian robe models, I have overriden the J model slot – i.e. Revan/Star Forge robes – with the K1-style Jedi robes model. As a result, this mod is not compatible with any other mod that uses PFBJ/PMBJ models, i.e. any Revan/Star Forge robes in TSL mods, or that replaces the model in the J slot in the same manner. Click here to download this file
  8. Version 1.0


    Adds K1-style Jedi robes with silver and gold trim, styled after the “Silverlined Jedi Robe” mod by Cerasumat, which no longer appears to be available for download. Use KSE or console command to add items a_robe_47 and a_robe_48 to your inventory. Note: This uses the K1-style Jedi robes mesh. However, it is not a port. While the original medium sized model was replaced by the new movie-style robe for TSL, Obsidian left in the original K1 large and small models for both males and females, along with the female texture. I have rescaled these models to the same size as the medium model, along with making some UV adjustments for the male model to fix various texture stretching issues. Warning: In order not to replace the existing Obsidian robe models, I have overriden the J model slot – i.e. Revan/Star Forge robes – with the K1-style Jedi robes model. As a result, this mod is not compatible with any other mod that uses PFBJ/PMBJ models, i.e. any Revan/Star Forge robes in TSL mods, or that replaces the model in the J slot in the same manner.
  9. File Name: Rodian Female NPC Body Model File Submitter: DarthParametric File Submitted: 12 Apr 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes This mod adds an additional female Rodian appearance for NPCs. It adds a new custom Rodian body model which makes use of a scaled Human female player body. This is primarily intended as a modder’s resource, so textures are very quick and dirty recolours, meant to be replaced with proper ones by the end user. Skin is changed to a purplish-pink, and the clothing changed to a blue jacket, black pants, and a white shirt. However, for the benefit of regular users, the merchant Geeda on Nar Shaddaa (the only female Rodian in the game) has had her UTC modified to use this new appearance. Note that the change will only work if you have not previously visited Nar Shaddaa, as appearance ID data is stored in your save file. Additionally, for those that prefer the regular green skinned Rodian look, an optional face/hands texture is supplied. Once this installer has finished, simply copy the TGA inside the OPTIONAL folder and paste into the Override folder, overwriting when prompted. I'll consider adding some additional bodies in the future, as well as a K1 version modder's resource. I also made some male versions a while back for Malkior to use in conjunction with his Rodian reskins, so hopefully he'll release those at some point in the near future. If not, I'll just release the models using the vanilla textures. Click here to download this file
  10. Version 1.0


    This mod adds an additional female Rodian appearance for NPCs. It adds a new custom Rodian body model which makes use of a scaled Human female player body. This is primarily intended as a modder’s resource, so textures are very quick and dirty recolours, meant to be replaced with proper ones by the end user. Skin is changed to a purplish-pink, and the clothing changed to a blue jacket, black pants, and a white shirt. However, for the benefit of regular users, the merchant Geeda on Nar Shaddaa (the only female Rodian in the game) has had her UTC modified to use this new appearance. Note that the change will only work if you have not previously visited Nar Shaddaa, as appearance ID data is stored in your save file. Additionally, for those that prefer the regular green skinned Rodian look, an optional face/hands texture is supplied. Once this installer has finished, simply copy the TGA inside the OPTIONAL folder and paste into the Override folder, overwriting when prompted. I'll consider adding some additional bodies in the future, as well as a K1 version modder's resource. I also made some male versions a while back for Malkior to use in conjunction with his Rodian reskins, so hopefully he'll release those at some point in the near future. If not, I'll just release the models using the vanilla textures.
  11. As you most likely know, Obsidian replaced the K1 robe model in TSL with something a bit closer to the movie style robes. However, it turns out they only replaced the medium sized model (seeing as they use medium for everything). The large and small models are still the original K1 model. They also left behind the female texture. I had a play around with it and came up with a solution. I scaled down the two large models to the same size as the medium, then used the J model slot (Revan robes) to add them so they don't replace the Obsidian robes. So I can get them into TSL without porting, and without affecting the existing robes, but it does mean it won't be compatible with any Revan/Star Forge robe mods, or other mods that replace the J slot models.
  12. Took a crack at replicating it:
  13. Seems like it would be reasonably straightforward to emulate, just take PFBI01/PMBI01, desaturate, set it to overlay over a dark grey layer, paint on white (or other colour) stripes along clothing edges, etc., copy those to the alpha channel, use an environment map like cm_baremetal. Edit: Whoops, wrong thread, I actually meant to post it in this one - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/4254-silver-lined-jedi-robes/?p=44553 Any passing mod/admin, feel free to merge this post into that other post.
  14. Bearing in mind that, again, jumping into heads is not recommended if you have no experience with this sort of thing, I'll give you a brief overview of how to go about it. You'll need to do some research yourself to fill in the blanks. Seeing as I don't have your head, I'll just swipe one from an existing model to use as a roughly equivalent example. We'll take the TSL Ithorian: And lop off his head. Then trim off the excess bits and straighten the neck out a bit to approximate what you have, like so: Now before we get to skinning, your first problem is going to be that your head mesh isn't going to match any of the body meshes. They are all designed to mate perfectly with a human neck, so by just plonking on a giant alien head you are going to wind up with clipping and/or gaps. You could try making some sort of intermediate collar piece to slot between them to mask the join. I've done a quick hack job to show the sort of thing I mean. Start by loading in a human head to use as basis: Duplicate the head mesh itself, and isolate just the neck element, deleting the rest: Now I'm not going to cover modelling and UV mapping, so the short version is reshape this so you have something collar-ish like, making sure to not touch the bottom ring of verts, as these match the body meshes. And with the Ithorian head positioned appropriately: Note that if you move your mesh around, you'll need to do a Reset X-Forms on it and collapse the stack before proceeding further, otherwise you will run into issues later. Now we can get on with skinning. As I said in my previous post, the human rig is not going to be compatible with radically different alien morphology, so this will be limited to just a few bones, namely the head, head_g, and neck, neck_g and necklwr_g. Here is how my Ithorian head is positioned in relation to the human head: Based on that, we can use Edit Envelopes on the human head mesh's Skin modifier to see how these bones influence that mesh: Vertex weights are 0 to 1. Enabling Edit Envelopes will shade polygons based on the weight influence of surrounding vertices, with red representing weights approaching 1 and blue approaching 0. Weights on a given vertex can be split between multiple bones, but they will always add to 1 (so increasing the influence of one bone will decrease any others). Based on the position of the Ithorian head, the majority of the mesh can just be weighted 100% to head_g, with the lower neck getting a small influence from neck_g and necklwr_g. Simply adding a Skin modifier and adding head_g, neck_g and necklwr_g to the bone list should give you a pretty good starting point, as Max tries to allocate appropriate bone weights automatically: In this case though, the influences of neck bones seems to be a bit off, so I'll tweak that slightly. I'm not going to explicitly cover how to weight verts here, there are plenty of Max tutorials on Youtube and elsewhere that cover the process. Google is your friend. The process is the same for the collar, just with more weighting to the neck bones, noting especially to set the bottom ring of verts 100% to necklwr_g so they match the body model. Note that this will be something of an incremental process. You'll likely need to do a few passes making adjustments after testing it in-game. In certain cases with custom meshes you may also need to add additional loops to allow for smoother deformation, but that's generally more applicable to body meshes. With the initial skining pass done, we can move to finalising a few other things before export. You can delete the original head mesh. Things like the eyes and eyelashes are technically bones, so you may want to just turn off the Render option in their AuroraTrimesh modifier. You'll likely want to select everything in the scene aside from your meshes and remove any existing materials they have (Utilities pane -> More -> UVW Remove -> Materials). With a giant head like this you aren't going to be able to diplay the models for masks/goggles without horrible clipping, so delete the helper objects MaskHook and GoggleHook. Make sure your meshes are children of the AuroraBase. Select the AuroraBase and rename it to something appropriate and unique. I named mine DP_IthorianH. In the Modify pane turn off Do Sanity Checks and set the export directory somewhere appropriate. Hit the Export Geom Only button. You can save and close your Max scene. Find the exported MDL and edit the filename indicate that it is an ASCII file. For example I named mine DP_IthorianH_ASCII.mdl. Now you'll need to get hold of a binary model for MDLOps. Typically I use whatever the Supermodel specified in AuroraBase is, which in this example is S_Female02. You need to use the model for the version of the game you are compiling for. In this case I will be compiling for TSL, so I grab the TSL version of s_female02.mdl and s_female02.mdx and place those in the same folder as the ASCII model. Then those need to be renamed to the same name as the final version of your model. In this example, that is DP_IthorianH (hence why you append _ASCII to the ASCII file's filename). Now you can run MDLOps and load the ASCII file, then hit the Read and Write Model button. Once it is finished processing you should have a new binary MDL/MDX pair in your folder, in my case DP_IthorianH_ASCII-k2-bin.mdl/DP_IthorianH_ASCII-k2-bin.mdx. Now you need to take these and run them through VarsityPuppet's HeadFixer tool. This will patch the MDL, after which you can discard the old one. So now you have your head model, which you can rename as appropriate (I changed mine back to DP_IthorianH.mdl/mdx), it's time to get it into the game. The prefereable method is via TSLPatcher, which I am not going to exhaustively detail here. Suffice it to say, you'll need vanilla and modified copies of appearance.2da, heads.2da, and portraits.2da. The modified copies contain your additional rows, and you can then use TSLPatcher's ChangeEdit utility to difference them with the originals to generate the appropriate data in changes.ini. You'll also need to add in memory tokens, which I generally find quicker to do by editing the INI directly in a text editor. I'll post the version I threw together for you to look at. Once you have it installed, it's time to fire up the game. Cue drum roll: OK, so that looks hilariously bad/ridiculous. I guess that collar needs some work. But the model does otherwise work, so mission accomplished on that front at least. Here are some resources, if you want to poke through them: ASCII model - http://dpmods.wheb.org/files/kotor/misc/DP_IthorianH_ASCII.7z TSLPatcher setup - http://dpmods.wheb.org/files/kotor/tsl/%5BTSL%5D_Player_Head_Ithorian_Test.7z
  15. Not true, I've done it for instance. It's entirely possible, although success is largely down to whether MDLOps decides to co-operate. I would suggest if you are not familiar with rigging/skinning, heads are probably not the place to be starting. However, in this case you will be stuck with something very simplistic anyway, as the human rig is not going to accommodate something as weird as an Ithorian. Just weight all verts 100% to the head bone.
  16. The supermodel for Juhani's head is P_JuhaniBB.
  17. Yeah it's pretty much a case of which issue is less egregious? I probably won't bother ever using custom sabers in TSL again, or releasing any more saber mods. I reported the issue to Aspyr, but it doesn't seem they are going to do anything about it (I'm not even sure if it got past the support monkey reading the ticket).
  18. You have to change it to Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1in order for it to work. It happens with all saber types.
  19. My 2¢ - perhaps some scavengers could set up a space station near the ruins of Peragus for the purposes of combing through the wreckage. Could be various valuable minerals, etc. You could maybe have something similar to the quest in K1 where someone, pirates or mercs, try to take the place over. Or maybe in a turnabout you could help the pirates take over.
  20. It's not two sabers, it's the texture disappearing/being rendered flat. It's a bug Aspyr introduced. Only known fix is to disable vertex buffer objects in the INI.
  21. It was just laziness - or expediency if you prefer, I guess. It's one of the Sith monument placeables, plinths and pillars and such. It would be easy to replace it with a new model. Just point the UTP at a new custom entry (I gather the existing model is reused elsewhere, so I wouldn't override it). Put a regular size holocron on a table, maybe give it some animated glowing light textures or something to make it obvious. Edit: Whipped a new model up for you if you want to use it. You like texturing, right? If you wanted to take the holocron with you, I guess you could maybe use a script to swap between 2 different placeables? One a table with the holocron, one just an empty table? Or have the table and holocron as separate placeables and use a script to remove the holocron. Then just do the same as they do with the Nihilus mask for the inventory. Too bad you don't have proper quarters on the Ebon Hawk (where do you sleep, anyway?), otherwise you could display it there.
  22. If you changed the texture to include a larger number of frames, you might be able to introduce a bit more "noise" to emphasise that it is a hologram. If the sequence was long enough, you could have it briefly disappear altogether, although that might be a bit too epilepsy-inducing in a short sequence. I never really understood why they made it 5 feet tall. I always thought it looked ridiculous. There must be better ways of drawing attention to it.
  23. Yeah if you edit the alpha channel to dampen the level of transparency that might help with the visibility of sub-meshes a bit, but it's always going to be a problem with such a simple implementation. There's the scanline effect that makes it a bit variable, but it looks like it is hovering around the 50% transparency mark.
  24. In the TSL version (nothing in K1) there's VFX_DUR_HOLO_PROJECT which references the model v_holo02_dur, which is an emitter with no reference to any textures. The emitter is 1.7m in the air and pointing forwards and slightly down, so I assume it is used by a droid of some kind. Maybe it is for the G0-T0 droids?
  25. Not sure where exactly the hologram effect is defined, but the texture is "Holotex" (512x128) and it has the TXI: numx 4 numy 1 proceduretype cycle fps 15