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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. It's all just transparency. All the envmap is doing is underlaying the diffuse. That's why you can only have one or the other. Either you have pure transparency, or you have an envmap. Like I said, if you want a transparent visor and the rest of the headgear shiny, that will require 2 separate textures. You cannot do both in a single texture.
  2. The problem is that Bioware's envmap system is a piss-poor way to fake specular and reflections. It's never going to look good, especially in comparison to modern graphics, no matter how much you tweak it. It's cheap from a GPU/memory overhead standpoint, which is why they went with it. My suggestion would be to minimise the use of it wherever possible, and just accept that you will generally never get anything that looks remotely like a real reflective surface, outside of a few edge cases. One thing you could try is using some of the custom envmaps by Darth_Sapiens and/or try making your own. The vanilla ones are all pretty garbage. Regarding transparency and envmaps, you can't do both with a single map, seeing as both utilise the alpha channel. If you want shiny bits on your verpine visor, you'll need to break the visor out to its own separate texture (which could be tiny, like 64x64, seeing as it would just be a solid RGB colour and a solid alpha).
  3. Save two copies of an RGB image out, one without RLE, the other with RLE, and attach them. Doesn't have to be anything fancy. Just some 256x256 images with blocks of a couple of colours is sufficient. Regarding alpha channels, what are you trying to do? A transparency mask should be fairly straightforward. Are you having trouble with an envmap mask?
  4. PS doesn't handle DDS natively, but even with the nVidia DDS plugin it's of no use for KOTOR, as Bioware rolled their own custom implementation. You need this tool - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/3709-bioware-tga-to-dds-converter/ You need a TGA input for that, you just have to figure out how to get Gimp to export in the required format. Does the export/save dialogue for TGA in Gimp have any options for RLE compression? In that other thread I mentioned it seemed like the TGA in question was type 10, which has RLE. PS TGAs are type 2, with no compression.
  5. It's quite possible to implement a wall trophy model in the EH as a placeable spawned by a script. In order to only get it to spawn after a quest though, you'd presumably have to use a plot flag or something. Someone more knowledgeable about scripts would have to chime in about the feasibility of that.
  6. You don't require anything special for PS. It natively outputs in the correct format. There was some discussion of Gimp's odd ways with TGAs here - http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/3726-help-installing-texture-mods
  7. Open the UTI in the KOTOR Tools Item Editor, go to the Properties tab, add a new property, in the property editor window that pops up, choose a property type, for example bonus damage, set any other variables as appropriate (like subtype, value, etc.), then in the "upgrade required to activate" section, choose the appropriate weapon mod from the drop-down list.
  8. A hat, with the XCOM logo on it, on a smiley face.
  9. Yeah, and you did a great job on that. It probably doesn't warrant too much more attention to be honest, given what a minor element in the game it is. You'd be better off spending your time on something more prominent. Most particularly the big panels with giant cylinders in them on either side, but also the large red blocks on on the center console.
  10. I was going to offer a better globe animation, like this: but it doesn't really work with an even number of frames. My 2c regarding the overall look of it is that I'm not super big on the giant Duplo button look. I guess that was kind of a necessity a decade ago dealing with tiny 256x256 textures and low poly counts to run on a console with less horsepower than a pocket calculator, but I don't see any need to be limited by that for mods today. Even if you want to go with a retro 70s vibe to keep it in the OT style, I'd still prefer to see a proper keyboard/keypad along with a more realistic array of switches and dials. Something along the lines of this kind of thing: http://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-thermo-electric-power-station-console-14977411.jpg http://www.smartinsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Ishikawa-diagram-marketing.png http://www.projectfellowship.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Fukushima-Daiichi-Nuclear-Power-Plant-Disaster-Reactor-Room.jpg http://www.mapps.l-3com.com/photo_gallery/pg_Fermi02.jpg
  11. You shouldn't need an external app. The game can cap screenshots itself. Just add EnableScreenShot=1 under [Game Options] in swkotor2.ini, then use the PrtScrn button in-game. It should dump TGAs in the game directory. I'd suggest swapping the texture on the back of the lower section, with the rectangular grille looking bits, to the front side. It looks better IMO.
  12. No. It's in the ASCII MDL. Just edit it in a text editor. In Max/GMax you can just edit it in the Aurora Trimesh modifier before exporting, but I gather there is no equivalent for Blender users.
  13. Glow/emissive is defined in the trimesh semantics. In the ASCII MDL, use selfillumcolor to set the colour of the glow. For example: selfillumcolor 0.862745 0.0 0.729412is equivalent to a glow of RGB 220,0,186 (pinkish-purple). Typically though the way you do it is control colour entirely via the texture, and set the selfillumcolor to a greyscale value that just controls intensity. So somewhere between a 0.5 0.5 0.5 for a mid-grey to 1.0 1.0 1.0 for pure white.
  14. Peeking under Quanon's skirt, the standalone helmet is just a standard mask. Only the full body model is a disguise.
  15. KOTOR has no provision to remove/hide head models for a helmet (hence why there are no equipable helmets in the base game). You'll just have to live with the clipping. You could maybe try going the disguise route, but I don't know how that would play with the body models, or if you can even add that modifier to headgear. You'd need 6 variants of it, one for each race/sex combo.
  16. Pff, not specific enough. How about "Coming Christmas 2023: Sleheyron". Lines up perfectly with K1's 20th anniversary.
  17. The Override directory takes precedence. You obviously can't use it though for any resources that don't have a unique filename, which is a common problem in TSL especially. I think the MOD is required to have all the RIM's contents. I don't think it can just have selected elements.
  18. The reason you need a separate mesh for glowing objects is that Odyssey's implementation of emissive is done in the trimesh. The whole mesh has to glow, so any bits you want to glow have to be split off into their own trimeshes. They can share a texture. Animated textures are flipbooks. In other words, the texture space is made up into an array of frames, which the game plays in sequence at your defined rate (specified via TXI). Here's an example I found from a quick Google search: You can see here in this 512x512 texture that it is an array of 16 frames. If you convert this into a 128x128 GIF, you get the following animation: It should become immediately apparent why you want to confine animated sections to their own separate texture that only comprises the absolutely necessary elements. Like a monitor screen in this instance. You do not want to be trying to turn 2K textures into flipbooks.
  19. Then it would be flipped on the left monitor. The UVs are mirrored down the center of the mesh. You either have to flip one of the monitor UVs, or break them both out entirely, either to their own island or to a separate mesh (if you wanted to do glow and/or an animated texture).
  20. I don't think there is any actual text in the original, Aurebesh or otherwise. It's way too small for that. It would be easy enough to flip the UVs of the righthand monitor to solve the mirroring issue ndix UR's texture has. Or if you wanted an animated screen you'd need to break the screen polys out into a separate mesh and use a different texture (seeing as animated textures are flipbooks), so you'd be re-UVing them in that instance anyway.
  21. Here's a render of the model with ndix UR's sample texture.
  22. It would probably be easier to just add the headband mesh directly to the Yoda body model. I model in quads for any custom meshes, which may look a little "cleaner" in WIP screenshots compared to the game's triangulated meshes, but it's debatable whether my actual topology is any good or not. If you are a student, you can get a free 3 year educational license simply by using a school email (be it secondary, university, etc.) to sign up on their site.
  23. Archive it with 7-Zip, that should shrink it down to something manageable. You can attach it to a private message. Btw, if you wanted to you could edit the model to add those glowy buttons as separate meshes, so they can actually glow. The monitor screens as well.
  24. Not that I can see, but its problem is largely the same, namely that it is only 256x256.
  25. Make sure you unlink everything before doing your reset. Then link everything back up before exporting.