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Everything posted by Kexikus

  1. Hi, I was wondering if you're going to make this mod K1R compatible, just like your TSL NPC Overhaul is TSLRCM compatible. I'm asking since I really like your mod and right now it overwrites all of K1Rs modules which will lead to problems I guess^^
  2. Sorry to dig this old thread up but I was just modding a fresh K1 installation and realised that this mod is not compatible with K1R. So I was wondering if you have any intentions of changing that?
  3. Version 1.0


    Here's a small continuity fix. I recolored KotORs Pazaak base cards green to match those we see in TSL since that's the version most people remember when thinking about pazaak (I think^^).
  4. Thanks for the answer. I'll keep that in mind when updating to 1.8.3B.
  5. I can install 1.8.3B on top of 1.8.3, right? And do you have any prediction if installing 1.8.3B on top of a modded TSLRCM installation would be a good idea? And thanks for the patch
  6. My original plan was 1024x1024 making them four times bigger compared to the original ones. And I'm pretty sure I could have upscaled the 900x900 renders without too much problems. However, when placing the 900x900 ones ingame they seemed just as pixelated as the original ones so now I'm hoping for 2048x2048 (and I'm not looking forward to uploading that filesize xD ) (Thanks ) I think that depends on the terragen version you are using. You obviously have to rotate the camera correctly in both programs (90° FOV etc) and in TG 3 you can either enable Global Illumination Caching which is unavailable in the free version or in TG 3.1 and newer you can set the "Ray detail region" in the Renderer's Advanced tab to "360 degree detail (highest)" (which is what I did). In both cases TG will calculate the lighting for the whole scene and not just for your field of view, preventing seems caused by different illuminations per tile. But I also had some problems with a sky ceiling I tested and I don't know what happened there yet. Edit: Here's a link for the original full HD screenshot I took, where you can see the low resolution even more:
  7. Well, if you happen to find it and have a lot of render time I wouldn't mind some help
  8. This is the WIP-Thread for my High Quality Skyboxes project. As you probably know, the skyboxes in both KotOR games are very low in resolution and also not always interesting. These mods attempt to change this by creating entirely new skyboxes using Terragen 4 and rendering those in 2048x2048 (vanilla uses 512x512). Version 1 of the KotOR skyboxes has been released since October 2015 and can be found here. After its release, I took a break to work on other mods but recently I came back to work on the TSL version and version 2 of the KotOR skyboxes. I've learned quite a lot since version 1 which is why I want to rework some of the skyboxes for KotOR and also, since I now own Terragen 4, I can render them in higher quality which will also be part of version 2. You can follow my progress in this thread and in the following image which I'll (hopefully) update regularly to show where I'm at: Original first post: As the title suggests I started working on some high quality skyboxes to replace the blurry pixelated ones used in both games. I actually wanted to do this for quite some time and two days ago I finally started working on them with this result: [Deleted due to photobucket blocking embeding] I'd say that while the clouds certainly need to be improved some more and I didn't render in full quality and some photoshop work has to be done, they actually look pretty good except for one thing. And that's the resolution. The problem here is that Terragen 3 (which I used to make the skybox) only allows me to render in resolutions up to 900x900 in the free version. And since the cheapest license costs 200$ I won't buy it just for this mod^^ So, I decided to try my luck with Terragen Classic (which I'm pretty sure is what Bioware and Obsidian originally used for their skyboxes) but it has the same limitations and the registration to remove the limitation is no longer possible. So, this mod is pretty much dead before it even started unless and that's where I need your help, someone here has access to a full legal version of Terragen and would be willing to render quite a lot of pictures for me. Or alternatively if someone knows of a good free tool to create skyboxes I could try it with that one.
  9. You need higher resolution UI graphics. Sweetz made some but the only download links I know of are in this German tutorial for enabling widescreen in KotOR. Just click the resolution you want in the list and unpack the download into your override folder and you should be able to play. Edit: I should probably post the link I'm talking about
  10. That's sad But really nice work with those shaders.
  11. If I recall correctly that's a problem where the shader is not correctly applied making areas that are supposed to be shiny transparent. If that's the case you should be able to notice the same problem with TSF guards on Telos or Vogga the Hutt for example. And I think no one released a fix for it yet, so you'd have to edit appearance.2da, but I can't remember the exact way to do this right now... Edit: Malkior describes the solution in his post here: Alternatively you could use the method described in the first post of the thread I linked but I wouldn't recommend that since you'd loose the shader on those textures.
  12. Very nice. I'll definetly use SSAO. And I'm certainly looking forward to more shaders and your presets.
  13. That's sad. DoF looked really cool on your first screenshot. Looking at your screenshots now, the only things I notice immediately are that it's darker and has higher contrast (and both of these effects are a little too extreme for my taste) Could you post a comparison picture showing the same scene with and without SSAO and no other differences?
  14. The only "all encompassing" texture pack I know of is Xediis 2012 set found here: He's also working on a closer to vanilla set called OTE (Original Textures Enhanced) and there are some other packs in the making but nothing completed now. And there are also many smaller packs that work well together and with vanilla textures so I'd just recommend checking the skin sections of the various websites to find textures you like. You can still remove them later if they feel out of place.
  15. My TSL override is 1,2 GB big at the moment, while K1 ist at 40 MB with almost no mods installed since I didn't play it on this PC yet. Not that much in my case I'd say because I've got about 1 GB of textures and most of the rest is probably TSLRCM^^
  16. There are quite a few texture packs out there to improve the look of the game. Which one to use is obviously a matter of your personal taste but I think that Xedii's OTE project is the best one right now when used in combination with Vurt's pack, since they both don't change all planets (yet) and work really well together: And if I may recommend a mod of my own, I'd suggest using my high quality starfields: I'd certainly check the skin section here on DeadlyStream and on KotOR filefront. Also try to search for mods fixing a few mistakes, like the Mandalorian Banner Fix for TSL or the Black Vulkar Sound Fix for K1. Additionally I'd recommend NPC Overhaul, Invisible Headgear and Hide Weapons in Cutscenes (all available for K1 and TSL). And if you're a canon fan I'd use these mods changing the galaxy maps to canonical versions: (once again recommending my own mod...^^) For your last question: I didn't have any problems with playing TSL on Windows 7, but K1 does crash sometimes after cutscenes (especially during the game intro, which can be fixed by deleting the intro movies, just google it).
  17. That's the point of this thread. It's no longer possible to turn updates off, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter which setting you use (unless an official KotOR update is released, which is pretty unlikely). Mine is set to "always keep up to date" and I had no problems at all.
  18. It was released two days later or so, so it's no big deal. But movies get released a day earlier here (not that I'm watching any movie premieres, but it's some kind of compensation )
  19. You might have to copy your installation, let Steam validate the files and copy your installation on top of the working Steam vanilla version. Or you could install a backup of the vanilla version / redownload it and copy your mod version on top of that one. Either way Steam has to validate the installation once and it'll probably override some of the modified files while redownloading some stuff.
  20. Thanks for sharing this fix. I'll give it a try once the game is actually released here in Europe^^
  21. Kexikus


    You could use a proxy to bypass that restriction.
  22. The possibility to disable Steam updates no longer exists actually. The only way to disable automatic downloads is to set the game to "Only update when launch", which obviously isn't what you want to keep the modded files. But I also had no problem with Steam accidently validating the files.
  23. It's still out there and still working as far as I can tell.