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Everything posted by LiliArch

  1. If I read this correctly... Mantle of the Force saber not being in the out-position while not in use is what most of the people see as a glitch. //Edit. So I clearly read it incorrectly. Carry on.
  2. Could be a Windows versus Delphi issue from what I know. I'd test with my both OS's, but I'm just too lazy for now (or fixated in hunting rogue TSF offcers). What you could do is, 1. Remove the installation of the mod 2. Open the changes.ini 3. Find the line that has the path that was mentioned in your error 4. If there's \ marks in it, change them to be / marks (or vice versa) 5. Save the file 6. Run installer again
  3. Just so that you know, there is a difference between loaning story elements from another storyverse, and loanind story elements from the very same storyverse, writing-wise. You can't create a truly original story in this era anymore, no matter what. It's all done before. But it doesn't mean you need to repeat the very same events that are done in the very same series before. (Though most of the SW movies are terrible as movies, anyway.)
  4. You wouldn't believe how horribly texture mods can break your KotOR.

    1. Sithspecter


      What mods? How is it breaking your KotOR?

    2. LiliArch


      I hit some kind of memory overflow which completely screwed the controls. It was pretty hilarious. No matter what the mods exactly, it was the size of the files that caused the issue.

  5. My guess: you're using an incompatible save...
  6. It does work for me, oddly enough. Perhaps your graphics card needs a different version of the file. I recall seeing another one on this very same site...
  7. It actually is not that difficult. You'd just need to tell MDLOps you're compiling a head model and not some other model. I run into this info once I went through the tree view while digging the guts of some head models. It's pretty simple. Assuming HeadFixer does just the procedure that was described in the LF thread and not anything else.
  8. It's gotta be that old \ versus / issue again... I thought I had fixed that one, but obviously not.
  9. I was using Corel PHOTO-PAINT. (Yes, the name is in uppercase. It's not me shouting.)
  10. But it does not mean that the people who really like EU couldn't have gone through it more than once in last 30 years, now does it?
  11. Well I wouldn't give them a free card, but keep in mind that people tend to be more forgiving to something they've grown used to when they were younger. And it is possible to enjoy the exactly same thing to a certain degree, but at some point, enough is enough. The way I see it, it's a lot like eating. You can eat 1-2 plates of smashed potatoes with no trouble, but trying to eat, say, 10-20 plates in a row... It is perfectly possible to not like a certain aspect of the movie, and still like the rest. Saying "this movie has certain issues" does not necessarily mean "this is a bad movie". Now that you say it... she does look like Bastila.
  12. I've got similar issues (among other issues that have caused dds being less useful for me). Weird thing is, it seems to pick one texture file and screw it, and nothing I do to the file seems to fix it. And I've made sure that all of the files have been saved with perfectly same settings, and are of perfectly same size.
  13. I think I may have fallen to the Dark Side...

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocrons are also EZ Bake ovens. True story.

    2. LiliArch


      I was more thinking about my irresistable urge to be mean to people, but now that you mention that... *goes to eat cookies*

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Mean would be suggesting they listen to M4-78's "gift" on my 20th blog. LOL

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  14. Heh... sorry about putting it like that. Bad day. And as I can't exactly yell at customers, I get an irresistable urge to be mean to someone... I... think I have seen that before. I could look into it (I'm quite sure I know the cause, but need to verify that...) unless FS does it first.
  15. It would be fun to see a teaser with literally nothing - like, say, two minutes of perfectly white screen. Okay, I may be getting carried away... need to get some sleep. I liked that Death Star faintly in the background. Very cool visual.
  16. Frustration, no. That would require I would actually care, which I do not. (Of course, I've never been a very good SW fan to begin with. OT's writing makes me gackle oh so much at times.) And being the era of re-makes is where most of the modern movies and games fail, in my opinion, but that's another subject entirely. I wouldn't call this one a re-make, though. The way I see it, "re-make" is "let's tell the same story with same characters again, just making it look cooler, or changing the setting slightly". It's not "let's tell the same story again, but with another characters and calling it a sequel". The latter one is just... a Hollywoodian sequel which, even though may feel lame for a storyteller, does make perfectly economical sense. As long as people buy something, it's worth being sold, right? It doesn't mean everyone would like it, but as long as the majority likes it enough to go and see it in the theatre, it's filled its purpose.
  17. Would it make you happier, if I would say that I, for one, was sick of it in RotJ, already? Not to mention a similar "a huge explosion of a big spherical thing" in TPM... Superweapons can be cool, and big explosions in space battles can be cool, but they grow old when overused.
  18. Well, if it includes fixes for BoS:SR, is there a reason to believe it wouldn't include Solomon's Revenge? (Just for clearance - "BoS:SR" means "Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge".) So answer to the question is, yes. It does include Solomon's Revenge.
  19. What's the current download size of SWTOR? Not th launcher, mind you. The game itself.

    1. Haveayap


      its not worth the download time :)

    2. HK-47


      Answer: Base game is 20GB. Add the expansions and it's probably another 10GB (voice-overs, lots of voice-overs.).


      Admission: Though I could be wrong about the additional 10GB. The last time I had to reinstall my game, I was too busy moaning over my stupidly slow overpriced internet to remember the size.

    3. LiliArch


      Thanks for the info.

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  20. If I got correctly what you said... yes, that's exactly the one. Except that at least for me, it's not random. It happens every single time I move to that module from the dialogue that warps you there, and does not happen when you load the module from the autosave. Except that with the fix, it doesn't happen anymore.
  21. Erm... are you using the Steam version with the new patch, or an older version of TSL? Because this trick is not needed for the new Steam version. Or at least it shouldn't. Or at least it works just fine for me without it, frame buffer effects and soft shadows and all. Even movies.
  22. You did, but then you said that there was no incompatibilities between the two mods to begin with... I thought that I could point out that visual compatibility issues are compatibility issues, too. ...ewh, too many times of "compatibility" for today. Have to quit before I forget how it's typed.
  23. You do realize that the main reason for the fixes in BoS:SR (the "main" installation, not the patch) is to fix the screwed appearances, that cause visual incompatibilities with other mods that change the appearance.2da... right? (Characters only, though, not placeables, because I'm stupid and didn't realize there was an issue, too.)
  24. Have you tried another download from DeadlyStream? Or stopping the download and then starting it again? I know that sometimes browser just bugs in that part and takes forever to download a file that downloads in five seconds five minutes later.