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Everything posted by LiliArch

  1. That widescreen is more trouble than it's worth. After these fixes, do the cutscenes appear correctly with 4:3 resolutions anymore?
  2. You need to set the Fullscreen = 0 in both Display Options and Graphics Options for it to work. The AllowWindowedMode=1 is not necessary for TSL (it is for K1, though - trust me, I've went through a wide set of options to get the games work on Intel card) but it does make the launch much more flawless, so I'd really recommend to use that, too. The only way to disable the movies for me seems to be to rename the Movies folder to something else (I usually use "ORGMovies" if it's not modded) and create a new empty folder with name "Movies" - For some reason, the DisableMovies settings never work for me. You may want to try that. Of course, it's not an ideal solution, as you don't see the movies there at all. That shouldn't be necessary if you get it run in windowed mode, though. And if it is, the issue is something else.
  3. Disable movies / switch to windowed mode?
  4. Yeah, mdlops.exe doesn't require Perl being installed. On the other hand, if you do have Perl installed, you don't need the exe, and thus, you should be able to run it on Linux without faking the program to think it is running on Windows. There's some Windows-specific libraries, but switching them to Unix ones should be pretty straightforward.
  5. You lost me there. Clones are accurate genetical copies of the original, so why would they have a shorter life expectancy than the original? Well, other than those faster-aging ones, of course. I would agree with the maximum age of 30-40 for them, but for the non-programmed ones... why and how?
  6. This is rich. I was happily playing the Sith Warrior class story when I hit a game-breaking bug, which makes progressing the story impossible without sending an in-game support ticket - which is of course off-limits for free-to-play players. What happened to all players being able to play their class storyline without restrictions?

    1. DarthParametric


      No go spacebar-ing through it I gather?


      Seems like the bug has been around for years but still no confirmation of the cause.


      Does the week of sub from a referral give you forum/support access?

    2. VarsityPuppet


      @lili If you decide to settle in Begeren Colony, let me know! :)

    3. LiliArch


      @Parametric: Nah, it's not like I couldn't afford buying a subscription (technical issues aside), I'm just irritated because a bug in software code is not a force majeure that should free the company from their promise. I screwed that character anyway, so I may just as well start over and see if I reproduce the issue or not.


      @VP: will do.

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  7. It is not tied to the Frame Buffer Effects option, at least not solely. I'd rather say it is a graphics card issue. I've had the holographic look for... well, holograms, even with Frame Buffer Effects turned off.
  8. So I outsmarted myself with this mod I'm working on... again. Is there anyone sane enough around here who could tell me why I simply don't know when to quit?

    1. Sithspecter


      LiliArch, you simply don't know when to quit.

    2. LiliArch
    3. chaosstorm88


      Sane enough? Unlikely. Insane enough... I think you've got a few options!

  9. I'm not sure if editing the dialog.tlk in pure text format can ever be considered very noob-friendly. There's graphical editors for that.
  10. I wouldn't want to see you trying to program with Python... In most cases, the formatting is there for a reason, you know.
  11. I don't know about Gimp, I've put all of the textures through Corel Photo-Paint and saved them with perfectly same settings, and after converting them to DDS, some randomly-picked ones have exactly that issue, while others do not. It is quite weird, and the only thing I can do to not have that happen, is use that specific texture as tga, not dds.
  12. Wrong. Scout is medium, scoundrel is small, in Vanilla.
  13. I just love that label you gave... "the clicky thing". Why do you need to script it? Unless you need it to move around the model, you could just edit the .git (as I assume the location is defined in there).
  14. Converting textures to Bioware DDS seem to do that on completely radomly chosen textures, or at least seemingly randomly. I can't relly track why it's so.
  15. I had weird visual artifacts on my old computer, when the texture size was bigger than 512 x 1024... though it was more like another random texture placed over the actual texture than some completely random clutter (had some head textures randomly stretched on top and bottom of M4-78 loadscreens, for example) but I don't know if that's the same issue than you're having or not.
  16. That issue does ring a bell to me. If I recall correctly, it is caused by a wrong strref in the installer (and if I recall correctly, I tracked the faulty line and included the results in my bug-report, FS... do some digging in your PMs, will ya? Well, unless you have fixed it already, and the version of the mod in question here is 1.0) which means, it accidentally gives a wrong line for the quest journal. It's not dangerous, just inconvenient.
  17. I'd imagine you could make a massive script that checks the character's level and all of the feats and stuff (going through a list of all of them and checking if the character has them or not) and then give them to the new utc via the same massive script, but that does sound a bit like an overkill.
  18. All I can think of is that you touched something you shouldn't have... One question... if you're going through all of the dialogues and changing them, why don't you remove the references to VOs from them? That would silence them very efficiently without any other side effects than the fact that (in my opinion) characters look dumb when they are supposed to "speak" and they just stare at you (of course, personal opinion). I mean, I got the picture you're going through them anyway.
  19. Has anyone linked this yet? It's an amusing fan-made SWTOR webcomic.

    1. Sith Holocron
    2. HK-47


      Agreement: Yup. That is pretty much every SWTOR thread. Or any thread of any game forum really.

    3. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter


  20. I actually have a feeling I might have done a similar thing, though it was for a topic and caused by touchpad getting stuck (so the click landed where it was not meant to).
  21. Ack! It seems my money is not good enough for EA.

    1. Sith Holocron
    2. LiliArch


      They don't accept PaySafeCards as payment method from where I live, even though they accept it from other countries AND other companies (say, Steam) do accept it from here, too. And there's no way I'm going to give my real bank card number to any web store before I have set up a bank account specifically for that purpose.

  22. It never crossed my mind to actually track down WHAT in those included scripts causes DeNCS to fail... ah well, I seem to definitely need a break.
  23. DeNCS fails when there is an included script, so I'd assume it is not the same problem.
  24. With all this talk about who are worthy for mods and modding and to be taken into account going over the forums, I can't help but feel I'm not wanted here.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      We don't you want going anywhere else!

    2. Dastardly


      Haven't seen you in the chat for a while :(

    3. LiliArch


      I probably wouldn't leave even if you would insist that (I can be mean that way) but thanks for cheering me up. :|


      @Dastardly, I'm sorry. Haven't really felt chatty for a while. I've burnt out, and chat room turning into a warzone when I'm in there (which happens more often than I'd like) doesn't really help in that matter.

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