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Everything posted by LiliArch

  1. Is there a reason for the "Click here to download this file" link to throw an error instead of the download page?
  2. Guess who just rewrote the whole history of the Sith?

    1. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      I'm with Canderis. Links? I don't actively follow it.


      HK-47: You're on a Star Wars site of discussion about the franchise and about the games that have now been disowned, and you expect people to not discuss and express their opinions? You just did the same by complaining about others complaining...

    2. HK-47


      Moved to P.M.

    3. LiliArch


      DarkChocolateJedi got it right, so no, there's no link. There's just the Force.

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  3. V1 looks best for me, too. And also, as a sidenote: That grass looks pretty awesome!
  4. Try renaming your "Movies" folder to something else (like, say, "original_movies") and creating a new Movies folder that is empty.
  5. After the shocking revelation that people can actually be nice, AVP finds a virus. Balance is back.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Sounds like there's a story there.

    2. LiliArch


      Isn't there always?

  6. It does not. I have some perfectly square cubemaps working perfectly fine, without any crashes at all. Actually, I had to scale all of the cubemaps in the game to appear in my system (the dimensions must be powers of two to show up). My guess is the engine simply divides the height by 6. The ratio doesn't matter.
  7. I don't know about the techy part, but the .txi with "cube 1" with the .tga with the same name seems to work fine in my game, at least. Just check how Darth_Sapiens did it.
  8. Having a lava planet viewed at Manaan hotel windows would look really odd indeed. And I, for some reason, like the Mass Effect style more. Don't ask me why.
  9. Does anyone have any idea how TSF's sign looks like?

    1. LiliArch


      I searched for some pictures about TSF uniforms and noticed that there's some kind of round thing inside a square in the middle of their chestplate and shoulder straps ( Grenn has same thing in his chest, though it's in different location. I wonder if that's supposed to be the symbol, though if so, it looks quite dumb.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I can try to make one if you like. Do you prefer silver or gold?

    3. LiliArch


      Both, if you don't mind.

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  10. And just to clarify, as nobody seems to have said that - the animation number in the script is the number of the row in animations.2da. You don't just need to test what looks like the one you're seeking - you can check the 2da. Even if it is listed in nwscript.nss.
  11. The term of the day: Epic Plot Twist!

    1. milestails


      K1 is certainly devoid of those!

  12. I have heard that you should be able to set a different cubemap for every colour variant, but I haven't had that to work, either. So, you could try taking the 1st colour variant of the clothing (it needs to be the texture that is set in the model, for example "PMBI01") and give the .txi with the "envmapbexture mycube" to it.
  13. Interesting, I didn't know that. Thanks for the info.
  14. Also the dialogue at Lower City of Taris where the Beks and Vulkars fight when you enter there for the first time.
  15. If you can decompile the script where it sets the disguise to the dummy character in the medbay, you could probably edit it to spawn the headgear to the character there. I think. And another note, I don't think that the else { }piece of code in the end of the script is required. The one that's empty, you know. If the "if" doesn't match, it simply does nothing, right?
  16. Well, you can make the script to check the appearance number and spawn the equipment only for certain appearances.
  17. It must be a dead Sith Lord's ghost coming through the window. Maybe it's the lightmap?
  18. Well, whicever is installed last will override the party member dialogues from the one that's installed earlier. I'm quite sure K1R drops at least some of those into the Override folder.
  19. If my theory is correct, I'll soon be able to modify mdls in binary format.

    1. LiliArch


      That should work. You'll need to create new vertexes by duplicating existing ones, but then you can move them to wherever you want them to be. Nodes can be added by similar method.

    2. VarsityPuppet


      Pics or it didn't happen!

    3. LiliArch


      It's still just a theory. I'll need to write a few hundred lines of code to verify it. I could show picks of the walkmesh editor I've been practicing with, though.

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  20. I just intimidate Saquesh when I first talk to him, before trying to do any other convincing. It turns all of the Exchange persons hostile, or at least it has worked this far. No DS points.
  21. And changing the colours for K1 shouldn't be that difficult, if you've already created them from the scratch. If you decide to do that, of course. Also, I forgot to say in my previous post: the icons look good to me, too. Keep it up.
  22. Telos is the Manaan of TSL.

  23. Well, the Revan reveal in K1 is comical with the ponytailed Vanilla female head, too. I wouldn't worry about that too much.
  24. I thought TSLRCM fixed the thing by editing the corresponding .2da entries, not by dumping the icon files into the Override. The separate icon fix downloadable, on the other hand, uses the icon files. I may remember wrong, though.
  25. Sounds like a potential crash to me, if custom models are not shown...