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Everything posted by LiliArch

  1. Can't decide if I should crash my TSL or fix it, after all.

    1. LiliArch


      Got stuck in a mod conflict that disables half of the mods installed.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I'm going to play devil's advocate and suggest fixing it and here's why: it'll be an interesting learning experience for you.

    3. LiliArch


      I actually was going to fix it anyway, but only after I've first seen how far I can get... but now I can't even start all of the added quests, as several mods overwrite modules from each other. Guess I have to dump them together and see what hilarious results I can get (well, except crashing my graphics card).

  2. The patch fixes some bugs, but I'd guess the mod should still be playable... have you tried redownloading the patch? Maybe there's something wrong with your download. Or, maybe the patch simply did something your system didn't like, though I don't understand why...
  3. TSLPatcher has some ridiculous limitations, too, though. Anyway - to business: a visual view of the .lyt-file, so you could not only see what pieces form the module, but also be able to see which room actually is where (like a map view with room labels).
  4. Installed way too many mods with TSLRCM. If I won't get any serious compatibility issues, I'll be veeery disappointed.

    1. LiliArch


      I could check it, all right. I'm not sure how much I can see without playing through the whole game with that mod combination, but at least I COULD check it.

    2. Sith Holocron
    3. djnugent


      Sorry SH - I PM'd her the link, didn't thing of providing it to you too

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  5. Zhaboka, you rock.

  6. For the .NET issue, you can download the .NET 1.1 from, I'm pretty much sure about that.
  7. Well, if the question is about getting different lines based on the party member's LS/DS status, it might be difficult, but if the question is simply giving LS/DS points to the party member with an existing line in dialogue, it could be do-able.
  8. I do know some C#... though I don't know how useful it would be, it's been some time since I've done anything with it.
  9. Windows registry, I hate you.

    1. Dastardly


      Don't worry. I'm sure it hates you too ;)

  10. LiliArch

    Installation Help

    That large white area is most likely the TSLRCM logo (unless you have some other stuff installed there also), your computer just can't show it because its size is not correct (certain computers can't show the textures unless they are have certain size). That doesn't mean that the file is corrupted. Kind request for the team: resize the logo to be 512 x 512.
  11. That looks great. I'm thrilled.
  12. It can also be 1024 x 512, they work too. If you'll see 1024 x 1024 textures randomly replaced by some other texture in-game, you'll need to use 1024 x 512. At least that's the way I can get them work on my computer.
  13. That's what I meant, yes. Are you sure you clicked another row of the appearance.2da before saving the file? For some reason, Kotor Tool can't save the changes if you don't. (That's easy to check by closing the 2da and then opening it again; if the changs are there, then they have been saved). And that the "ZM_StarForgeA.mdl" and "ZM_StarForgeA.mdx" files are in the Override folder, if that's the name of the model? If that's all there, you could try with some other model name (like the Revan model - it may seem odd (but on the other hand, it may not) but there's no reason why it should crash) to see if it works or not. If it works, then there's something with the model. (Re-loading the mod might help in that case - it's possible that the file has corrupted during the download.)
  14. I must admit, I've never tested if that test actually works or not. (Though I must admit, Zaalbar disguise sounds cool.) Okay. I don't remember what's the correct name of the model, and I can't check it with this computer, but I'm sure you can find it from your file, if you can catch the correct row. So. Open the appearance.2da with Kotor Tool and find the correct row. You need the columns "modela", "modelb", "modelc", "modeld", "modele", "modelf", "modelg", "modelh", "modeli" and "modelj" to have the same value (the one that's not **** but actually a model name, though I, as I said, can't remember what it is). Also, you need the columns "texa", "texb", "texc", "texd", "texe", "texf", "texg", "texh", "texi" and "texj" to have a same value (the one that's not ****). Chech the values of those columns and pick the one that actually has something in it, and put it to the mentioned columns that don't have the value. I'm not 100% sure I got all the correct columns (I checked the list of TSL's appearance.2da, and it has its differences), but you should be able to get the idea. The columns that have "model" + single letter are the model columns, and "tex" + single letter are the texture columns for those models.
  15. I've had that kind of crash before with this mod, or at least I think it was the same mod (sounds very similar at least). I think it has something to do with the fact that the robe is a disguise item (so it swaps your character to use another row from appearance.2da) and that the row it swaps you to use doesn't have a body model set for that current body slot you were using before putting on the robes (so the game tries to show a model that does not exist, which causes the character to not appear in the game, which causes a crash). Easy way to test: change the character to regular clothing/remove the character's clothing totally before putting the Revan robes on. If it works, you need to fill the missing body model slots for that row in appearance.2da.
  16. But you can play through TSLRCM without triggering the HK Factory, right? (Not that I would do it unless just for checking how it goes, I sort of like the HK Factory.)
  17. I found out that once when I decided to try and run the Kotor Tool's version of MDLOps on command-line... but of course I can't remember it anymore. Anyhow, you can always use the double-clicking method to get the textures without much hunting, and then export the .mdl and .mdx files individually to decompile them with another version of MDLOps.
  18. Maybe "download aborted prematurely, installation done with only partial installer"?
  19. Scale the textures... open the .tga files with a program like Photoshop. There's a "resize image" or something like that somewhere. (Don't use "resize canvas", as it would crop the picture.) Also, make sure the setting that does not let you change width and height individually is not on. Sorry, I would need to know what graphics program you're using to be more help in that.
  20. Sounds like a computer that's not able to show the size... try to scale them to be 1024x1024 or 512x1024. Sorry, Kainzorus... I know it's your mod (so it's not really my place to answer), but I've simply had that same problem with a multiple amount of textures earlier.
  21. Succesfully hex-added a missing GoggleHook to a head model. Man, I feel pro.

  22. Wasn't Akkere on Dantooine, not Nar Shaddaa?