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Everything posted by Mephiles550

  1. The problem is, trying to fix the cape brings up problems when you take maskless versions of Revan's robes into account. First of all, the flowing robes would need to have a maskless version for male PCs so that being able to equip and unequip the Revan mask while wearing Revan's robes makes sense. Trying to get full compatability for female Revan brings up an even bigger problem. There is no, as far as I'm aware, flowing cape fix for female PCs. There was an edited female Revan model some time ago, but it doesn't have a fixed cape. Even if a fix was made, the mask problem would have to be taken into account again. What I did was take the flowing cape model files and replace the BOS Revan model files with Sithspecter's edited version. This means that I couldn't get proper female animations or be able to remove my mask while wearing the robes, but it was a much better alternative to the cardboard cape.
  2. The good news is that the Kotor series is technically cannon due to the few references we've been seeing to Kotor in Disney's cannon material. The Old Republic was basically an underwhelming Kotor 3, so I don't even know if I'd want a Kotor 3 at this point. As for the rumored remake, I really doubt it. Don't get your hopes up and make sure to keep your salt shakers equipped.
  3. It's not this mod's fault. The Mantle of the Force saber has always been a buggy in that regard. There should be a fix for that somewhere.
  4. Definitely better than the original textures by a long shot. I especially like what you've done with the Sith mask. Keep this up and I may actually bother to uninstall Shem's invisible masks mod.
  5. ....That's... a great idea! I'll get right along to downloading it just to replace it! XD
  6. Well, that definitely eliminates a good chunk of the theories regarding the season pass. I'm betting we're getting Bespin and Dagobah, maybe the Death Star. They don't have much left in the OT.
  7. I really hope that the Force Unleashed is just considered a bad fever dream that never happened now in terms of canon. The game was fun to play, but the story, especially for the second one, was awful. They captured Vader...! You can't capture Vader, it just can't be done!
  8. Definitely glad to see that there's a possibility of my favorite storyline in all of Star Wars being canon.
  9. I imagine that the reviews for the game being mainly mediocre and people from all around the fanbase expressing how pissed off they were about the changes made between the modern Battlefront and the originals, not even mentioning how little content the new Battlefront has compared to the originals, threw a good chunk of potential buyers off. The fact that the PS4 can be bundled with a copy of Battlefront increased overall sales, but not that much. Well, you call all look forward to knowing you can eventually make Battlefront have the content of a regular damn AAA game when the Season pass releases for $50, meaning that the entirety of the game costs $110-$120. Ya, I'm not rich. I'm not going to spend that much for a single game. That's ridiculous. Most games that cost that much are super special editions that come with silly things like small statues of main characters or tin cases or things like that.
  10. "They were worried that a Multiplayer title only wouldn't sell" If only they applied that same one to then newer Battlefront. What I got from this video is that Lucasarts was a terrible company to work for and both it and old Georgie had unrealistic expectations from their employees. Almost makes me glad they got shut down, minus the fact that several employees became jobless. I hope Disney can revive some of their abandoned projects. I hope 1313 comes back.
  11. I think he was referring specifically to the Peragus Textures, which aren't included in that alpha. Just be patient.
  12. Now with Disney and EA, you can look forward to buying all of the "cut content" via microtransactions & DLC.
  13. Does anyone else find it weird how Obsidion didn't both to animate Revan's cape? It was acceptable in Kotor because you never saw an in-game model of him besides when Revan removes his/her mask, but you actually fight Revan in TSL. Pure laziness.

    1. Mephiles550


      The Nihilus fight wasn't technically complete either. He was animated perfectly fine.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      1-There's a long list of issues with TSL, this Robe issue shouldn't be surprising at this point. 2-If it's really an issue with you, perhaps you should ask this create of the "Revans Flowing Robe TSL v1.1" mod to consider tackling it

    3. Mephiles550


      Trust me, I downloaded the cap fix a long time ago. It's a great mod. I just find it kind of strange to think that Obsidian didn't bother to fix the issue themselves, that's all.

      Something tells me they would have ignored fixing the model even if they had put in all of the content they wanted.

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  14. What the hell is so bad about people thinking that ROTJ is the best of the OT? There's nothing wrong with that. All 3 movies of the OT are great movies. Even thought ROTJ isn't my favorite of the trilogy, I still agree 100% that it definitely has the best emotional scenes in the trilogy. Vader killing the Emperor and Luke removing Vader's helmet are my favorite scenes in all of the Star Wars movies. There's no way that I would tie Episode 3 and ROTJ for any ranking of quality. That's absolute BS. ROTJ is much better than ROTS.
  15. I returned from the graduation ceremony of someone I know. One of the professors gave a speech in which he quoted a bunch of lines from the Star Wars movies. Let's just say that it felt so weird to both authentically laugh and cringe simultaneously.

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The Force Cringes. I'd watch that.

  16. I was crying throughout the entire thing. This is truly a masterpiece. Imagine if you could hear this from M4-78 as an Easter Egg. That'd be hilarious. XD
  17. Was there a reveal of Supreme Leader Snoke in the movie? I can't find any pictures of him. Anyone know what he looks like?
  18. The fact that they give you 5000 Credits in the Lehon temple always confused me. You can't go anywhere to spend your credits after you fly to Lehon. :/

    1. milestails


      You could always use RedHawke's Rodian Elder Merchant mod.

    2. milestails


      "This simple mod spawns Gviian Sluupor a freindly stranded Rodian Merchant, as well as a Workbench, on entry to the Elder encampment on the Unknown world, you will find him on the other side by all the Metalboxes and Plastic Cylenders. I hated that there was no place on the unknown world to sell the items you could not use and also have some killer items to buy, so here he is. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well."

    3. milestails
  19. Anyone know the model names of the butt-ugly war droids in the Dark Side ending of Kotor so that I can replace them? You know, the ones that look like they came from an early ps1 game and are supposed to look like this:

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The texture is C_DrdWar01.tga if that helps.

    2. Mephiles550


      Found it, it's "stuntdroids"


      thank you anyway, Holocron. I'm now deciding which model to change it with. I really hate how Obsidion decided to include so many low poly models in the game. Now I have to replace them all. Ugh

  20. Does anyone happen to know the name of the floor texture in the Korriban cave? I swear, I can find around a dozen of the same textures in Kotor Tool, but none of them seem to be the one I need. Korriban's textures are confusing. ):

    1. Mephiles550


      Nevermind, I found it. (LRK_Flr)

  21. I'm going through that phase again... time to delete my Override's contents, reinstall Kotor, and download, edit and customize hundreds of mods to my preference.

    1. milestails


      Make sure you always have a copy of the vanilla game folder ready in order to save time.

  22. Thank you for updating the mod with essential fixes.
  23. Now this is a Christmas present I can truly appreciate. Thanks for making the model, it looks amazing! What exactly is the difference between the ROTJ E-11 variant and the E-11 in EP IV and EP V?
  24. I think I've had that crash at bos_orion2 several times. Is that the crash that randomly occurs when you play as Shadow in the second part of the Orion-Republic battle? The same module that the first screenshot is in? I hated that.