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Everything posted by Mephiles550

  1. Darth Vader vs Darth Sion... who wins?

    1. Rece


      Sion no doubt.


  2. I'm planning to play TSL with just the Restored Content Mod, M4-78EP and the Ultimate Saber Mod. Where can I expect to see the most major conflicts?

    1. Mephiles550


      I obviously know it's incompatible and that the game will be messy, but I'm curious to see WHY it's incompatible.

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      You've been warned now 3 times. Do not post issues concerning errors about this in this forum Or they will be deleted.

    3. milestails


      Might I suggest VP's Holowan Duplisaber? It is updated for 2015 usage whereas USM is stuck in the past.

    4. Show next comments  54 more
  3. TSL has a max character level of 50. Is there any possible way to get that far? What's the highest level you've reached before?

    1. milestails
    2. Rece


      47. How? Idk.

  4. I have the original CD release, so I've never had to deal with any of the Steam verion's issues. Try following the instructions in the link above. If that changes nothing, try re installing Kotor Tool. I've had directory problems even with the original CD version.
  5. I really like the Sion skin, although I think the face looks a bit... off. It's kind of hard to describe. The quality is great, but I don't really see Sion's face from it. I see a man with a baby face who's suffered numerous 3rd degree burns and sword cuts. Besides the face being slightly off, I absolutely love what you did to Sion. Your Visas skin is pretty much perfect and your T3-M4 skin is fantastic!
  6. I take it your using the convert2DA tool, right? That tool has come in handy quite a number of times for me when dealing with and merging conflicting 2da files. To get the original game 2da file, you need to extract the file from Kotor Tool by Selecting the BIFs category, then the subcategory 2da.bif, and finally the 2D Array subcategory. The appearance file should be one of the first ten you see. From there, simply press the extract button and choose a location to send the file to. The file is duplicated, not removed from the game altogether. Kotor Tool can be downloaded here on Deadlystream and can also be used to view and edit the contents of a 2da file. I'd also recommend making a properly named separate folder for each individual 2da file so that you know where the files you're merging are located, lest to avoid confusion and annoyance.
  7. Thanks to Toasty Fresh's TSL weapons overhaul beta and a couple of weapon models from kotorfiles, I'm pretty close to having every single weapon model in TSL being replaced with a higher quality model. All that's left are a few swords and the Sonic rifles.

  8. Has no one else ever tested the mod up to that point before and noticed the same problem?
  9. I've never used the mod up to that point of the game, but I'm thinking that the G0-T0 overhaul mod may be the culprit here. If not that, than it's either the NPC overhaul mod or the movement animation mod. Try finding a way to remove the G0-T0 overhaul mod, than restart Malachor.
  10. Beautiful renders! I prefer the second one, personally.
  11. I may feel like an outdated hipster while using the original 4CD TSL copy or original JK2/JK3 copy, but I feel like that's how the games were meant to be played.

    1. milestails


      Original 4CD FTW!

    2. HK-47


      Statement: I still do it that way. Though I've been forced to install with an image of my K2 play disc, I still use the CD to play the game.

    3. Xuul


      I have my 4CD copy of Kotor on a USB stick since I hate having to switch the disks every time i reinstall

  12. Great model and a well written description to make the Plasma Sword actually make sense being in Star Wars in the first place; Overall, well done!
  13. To be fair, I've played TSL a few times without the Restored Content mod because I was downloading and combining several different mods that were all incompatible with TSLRCM. I did try to make up for this by using the original version of M4-78, though.
  14. Indeed, TSL is all that and more... if you have the restored content mod. If not, the game can arguably be considered a garbled up mess in terms of the story, with good potential but a flawed execution. It almost makes me wish the official PC releases of the game came included with TSLRCM from the start so that everyone can experience the mod, but I'm sure most people who have the game already have the mod by now anyways.
  15. I'm almost completely positive that this is all BS. The initial trailer for this mod only showed a compilation of Various Kotor trailers and early pre-release footage. Hell, it even included a moment from JediShemLs "Revan Kisses Bastila" video, which shows several different mods from Sheml. One of their videos lets you hear a brand new remastered piece of music for the game/mod/whateverthehellthisis, accompanied by pictures of various different mods that can be found on Kotorfiles. Ironically, some of which show the game at low graphical settings. Their channel also has two visual comparison videos, comparing the original game to the "remastered" counterpart. I'm 99% that all that's being compared here are the games low graphical settings and high graphical settings. Is this supposed to be for the Xbox version, or what? They're also planning to add new plants and, above all things, multiplayer to this? Pfffft I mean, if this ends up being something fantastic with multiplayer actually being part of the game one day, I'll be amazed, but what I'm seeing so far is ridiculously unconvincing.
  16. What the hell was even changed with this mod? I'm looking at their Vanilla vs Remastered gameplay comparison video, and hardly anything appears to have been changed. It looks like they compared the game on lower settings to higher settings.
  17. As of right now, around 1.85 GB for TSL. Kotor 1 is currently uninstalled. Back when I would go super crazy with my Kotor mods, I would have an override folder filled with around 2.5 - 3.0 GB worth of files. A few game breaking bugs started to become noticeable near the 3.0 mark, though. The Ultimate Saber mod is great, but it causes so many conflicts with other mods That it got annoying to handle them all. Whenever I had USM installed, the only restored content I ever had was the original version of M4-78, and some other small bits of restored content. Good times.
  18. Mephiles550


    DID SOMEONE SAY TSL VERSION?! AND I'M JUST NOW HEARING ABOUT THIS?! Well, this is a pretty damn good Christmas present, if I do say so myself.
  19. I download the majority of my mods from JKHub, and I've had an account there for a couple of months. It's a great community with a wonderful selection of mods. I'm really thankful for you guys holding the Dark Forces JKA mod especially, since I wasn't able to find it anywhere else.
  20. I've had the mobile version of Kotor for a couple of months now. The touch controls take a while to get used to, and your FPS can be a tad bit unstable depending on how powerful the device you're using is. I really only got this to satisfy the inner Kotor fan within me, but maybe I can enjoy playing Kotor on the go now if I'm on a long trip. Always nice to be able to bring with me one of my favorite games with me wherever I want.
  21. The forfeit bug is being fixed? I no longer have to go into KSE to fix it each time it happens?! hallelujah! I don't have any saves ATM, as I've reinstalled the game again with all of my previous save files deleted, leaving me on Peragus. Whenever I get to a swoop race, I'll test whether or not this works.
  22. Do you know how to extract game files from Kotor tool? If so, extract the original baseitems.2da and upgrystals.2da into a folder or on your desktop. Then, you'll need to download the 2da converter/merger tool from this website: You will need the original game's version of both the baseitems and upcrystals, as well as both of the files that are in your override folder and the two files from the mod you need to use(that's six files, three of each). This tool is pretty self explanatory. I'd recommend placing each individual file in it's own separate and properly named folder so things don't get hectic or crazy when your trying to find the files to merge. Don't delete the files either unless you're perfectly satisfied with the merged 2da files you've made. Keep your original overide files as a backup in case you run into any issues with your new files.
  23. Summarized all of my thoughts into one word. There's nothing new here for me to be excited about! -We've got Stormies; OK. -We've got helmetless Stormies in the middle of a tatooione desert; fine. -We've got HD Tie fighter and Melenium Falcon CGI; alright. -We've got the return of the Rebel Alliance/New Republic; expected. What's there to be excited from this trailer, exactly? I think the only scene from this trailer which actually caused some excitement in me was the part were the X-wings were flying low above the water. It's the same old stuff we've seen before with one exception: the Sith warrior with the most impractical Saber in the universe. Yes, I know it's fantasy, and yes, I know that lightsabers like this have been done before in the past (which still does not excuse just how damn stupid they look), But the saber, both in the hilt and the blade's abnormal design, look unappealing regardless. This didn't lower my expectations for the movie in the slightest, but I don't see how people could raise their expectations of the movie from this trailer, either.
  24. Mephiles550


    Do you have the Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's revenge mod installed? I've always had that issue with the space battle backgrounds when I had that mod. I'm not sure why that would be a glitch of all things, but it's a result of that mod, for sure.