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About 134340Goat

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  1. Oh, good eye! Yeah, I think that sounds like a really good solution to restore the sublevel and alternate way to disable the turrets while also keeping the Twi'lek coward. Completely forgot the line about the lieutenants, so moving a couple enemies around sounds like a great solution that wouldn't too drastically alter the difficulty/design of the Vulkar base. I'm 100% behind this!
  2. So in regards to the Vulkar Base thing, two main thoughts on that First is that I really like the idea you have! Kotor already has plenty of dungeon design where you can explore and use cunning to figure out how to progress, or just brute force your way through, so I think a choice between "find the Vulkar coward in the sublevel to get the card" or "take out a room of like ten enemies to get the card" would fit pretty seamlessly in the game design. I'm all for this idea. Just might require a tiny bit of custom content to make the puzzle about the blaster turrets guarding the garage clearer to the player that some kind of pass is needed Second thought is about the Twi'lek Vulkar coward in the vanilla game. Honestly, I really like that character. Gameplay-wise, it's just a basic light/dark alignment choice, but I think it adds a nice bit of flavour to the setting and Brejik as a character. A few characters go on about how Brejik's new leadership of the Vulkars has fundamentally changed them as a swoop gang, and I just think it's really neat to encounter an enemy who goes "You know what, I don't agree with the new ways, and I'm not gonna die for a cause I don't care for." It might feel a bit clunky having two enemies who stop combat and offer a "spare me or kill me" choice, but ideally, I'd love some way to retain the vanilla Twi'lek coward while also restoring the human coward who gives you the garage pass card (I suppose one possible solution to that could be to place the human coward in a room with some enemies, have him do the cowering/fear animation, and then start his whole speech after combat ends so it isn't the exact same situation as the other one? But that's just one idea, if you even would want to use both characters. Up to you, obviously!)
  3. Oh, crap, how did it take me two months to see that this was a thing?! Despite its flaws, I've been an avid K1R fan since its release, so this is huge to me I've heard talk of a "K1R Lite" to fulfill pretty much the same purpose you mentioned - compatibility with K1CP while also perhaps avoiding some of the more controversial changes - and I'll be ecstatic to play through the game again with as fully realized as possible a version of that! With the integration of Leilukin's Juhani mod and whatever else gets added in with the.... K1RCCP? What was it again- oh, RCK1CP. Yeah, when that hits, I'd love to give it a test!
  4. SHIT YES. I don't know if it was my post from a while back that gave you the idea to make this, or if it was pure coincidence (the universe is strange sometimes), but my biggest thanks! Feel like this is a great way to get more out of Vash without having to go through M4 or deviating too much into custom content
    Um, ackshually, K1R already does this
  5. Amano and Zelda, that sort of attitude towards each other is unnecessary - please refrain from such hostility and keep things civil in the future At any rate, OP has requested this thread be locked, and so I'll be doing just that
    Unironically not leaving my game I'm not even memeing lol. It's a joke, but it's legit better than nothing
    This is never leaving my game
  6. Huh. These in particular stand out to me. Interesting. I wonder if these were intended for Mira, or for a dark side player who recruited Hanharr. Perhaps there was an idea for him to turn on you at some point, where you would then choose whether to spare or kill him? The variation here is also interesting. And again, maybe this is referring to Mira, with the whole "hunting" thing. I guess the above line would be if she was untrained, the bottom one if you had trained her as a Jedi? Ah, but we can only speculate. Oh well. Fascinating to think about, anyhow
  7. I really like this idea, and I second what JC said about possibly finding a way to tie this into the morality system. Maybe one of the Hutts is just your typical, ruthless "bloodshed brings me money" types, but the other is a bit more progressive for Hutt standards. Still a greedy bastard, but not completely beyond the line Funny enough, that premise reminds me a bit of what Bioware later did with DA:O and Orazammar. Picking one side to represent in a dueling arena and fighting for them. Could go with something along those lines and have it affect the outcome of the planet itself
  8. Regardless of one's opinion of how well they handled that, I don't think that should really affect or create any preconceptions about what they might write for a SW movie One is a grimdark fantasy aimed towards an adult audience. The other's a more mostly light spirited science fantasy universe aimed at kids. Apples and oranges
  9. I've got one too: beside In addition to that, I've got an even crazier proposition - what if people actually enjoy the movies and want to see the next one?
  10. It's never really addressed outright. It could've just been luck (or unluckiness, depending on your opinion) on Visas's part. Or it could be that Nihilus intentionally chose to spare one to take as an apprentice/slave simply because he wanted a Force bond as a master has with an apprentice, for whatever benefit that might give him - though I don't find that theory particularly valid, since I don't think his level of control when he's consuming the whole planet is that precise
  11. I might very well be mistaken, but I think the particular part of K1R that modifies that is an optional component not part of the main install, so this should be compatible with the rest of K1R