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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/03/2025 in File Comments
2 points
2 pointsThank you for pointing these out! I did plan on including Waffle’s armor in the mod but it seems I forgot to delete it. I’ll revise it as soon as I can with the incompatibilities noted and the updated readme/description! The Sith in question is the apprentice on Korriban who says "once you become a Sith you can do anything!" It's one of the students with the medallions. I was aware of Galaxy of Faces. I'll add that as an alternative.
2 points
1 pointYes. Just remember that if you install the other mod first and then my mod second, that you should overwrite any duplicate files. If you install my mod first then the other mod second, do not overwrite any duplicate files. Unless you personally prefer the other mod's textures over mine. In that case you can pick and choose which files you would like to keep. Just keep in mind that using other textures with my models may yield some less than perfect results (in a case by case basis) since they may not be as finely tuned to any uvw fixes that I have done.
1 pointIncluded in the mod is two different versions of the guide, one you do everything manually and the other is mostly automated. If one doesn't work, try the other. This build has been tested on many different systems and the majority of it has been tested regularly for about 10 years. I am aware that the community patch is new and people are interested in it but it doesn't restore a lot of things the Restored Content mod does bring back and the two are simply incompatible.
1 pointAh! I understand now! Frankly I expected more than 11 banters. But under the conditions you outlined, it seems the mod is working correctly. I am working on the 4th Star Map right now and I have 9 out of 11 banters procced. I suppose the 2 convos I triggered were just enough to bring me up to the expected number, and since I never took Mission/Zaalbaar out together, those were quite likely to be the ones I would never see outside the Hawk. I guess this is just a case of my misaligned expectations. Thank you for the responses and I apologize for wasting your time.
1 pointGot it, thanks for clarifying. The fact that you’ve at least had some conversations on the Ebon Hawk is a good sign. Would you mind please providing the following information: Does your version of tar_02af.mod contain a copy of wk_basvis_next.ncs? Which Star Maps have you found so far? If you open your saved game with the KOTOR SaveGame Editor, under Globals --> Booleans, what are the values of G_Banter1 through G_Banter11? (If you have just found a Star Map, please return to the Ebon Hawk, let any conversations play out, and save your game before checking.) Under Globals --> Numerics, what is the value of K_STAR_MAP? If you’re curious, here’s roughly how the scripting code determines if it should play a conversation when entering the Hawk:
1 point
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1 pointAs I specified above, I was referring to the Extended Enclave compatibility patch that was included in my Handmaiden/Disciple romance mod (which is this mod), NOT the standalone EE compatibility patch in the mod build. My FAQ article for my same-gender romance mods has also stated that if you use my Handmaiden/Disciple romance mod with the KotOR Community Portal's mod build, you should not use the standalone compatibility patch in the mod build. The standalone EE patch was made specifically for players who do not use this Handmaiden/Disciple romance mod. In fact, the download page of my standalone EE patch has also explicitly stated: The Handmaiden/Disciple romance mod version of the EE patch needed to add the PartySwap compatible option because not everyone who uses my Handmaiden/Disicple romance mod uses PartySwap.
1 pointRevision 11 (the last update) of The KotOR Community Portal's mod builds did not change anything about the installation of PartySwap, Extended Enclave and their compatibility patch, so you should still follow my previous instructions about the installation order. You still need to do #5 to run the installer of the Extended Enclave compatibility patch included in my Handmaiden/Disciple romance mod again and select and install the "PartySwap Compatible" option, because it is necessary to patch the changes made by PartySwap specifically.
1 pointHey! These cutscenes are awesome. I also ran into a similar issue with the 3440x1440 60fps cutscenes when getting the game going on Linux. With some cutscenes everything is fine (the alt legal.bik works) but some of them have issues, 01a is a good example. I poked into VLC to see what was up and noticed that the vertical resolution is slightly off. I vaguely remember there being issues back in the day when the hexedited value for a larger cutscene resolution didn't match what was being played and the behaviour I saw is similar to that See the video and buffer resolution in the 60fps movie file: Comparing this to the same movie in 30fps version: The reason that the alt legal movie works is that it has the correct resolution: So unfortunately it looks like the 60fps videos need to be trimmed by a tad 😅
1 pointThe mobile versions are not an "officially" supported platform for the mod. The mod is developed for - and only tested on - the Windows version. An Android-specific version would require a dedicated contributor that could ascertain, create, and test the required changes. The likelihood of that happening seems low given that nobody (that I am aware of) has volunteered to do so during the better part of a decade that the mod has been around for.
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1 pointLOL 15 years of experience??? I guess you are just a slow learner. 😀 Dude... You are simply wrong. Malak always had Master Speed and Imp Energy Resistance he just couldn't use these force powers because of the stupid AI. My mod makes no changes to Darth Malak. Oh... And also no item is needed to become immune to Plague. His immunity to Plague can be caused by 2 things: Force Immunity and Imp Energy Resistance. Both of these force powers can grant him immunity to Plague. "Knocked out in one hit." 🤣 Just get better at the game.
1 point
1 point"This mod is compatible with Fallen Guardian’s Dustil Restoration." Brilliant! These two mods are still great on their own, but being able to play them together really helps Korriban feel more like a complete experience and less like an afterthought, compared to the base game. Keep up the good work! ^w^
1 pointTo fix the saber workbench issue, a crystal UTI needs to be added to the mod. The resref for this is the "template" referred to in upcrystals.2da. Additionally, the longmdlvar therein needs to point to the hilt UTI, which is j_juhsaber01 in this case. For future users, @Stormie97 will need to rectify this with an update to the mod. Fortunately, thanks to a handy tool by @VarsityPuppet, it's possible to fix this for anyone that has already installed the mod (at least for those on Windows). Grab the ZIP below and extract it somewhere. Copy the upcrystals.2da file from your Override folder, paste it into the extracted PATCHER folder. Run the BAT file and follow the prompts and it will patch your 2DA with the corrected values. Copy and paste upcrystals.2da back into your Override folder. Also make sure you grab the UTI and TGA from the FOR OVERRIDE folder and paste those into your Override as well. Stormie97_Juhani_Saber_Patch.zip
1 pointI got it working with the Steam version + Steam's TSLRCM. If you've already tried to install it then go to the game's main override folder, something like: [drive]:\[steam folder]\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override If there's a file "kreia.dlg" there then delete it Next, before you install things you go into the folder "tslpatchdata" in this mod's files. Open changes.ini with a simple text editor like Windows Notepad. Change the line "LookupGameFolder=1" to "LookupGameFolder=0", save. That will enable you to point the patcher to a location. Now you run the TSLPatcher.exe, it will ask you where your game is located. To work with Steam's TSLRCM you need to point it to where that is located, it should be something like: [drive]:\[steam folder]\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\485537937
1 point
0 pointsAlright here you go. Non SLM version of his dialog that I forgot to make when I released the mod in the first place. Now it gives vanilla lightsabers. baodur.dlg I think I may have just copied his SLM dialog into the BD armor mod with the new entries for armor building...Ooops. But if you have already installed SLM then you should use the original one you posted.
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