275 files
Ajunta Pall Unique Appearance
By Silveredge9
This is a mod by Silveredge9 which I received permission to reupload due to filefront's collapse.
I have marked it as incompatible with K1R, but the truth is I'm not certain whether it is or not. So long as this mod is installed prior to K1R they're likely to work together, but I am not the original author and am unwilling to make a definitive statement to this effect.
The contents of this file, and its readme, have not been altered in any way from the original which Silveredge9 uploaded; the unmodified readme follows:
Knights of the Old Republic - Ajunta Pall Unique Appearance Mod v1.1
AUTHOR: Silveredge9
EMAIL: silveredge9@hotmail.com
NAME: Ajunta Pall Unique Appearance Mod V1.1
DESCRIPTION: A unique appearence for the spirit of Ajunta Pall to replace the default Dark Jedi one. Includes an option to make Ajunta semi transparent.
File Index
N_DeadeyeH01d.tga x 4
N_JediMemM08.tga x 2
I always though the default Ajunta Pall character was a little uninteresting and generic, looking the same as the enemies you fight in the game. So here, at last is an cool appearance to match his cool voice.
Firstly, choose if or not you want a solid Ajunta Pall, or a Semi Transparent "Ghost-Like" Ajunta Pall. And open the associated folder, either Non-Transparent, or Transparent.
Then are 2 variations of the head to choose from, with ghostly eyes or with sith eyes. To use the Sith Eyes version, copy the file from the Sith Eyes folder into the override folder after the installation.
Also the horrible shield effect has been removed.
Should you want to retain the shield effect on Ajunta Pall, don't move 'clear_effects.ncs' or 'kor37_freedonnad.dlg' in the Override folder.
Version Updates
- Transparent Ajunta Pall option added.
How to Install This Mod
- Choose whether you want Solid or Transparent Ajunta Pall, and move the TGA files into the Override directory.
- Unzip all the rest of the Zips contents into your Override directory, located in your LucasArts/SWKotOR folder.
How to UnInstall This Mod
- Remove all the listed files above from your Override folder.
Contact Info
- Email all questions or comments to: silveredge9@hotmail.com
Mission Colors
By SW.Carnage
This skin pack allows for Mission Vao to be 1 of 5 colors: Dark Blue (darker than original), Light Blue (lighter than original), Green, Orange, or Red.
Facial Hair For PMHA04
Facial Hair For PMHA04
By Motherdragon64
Select which one you want to install
Extract the files into your override folder.
This mod allows the player character PHMA04 in Star Wars: KotOR to have either a beard, mustache or goatee.
It also removes 'dark side' transitions for this character. I may add them in as an update but for now it will just stay the same.
I apologize, but the portraits included for this mod are a bit blurry. If it bothers you, don't copy the files with names starting with "po_"
This mod is compatible with most if not all mods for KotOR.
KK's Custom Female PC
By Antonia
This little mod is actually just a hex-edit of another model (we didn't have shiny tools back then) to point to my new, custom textures, with full DS transitions (though I'm still not super happy with those. Guess I don't play DS often enough to be good at them lol)
Anyways, the revised version (this one) has the colors toned down a little. I got a bit carried away with the original, or maybe the high res I can play in now just makes them stand out a lot more, but in any case, I'm happier with them now.
I also went ahead and made it all TSL Patcher happy, so the modifications it needs to make to appearance.2da, heads.2da, and portraits.2da will merely add to those files, and not break anything (thus, ensuring compatibility). Everything else is uniquely named, so this "head" will appear as an additional (16th) choice for a starting female character and not replace any "core content".
The versions of my armband gizmo with KK_PC in their name support this mod, while other versions of the band will work, but it won't know about this content.
Anyways, enjoy. ^-^
Bodysuit Bastila Revisited
By kristykistic
A modified Bastila underwear model with 21 skins. This version was never released anywhere but my website - which didn't last long. Includes the previous widely distributed version 1.2. They will overwrite each other so you can't install both.
PVC Revan's Robes
By kristykistic
Revan's robes in various colors with a pvc lighting effect. Current version is 1.1.
PVC Bastila Clothes
By kristykistic
Creates long and short versions of Bastila's clothing in various colors with a pvc lighting effect. Current version is 2.0.
Alternate Textures for Sithspecter's "Canderous' Mandalorian Items"
By xander2077
I really thought that Sithspecter did an outstanding job on the original mod, however, i always got the feeling i was looking at things from other video games like CoD, MoH, or Wolfenstein. So, i decided to reskin the mod in a more star warsey look. Not one of my best skins, but considering it was done in linux with no way to know what it was going to look like until i fired up the game each time i made an adjustment, i would say i did alright. The worst part of it was the shins, and i think if i would have had a proper modeling program to draw the textures on and control how they were wrapped then it would have been tons better than gimp and using the game to view the results. Anyway, here it is for anyone who might like to use it. *NOTE* you must have the original "Canderous' Mandalorian Items" installed for this skin to work in your game or it wont ever show up.
Update: now with new icons made by djh269. Thanks again DJ!
For anyone who wants to update this skin or refine the skin to greater detail (in lieu of my feeble programs), i don’t mind if you do, as long as Sithspecter gets credit for the original mod.
KOTOR1 Animated Galaxy Map
KOTOR1 Animated Galaxy Map 1.0
AUTHOR: Sith Holocron
GAMES: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
The Galaxy Map texture of the Ebon Hawk was originally sized at 128x128. It is now sized to 512x512. In addition to the resolution bump, the actual texture is now animated.
As the texture tile is named the same in both KotOR games, the mod is usable in both games.
Though this mod is meant for Knights of the Old Republic 1, it can and will work in KotOR2 if the installation instructions below are followed.
Don't use this with Knights of the Old Republic 2, if seeing planets only seen in Knights of the Old Republic 1 causes any measure of distress. (Use the TSL version instead.)
For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - Extract the files into the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic/Override folder.
For Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - Extract the files into the SWKotOR2/Override folder.
Take them out again.
Known Bugs:
None known at this time.
Legal Disclaimer:
All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.,
I own none of the materials, and I'm not making any money out of this mod. It is to be distributed
as-is without alteration, unless by permission of the mod author. This mod is not to be distributed
for profit, either. Use it how you like, but if you're going to post it up somewhere, or make a
derivate mod, or use it in another mod, please put a line in the readme, mentioning me.
I hereby state that I specifically do NOT wish this mod to be uploaded to Stream Workshop.
LSaberDuelist and OldFlash (of LucasForums) for their instructive discussion and tutorial at LucasForums.
High Quality Skyboxes II
By Kexikus
This mod replaces every skybox and every planetary backdrop in the game with a new high resolution version made from scratch.
This includes a replacement of every skybox model to fix all the glaring issues with the original.
There are also some additional minor changes that either fix issues with the vanilla environments or serve to better blend ingame terrain and skybox.
Other than that I recommend you just check out the screenshots as pictures say more than a thousand words or check the video to see the animated skyboxes.
Click the following image to see additional interactive screenshot comparisons:
There are also add-ons with new skyboxes for the following mods:
Brotherhood of Shadows: Solomon's Revenge Yavin IV Ord Mandell including InSidious' reskin Green Grass for Dantooine If you find any issues or have any other comments, please let me know and I'll see what can be done.
If you have a previous version of this mod installed, remove it before installing the new version or you might run into some issues.
For installation instructions check the read-me files of the individual downloads. Usually it's just copying files to your Override folder. For the mod to take full effect you need a savegame where you have not yet left Dantooine.
This mod is not compatible with any mod that edits skyboxes in any way. This includes mods that only edit their models. There might also be rare incompabilities with mods that edit non-skybox area models if those models are also edited by this mod.
You may NOT redistribute any textures included in this archive without my explicit permission. You may however use all the models as long as you give me credit.
This mod was created by Kexikus using mainly Terragen 4, Photoshop CS6 and 3ds Max as well as some After Effects. Additional tools used:
KotOR Tool by Fred Tetra K-GFF by TK102 MDL edit by bead-v MDLOps by ndix UR KOTORmax by bead-v tga2tpc by ndix UR Additional resources by:
Andy Welder: Dantooine tree model Animum: Yavin tree model Bioware: Taris buildings, Kashyyyk buildings, Kashyyyk tree textures, Manaan building textures, Hammerhead cruiser model, Yavin ruins dandelO: grass shader Dantooine and Yavin, snow shader Dantooine Jeronimoe: BOS:SR Taris ship models Jorak Uln: Taris window texture killst4r: Unknown World palm tree Martin Frank: Yavin bush model Misha Winkler: Grass model Dantooine and Yavin Quanon: Additional Taris buildings, Unknown World crashed ship rhcreations: Yavin temple Riccardo Faidutti (SCIFI 3D): Additional Taris buildings Solarsystem Scope: Moon textures Dantooine, Unknown World and Ord Mandell, Yavin texture Tom Patterson: Yavin cloud texture Veronica Bush: Yavin bush model Yughues: Kashyyyk branch texture Unknown: Unknown World fern model THIS MOD IS NOT SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS OR BIOWARE. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK. NEITHER THE AUTHOR OF THIS MOD NOR THE COMPANIES MENTIONED ABOVE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER WHEN USING THIS FILE.
Movie-Style Dark Side Transitions
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
"Please, Shem," said InSidious, "what do you call good?"
"I call all mods good," said Shem; and instantly he vanished away and InSidious was alone with Inyri...'
And lo, it came to pass that InSidious, of the tribe of Holowan was elevated unto the Filefront. And a voice, liken unto an voice cried out unto the wilderness: "You're in trouble now, folks!"
Meanwhile (and on a more serious note ), Shem graces us with another of his mods. More specifically, it's a re-do of the Dark Side transitions - that is, with the increasingly zombie-like appearance - pale flesh, cracked, almost varicose skin and glowy yellow eyes.
Now, a lot of people think these look a bit rubbish, and would rather that just the eyes changed, and so Shem has given us a mod that does just that for the default heads for KotOR.
But not just that! Shem has gone a step further, and, given Inyri's go-ahead, has made his subtler Dark Side transitions for Inyri Forge's KotOR Male Head Pack!
How do you like them apples?!
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
- Darth InSidious
Custom Party Member Portraits
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
Our dear and glorious leader Shem returns with an update to his Custom Party Member Portraits mod. Well, two updates, actually--but this one is for K1 (the K2 version will be along shortly). For those of you unfamiliar with the mod, Shem has replaced each party member's portrait with a close-up screenshot. The first version of the mod was released over a year ago. Well, Shem decided that he could do a better job, and is back with more.
Once again, each party member's portrait is replaced with a close-up screenshot over a light-colored background. Even Trask gets a new portrait for his brief stint as a party member. Also included is an alternate portrait for HK-47, with the assassin droid we all know in love sporting a blaster rifle, as well as alternates for Jolee and Juhani, to go with two other mods Shem has released in the past (the first replaces Jolee with a Yoda-species, and the second replaces Juhani with a reskin of one of the player appearances).
Not much else to say; if you like the look of the new portraits, give it a download. As for me, I think this version is even better than the first. Enjoy!
NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts.
Creature Reskin Pack
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
This is version two of the Character Reskin by Shem. Here's the first one with screenshots of the Vandar, Malak, Saul Karath, Star Forge Robes, and Sith Robe reskins. This is the review of the first one:
This version adds sith eyes to the sith. Personally, I don't really understand the fascination with sith eyes, but it's there if you like them. For some of these skins, I didn't really notice much of a difference from the originals. Some are very different, like the new skins for Yuthara, Uther, Jorak, Bandon, and Vandar look different and the first two are well-done, though I didn't really see much of a differnce of the new Malak, and Saul Karath. And personally I think he went a bit overboard with the black on the sith as now it's really difficult to see the details of the fabric. I think the problem is is that he tried to do too many reskins and so none of them have many details on them. Try not doing so much in the future. Anyway, good work and I hope to see more from you!
Juhani's New Look
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
Shem graces us with another mod of his, this time with it being a reskin for Juhani. Although there are quite a few skins for her out there, this one catches my eye in how it turns her into something more human rather than trying to make her more Cathar-like, though she still has those Cathar eyes.
In my opinion it is a vast improvement. No longer do I look at Juhani's face, shiver in disgust, and select the dialogue option to kill her as soon as possible! She looks much more like an actual person now, rather than a two-legged hairless cat. Although this mod doesn't change the dialogue at all with her, I find that it makes it far more enjoyable — without staring at her face and thinking, "WTF was up with the developers?" I can now fully appreciate what she has to say. (And even moreso by removing her clothes — Shem was gracious enough to include an underwear skin! XD)
This mod uses no 2da files, so no worries about compatibility. I would recommend it to everyone, especially dark side players � maybe you'll have second thoughts about killing her at the grove now. My compliments to Shem on this!
Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.
-Emperor Devon
Bastila's Black Undies
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
Bastila Clothes
Shem's addition offers an attractive re-texturing to Bastila's "good" and "evil" undies. They are tailored in solid black, and resembled Brianna's underclothes from K2. In addition to being flattering, Bastila no longer looks like she's going topless during the Swoop race or the Leviathan torture scene.
NOTE: If you download and use this mod, please leave comments and/or a review. Feedback is the only payment any fan artist gets, and it will help them produce more and better mods in the future!
Review by Allronix
Complete Effects Overhaul alpha
By Jorak Uln
The goal of this mod is to give the various ingame effects a more recent look, i also highly recommend to use it in tandem with my Complete Overhaul series.
This mod is currently in alpha stage; since my goal is to tweak every effect until it looks right, it covers the most common fx effects for now:
Included are:
Beam Effects
animated Force Storm
Force Stun
Adhesive Grenade
Various muzzle flashes
Download the mod, extract the archive with an archive extraction program such as 7zip or WinRAR, then move the extracted files to your game's override folder.
This mod is compatible with all mods except the ones which change the fx effects - like Hi res beam Effects or Fire &Ice Whee etc.
MANAAN Complete Overhaul (animated)
By Jorak Uln
This is the next part of an ongoing series.
The purpose of this mod is to shrug off the years from old Kotor engine, and bring the much more up-to-date design choices from SWTOR to Kotor. All textures have been made from scratch.
The Overhaul also contains sophisticated SWTOR orientated high Quality animations and cubemap based lights & shine on surfaces.
3.0 Huge Update! This one completely blows previous versions out of the water - added revolutionary tech window animations, changing color animations while moving and much more..
Highly recommended!
to upgrade redownload ALL parts.
Download the mod, extract its contents with an archive extraction program such as 7zip or WinRAR, then move the contents to your game's override directory.
This mod uses cubemaps, so there could be minor incompatibilites with mods that uses custom cubemaps too. ( but i actually dont know any mod that does that)
Just to be on the safe side, i recommend to install my mod last.
Beside that it should be compatible with everything that doesnt retexture Manaan.
I want to thank Darth Sapiens for his wonderful Cubemap-Ressource pack, which enabled me to do a lot of things that would otherwise been not possible.
I also want to thank Darth Parametric for hex editing mdl files from the Hraekert Base. That allowed me to use more variety in retextures.
Mandalorian Ultimate Mod
By Shem
Original Review on Filefront:
Description by Author:
Dragon Scale Robe (Nasota Dyrel's Robe)
By TK-664
Hello there, this is my first published mod on the site (It was on Filefront before but we all know what happened there :\) and it brings you a new robe. Although it is only a small addition to the game, I hope you download it and enjoy!
To obtain the item in-game, open your console and write "giveitem jedirobe_15" without the quotes.
(By the way, if you don't want to get a "Cheat Used" stamped on your save game screen, there is an optional folder inside the Zip file which will let you grab the robe in the Krayt Dragon's Cave in Tatooine).
VP's Canon Revan with 'Stache
By JayDominus
Note: Requires VarsityPuppet's canon Revan mod installed.
NAME: VP's Canon Revan with 'Stache
LS TEXTURE BY: qwerty-ru
So, the story goes like this: I was always a fan of the Scarface head and I loved VP's Revan head, but there's one thing that always bugged me about both: they look cool with the 'stache, but not so cool without it and they only have it when full DS. And while Scarface got all his 'stache needs covered by Iniry's wonderful retextures, VP's Revan got less hairy love. So qwerty-ru made the LS version of Revan's head with 'stache all the way back in 2012 and I just decided to finish it all up - added the 'stache to the three other versions and made icons for all of them. Now the icons look like a bit of a crap, but I hope they at least got this "mentally ill person with MS paint" charm to them.
At any rate, there it is. You gotta have VP's head installed before you install this one though.
Drinking game: take a shot every time you see the word 'stache above.
Just dump the .tga's in the Override, chief
Delete PMHC01.tga, PMHC01d1.tga, PMHC01d2.tga, PMHC01d3.tga, po_pmhc1.tga, po_pmhc1d.tga, po_pmhc1d1.tga, po_pmhc1d2.tga and po_pmhc1.d3tga. You'll probably want to delete the other PMHC01 files as well, though they are not mine.
M-8 Assault Rifle Blaster - Alternate Textures in Aurabesh
By inyriforge
As requested by Zerimar Nyliram over at LucasForums, these textures change the original mod's textures English characters to Aurebesh. Inyri was happy to comply with the request and now, you can use it too!
This mod is compatible with both the KotOR version of the M-8 Assault Rifle Blaster Replacement and also the TSL version of the same mod.
Installation: Move the TGA files with the same name out of the the Overridfe folder and empty the contents of this RAR into your Override.
Uninstall: Delete the new textures and replace the old ones.
Playable Wookiees x5
By redrob41
This mod will add a three playable male wookiees and two playable female wookiees. It includes portraits, 7 changes of clothes, 1 armor, and 4 jedi robes for each male, and 3 changes of clothes, and 4 jedi robes for each female. The models that the mod uses, are Zaalbar and N_WookieF.
There is also Photoshop files for fellow modders who want to create new armor and clothes skins. The big one is the jedi robes, just remember to change the alpha 1 channel. The female robes are smoother looking than the male versions, due to the smoothness of the model.
To complete the effect, so that your PC will sound like a wookiee, use the Kotor Savegame Editor (KSE) to change the soundset to Zaalbar's.
The only problems that I know of, are
1 - When starting a new game, if the Wookiee shows up in the "Choose Your Class" screen, it is best to NOT pick the Wookiee. Eigther choose a non-Wookiee, or Cancel, then re-start a new game. Picking a single unit model (one that isn't a separate head and body) will cause the game to crash.
2 - The left hand of the N_WookieF model is messed up. I don't yet know how to fix it. Perhaps in the future I will be able to add a fixed mdl and mdx. As it is, weapons will float on the back of the hand, and cutscenes will show the hand squished behind her back.
3 - During the cutscene where Revan removes his mask, he will appear invisible.
4 - When using the disguises (Sith uniform, Sand Person, underwater & space suits etc), the Wookiee will seem to shrink, because those disguise models are the size of a normal human.
5 - Everyone, including all the Wookiees on Kashyyk, will still refer to you as a human. It would require editing EVERY piece of dialog in the game to fix it, and that is TOO much.
Playable Sand Person
By redrob41
This will add a playable Sand Person Male to the game. He will have complete armours for all six classes, Jedi robes, Star Forge robes, and standard clothes. There are a total of seven models and 58 textures. The basis of these models and textures is the Sand People disguise (n_tusken.mdl & N_Tusken04.tga).
They have been modified to look as if he is wearing his favourite desert robe and back pack over top of the armour. The armour gauntlets fit over top of the sleeves of his robe, and the chest plate peeks out from the front opening. For some of the medium and heavy armours, he wears a jet pack, with controls on his chest strap (it is non-functional, but impressive looking).
The Jedi robes look like long jacketed versions of the standard robes, without any back pack.
The Star Forge armours are similar to the in-game set, but with the cape, belt, & hood all removed, and instead, a Tusken version of Revan's Mask. The LS version has a mask that is inspired by A'Sharrad Hett's helmet ("Emissaried to Malastare" comic). These final two armours are my favourites, because of the masks.
- Sand People
- Tusken
- (and 1 more)
Playable Rattataki x13
By redrob41
This mod will add 9 playable Rattataki males, & 4 females. The females are Asajj Ventress (from the comics & 2D animated features), a second Asajj Ventress (from the 3D Clone Wars animation), a new nameless Rattataki, and Aurra Sing (who is half human and close enough to Rattataki that I included her). The 3D Asajj will install with a more angular face, similar to the cartoon. If you don't like this look, and would like a head model that is better suited for KotOR, then there is an extra directory with an extra model for her. Aurra Sing's basic clothes have been changed so as to be similar to her standard red jumpsuit and brown vest (the scout will look the most similar).
Rattatki are near human in appearance, except for thier chalk white skin and bald heads. Males have elaborately styled beards and mustaches (as seen in Star Wars Republic #60: Hate and Fear). For their Dark Side transitions, I chose to start them with a touch of warm skin tones (LS), and gradually they become more pale, and eventually white (DS). They also have eyes that slowly change to Sith red & yellow, exceft for the 3D Asajj, whose eyes become brightly glowing blue.
- Rattataki
- Asajj Ventress
- (and 1 more)