760 files

  1. TSL Hak Pad - USM Shop Add-On

    ** Attention **
    This is NOT a standalone mod! You will need to download and install my
    TSL Hak Pad Mod, TSL Hak Pad Booster v2 & the USM in order for this add-on to work.
    With the success of the USM, I had received a ton of requests for saber console codes, bugs, etc. regarding the USM. Initially the group and I were hestitant about this particular Hak Pad add-on because we really wanted people to experience the USM as it was intended.
    Well, after a number of years now (wow) I think it's safe to say that a majority of the player base has experienced enough to choke a bantha. Probably a bit too late.. as many of us have moved on, but better than never I suppose
    This will add a USM Saber Shop dialogue node in the Storefronts section.
    Just drop these files (excluding the .nss source) into your override folder, or wherever you have the Hak Pad installed.
    You MUST have the USM, Original HakPad AND the Booster Pack v2 installed as the dialogue included in here uses them as a base.
    The shop includes only the sabers, not the individual crystals, to avoid saber creation (null-nade) problems some may have encountered.
    This also includes the Train Handmaiden as a Guardian & the Darth333's Wherami Band fix.
    Standalone fixes can be downloaded here (my site):
    Handmaiden Guardian Trainer Fix
    Darth333's Wherami Armband Fix
    *- Initially not compatible with the TSLRCM due to USM's incompatibility. HOWEVER, this add-on only requires that the USM saber files (and upcrystals.2da) be in your override file if you want to bypass the USM mod but still have it's sabers. Manual install of USM saber files & .2da required. Be warned and backup before fiddling as the .2da file compatibility alone is enough of a headache if TSLRCM contains one.


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  2. TSL Hak Pad - Booster Pack v2

    ** Attention **
    This is NOT a standalone mod! You will need to download and install my
    TSL Hak Pad - MAIN Mod in order for this Booster Pack to work.
    This is another expansion pack to my TSL Hak Pad cheat mod. It is also backwards compatible with my Booster Pack v.1, meaning you don't have to download it (if you haven't already) to get the functions it added. If you HAVE downloaded it, then just overwrite the files when prompted
    With permission, andargor has allowed me to incorporate his Holowan CLoakworks 2 Disguise mod! Over 500+ disguises are now available (PC & NPC)!
    andargor - http://www.andargor.com/
    - Added andargor's Holowan Cloakworks 2 Disguises function
    - Tweaked a few dialogue tree descriptions / categories
    - Added Set PC / NPC's Level
    - Added Adjust Skill Point Levels Function
    - Added Adjust Attribute Scores Function
    - **Added a "hidden" Special Interface for other Modder's Tools
    ** What this means is that if you happen to have the following mods installed, you can access it's functions through the Hak Pad without having to equip it!
    You WILL however have to download and install their mods for this function to be available. You will also need to have their mod items in your inventory (the actual armbands).
    But don't worry! If you don't have the mods, the special dialogue won't appear! (No need to worry about accidentally choosing an invalid function and crashing your game).
    - Darth333's Wherami Armband
    - RedHawke's Mistake Correction Armband
    - mrdefender's Wrist Console
    If you have already installed the above mods and they're working fine, DON'T CHANGE a thing! BUT, if you would like to download and use them via the Hak Pad, here's a little tip... just install all of the files WITHOUT the spells.2da. That's right, you won't need to edit it because the Hak Pad will directly access it's functions via the item's dialogue! How's that for a "hack"?!.. hehehe
    Keep in mind, if you don't install their entries in the spells.2da, you won't be able to use the item on it's own (you'll HAVE to use the Hak Pad to use their mods)... just a warning
    On a sidenote, thanks to feedback from the Original Hak Pad Mod, I have found that this mod also works for the Xbox!
    2. STATS: (with Booster Pack v.2)
    - Workbench
    - Component Bench
    - Medical Bench
    - Virtual Items Storefront (FREE Items)
    - Awards LS / DS Points
    - Dispense Credits
    - Create Chemicals Option
    - Create Components Option
    - Receive the Lightsaber Quest Parts
    - "Train" NPC's into a Jedi Class!
    - andargor's Holowan Cloakworks 2 Disguises (over 500+)
    - Set PC / NPC's Level
    - Adjust Skill Point Levels
    - Adjust Attribute Scores
    - Special Interface for other Modder's Tools
    *- Must have MAIN file installed for this one to work!


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    1 comment


  3. TSL Hak Pad - Main File

    We've all heard it before, and have felt the burden. "Where's the Cheat Console?!? I can't see it!"
    Apparently with the introduction to TSL, we also got introduced to the now 'invisible' cheat codes console which makes it very difficult to accurately get what you want. This mod is a fix for that (of sorts).
    What this mod does is allows you to access the game's items via "Virtual Storefronts". So now, not only do you get the item, but you can read the stats, information and such as well as look at them before "creating" the item for yourself. ALL items are included in the variety of Storefronts, and all items are FREE. That's right, FREE, afterall this mod IS a cheating console 'substitute'.
    Also, the Hak Pad can award Lightside Points, Darkside Points as well as act as a credit dispenser. PLUS, you can access both a Medical Lab Bench as well as a Workbench.
    Because I wanted this to be easily accessible, the Hak Pad can be used from your game's main screen in your usable items bar to the lower left (where the armbands and such are displayed). The item itself is a Datapad, so you don't have to worry about having to equip an item in order to access it's functions.
    Please bear in mind this is by no means a replacement for tools such as tk102's SaveGame Editor. That program has MUCH MORE capabilities than this mod. Mine is mainly to be used for in-game cheats without having to exit the game to get them.
    One note, this mod will only allow you access to normal in-game items. Not custom items, modded items or anything of that nature. This was one main reason why I decided to use "Storefronts". If you have a little bit of modding knowledge, you can easily "insert" modded items into the Virtual Storefront's inventory. The game will then recognize the new items once you start your game. So in a manner, this mod is 'customizable' to your tastes. However, if your modded items are simply adjusted in-game .uti's (with the same name) those modded items WILL be available within the Storefronts. The inventory calls upon the game's list of item's .uti names.
    Upon using the Hak Pad, you WILL notice some items that have no descriptions, or some may have no icons. This is because I've included EVERYTHING from TSL's .uti references. There are visual stunt models, non-upgradeable versions of items and a host of other goodies. I especially urge you to check out the Guns Storefront as it has some unique hand stunts that are amusing to say the least
    Just like with cheat code console items, some items may have unknown and unforseeable side effects... this mod is to be used as a "tool" of sorts. All it is, is a visual reference substitute to the cheat console. Of course, at least with this mod, there's no .ini hacks to be made. Even if you don't use it to gain the items, it will at least provide you with some stuff so you can experiment or look over if you are curious. I know that due to the random loot generator, some items are rarely, if ever, seen by everyone... Now you have the chance without having to dig out the cheat codes
    Feedback and suggestions are most welcome! I'm quite sure that this mod is 'incomplete' and a Work In Progress. There ARE some features I haven't been able to incorporate yet...(such as Ability and Skills adjustments) but future Booster Packs will add on to it's functionality. Any input to what you'd like to see would be welcome
    and lastly, ENJOY!
    STATS: (with Booster Pack v.2)
    - Workbench
    - Component Bench
    - Medical Bench
    - Virtual Items Storefront (FREE Items)
    - Awards LS / DS Points
    - Dispense Credits
    - Create Chemicals Option
    - Create Components Option
    - Receive the Lightsaber Quest Parts
    - "Train" NPC's into a Jedi Class!
    - andargor's Holowan Cloakworks 2 Disguises (over 500+)
    - Set PC / NPC's Level
    - Adjust Skill Point Levels
    - Adjust Attribute Scores
    - Special Interface for other Modder's Tools
    *- Mod uses TSL Patcher for install. I assume it's compatible with the TSLRCM
    **- Must use cheat console or KSE to obtain Hak Pad
    ***- Be sure to download the Booster Pack(s) for full functionality!!


       (1 review)



  4. Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection

    Ever noticed no matter what you decide to put on Kreia, she seems dead-set on wearing that burlap sack excuse for a robe? Well, apparently Master Kavar did and he came up with a modding request that I just couldn’t pass up.
    “Why not make it so that Kreia’s robes will change to an appropriate representation of what you put on her?”
    Well sure, why not..? Sounded like a pretty level headed request to me.. and an opinion I shared. So here you have it folks, I offer you:
    -()- Kreia’s Assorted Robe Collection -()-
    Whoa whoa whoa...hold on a minute, let me correct that! I would like to give proper credit, kudos, and my heartfelt thanks to the many modders that were involved and made this mod possible. Without their hardwork, guidance & contribution(s) to this mod... none of it would've been possible. So I'd like to say that if you enjoyed this mod, that the following modders had major roles in it's completion (but you can still send all hate mail to me)

    Master Kavar : the mastermind behind the idea & the person that this mod was initially made for.
    stoffe –mkb- : for providing the script base to actually get Kreia's "switching" to work properly (basically the entire premise of the mod's original function)
    svösh : for his guidance on how to properly correct Kreia's model diffusion (so her skins didn't have a green tint)
    Achilles : for providing the corrected diffusion model base for Kreia (his was much better than mine)
    oldflash : for providing the model and skin of Kreia's "Dark Shroud"
    tk102 : for allowing me to incorporate his "Remote Tells Your Influence Mod", giving the little guy more of a purpose than what I had originally planned for him.
    Thank you very much, all of you. I hope you know that your help was not only invaluable... but greatly appreciated.
    This mod will make it so that depending on the type of robe you give Kreia, her appearance will effectively change to a suitable representation. Basically, she’ll ditch the “burlap sack” excuse of a robe to one with proper details.
    In addition to the “pretty colors”, this mod also adds a new small area (Citadel:082West Residential:Medical), a mini-quest you can pursue in order to construct the Dark Shroud... a Kreia-specific robe (new model), and a voiced dialogue exchange cutscene between the PC and Kreia, giving her a more “human side” we rarely see…
    This mod also implements tk102’s “Remote Tells Your Influence” Mod, allowing the little guy to actually have a purpose. Just ask him to stop flying around, and then you can ask him how much influence you have with the rest of your crew. However, he just 'might' have another purpose… hmmm…
    STATS (Dark Shroud)
    - Restricted to Kreia
    - Upgradeable
    - Defense Bonus : +5
    - Regenerate Force Points : Random
    - Regeneration : Random
    - Blaster Bolt Increase : Random
    - Reduced Saving Throw : Will (-5)
    - Dual Hand Weapon Wield
    *- Mod uses the TSL Patcher for install, I assume it's compatible with the TSLRCM. However this mod adds a lot, best to back up beforehand.


       (11 reviews)



  5. TSL Multi-Stim

    Just a little "play" mod I've done to "speed up" things.
    I got tired of constantly having to Stim up before each battle, especially when you're wanting to max out your options. Having to go into your inventory then selecting each stim one by one, applying them, change character, and repeat.... gah! It really took the fun out of the game having to waste so much time just preparing for a particular fight.
    Multi-Stim DESCRIPTION:
    What this mod does is create a "Multi-Stim". Each stim has the combined effects of a:
    - Hyper Adrenal Alacrity
    - Hyper Adrenal Stamina
    - Hyper Adrenal Strength
    - Echani Battle Stimulant
    All in the convenience of one dose!
    "Designed for intense situations and necessity of quick access on the battlefield, this specialized stim is enhanced to provide the user with the combined effects of the Hyper Adrenaline Stims in one quick dose.
    - Alacrity
    - Strength
    - Stamina
    Plus the added benefits of the Echani Battle Stim."
    Duration: 120 seconds
    +6 Strength
    +6 Dexterity
    +6 Constitution
    Movement +30%
    Increased Attack +3
    Increased Damage, Universal +3
    25 Temporary Hit Points
    *- Mod uses TSL Patcher for install. I assume it's compatible with TSLRCM.


       (2 reviews)



  6. Bao-Dur's Charged Armor

    Considering the fact that TSL doesn't allow Bao-Dur to wear robes as a Jedi, and to add insult to injury, dies fairly quickly in a fight, hehehe... I decided to at least give him something decent to wear. As a Jedi, or a "not-so-great" techy fighter, this armor should at least even the odds...
    Knowing Bao was vital to the war effort & a gifted man of science, moreso than battle... General commissioned Bao to construct himself some armor capable of withstanding the heat & pressure of both Malachor V and the atrocities of war itself.
    Bao knew in order to fashion armor capable of withstanding heavy attacks it would have to be significantly powered. The problem was, there wasn't readily available, nor renewable, sources of power on the field of battle. It was then he realized a more significant value to his remote.
    With ingenuity and a handful of luck, Bao was able to synch one of the remote's power subsytem generators to "transmit" or radiate a small, unique frequency power field.
    Specialized plates on Bao's armor collect this radiation, process it and runs it through microscopic amplifiers arrayed throughout the armor.
    The processed energy is then used to power the armor's functions and generate micro repulsor fields to withstand numerous forms of attack.
    Just one of the many tiny secrets why Bao-Dur is hardly ever seen without his remote close by...
    A "bonus" side-effect of the armor's construction is it's ability to "soak" a limited amount of enemy fire & process it much in the same manner as the remote's power field.
    It is rumored that Bao-Dur studied the works of another gifted engineer & Jedi, Segan Wyndh. Though unconfirmed, Bao may have implemented some of Segan's designs and "unconventional" methods...
    ** This armor will allow the usage of Force Powers & accept "Heavy Armor" upgrades **
    - Restricted to Bao-Dur
    - Base AC 8
    - +2 Defense, for a total of AC 10
    - Max Dexterity Bonus +8
    - Damage Reduction, +5 Soak 30
    - Damage Resistance, Universal 30/-
    - Improved Saving Throws, All +2
    - Immunity, Critical Hits
    - Accepts Heavy Armor Upgrades
    - Allows usage of Force Powers
    *- This mod incorporates stoffe -mkb-'s TSL Patcher program, so I assume it's compatible with TSLRCM.


       (7 reviews)



  7. Darksword

    Description of Mod:
    Being tired of looking at the same melee sword with just different colored hilts, I decided to make a new model sword. This one has a twist however. Based off of Mighella's Darksword, this weapon precedes the lightsaber. While being a different sort of weapon, it shares common properties of a lightsaber, and as such will provide you with a decent weapon until you're able to construct a lightsaber of your own (which took way too long for my tastes).
    This sword also has a special animation effect to the blade. Upon activation (flourish/fight), the blade will emit a strobing plasma arc
    Darksword Description:
    "Rarely spoken of, and even moreso seen, this millenia's old weapon is known as a darksword.
    This weapon precedes the lightsaber used by ancient Sith, but often treasured by both collectors, and those who still find the pleasure in more 'carnal' ways of dealing with their opponents.
    Utilizing similar technologies found in today's lightsabers, the weapon is surprisingly well suited for upgrading.
    In it's most simple and elegant description, the Darksword is essentially a saber made from duranium and plasmetically charged."
    Darksword Crystal Description:
    "Because of limited technologies & crystal supply (most mines had yet to be found), the Darksword used a special crystal "fixture" that allowed the weapon to harness the collective energies from smaller crystal fragments.
    Less powerful than today's lightsaber, the Darksword was more a symbol than practical. Separating those trained in the Force (most often Sith) from the common person. Still, because today's lightsaber technologies were based primarily from the Darksword, little has changed.
    Darkswords found today, albeit rarely, can still incorporate most, if not all standard lightsaber upgrades. Some may blame the Jedi for their stringent hold on 'tradition', though the more wise know how valuable & practical keeping certain physicalities "standard".
    Antiquated perhaps, but no Jedi or Sith has yet complained of the fact that sometimes "discovered" upgrades conveniently fit their own weapon..."
    - Upgradeable (uses lightsaber upgrades)
    - 1-10 Physical
    - 1d4 Energy
    Colors included: Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Violet, Silver, Cyan, Viridian & Orange
    **- this mod uses both an upcrystals.2da & baseitems.2da file. If you are already using such a file, some editing will be required. HOWEVER, I've tried very hard to make mine compatible with other mods. A big thanks goes to Darkkender for providing an outstanding base to work off of! Below is a list of mods that my included "upcrystals.2da" & "baseitems.2da" will work with (safe to overwrite):
    ()- compatible .2da mods:
    - Darkkender's Guardian Saber
    - RedHawke & Maverick187's Prestiege Class
    - RedHawke's Exile Item Pack
    - Xcom's SH Crystal Pack
    - Shadow's Saber Pack
    - Shadow's Odyssey Saber
    - Jetstorm's & Darkkender's Lightsaber Crystal Expansion
    - Maverick187's Megido & Avenger Sabers
    - Maverick187's Jedi W.M. Mav Model
    - Darkkender's Segan Wyndh v2 mod
    - Darkkender's Painted Droids mod
    - Drakonnen's Jedi v Sith Armor Pack
    *- Unsure of TSLRCM compatibility due to included baseitems.2da
    **- Download this file to remove the strobing effect.


       (0 reviews)



  8. Darth Nihilus Animation Fix

    This is an update of my previous Darth Nihilus Animation Fix. It includes two new features. First, the cape bug is fixed fixed and it is fully animated. Secondly, Nihilus' popular unique animations are still on him, like his lightsaber flourish and special attacks. It still gives Darth Nihilus all the animations for all combinations of ranged and melee weapons, as well as all other mundane animations. I also fixed a small typo in the item description, if anyone cares. You can again access the robe that allows you to disguise yourself as Nihilus as a replacement of the mask you can get from Visas after you kill him on the Ravager.


       (9 reviews)



  9. Enhanced Soundsets

    This mod, in time, will add various custom soundsets for the game TSL, for both player and monster.
    Feedback appreciated, as constructive criticism.
    Darth Nihilus - pc/npc
    Darth Sion - pc/npc
    Dark Side Mystic - pc only
    Here consider a standard mod disclaimer: I don't own any of the content, I just use it with permission of the author, ask for permission if you want to use etc. but honestly, why should you? the patcher has solved 98% of the issues that required to pack mods together. and there are no real other soundset mods out there...
    Honestly, I'd really appreaciate feedback from you. either PM me or post in the forum thread. I had 3 releases and 1 single review. It's disheartening, isn't it? makes one wonder what sort of community is one that only takes and is too lazy even to write an opinion.
    If you want to ask me to do a SS, you may request, BUT ENSURE you can send me the sourcefiles, converted in WAV. propose, and I'll send you the list of required sounds.


       (1 review)



  10. Vibrosword replacement pack

    I've got tired of standart ingame vibroswords and was looking for mods which will replace them with high(er) quality models.
    While looking for KotOR models I've found an intresting mod for Jedi Academy made by RevanDark which added tons of new weapons. I especially liked the look of 'Cyber Ninja' swords and I thought it will be great to have such swords in KotOR...
    So, this mod will replace standart vibroswords with cool "Cyber Ninja" swords. I've managed to convert models and re-create glowing effect for the blades.
    Mod will not change stats of weapons.
    Credit goes to RevanDark for creating original JA models.
    Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me.


       (7 reviews)



  11. Movie-style Jedi Master robes

    Like most of K2 fans I never liked the look of Jedi Master style robes. Padawan robes looked much more movie-like to me. But I also didn't liked the idea of replacement master style robes with padawan models and new textures. IMO, they MUST have different models. So, I've started this MOD.
    I have remade both male and female master robe models to look more like in the movies. Models were inspired by the robe which Obi-Wan had in episode III.
    New textures for all master style ingame robes are included, and new icons aswell.
    At this poind the mod is compatible with following mods (just be sure to install this mod after others):
    - TSLRCM (I tested with v1.7)
    - The Prestige Item Pack by RedHawke & maverick187
    - Movie Jedi Robes and High General Obi Wan Kenobi Robe by Don Kain
    - Tomb of Azgath N'Dul by Darth InSidious
    - Any mod, which don't add master-style robes
    If you have installed ANY OTHER MOD which adds new Jedi Master style robes - it won't work. Modified textures, which were made for original ingame model will look awfull with my models. Sorry, I can't track all incoming mods, so it's up to mod authors to redraw textures to fit new UVW map.
    - HapSlash - for awesome ep3 Obi-Wan and Anakin models which he made for Jedi Academy.
    - Spanki - for some great textures which are partially used in this mod
    - Don Kain - for allowing me to include his Movie Jedi Robes
    Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me.


       (29 reviews)



  12. Movie Mandalorians

    I've never liked the KotOR Mandalorians. I wished them to look like Jango and Boba Fett. I mean, I wished them to have Fett-style armors and helmets.
    So, I've tried to make such mod. It is not perfect, but I hope you'll like it. It will change the appearance of all Mandalorians in the game, including Mandalore (he transformed into Jango).
    - Changed appearance of ALL Mandalorians in game. Now they use completely new armors and helmets, which are made in style of Jango and Boba Fett.
    - Mandalore transformed into Jango Fett. Available two versions of his armor - with jetpack and without it. You may use any, because now you can unequip his armor (and see Canderous).
    - Bralor transformed into Boba Fett. I've also made him more dangerous opponent in the Battle Circle (since you may use anything when you fight him he was too easy to beat. And they call him a champion?!)
    - Kelborn now have unique armor.
    - New Mandalorian armors for your PC and party members. At this point, they are available for male characters only.
    - Mandalore comes equipped with 2 Westar Blaster pistols and special Mandalorian flamethrower. For those of you who like Boba I also provided EE-3 Blaster rifle. All this items are quite powerfull, but IMO that will not break game's balance ('cause ranged weapons are NOT effective in TSL).
    - NeoMarz1 - for creating awesome Mandalorian model for Jedi Academy. I've used this model in this version of MOD.
    - Don Kain - I've used some texture parts (symbol on Kelborn's armor) from his JA mandalorian skinpack.
    - Creator of original textures for Westar blaster pistol (sorry, I don't know your name)
    - Orsan - I used&altered 2 textures he made for KotOR1 (Boba and Jango armors on the upgrade screen).
    - Lit Ridl - for allowing me to modify his flamethrower script.
    Anything else - be my guest, use like you want, just give credit to me.


       (12 reviews)



  13. Dak's Armored Robes (2.2)

    Dak's Armored Robes 2.2 - ReadMe
    This will add and implement into the game three *brand new* types of models - a "Jedi General Robe", a "Armored Republic Robe", and a "Sith Marauder Robe". The models I have created are a Jedi robe merged with the Republic Officer's uniform, the Republic Armor, and the Ubese Assassin's armor. The Jedi General Robe comes in four variations, the Republic Armor in four, and the Sith Armor in two. Each armor has its own unique icon, stats, and descriptions (as seen in the screenshots). The armors have been implemented into four locations: The Republic Crash site and on the corpse outside the mandalorian cache on Dxun, the Exile's locker on the Harbinger, and onto the corpse of the Sith Master in the Dxun tomb.
    -Like I said above, the armors can be found in four places, the Republic crash site (check all the corpses!) and outside the Mandalorian cache. There you will also find a datapad explaining why the items are where they are. They can also be found in the Exile's locker on the Harbinger and in the loot from the corpse of the Sith Master in the Dxun tomb.
    -I know the females look weird. The only way I could figure out how to get a working female model was to add the female torso to the male robe, which gave awkward results. It's the best it's going to get, sorry! It does work bug free though so it's better than no female models in my opinion. I got many complaints of a lack of female models in version 1, so I tried to please my critics as best as I could!
    -One problem with this mod is that one of my new models takes the slot used for the dancer's outfit. To work around this problem, the dancer's outfit is now a disguise item and will give you the appearance of a Twi'lek dancer. I know it isn't very realistic, but it's the best alternative I could think of.
    -Uses some of the same model slots as 90SK's "SUPER Content Mod", so some of his items will show up with my models without skins (It's only the "Jedi Tunic" model as far as I know). I personally play with both mods and it's fine with me. Just install this mod last!
    -Uses one of the placeable files as Kuai-Don Jorn's "Heroes of the Old Republic" saber mod, so install HIS mod last. You will have to just use KSE to get the missing robes.
    Changelog from 2.0:
    Fixes the crashing issue when the male PC would equip his custom exile robe.
    Extract the files,
    Just Press Install,
    Select your Kotor2 Directory which is located at:
    My Computer>C:>ProgramFiles>LucasArts>SWKotOR2
    Thank you to VarsityPuppet for finding out how to combine models.
    Thank you to FrantFire/GeorgNihilus for expertly getting most of the items in-game.
    Thank you to jonathan7 for allowing me to include his two awesome skins in this mod.
    Thank you to Sith Holocron for his always great suggestions.
    You can use these in your mod if you like, but I would appreciate it if you would still contact me and let me know. Contact me at dakdrexl@gmail.com or Dak Drexl on LucasForums.


       (3 reviews)



  14. ben.d+Ultimate Balancing Mod

    this mod makes my ben.d rebalence mod comatible with the Ultimate Balancing Mod. so it gives you this mod and the restored bies i had in my mod into one mod e.g. now you can play his mod and have the table top system for enybody who doesent now my mod i will put a discription of it under ben.ds mod.
    ben.d mod:
    this will tell you what is in this this mod.
    this rebalances mod rebalances the game to make it more harder and make TSL feel like a game.
    this mod is Unique because it Restores the tabletop Force progression system into KotOR 2.
    Paragon created it in a different mod but did not Restore all off the system.
    The SW:RPG tabletop system is being used here, The original system of Force Powers had three. Control, Sense and Alter. Then you had Force effects, which were gained by using these three powers.
    The use of these powers, their icons, etc. are restored content. you get to pick these at levaling up in the force power section. different classes will get different one to pick with e.g. concerlers will get control first.
    OTHER CHANGES: this make the game more harder and make the classes seem more Realistic, changes the party members stats to make them more usful.
    also you can create more items in the workbench to help you (after you reach level 16 you can create light sabers) it makes the bosses much more stronger (you will have to use med packs and sheilds).
    the grenades and rockets are more powerful now, mines will now will damage you and your party members.
    also i have restored some of the level difficaltys.
    3. HOW DO I USE IT?
    install Ultimate Balancing Mod fist then copy my mod in to the overdrive folder and override his files or you can copy this into his mod and overdride it and then copy his mod in to the overdrive (what ever works for you)
    "IMPORTANT!" if you use HLFP 2.1(High level F. Powers by stoffe 2.1 version) install that first and intall his mod and then my mod and copy the 2da.spells file from the "UseThisWith HLFP 2.1mod" folder.
    "IMPORTANT!"and also install this before any other mod that uses the TSL patcher.exe exsept High level F. Powers by stoffe (2.1 version).
    This mod is fully compatible with TSLRCM and ImprovedAI/High level F. Powers by stoffe (2.1 version). some files in ImprovedAI will be the same as some files in this mod but just ImprovedAI work fine with out them.
    It can be fully compatible with any mods that dont mess with the same files.
    Remove all the files.
    6. Bugs & Issues:
    I dont think theres anything wrong here, if you find anything strange, report to me at http://www.deadlystream.com/forum/ or email me bendarby24@hotmail.co.uk if its not a problem to you.


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  15. Layne Staley PC Head

    Layne Staley PC Head
    Author: Varsity Puppet/VPcombat
    For: KotOR II
    Date: 04.20.2011
    This mod will add a new selectable PC head - that of former Alice in Chains frontman, Layne Staley. A talented singer no doubt, but definitely a tortured soul. As per tradition, I try to release a mod on my birthday, and this is the 2-year anniversary since my first Kotor mod. Since I've been listening to a lot of Alice in Chains lately, and Layne Staley was found dead on my 12th birthday, I figured it only appropriate.
    Click and run the TSLPatcher
    Delete them from the override.
    BUGS: None
    You may use this mod as you see fit. Display it in screenshots, make it compatible with your mod. However,
    do please give credit where it's due, and DO NOT release it with any of your mods without my permission.
    Fred Tetra's KotorTool
    Obsidian for making a game to love and hate
    All of you modders out there who I've consistently studied and slowly learned from.
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, BioWare Corp. and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  16. Interface Border 12-Pack

    Interface Borders 12-pack
    Author: Qui-Don Jorn
    Pick a color, pop it in your override.
    I personally use Wesley's Blue Interface for TSL 2.0, so these were made with that in mind. I recommend his mod highly...
    Whatever. Distribute at will, Commander!
    No, I'm fine, thanks.


       (3 reviews)



  17. TSL BEN.DS rebalances mod

    this rebalances mod rebalances the game to make it more harder and make TSL feel like a game. It has some restored content in it. this mod was made from HaVoKeR Ultimate Balancing Mod who so kindly let me have a starting point from that, but this mod is nothing like that now.
    this mod is Unique because it Restores the tabletop Force progression system into KotOR 2.
    Paragon created it in a different mod but did not Restore all off the system.
    The SW:RPG tabletop system is being used here, The original system of Force Powers had three. Control, Sense and Alter. Then you had Force effects, which were gained by using these three powers.
    The use of these powers, their icons, etc. are restored content. you get to pick these at levaling up in the force power section. different classes will get different one to pick with e.g. concerlers will get control first.
    this mod workes well with heroes of the old rebublic saber mod what only workes with tslrcm mod.
    OTHER CHANGES: this make the game more harder and make the classes seem more Realistic, changes the party members stats to make them more usful.
    also you can create more items in the workbench to help you (after you reach level 16 you can create light sabers) it makes the bosses much more stronger (you will have to use med packs and sheilds).
    the grenades and rockets are more powerful now, mines will now will damage you and your party members.
    changes made:
    1.1: fixs some bugs and comaptiblitiy issus with tslcrm
    2.0:made so new difacalte levels and made the game more rebalenced becaue i made it to hard on easy and median difficalte levels also i have bosted a lot of weapons what effect you and your enemay also Combat will go faster then usall and finaly at level 16 you can make light sabers at the work bench.


       (0 reviews)



  18. Populate Function

    This script will allow you to easily populate an area using random number generation based on your specifications. It eliminates the need to find countless co-ordinates. You only need to find four co-ordinates to populate an area with as many NPCs as you like. (The engine really hates it if you go over 120). You can also choose whether to set them to walk randomly or not. You can use your own waypoints. I reccommend using this function in an on enter script.
    Installation and use
    You need to place the "populate.nss" script in your K2 Override. (This will probably work with K1 but I cannot confirm that). To use the function add the line
    #include "populate"
    at the beginning of your script.
    Then you will need to lay an imaginary square over the area where you want to spawn in. Then find the co-ordinates of the four corners using D3's Whereami armband. Write down what you get and work out the smallest X value and the largest X Value and then do the same with the Y Co-ordinates. Then include this in the main function of your script.
    Populate(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Tag);
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
    Amount xMin xMax yMin yMax Tag
    Amount = The number of NPCs of the specified tag to spawn.
    xMin = The smallest X value
    xMax = The largest X Value
    yMin = The smallest Y Value
    yMax = The largest Y Value
    Tag = The tag of the NPC you want to spawn.
    Use and distribution
    Feel free to use this in any mod at all. If you wish to modify the script then feel free to but LEAVE THE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATION FUNCTION IN TACT. It was not created by me and is essential to the smooth running of the populate function. If you modify the script and want to distribute it then please contact me first through either Holowan Labs or Deadly Stream - TimBob12 or by email - timbothompson@gmail.com. If you do redistribute then you will be required to credit bead-v for the creation of the random number generation script.
    There is an additional random generation script that was created by bead-v and, unlike the in game function, it supports negative numbers making it perfect for location generation.
    The populate function and example script were created by me, TimBob12 and the random number generation script was created by bead-v. I'd also like to thank everyone who helped in the creation of this function specifically:
    Darth Insidious
    Varsity Puppet
    A Final Note
    I hope this eases your Module Creation and you enjoy using this.


       (3 reviews)



  19. Handsister Fix

    Handmaiden Sister fix
    Author: Varsity Puppet/VPcombat
    For: KotOR II
    Date: 03/22/2011
    This mod gives the Handmaiden sisters their 'intended' heads, according to TSL's cut resources. This will
    only change the Handmaiden sisters appearance, but the main Handmaiden will still look the same. This way,
    her face will finally physically look different instead of other mods which reskin her clothes.
    Apparently there was a compatibility issue with TSLRCM when I released the last one, so this is my attempt
    to fix that. I took the brute force method of just making a completely separate Handsister model instead of
    using the Handsis head with a bunch of script tricks and whatnot. No scripts or tgas this time, just scripts
    and a few utcs that aren't modified by TSLRCM.
    I included a Vanilla install just for the hell of it, but I don't know who's really going to use that one,

    Should be compatible
    Use the TSLPatcher and it will self-install into your Override folder. Keep the installog.rtf generated by
    the installation.
    Replace the files in your override with the backup folder produced by the TSLPatcher. Use the installog.rtf
    as a reference and don't forget to check the backup folder.
    1.1- Remade the models so that they are full body models.
    None I know of
    You may use this mod as you see fit. Display it in screenshots, make it compatible with your mod. However,
    do please give credit where it's due, and DO NOT release it with any of your mods without my permission.
    Fred Tetra's KotorTool
    Obsidian for making a game to love and hate
    All of you modders out there who I've consistently studied and slowly learned from.
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, BioWare Corp. and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.


       (5 reviews)



  20. VP's Hi Poly Tin Cans

    Having this mod installed with TSLCRM 1.8 causes a CTD about 4/5 the way in the Visus-Nihilus cutscene (and Nihilus-Tobin custscene). Please do not use the Nihilus saber, or take it out of override for the duration of this scene, and the Tobin one.
    Hi Poly Tin Cans
    Author: Varsity Puppet/VPcombat
    For: KotOR II
    Date: 03.16.2011

    I've always wanted to make a lightsaber hilt mod, but I never liked how most people would use hilts from the movies. Or if it's not that, there has to be a fancy hilt for every single different color. Well what I did here is fairly simple and should intrigue even the most skeptical of saber mod downloaders.
    I remade the standard game hilts so that they look like higher definition versions of the old ones. A lot of people complained how they looked like tin cans - they still are, but with higher polygon counts. I've also included a Darth Nihilus lightsaber which is fairly close to canon apparently.
    There are several subfolders which you can install -
    Saber Models - This folder contains the higher polygon version hilts only. No other modifications made.
    Darth Nihilus Saber - Contains the files used for adding Darth Nihilus' saber to the game. Override's Malak's Lightsaber model since it doesn't have much of a use in this game.
    Fixed Icons and colors - Fixes the colors in the weapon icons for the cyan and bronze/orange lightsabers. It also restores the unused bronze lightsaber crystal and distinguishes between the orange and bronze lightsaber colors (previously, they both used the same Heart of the Guardian saber color)
    Fixed Loot scripts - These loot scripts will allow the orange, bronze, silver and cyan crystals to appear more often. Previously, the bronze crystal wouldn't appear at all, and apparently neither would the cyan crystal. This should be fixed now.
    This is obviously not going to be compatible with any other saber mods.
    Put all of the files you wish to install into your override.

    Delete them from the override.



    None that I know of. There may be a bug where some sabers display the wrong color. If that happens, let me know and I'll fix it.

    You may use this mod as you see fit. Display it in screenshots, make it compatible with your mod. However, do please give credit where it's due, and DO NOT release it with any of your mods without my permission. Thanks.

    Fred Tetra's KotorTool
    Obsidian for making a game to love and hate
    All of you modders out there who I've consistently studied and slowly learned from.

    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, BioWare Corp. and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.


       (6 reviews)



  21. Kill Disciple Mod by Mandalore

    ==========Kill Disciple Mod by Mandalore V2============
    A mod for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
    This mod allows male Exiles to kill Disciple after he reports your location to Carth in Khoonda. For a hefty sum of Dark Side points, of course...
    Put the files in the Override folder that came with this mod into the Override folder in your KotOR2 directory. If you use Improved AI mod, then only use the files in the Improved AI sub-folder.
    It works with existing saves, so you can use this mod without having to restart.
    Delete the files from your Override folder.
    This will not work with anything that messes with Disciple for male Exiles after he reports to Carth, I don't think.
    I haven't encountered any.
    PM me (Mandalore) at deadlystream.com
    - Made it compatible with Improved AI mod.
    Thanks to Obsidian for making such a great game, thanks to Fred Tetra for making KotOR Tool, thanks to tk102 for making the DLGEditor, and thanks to the people of Deadly Forums for giving me somewhere to host this, for giving me the incentive to try modding, and all of that stuff.
    Oh, and bead-v tested it. I think that should be recognised.
    Hassat Hunter tested the Improved AI compatibility.
    And ancient46 suggested making this mod.
    Legal Stuff:
    All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, BioWare Corp. and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.
    This mod is provided as-is with no guarantees of any kind. The author is not responsible for any harmful effects of using this mod.
    You cannot distribute or reproduce this mod without the prior confirmation of the author, and if permission is given give credit where due.


       (1 review)



  22. ...A Darker Peragus

    This mod was created to work along side of a mod by my good friend, VarsityPuppet (or VPCombat). Please download his mod too to get the full peragus enhancement.
    This mod basically darkens peragus to make it as i saw it to be. A potential for a scare. But how can you get scared in the daylight? It�s a little hard to do in a video game. This hopes to fix it.


       (12 reviews)



  23. No Lightsaber Quest

    ====No Lightsaber Quest V1.5 by Hassat Hunter====
    This modification will remove the Lightsaber Quest mission from the game. The PC will get his first lightsaber (a generic green one-handed) on Telos, and any drops afterwards will be lightsabers (random), not parts. The player never receives the Lightsaber quest.
    This mod should work with all language versions of TSLRCM.
    * Made the modified script actually work (darn typo's). Told you it was untested.
    * Made sure the Bao-Dur Ebon Hawk cutscene about your lightsaber no longer runs
    * Fixed getting a part and the quest in the following instances; Finding Vash, killing Lootra & Opening the hoard of Vogga. They should now properly donate lightsabers.
    * Fixed getting the quest and a lightsaber part in the following instances; After killing Vrook & When killing a Cannok on Dxun.
    * Fixed getting a part instead of a full lightsaber in the following instances; Both above & when killing Lootra.
    * Fixed Kaevee encounter.
    * TSLRCM 1.8 Update. Lightsaber scripts now use VarsityPuppet's random Lightsaber color drop function used in 1.8.
    * Nobody mentioned lightsabers didn't drop anymore due to above update. Shows how popular this mod is :/.
    Oh well, fixed. Lightsabers will drop again, as per 1.8's new lootscript.
    ==Install Instructions==
    * Drop the files from "Override" in the override folder (backup "k_death_give_ls.ncs" and "a_give_quest_ls.ncs" if you're using TSLRCM 1.8!). Source folder is interesting only for other modders, ignore it if you're not.
    * Remove the following 7 files (204habat.dlg, durosdock.dlg, a_give_quest_ls.ncs, a_give_quest_lsc.ncs, a_open_vash_cage.ncs and k_dth_give_ls_lo.ncs, k_dth_givels_rct.ncs) from your override folder. Replace "k_death_give_ls.ncs" and "a_give_quest_ls.ncs" with your backup from TSLRCM 1.8.
    ==Known Issues==
    None known.
    ==Distributing This Mod==
    This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author.
    ==Contact Info==
    Find me at the deadlystream forums (http://www.deadlystream.com/forum).
    ==Thanks To==
    * The TSLRCM Staff for making TSLRCM and getting me into dialogue modifying for TSL.
    ==Legal Stuff==


       (13 reviews)



  24. Ultimate Personal Items

    This mod adds an extra container close to the footlocker in your Harbinger's room.
    It's a good option if you are looking for an excuse to have an early lightsaber without resorting to cheats.
    It also has 1000 components, gloves and a belt. The Exile armband has been improved.
    You can use this mod with my UBM, since this items can help you a little in the hard beggining.
    2. HOW DO I USE IT?
    Just dump everything in your Override folder.
    This mod is fully compatible with TSLRCM, UBM...
    It can be fully compatible with any mods that dont mess with the same files, i.e. almost any other mod.
    Remove all the files.
    5. Bugs & Issues:
    I dont think theres anything wrong here, if you find anything strange, report to me at http://www.deadlystream.com/forum/ or email me max_mms@hotmail.com if its not a problem to you.
    6. CREDITS:
    Created by HaVoKeR.
    You may use this mod at will, i just ask that my name stick with it. =)
    Inspiration and sources (script related): Envida (harbinger personal items mod).


       (7 reviews)



  25. Skip Telos' Surface

    Made this for a friend, but if anyone else wants to use this, go ahead.. This mod gives you the option to skip the entire Telos surface, taking the shuttle directly to Atris. You get an approximate amount of items you'd get if you played through the surface, the approximate amount of experience and Bao-Dur gets added to your party. No problems have yet been found, but if you do find any, contact me and I'll see about fixing them. Any other suggestions are also welcome.
    For both the PC and Xbox version of the game.


       (4 reviews)

