Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 18, 2019 ----------------------------------------------------- I've found transparencies in Vogga the Hutt in the cutscene when you enter at the Docks module for the first time. I saw this problem in the posts of the MOD 'Kotor 1 Texture to Kotor 2 Game Bridge 1.0.0' but to edit files is not one of my strengths. The MOD have 4 files related with hutt (C_Hutt01.tga to 04) and no ".txi's". In my Override folder I've found a "C_Hutt03.txi". Removing the ".txi" file doesn't help (using only the 4 ".tga" from the MOD). Searching in the folders of the MODs I have installed I've found the ".txi" file in "KOTOR 2 Community Patch-v1.4" (with its ".tga" file, both 03.tga and the 03.txi). Removing from the Override folder all the "hutt" files helps. Without these files, restoring the files from the Community Patch "C_Hutt03.tga" and "C_Hutt03.txi" helps too but there are some transparencies in the mouth and in the tail. I decided leave them all out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted August 18, 2019 Yeah. That's likely a bug in the original game. Basically, the .TGA files have Alpha (Transparency) information that the TXIs use to generate the reflections (cubemap) into the skin. However, for some reason the Appearance.2da uses the "default" setting of six asterisks instead of specifying which cubemap to use. It's a bit complicated, but the gist of it is to download Kotortool and use its built-in 2da editor to change the Envmap section from six asterisks (*) to whatever Envmap the TXI says to use (I believe it was CM_Specular) You can open the TXI with notepad or any text editor, and there should be one line that says "Envmaptexture" followed by whatever cubemap it needs. The reason removing the TGA files fixes the transparency is because the Alpha data inside the texture is what causes it. Removing the TGA and TXI is effectively removing the mod. Alternatively, you could just remove the Alpha information by opening the file in Photoshop and turning the Alpha channel 100% white, but doing so will also make the bumpmap not show as it requires the cubemap to be visible. (If I recall correctly) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 18, 2019 @Malkior Thanks a lot for the tech info!!! Although by the moment I don't dare begin edit files Anyway I've downloaded Kotor Tool, even if only for to see how it works. Maybe later on I give a try Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 18, 2019 Well, my friends, I've decided bet against myself and tried to edit with Kotor Tools the "Appearance.2da" file according the directions of Malkior's Post and this is the result In my Playthrough now I'm using the edited 'appearance.2da' and the 'C_Hutt03.tga' and 'C_Hutt03.txi' files from the ''KOTOR 2 Community Patch-v1.4'. By the moment I'm not using any of the "Hutt" files from ''Kotor 1 Texture to Kotor 2 Game Bridge 1.0.0' MOD. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 18, 2019 --------------------------------------------- Installed BEFORE enter to the Docks for the first time --------------------------------------------- 89 - Movie Mandalorians 4.2 By @DeadMan Statement: Perhaps they seem a bit "squared" (or maybe it's me) but I like to see the mandalorians with the helmets seen in the films and series. (See more screenshots below) There are available other alternatives: - Effixian's Mandalorians Tweak By @Effix - Mandalorian reskin By @FF97 - Canonical Mandalore By @90SK I don't know yet but maybe I'll try to install this last when I reach Dxun. I have to compare and find out what can I do with the one I have installed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 18, 2019 90 - PVC Dancers Outfit 1.0 By @kristykistic Statement: I thought I could dance for Vogga with one of these. I believe that wearing any of them the Hutt never would fall sleep... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 20, 2019 (edited) ------------------------------------------------------ Installed BEFORE re-enter in the Ebon Hawk ------------------------------------------------------ 91 - Visas Marr's Robe fix 1.0.0 By @todevuch 92 - Darth Sapiens presents HD 2K Visas Marr 1.0 By @Darth_Sapiens You have other alternatives as: - Visas Marr Reskin By @Marius Fett --------------------------------------------- Installed BEFORE re-enter to the Docks and enter to the Jekk Jekk Tarr with Mira as PC. --------------------------------------------- XX - Wookiee Warblade and Hanharr fix for TSL 1.0.0 By @todevuch NOTE: The MOD is a Drag and Drop installing system and consists in one ".uti" file and 3 ".utc" files ("p_hanharr.utc", "p_hanharr001.utc" and "p_hanharr002.utc"). I don't know what are and what do the ".utc" files. I've found in the Override folder an existing "p_hanharr.utc", I think from the MOD 'Implant Feat Restoration 1.1' by @N-DReW25 and according its description in the download page "Currently, only Hanhar and Mira have the feats." I assume the ".utc" file is related with that. As Light Side player I don't have Hanharr in my team so I imagine that is indifferent which ".utc" I must use (if the one from 'Implant Feat Restoration 1.1' or the one from 'Wookiee Warblade and Hanharr fix'). At this moment I've let in the Override folder the installed first. After defeat Hanharr I've found all the gear promised by the 'Wookiee Warblade and Hanharr fix' MOD. Any tip or warning will be welcome. NOTE/Add On: I've had to uninstall it because breaks the game later on in Malachor V. Read later on in the thread for some more details. ------------------------------------------ I've found another weird behaviour of TSL that I never saw before. In the Jekk Jekk Tarr with Mira as PC, the penultimate door before the Visquis' private lounge is "closed" but as if it were open, you can walk "through" the door. (The other doors of the J.J.T. works as they have to do). In the next phase of the game with T3-M4 the doors work as well but in next phase, with Atton, when you have to see Tienn Tubb for change the ID of the Ebon Hawk, ALL the doors of the Refugee Landing Pad are "closed" but you can go through them, like Mira in the J.J.T. That was yesterday but re-checking the zones few minutes ago with the same Saves the doors work as they have to do in the J.J.T. and were open in the Refugee Landing Pad as they have to be after open them when you visit the areas for the first time. Well... "those" things of TSL... Edited September 30, 2019 by Obi Wan Pere Added Text Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JCarter426 1,237 Posted August 20, 2019 On 8/18/2019 at 2:20 AM, Malkior said: Yeah. That's likely a bug in the original game. Basically, the .TGA files have Alpha (Transparency) information that the TXIs use to generate the reflections (cubemap) into the skin. However, for some reason the Appearance.2da uses the "default" setting of six asterisks instead of specifying which cubemap to use. It's not really a bug. The envmap is supposed to be set to default in appearance.2da so the game loads the shader info from the model. It's default in K1 too. The issue is that the game always loads shader data from the texture on the model, and there is no texture on the model. They removed them from the K2 versions for some models, maybe intentionally. It seems to me that they willfully stripped the shaders off of a lot of NPCs, probably to improve performance in areas with lots of them. That's not an issue for modern PCs so it would be nice for us to have the option, but now changing the TXI data isn't enough. They need a model edit or the appearance.2da hack too. Hutts are also missing the bump map they had in K1. It's not in the files at all and would have to be ported to get their proper look back. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted August 21, 2019 6 hours ago, JCarter426 said: It's not really a bug. The envmap is supposed to be set to default in appearance.2da so the game loads the shader info from the model. It's default in K1 too. The issue is that the game always loads shader data from the texture on the model, and there is no texture on the model. They removed them from the K2 versions for some models, maybe intentionally. It seems to me that they willfully stripped the shaders off of a lot of NPCs, probably to improve performance in areas with lots of them. That's not an issue for modern PCs so it would be nice for us to have the option, but now changing the TXI data isn't enough. They need a model edit or the appearance.2da hack too. Hutts are also missing the bump map they had in K1. It's not in the files at all and would have to be ported to get their proper look back. Interesting. Sometimes I wonder if the Obsidian art crew had even a clue of what they were doing. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 21, 2019 ------------------------------------------------ 94 - HK-47 Upgrade Kit by G0t0 Here Ind By @Medragor-des ------------------------------------------------- Nice view from G0-T0's Yacht -------------------------------------------------- The GenoHaradan in Nar Shaddaa ------------------------------------------------ ...and Nar Shaddaa and G0-T0's Yacht are over. ------------------------------------------------ Let's go to Dxun!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------ View from the turret of the Ebon Hawk during the space battle before land in Dxun (with the MOD 'TSL Backdrop Improvements 1.4' By @Kexikus) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 23, 2019 Checking different things in Dxun I found some problems that, although it seems that doesn't break the game in this planet (I'm not sure) it seems that does in Korriban. The problems are that there are no cutscenes showing Atton talking nor acknowledging dangers; some beasts attack, others do not; the Dezanti bounty hunters are friendly too. You cannot interact with the panel in the wreck, nor repair the droids you find in the path. All these problems are described in the posts of the download page of the MOD 'Rece's K2 Power Crystal Addon UPDATE 1.5' by @Rece as well as a possible solution based on removing two ".mod" files that may be affected. With the MOD installed, what I did was to remove "401DXN.mod" file from my Modules folder and restore it from the backup folder but that didn't work. I found the same problems happening. After that, I thought that maybe I misunderstood the solution and I removed both ".mod" files from the tslpatchdata folder of the MOD. After restoring from backups the Modules and Override whole folders, I installed the MOD in that way, without the ".mod" files. It showed me errors (I already was guessing them) related with the ".mod" files but the installation was finished. Now the game runs normally (at least the first part of Dxun) but I assume I have lost the goods from the MOD in this zone (and probably in the Sith Academy of Korriban). ----------------------------------------- Installed BEFORE disembarking from the Ebon Hawk to Dxun Jungle Landing. Order of installation: ----------------------------------------- 95 - Malkior's Kotor 2 Sound Collection 1.0 By @Malkior Statement: F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C thunders in Dxun!!!!!!!!!! (I'm still searching someone that can install a lightning rod on the Ebon Hawk. I was thinking let on the top one of the droids with the weapon stretched up but I wouldn't like harm any of them). NOTE: Although the description of the download page says "Thus compends this semi-comprehensive collection of all of the sounds I've edited over the years", I realized that it includes more than just thunders once I unzipped the file MOD before install it. I've lost the related with Peragus. My mistake. ----------------------------------------- - Another combination of three MODs, as always, it's a tastes matter: 96a - K2 Exterior Textures, Part 1 Version 0.1 By @vurt 96b - More Vibrant Skies 1.0 By @Malkior (Dxun part) 96c - Grass and Foliage Reimplanted 1.0.0 By @Malkior Statement: ...woa!!!!!!!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 23, 2019 ------------------------------------------ 97 - Dxun and Onderon Item Restoration Pack 1.2 By @N-DReW25 XX - Dxun Holocron 1.0.0 By @InSidious NOTE: The install says has had an error: "Error: No instruction section found for file di_jhc.utp, skipping..." Waiting to see what happens... NOTE 2: As expected it hasn't worked. I have found nothing. It seems that doesn't break nothing in the game but I untrust about these things and I decided uninstall it and have been forced to repeat some zones that were involved. Not too much time wasted, anyway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 24, 2019 ---------------------------------------------- Installed BEFORE reach Dxun Jungle (from Dxun Jungle Landing). Order of installation. --------------------------------------------- 98 - New Mandalorian Banner Fix By @Akven The Clan Ordo banner 99 - Thorium charge mod by @darth_gil Statement: The always useful and welcomed Thorium Charge MOD 100 - Terentateks in TSL 1.0.0 By @LDR Statement: NICE, NICE, NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the Terentateks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 25, 2019 ---------------------------------------------- The Mandalorian Camp ---------------------------------------------- Installed BEFORE reach the Mandalorian Camp for the first time. Order of installation --------------------------------------------- 101 - JC's Darksaber for K2 1.2 By @JCarter426 --------------------------------------------- NOTE: The second sword from 'Mandalorian Battle Blades 2.0' MOD By @InSidious was in its place, indeed. And these are the skins from 'Movie Mandalorians 4.2' MOD By @DeadMan Statement: They looks pretty nice, a lot more than I thought at first. Mandalore... Xarga... Bralor... Kelborn... (with the feet the mud?) ...and Mira, that I forgot show her gear -------------------------------------------- Before leave Dxun I went to say "hello" to my fellows in the Ebon Hawk (and search again where I left the coffee maker, the fellows it's an excuse, I went for the coffee!!) and I found HK-47 in the middle of his particular party... As says Atton, "That is one sick droid" ------------------------------------------------- Using new Force Powers from 'High-Level Force Powers 2.0 + Update' MOD By @Stoffe in the battle in the Mandalorian Camp. -------------------------------------- ...and the plot of the doomed moon of Dxun is over -------------------------------------- Let's go to Onderon ------------------------------------- 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 25, 2019 Installed BEFORE go to Onderon - Iziz Spaceport for the first time. Order of installation ---------------------------------------- 102 - More Vibrant Skies 1.0 By @Malkior (Onderon Part) 103 - New Bounty Hunters on Onderon 1.0 By @90SK ----------------------------------------- Statement: Mandalore Canderous. Always it annoyed me cannot to see Canderous without helmet in TSL. Here it is from 'Movie Mandalorians 4.2' MOD By @DeadMan. I have to say that I like a lot his "oldest" aspect ...although is known that the years leave their marks... NOTE: In the inventory the helmet has become a mask. It keeps the stats and description but the icon and when Canderous wear it, it's shown as a mask. Well, I already said that I prefer see the faces of my friends. Add on / NOTE 2: The armors from 'Movie Mandalorians 4.2' MOD cover the complete model (including heads) so you ALWAYS see the complete Mandalorian appearence but you still can use any gadget in the head, also the "Mandalore's Helmet" although is shown in the inventory as a mask (I don't know yet if deliberately or due some issue). What confused me is that Mira's gear, the armor and helmet (a real one) can be equiped separately. Besides, Mandalore was wearing the original armor from the game (but without helmet) in the cutscene and at the begining of Onderon instead the one from the MOD and that helped in confusing me. I thought that that armor came from the MOD and when I wanted equip Mandalore with his "separate" helmet ...surprise!! Focusing attention in the helmet/mask and the separate Mira's gear I didn't realize until later on the differents icons of the armors in the inventory, that gave me the clue. All that time I was confusing one armor with another(s). ---------------------------------- Mmmm... A new NPC in Iziz Spaceport? Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! He is Kemar Elim from... 104a - Azgath N'Dul's Tomb 2.0 By @InSidious 104b - Fixed changes.ini for DI's Tomb of Azgath By @kyrie 104c - Azgath N'Dul's Tomb Patch 2.2 By @InSidious 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 26, 2019 ------------------------------------- 105 - New Onderon Merchant By @90SK NOTE: In this MOD (Drag and Drop install system) there is a file called "n_spaceman_low.tga" that I already had in my Override folder from the MOD 'New Bounty Hunters on Onderon 1.0'. As it's a texture file and after compare both files (I think that only changes the colour of the armor, one is yellow, the other is white, besides, the screenshots of the download page the merchant is shown in white) I've decided let installed the first one from NBHoO and check the new merchant, that works fine. I assume that if I use the white version I'd see the Bounty Hunters with white armors, but I'd have to wait to finish Onderon for to check them. ---------------------------------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 27, 2019 Onderon -first visit- is over -------------------------------------------- Coming back to Dxun and... ...Let's go to Dantooine!! -------------------------------------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 27, 2019 Installed BEFORE disembark from the Ebon Hawk to Dantooine - Khoonda Plains. Order of installation ----------------------------------------------- 106 - Khoonda flag fix 1.0.0 By @FF97 107 - K2 Exterior Textures, Part 2 Version 0.1 By @vurt Statement: another "Woa..." ---------------------------------------------------- After the bad experience in Dxun with the MOD 'Rece's K2 Power Crystal Addon UPDATE 1.5', the MOD works again in Dantooine. GREAT!! --------------------------------------------- The flamethrower from 'Movie Mandalorians 4.2' MOD By @DeadMan in action ------------------------------------------------- And another new Force Power from 'High-Level Force Powers 2.0 + Update' MOD By @Stoffe ----------------------------------------------- Skyrus Klopar, from 'Azgath N'Dul's Tomb' MOD By @InSidious I just have to return to Onderon ...when I can --------------------------------------- Installed BEFORE enter the Crystal Cave --------------------------------------- 108 - Kinrath Egg Bash Crystal Drop By @Hassat Hunter 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jc2 581 Posted August 27, 2019 Those skyboxes are amazing! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 27, 2019 On 8/27/2019 at 6:30 PM, jc2 said: Those skyboxes are amazing! Yeah!!!!!! Really, really, REALLY!! ...THEY ARE!!!!!!! I'm finishing very quickly my collection of adjectives with these MODs ------------------------------------------ At some moment I'd like to install 'Workbench Crystal Attunement 1.2 By @Markus Ramikin. The MOD have just 2 files (Drag and Drop install system) but one of them ("workbnch.dlg") conflicts with the same file already existing in the Override folder that, frankly, I have no idea where comes from because I haven't found it in the folders of my installed MODs. I've thought that maybe I could merge both files, even I've found the same question in an old thread in the forums ...without replies. Somewhere I've read that it could be done with Kotor Tools but I have no idea how. Elsewhere I've read that I could "TSLpatcherize" the MOD for make it (more) compatible. I've download the 'TSLPatcher' but, even after read the pdf readme, I'm not sure what I'd have to do. (No, I haven't tried nor searched tutorials). I'm a bit curious. Anyway, 'Workbench Crystal Attunement 1.2' is not a priority MOD, just, maybe, a good asset in the final part of the game. Perhaps - later on - I'll try an experiment... ------------------------------------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 28, 2019 Dantooine plot is over (btw, G0-T0 do not give my reward. He recognizes that is "stabilized" but nothing else about). -------------------------------------------- Traveling to Nar shaddaa to see Geeda and urgent call from Dxun. Coming back there!! -------------------------------------------- On the way to the Freedon Nadd's Tomb Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 29, 2019 ------------------------------------ More Force Powers from 'High-Level Force Powers 2.0 + Update' MOD By @Stoffe ------------------------------------ ...and the MOD 'Rece's K2 Power Crystal Addon UPDATE 1.5', by @Rece works fine as well in the Sith Tomb of Dxun. GREAT!!!! -------------------------------------------- Installed BEFORE entering Freedon Nadd's Tomb. ------------------------------------------- 109 - E3 Style Dxun Masters 1.0.0 By @N-DReW25 The Dxun Sith Tomb is over, let's join the party at Onderon!! ---------------------------------------------- Kemar Elim, from 'Azgath N'Dul's Tomb' MOD. This time, due the battle, it's a bit hidden (I almost lost him, it's a good thing that I checked all of the corners.) Next stop with this MOD ...the Valley of Dark Lords in Korriban!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------- 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jc2 581 Posted August 29, 2019 On 8/27/2019 at 6:44 PM, Obi Wan Pere said: Yeah!!!!!! Really, really, REALLY!! ...THEY ARE!!!!!!! I'm finishing very quickly my collection of adjectives with these MODs ------------------------------------------ At some moment I'd like to install 'Workbench Crystal Attunement 1.2 By @Markus Ramikin. The MOD have just 2 files (Drag and Drop install system) but one of them ("workbnch.dlg") conflicts with the same file already existing in the Override folder that, frankly, I have no idea where comes from because I haven't found it in the folders of my installed MODs. I've thought that maybe I could merge both files, even I've found the same question in an old thread in the forums ...without replies. Somewhere I've read that it could be done with Kotor Tools but I have no idea how. Elsewhere I've read that I could "TSLpatcherize" the MOD for make it (more) compatible. I've download the 'TSLPatcher' but, even after read the pdf readme, I'm not sure what I'd have to do. (No, I haven't tried nor searched tutorials). I'm a bit curious. Anyway, 'Workbench Crystal Attunement 1.2' is not a priority MOD, just, maybe, a good asset in the final part of the game. Perhaps - later on - I'll try an experiment... ------------------------------------------- The workbench.dlg file is probably from TSLRCM or some mod, I actually had the same conflict when I did some major modding. I used the Workbench crystal attunement file, because the one prior to it only removed the tutorial or something like that, and I did not have any issues. My recommendation is to install it anyways, the workbench crystal mod is well done and won't cause crashes, so even if you did replace it and it canceled whatever was done before, it would not cause a crash. Edit: Also Mira looks awesome in that beskar'gam! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 29, 2019 10 hours ago, jc2 said: The workbench.dlg file is probably from TSLRCM or some mod, I actually had the same conflict when I did some major modding. I used the Workbench cystal attunement file, because the one prior to it only removed the tutorial or something like that, and I did not have any issues. My recommendation is to install it anyways, the workbench cystal mod is well done and won't cause crashes, so even if you did replace it and it cancled whatever was done before, it would not cause a crash. I have installed 'Holowan Duplisaber Beta .215b' that add options in the workbench dialog (but I don't see any -obvious- file in the install folder related with it). Aside TSLRCM, it's -I think- the only one MOD that should alter that dialog. What I want to try is to install 'Workbench Crystal Attunement 1.2' (keeping the original "workbnch.dlg" as a backup) and check what is working in the workbench. If only Crystal Attunement works (now I'd know that it works) or, above all, being afraid that something else can be broken unnoticed, I can always replace the "workbnch.dlg" again for the original file and exchange it again temporarily with the one from 'Crystal Attunement' when/if I need tune my Crystal and replace again the file after tune it. I still have to check it and, for sure, it's not the most accurate system for to play and for to make work MODs... Anyway, if I find that all the options from both MODs are present in the workbench, as you say, I could try to let installed the 'Crystal Attunement' one. 10 hours ago, jc2 said: Also Mira looks awesome in that beskar'gam! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Obi Wan Pere 123 Posted August 29, 2019 ----------------------------------- Onderon plot is over (...and G0-T0 must be angry with me because he doesn't want to reward me - again - this time for stabilizing Onderon ) ---------------------------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites