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I'm playing KOTOR and Trask runs up to a door and says, "There's something behind here." It takes a few seconds longer than it should. Then Darth Bandon appears, but doesn't ignite his lightsaber. Trask says, "Damn, another Dark Jedi. I'll try to hold him off. You get to the escape pods, go!" 

After this, the game doesn't exit the dialogue. It doesn't freeze, but Trask just repeats the angry animation where he shakes his fists to infinity. I have no idea what's causing this bug and no idea how to fix it. Also, I did not install JC's Republic Soldier Fix because as far as I know, it's part of the K1CP mod. I've tried installing and reinstalling everything at least 3 times. I'm at my wit's end. Please help!

These are the mods I'm using in order of installation as best I remember: 

KOTOR Community Patch

Unofficial K1CP Tweak Pack 1.4.0 (all TSL Patcher Mods except "Lite NPCs Restoration" and "Regeneration" from Override

NPC Diversity Pack(all options)

Onderon Clothing

Smuggler Deluxe

Ladies of the Sith Army

K2 to K1 Clothing Pack

Taris Dueling Arena Adjustment 1.3

Effixian's Taris Dueling Arena Changes

Bendak Starkiller Emblem Armor(KOTOR Campaign Guide Variant)

Bendak Bounty Non Dark Side Option 1.0

Unused Head Restoration Pack 1.0.0

Sith Commandos[K1]

Commandos of the Old Republic 1.1.0

[K1] Republic Soldier's New Shade 1.1.1

JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1 1.4(100% Brown)

JC's Jedi Tailor for K1(100% Brown Patch)

Dark Jedi Wear Robes

JC's Korriban: Back in Black for K1 2.3(Made sure to install the 'K1CP Compatibility' install option and the "Uthar Armor' option)

JC's Robe Adjustment(both a and b)

JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1 1.0

JC's Blaster Visual Effects

Weapon Base Stats Re-balance (K1) 2.2a

Lightsaber and Force Forms 1.6

Heyorange's collar fix for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes K1 1.0.0

KoTOR Weapon Model Overhaul

Weapon Model Overhaul Texture Rework

High-Quality Blasters

Female Mandalorians

Kill Marlena

Qui-Don Jorn's Sabers 4.0 KotOR Conversion 1.1

Marlena Venn Legends

Lyn Sekla Legends

[K1] Janice Nall "Legends" and the Incomplete Droids 1.1.1

[K1] Selven "Legends" 1.3.0

Revan's Flowing Cape and Belt Fix

Revan's Hoodless/Maskless Flowing Robes For K1 1.2.1

Darth Revan Texture for Star Forge Robes

Remove Force Alignment Restriction 1.1

Spectral Ajunta Pall Canonical Appearance 1.0.2

Ajunta Pall's Swords Revamped

K2-style Dialogue for T3-M4[K1]

High Poly Grenades

Improved Grenades

KotOR 1 Improved Party Outfits 1.0.1

HK Stats Rework

Restored equipment for T3-M4 / HK-47 from TSL – KOTOR 1.0.0

Infinite Droid Utilities

Infinite Energy Shields

Human Xor Unique Look 1.0.1

High Quality Skyboxes II

High-Quality Starfields and Nebulas

Invisible Headgear

JC's Dense Aliens

JC's Vision Enhancement

Juhani Dialogue Restoration

K1 Rakghoul Fiend

K2-Style Dialogue for T3-M4

Korriban Academy Workbench

Leviathan Differentiated Dialogue

Movie-Style Dark Side Transitions

Movie-Style Holograms for Endgame Cutscenes

Movie-Style Rakatan Holograms

Party Model Fixes For K1, Part II 1.0.1

Quarterstaff Replacement Pack

Repeating blaster attacks restoration 1.0.1

Sandpeople Disguise Drop Fix 1.0

Senni Vek Restoration

Shaleena Original Head Restoration

Sherruk - Attacks With Lightsabers

JC's Slave Bastila for K1

Sunry Murder Recording Enhancement

Restored Equipment for T3-M4 / HK-47 from TSL

T3-M4 Voice Module Upgrade 1.1

Trandoshans Rescaled for K1

Unique Party Robes

Unique Sith Governor

Wookiee Warblade Fix

Yuthura Sith Eyes with Light Side Transition 1.0

Zaalbar's Items

Belaya's Unique Look

Balanced Pazaak

Bastila Romance Enhancement

Bastila's Lightsaber

Lore-Friendly Cassus Fett's Battle Armor

Children NPC Fixes

Colja's Zaalbar Reskin

Darth Bandon Head Reskin

Darth Malak reskin pack

Darth Malak's Lightsaber

Jolee's Lightsaber

Juhani Catlike Head

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4 hours ago, JasonRyder said:

I've tried installing and reinstalling everything at least 3 times.

I would very much hope you did this with a clean install of the game every time.

The root cause is most likely some other mod screwing with the scripts and/or DLG that K1CP edited for this scene. Grab end_m01aa.mod in the game's Modules folder and attach it. Then go to your Override folder and open a command prompt there and type in:

dir /b > override.txt

Find that text file it produces and also attach that.

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8 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

I would very much hope you did this with a clean install of the game every time.

The root cause is most likely some other mod screwing with the scripts and/or DLG that K1CP edited for this scene. Grab end_m01aa.mod in the game's Modules folder and attach it. Then go to your Override folder and open a command prompt there and type in:

dir /b > override.txt

Find that text file it produces and also attach that.

Yes, I re-installed the game every time. 

I found the .mod file you're referring to but what do you mean by 'attach' it? And what does it mean to open a command prompt?

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8 minutes ago, JasonRyder said:

what do you mean by 'attach' it?

Attach it to your post, where it says "Drag files here to attach, or choose files...".

8 minutes ago, JasonRyder said:

what does it mean to open a command prompt?

The TL:DR is Start -> Run -> cmd but you'll need to Google the intricacies of navigating to your Override folder if you are not familiar with DOS conventions.

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Okay, went into the file and typed 'cmd' and it took me to a window with a black background and white text. I typed in "dir /b > override.txt" without quotations and used the exact spacing. I pressed enter and all it did was give me another line that said 'E: \KOTOR\Override>


I'm not familiar with DOS conventions. 


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Specifically, the scene relies on Bandon's UTC having the correct unique tag and UserDefine script in order to receive scripted commands during the scene.

It's up to you to find out which mod is the culprit and report the problem to its author. But I would suggest this is not likely to be your only problem going forward. You'd be better off culling your mod list and starting over.

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I did as you asked and reinstalled the game and didn't download a few mods. Specifically I didn't install "Republic Soldier's New Shade" and "Lightsaber and Force Forms." And I also didn't install some mods that were already part of K1CP such as "JC's Dense Aliens." I also didn't install any of the lightsaber mods and instead downloaded "KSR 2022." However, I still installed most of the mods on the list. 

And it worked! I was able to fix the issue with Bandon and Trask. 

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