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Version 1.3
This modification adds extra power crystals to KotOR 2 with new icons and descriptions that follow the style of the KotOR games. Some crystals are taken from the EU and others are my own creation, so if you know your star wars lore well you will probably recognize some names while others will be novelty to you. As of version 1.3 there are +15 crystals plus some vanilla crystal description fixes: Color Bronze; Hurrikaine Crystal; Barab Ore Ingot. The Luxum crystal also made a return from K1, it's stats have been modified so it's no longer a lesser version of Firkrann. _____________________________ I did not implement the crystals at any point in the game and as such they're only obtainable through the console. Check the readme for all the codes. Elwood288 took the liberty of placing them if you're interested -
View File More Jedi Starting Powers With this mod installed when you become a Jedi you gain 9 force powers (10 if Jedi Consular) instead of 2. This means you don’t miss out on anything if you level up your character on Taris. Submitter GearHead Submitted 01/26/2024 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes
Version 1.0
Compatibility Compatible with TSLRC 1.8.4. Not compatible with any Kotor2 mod that also overrides k_sp1_generic.ncs, i.e. other force power effect mods. Force mods that override spells.2da or other files should be compatible. About This mod increases the durations of beneficial force powers by a factor of 2-3x to make recasting them less annoying. Not long enough to fire and forget, but enough to actually last through most battles. Install Non-steam users: extract k_sp1_generic.ncs to <Kotor2 directory>\override Steam users: extract k_sp1_generic.ncs to <Steam directory>\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\485537937\override Uninstall Remove k_sp1_generic.ncs from the directory above. Powers Affected --------------------------------------------Valor I, II, III 20s -> 60sAura, Shield, Armor 20s -> 60sSpeed I, II, III 36s -> 90s* also apply to Force EnlightenmentForce Resist, Immunity 60s -> 120sEnergy Resistance I, II, III 120s -> 300sBarrier I 30s -> 60sBarrier II 45s -> 90sBarrier III 60s -> 120sBattle Meditation I, II, III 20s -> 60s-------------------------------------------- -
Version 1.0
Author: Kainzorus Prime Mod Name: Enhanced Lightning - Sith Edition ************************* Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other, mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself. ************************* 1. Info =========== This mod is a reskin of TriggerGod's high quality lightning effect, given a more purple hue to match Sith lightning used by Emperor, Kyle Katarn and Starkiller. 2. Instalation: ========= Unpack the contents to Override folder. The mod works for both K1 and TSL. 3. Usage ========= Use the bloody lightning power, watch the fireworks. 4. Credits: =========== Special thanks to: TriggerGod - who made the original Enhanced Lightning mod. 5. DISCLAIMER: =============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyysey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. -
Hello, I am starting a light sided playthrough and I always hated how the most light side powers last 20 seconds. I know there is a mod that extends force power duration's but it is not a TSL patcher and I already had the file and didn't want to overwrite since I have a decently modded TSLRCM installation. (Already played on this modded install and only issue is the dxun mandalorian dialogue auto skips to PC responses and without sound, still trying to figure that one out). My question is: Is there a mod that combines all the light side force power buffs into one or a TSL patcher mod that extends durations?
I'm wondering if any modder would like to recreate it as a force power such that it can be used by main character and companions. I understand how it works which basically spawn a couple of invisible NPC (using Lightsaber_Floating appearance) equipped with a lightsaber, the problem is I don't know how to spawn NPC with mod... I notice there is one mod exist somewhere in the Internet which is for Kotor 1, while I'm not sure does it compatible with TSL, as it also come with other force powers which some of them are actually taken from TSL.
View File Additional Power Crystals for TSL This modification adds extra power crystals to KotOR 2 with new icons and descriptions that follow the style of the KotOR games. Some crystals are taken from the EU and others are my own creation, so if you know your star wars lore well you will probably recognize some names while others will be novelty to you. As of version 1.3 there are +15 crystals plus some vanilla crystal description fixes: Color Bronze; Hurrikaine Crystal; Barab Ore Ingot. The Luxum crystal also made a return from K1, it's stats have been modified so it's no longer a lesser version of Firkrann. _____________________________ I did not implement the crystals at any point in the game and as such they're only obtainable through the console. Check the readme for all the codes. Elwood288 took the liberty of placing them if you're interested Submitter TK-664 Submitted 04/05/2018 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible
Version 1.5
Hey there everyone! First off, thanks for downloading my mod! I really appreciate every fan that I have out there, so thanks again! This is TSLRCM compatible. Alright, who cares about introductions right? Let's get right down to what this mod is. So, I added 51 new power crystals to the game. Each one does a couple of special things to your lightsabers that I don't think most people have done. (well, in the sense that I haven't seen anyone really come out with a crystal mod like this.) Anyways… I placed every crystal to pop up in certain situations (i.e: certain dialog options, what classes you choose, etc…) as well as placed them randomly throughout the game. Well, yeah that's about as much as I can say honestly. I really hope you guys do find this mod pretty interesting. I am a bit too lazy to type out every crystal, with it's stats and what-not. I'll type out the codes (although I REALLY, REALLY want you to find the crystals in-game instead of cheating. If you want to know which crystal code belongs to which, check out my WIP on Deadlystream and look for the numbers after each crystal name. Anyways, here are the codes! They're pretty simple, just: rececrstl200 all the way to 250. Here's a little sneak peak at how some of the crystals work: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: There are two ways, depending on which file you downloaded. There's the TSRCM version, and the non-TSLRCM version. They are both easy to install, so yeah. Anyways, just run the TSLPatcher and it'll automatically install every file. For the non-TSLRCM version, you'll just have to cheat all of the items into the game. UNINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Just remove all of the files from your override, and replace any backups found in the backups folder. COMPATIBILITY ISSUES: Unfortunately, this mod is NOT compatible with a mod like SLM. I believe it is for Duplisaber, so that's always good PERMISSIONS: You may NOT redistribute this mod without my consent. Ask me on any site, like DS, YouTube, Steam, etc… and I will tell you if you can put my mod somewhere else. And now for my special thanks: Fair Strides is first and foremost as he is for every one of my mods. I mean, I can't describe how helpful and how much of an awesome guy he is. It's just beyond me that I know someone like him. He helped me with scripts (as with every script that I have to make) as well as help with guiding me through making certain parts of the TSLPatcher. Malkior for some recommendations on crystal names, stats, and descriptions. Akko for suggesting a crystal to me, which I made the description make it seem like it's his crystal . Everyone out there who commented on my posts as well as kept up the support. Oh, and thanks Xuul for that comment, I never would have thought you would comment on one of my projects haha. Well, you did make a mod review for my bad mod that I made haha. Anyways… Enjoy! -
View File Increased Force Buff Durations Compatibility Compatible with TSLRC 1.8.4. Not compatible with any Kotor2 mod that also overrides k_sp1_generic.ncs, i.e. other force power effect mods. Force mods that override spells.2da or other files should be compatible. About This mod increases the durations of beneficial force powers by a factor of 2-3x to make recasting them less annoying. Not long enough to fire and forget, but enough to actually last through most battles. Install Non-steam users: extract k_sp1_generic.ncs to <Kotor2 directory>\override Steam users: extract k_sp1_generic.ncs to <Steam directory>\steamapps\workshop\content\208580\485537937\override Uninstall Remove k_sp1_generic.ncs from the directory above. Powers Affected --------------------------------------------Valor I, II, III 20s -> 60sAura, Shield, Armor 20s -> 60sSpeed I, II, III 36s -> 90s* also apply to Force EnlightenmentForce Resist, Immunity 60s -> 120sEnergy Resistance I, II, III 120s -> 300sBarrier I 30s -> 60sBarrier II 45s -> 90sBarrier III 60s -> 120sBattle Meditation I, II, III 20s -> 60s-------------------------------------------- Submitter cyricc Submitted 01/11/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible
Rece's K2 Power Crystal Addon UPDATE View File Hey there everyone! First off, thanks for downloading my mod! I really appreciate every fan that I have out there, so thanks again! This is TSLRCM compatible. Alright, who cares about introductions right? Let's get right down to what this mod is. So, I added 51 new power crystals to the game. Each one does a couple of special things to your lightsabers that I don't think most people have done. (well, in the sense that I haven't seen anyone really come out with a crystal mod like this.) Anyways… I placed every crystal to pop up in certain situations (i.e: certain dialog options, what classes you choose, etc…) as well as placed them randomly throughout the game. Well, yeah that's about as much as I can say honestly. I really hope you guys do find this mod pretty interesting. I am a bit too lazy to type out every crystal, with it's stats and what-not. I'll type out the codes (although I REALLY, REALLY want you to find the crystals in-game instead of cheating. If you want to know which crystal code belongs to which, check out my WIP on Deadlystream and look for the numbers after each crystal name. Anyways, here are the codes! They're pretty simple, just: rececrstl200 all the way to 250. Here's a little sneak peak at how some of the crystals work: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: There are two ways, depending on which file you downloaded. There's the TSRCM version, and the non-TSLRCM version. They are both easy to install, so yeah. Anyways, just run the TSLPatcher and it'll automatically install every file. For the non-TSLRCM version, you'll just have to cheat all of the items into the game. UNINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Just remove all of the files from your override, and replace any backups found in the backups folder. COMPATIBILITY ISSUES: Unfortunately, this mod is NOT compatible with a mod like SLM. I believe it is for Duplisaber, so that's always good PERMISSIONS: You may NOT redistribute this mod without my consent. Ask me on any site, like DS, YouTube, Steam, etc… and I will tell you if you can put my mod somewhere else. And now for my special thanks: Fair Strides is first and foremost as he is for every one of my mods. I mean, I can't describe how helpful and how much of an awesome guy he is. It's just beyond me that I know someone like him. He helped me with scripts (as with every script that I have to make) as well as help with guiding me through making certain parts of the TSLPatcher. Malkior for some recommendations on crystal names, stats, and descriptions. Akko for suggesting a crystal to me, which I made the description make it seem like it's his crystal . Everyone out there who commented on my posts as well as kept up the support. Oh, and thanks Xuul for that comment, I never would have thought you would comment on one of my projects haha. Well, you did make a mod review for my bad mod that I made haha. Anyways… Enjoy! Submitter Rece Submitted 06/17/2015 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible
- crystals
- lightsaber
- (and 8 more)
Hey there modders (mostly to whoever worked on a lightsaber crystal mod before) So, I'm trying to add new power crystals into the game, but I've run into problems with a few of them. Whenever I put the crystals into the lightsaber and then exit out of the screen. The crystals are then defaulted to some vanilla game crystals. Here's an example of two: I'm unsure as to why they do this. And it's with about 15 out of the 20 crystals. The lightsabers will keep their stats, but they lose the crystals to some default crystal. I'm unsure as to the reason of this, but if anyone has any recommendations, say them here. I've tried replacing the color crystals too, but the error seems to keep happening with every saber. I've tried cheating in a new saber, and it sitll happens. Any ideas? If you need a picture of the upgrade.2da file, or the properties of one of the lightsabers, I'll add in a pic. Update: So, I found out another interesting thing. When I only put of the crystals in, and then exit out. All of a sudden the other crystal slot is filled with a random crystal. So in that picture, what seems to be happening the Stygma crystal is spawning the Rubat crystal in the other slot, and the Gemstone crystal seems to be spawning the Damind into the other slot. Update 2: I found out that 13 of 20 crystals are doing this. I have UTI's from the number 70-89. 78-89 are doing this.
- 3 replies
- lightsaber
- power
- (and 5 more)
File Name: Enhanced Lightning - Sith Edition File Submitter: Kainzorus Prime File Submitted: 10 Sep 2013 File Category: Skins Author: Kainzorus Prime Mod Name: Enhanced Lightning - Sith Edition ************************* Under NO circumstances is this, or any of my other, mod(s) to be posted on ANY site other than by myself. ************************* 1. Info =========== This mod is a reskin of TriggerGod's high quality lightning effect, given a more purple hue to match Sith lightning used by Emperor, Kyle Katarn and Starkiller. 2. Instalation: ========= Unpack the contents to Override folder. The mod works for both K1 and TSL. 3. Usage ========= Use the bloody lightning power, watch the fireworks. 4. Credits: =========== Special thanks to: TriggerGod - who made the original Enhanced Lightning mod. 5. DISCLAIMER: =============== This Mod is not supported by LucasArts, Bioware or Obsidian. Please do not contact them for support of this mod. Copyright: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords, characters, items, etc. are trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Bioware and the Odyysey Engine are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Obsidian are trademarks of Obsidian Entertainment. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Click here to download this file