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Found 16 results

  1. Version 1.0.1


    This mod was made to increase the immersion for those who like me, love to play with Canderous in full Mandalorian armor. It applies radio effect on Canderous' voice. Completed lines: Taris ✓ Canderous conversation (stories, etc.) ✓ Carth and Bastila banter ✓ Jagi quest line ✓ Leviathan ✓ Multiple random reactions ✓ Soundset ✓ I've done my best to locate most of the dialogs, but some of the files are a real pain to find. If you happen to stumble upon missing soundfile let me know. It would be extremely helpful if you told me which module it happend and which NPC started the conversation (or you starded with). THIS IS NOT A CLOTHING/ARMOR MOD, IT CONTAINS MODIFIED AUDIO FILES ONLY! IT REQUIRES ANOTHER MOD TO LOOK PROPERLY FE: "Mandalorian Ultimate Mod"! Have fun!
  2. Version 1.1


    =TSL Improved Party Outfits= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: TSL Improved Party LATEST VERSION: 1.1 CONTACT: E-mail, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds eight new items with unique properties and are restricted to each of the human and humanoid party members in KotOR II: TSL, including Atton, Bao-Dur, the Disciple, the Handmaiden, Kreia, Mandalore, Mira and Visas. Said party members will automatically have these unique outfits equipped when they join your party. Each of these outfits also has its own custom inventory icon and can be upgraded. If you want to see your party members appear in their default outfits and those outfits being more useful in combat throughout the course of the game, this mod is for you. This mod was intended for the party members’ unique outfits to be usable in combat throughout the entire game, especially during the sequences where you can only control the party members while the player character is not around. Therefore, the properties of these items may be overpowered, especially in the early game. I make no promises to make a “balanced” version of this mod, because I play the KotOR games for the story and characters and not combat. If gameplay and combat balance are very important to you, this mod is not for you. The idea of this mod was inspired by jonathan7's Party Clothing mod for KotOR 1. While jonathan7 had also made a similar mod for TSL as part of the Force Fashion II mod, I don't use Force Fashion II because it is not compatible with The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). Therefore, I decided to make my own version of a similar mod for TSL that is compatible with TSLRCM. Technically, this mod was my first attempt at KotOR modding. However, initially this mod was only for my personal use. Now I have decided to release this to the public. 2. USAGE NOTES: For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new TSL playthrough. If you want to add these improved party member outfits manually via the cheat console or KotOR Savegame Editor, here are the item codes: llk_attonjkt - Atton's Ribbed Jacket llk_baodursuit - Bao-Dur's Tech Suit llk_disgarment - Disciple's Garment llk_handgarment - Handmaiden's Garment llk_kreiarobe - Kreia's Robe llk_mandarmor - Mandalore's Armor llk_mirajkt - Mira's Ballistic Mesh Jacket llk_visasrobe - Visas' Robe 3. INSTALLATION: Extract the TSL Improved Party you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory. Run Install TSL Improved Party Outfits.exe, point the installer to your KotOR 2 directory and let the installer do its magic. This mod also provides an optional file that improves Handmaiden's Robe to have the same stats as the Handmaiden's default outfit from this mod. If you want to install the improved Handmaiden's Robe, go to the "Optional - Improved Handmaiden's Robe" folder, copy a_robe_x01.uti and paste it in your Override folder. NOTE: If you already have the .utc files of the humanoid party members in your Override folder (the file names are p_[party member name].utc), when you install this mod a new folder named "backup" will be created by TSLPatcher in the same folder as the TSLPatcher. Do not delete the folder or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. 4. UNINSTALLATION: Go to your Override folder, delete ia_Class9_201.tga, the .tga files starting from ia_cloths_202.tga to ia_cloths_208.tga and the .uti files with the "llk_" prefix (without the quotation marks). If you also installed the Improved Handmaiden's Robe from this mod, go to your Override folder and delete a_robe_x01.uti. If a "backup" folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the "backup" folder, cut and paste any .utc. file(s) from the folder and paste the file(s) in your Override folder. If no backup folder was created, simply delete p_atton.utc, p_baodur.utc, p_disciple.utc, p_handmaiden.utc, p_kreia.utc, p_mand.utc, p_mira.utc and p_visas.utc from your Override folder. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: When you upgrade any of the party member's outfits from this mod on the workbench, the outfit would look like a basic clothing in the workbench's interface. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it since it appears to be hardcoded. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod will likely conflict with any other mods that modify any of the following files, especially if the other mod also modifies the party members' starting armor: p_atton.utc p_baodur.utc p_disciple.utc p_handmaiden.utc p_kreia.utc p_mand.utc p_mira.utc p_visas.utc If you want to use any other mods that modify the above files, AND the other mod is installed by putting any of the above files in Override folder, you need to install my mod AFTER the other mod. The optional Improved Handmaiden Robe component is not compatible with any other mods that modify the .uti file of Handmaiden's Robe (a_robe_x01.uti). This mod is not compatible with any other mod that modifies the party members' starting armor or clothing when they join your party. This mod should be compatible with any reskin mods for the party member's default outfits, unless they edit the armor slot in aforementioned .utc files of the party members. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for your personal use. However if you want to use any files from this mod for your own mod, please ask for my permission before releasing your mod. If I give you permission for it, I request that you credit me when you release your mod. Thank you. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not wish any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 8. CREDITS: jonathan7 for the Party Clothing mod that became the inspiration of this mod Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool tk102 for K-GFF GFF Editor Stoffe for TSLPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Movie Mandalorians - Retextured by Mcfly -------------------- My intention in making these textures was to fuse the concept of the Movie Mandalorians mod, with the original in-game Mandalorian designs. I initially made these just for my own use, but I decided to release them once I finally completed the set. -------------------- Install: -------------------- - These textures require the Movie Mandalorians mod by Deadman. - Copy all .tga files into your KOTOR2/override folder. -------------------- Uninstall: -------------------- - Delete the .tga files from your override folder. - Reinstall Movie Mandalorians mod to restore the original textures -------------------- Special Thanks: -------------------- - Deadman, for creating the original mod. Thank you Deadman! -------------------- Permission: -------------------- - Anyone is welcome to do whatever they like with these. -------------------- Contact: -------------------- If for any reason you want to contact me, you can find me on DeadlyStream and NexusMods. - Mcfly696 @ NexusMods - Mcfly @ DeadlyStream
  4. I don't know how to mod, nor do I know how to create models. That being said, I had an idea that I thought would be interesting. What if there was a subset of Mandalorians who were able to use their own type of Lightsaber? These soldiers are trained specifically to combat Jedi and other Force Sensitives. (Most of this is just a lore dump. The actual request is at the very bottom.) -Lore Dump- The concept is simple enough. Basically the Mandalorians were able to reverse engineer the Darksaber, but were unable to get any crystals to actually craft them. So they created a special mechanical fixture that turns plasma into a colorless (white) flat bladed Lightsaber known as a Mandalorian Plasma Blade. The wielders of these weapons are specially trained Mandalorians. They have a different armor design to signify their position. The armor itself resembles a Sith Troopers armor, but with a Mandalorian color scheme. The helmet resembles Mandalore's without the respiratory tubes. These soldiers would also have other special weapon, such as jump booster to combat Force Leap, a gauntlet with a short electric discharge to mimic Force Lightning, a gauntlet that has a repulser to mimic Force Push, and a force field generator. They have implants that neutralize most poisons, heal them, inject them with amplifying drugs, enhance their hearing, and even allow them to see further away. These are all on top of the standard Mandalorian weaponry. Mandalore himself gets all of these upgrades as well as a full body electric discharge, a full body pulse discharge, and a special implant that forcefully restarts his heart. He also has his own Plasma Blade that he can upgrade with an actual Lightsaber Crystal. -Request- Now, obviously this is too much stuff to add to a mod. I just added the lore dump so anyone who liked the idea had it for reference. My only request is that someone creates a mod to include some of these guys on Dxun. None of the powers or anything. Just them in armor with their "Plasma Blades". If possible, I'd also appreciate it if Mandalore could get an upgradeable Plasma Blade. I apologize to everyone for the inconvenience.
  5. View File Effixian's Dark Mandalore ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Dark Mandalore AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip, copy the 2 files in the subfolder to your override folder. ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- This is a simple reskin of Mandalore the Preserver, inspired by the Dark Troopers. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- Remove from the Override folder: P_MandB.tga PO_PMandalore.tga ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ---------------- Donations ---------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. Submitter Effix Submitted 05/12/2022 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE: Effixian's Dark Mandalore AUTHOR: Effix(ian) CONTACT: PM me on the forums or find me on Steam ------------------------- INSTALLATION ------------------------- Unzip, copy the 2 files in the subfolder to your override folder. ----------------------- DESCRIPTION ----------------------- This is a simple reskin of Mandalore the Preserver, inspired by the Dark Troopers. ------------------------- UNINSTALLING ------------------------- Remove from the Override folder: P_MandB.tga PO_PMandalore.tga ------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION NOTES ------------------------------------- You can use the files from this mod in your own mod if you simply credit me. -------------------- THANKS TO -------------------- Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool ---------------- Donations ---------------- My mods are free. If you would like to show your support then you can buy me a coffee at ------------------- THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE, OBSIDIAN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  7. I’m trying a few new things, ‘new’ as in things I haven’t tried before, because let’s be real, giving Mandalore a flamethrower, somebody must have come up with this idea before. This is what I came up with, I moved the handconjure dummy to make the the flame spray beam originate from the wrist instead of the hand. Then I had to add some sort of gun nozzle, and I meant for it to come out of Mandalore’s vambrace, but I still haven’t found a way to make it look good. I’d rather avoid adding meshes to an existing 3d model, the end result never looks as good as the original model, or as smooth I should say. What I did was add an entry in visualeffects.2da so that the gun nozzle would only appear as a visual effect for half a second, unfortunately you can’t hook up a visual effect to just any body part you want, so I had to use the root dummy. I’m not satisfied, perhaps I’ll give it another try, meanwhile it’s been fun
  8. Version 1.0.0


    DESCRIPTION This is an HD reskin of our driven mandalorian, Mandalore. This texture is now 2048x2048, A.I. and manually-upscaled and incorporating downloaded textures. I constantly checked my work against the 3D model to ensure there were no texture seams. I made sure to remain as faithful to the original texture as possible while adding a few details of my own. INSTALLATION Click the "Start Patching" button down below. UNINSTALLATION Move the files from the newly created "backup" folder to the KotORII "override" folder. THANKS Thanks to GIMP,, Blender, KotORTool, KotORBlender, mdlops, and the KotOR Savegame editor. Special thanks to Red11BY for his Character Overhaul pack ( Mod by tjsase. Feel free to include this mod in modpacks so long as you credit me and link back to the original download page.
  9. Alright, so this is my First Playthrough of Brotherhood of Shadow, really it's my first Modded Playthrough of the original Kotor, but after a slow start figuring things out, I've made my way through the game, completed the original brotherhood of Shadow questline no problem, Started Solomons revenge and everything is moving smoothly. Then we get to the korriban Wastes, and things look a little... Odd. It feels like I was missing a lot of textures for Rocky outcropings because a lot of it was seethrough, but it wasn't affecting my ability to play, and it had a cool effect like the darkside was eroding the rock away, but I digress. We enter the temple, and I eventually find myself reliving Revan, Malik and Shadow's Assault on the mandalorian bridge. Again, things are going alright, figuring things out. Feeling smart cuz I got the puzzle with the power converters and the energy shield. Using gernades to blow them up was pretty cool. ANYWAY, I make my way to the next map, I think it was the bridge elevator. Map loads, I open the door, and I'm greeted by 2 droids, 2 small turrets, and at the far end of the room down the halway, 2 blue mandalorians and shortly after 2 yellow mandalorians show up running down the hall. (I'm using colors to hopefully give you an idea of where I'm at cause frankly I have no idea) And I enter the room, and the game crashes. The game always crashes without fail as soon as I aggro the mandalorians (I believe) I've worked out that I can camp in the little spawn room with my teammates and basically lure the droids in to the room to kill them, and wait for the turrets to die from blaster reflection, but the game crashes everytime I seem to aggro the mandalorians. Can anyone help me? Please? I've practically torn my hair out looking for this bug on like 3 different forums and I only found it reported once, with no answer. My Modlist is as follows Kotor 1 Restoration, k1 Force Powers, Fire and Ice HD, Solomons Revenge and Brotherhood of Shadow (I got them both from the combined install) Kotor1 Lightsaber Forms, 1k Skybox Retexture, Weapon Model Overhaul and Highres Lightning. I also have the optional 1k BOSSR addons Any and all help is appreciated
  10. View File HD Mandalore Upscale DESCRIPTION This is an HD reskin of our driven mandalorian, Mandalore. This texture is now 2048x2048, A.I. and manually-upscaled and incorporating downloaded textures. I constantly checked my work against the 3D model to ensure there were no texture seams. I made sure to remain as faithful to the original texture as possible while adding a few details of my own. INSTALLATION Click the "Start Patching" button down below. UNINSTALLATION Move the files from the newly created "backup" folder to the KotORII "override" folder. THANKS Thanks to GIMP,, Blender, KotORTool, KotORBlender, mdlops, and the KotOR Savegame editor. Special thanks to Red11BY for his Character Overhaul pack ( Mod by tjsase. Feel free to include this mod in modpacks so long as you credit me and link back to the original download page. Submitter tjsase Submitted 12/26/2019 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  11. View File Movie Mandalorians - Retextured Movie Mandalorians - Retextured by Mcfly -------------------- My intention in making these textures was to fuse the concept of the Movie Mandalorians mod, with the original in-game Mandalorian designs. I initially made these just for my own use, but I decided to release them once I finally completed the set. -------------------- Install: -------------------- - These textures require the Movie Mandalorians mod by Deadman. - Copy all .tga files into your KOTOR2/override folder. -------------------- Uninstall: -------------------- - Delete the .tga files from your override folder. - Reinstall Movie Mandalorians mod to restore the original textures -------------------- Special Thanks: -------------------- - Deadman, for creating the original mod. Thank you Deadman! -------------------- Permission: -------------------- - Anyone is welcome to do whatever they like with these. -------------------- Contact: -------------------- If for any reason you want to contact me, you can find me on DeadlyStream and NexusMods. - Mcfly696 @ NexusMods - Mcfly @ DeadlyStream Submitter Mcfly Submitted 10/18/2019 Category Skins TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  12. View File Canderous' helmet-filtered voice This mod was made to increase the immersion for those who like me, love to play with Canderous in full Mandalorian armor. It applies radio effect on Canderous' voice. Completed lines: Taris ✓ Canderous conversation (stories, etc.) ✓ Carth and Bastila banter ✓ Jagi quest line ✓ Leviathan ✓ Multiple random reactions ✓ Soundset ✓ I've done my best to locate most of the dialogs, but some of the files are a real pain to find. If you happen to stumble upon missing soundfile let me know. It would be extremely helpful if you told me which module it happend and which NPC started the conversation (or you starded with). THIS IS NOT A CLOTHING/ARMOR MOD, IT CONTAINS MODIFIED AUDIO FILES ONLY! IT REQUIRES ANOTHER MOD TO LOOK PROPERLY FE: "Mandalorian Ultimate Mod"! Have fun! Submitter Stachur95 Submitted 12/10/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  13. View File TSL Improved Party Outfits =TSL Improved Party Outfits= A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: THE SITH LORDS MODIFICATION AUTHOR: Leilukin FILE NAME: TSL Improved Party LATEST VERSION: 1.1 CONTACT: E-mail, or message to Leilukin on Deadly Stream 1. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds eight new items with unique properties and are restricted to each of the human and humanoid party members in KotOR II: TSL, including Atton, Bao-Dur, the Disciple, the Handmaiden, Kreia, Mandalore, Mira and Visas. Said party members will automatically have these unique outfits equipped when they join your party. Each of these outfits also has its own custom inventory icon and can be upgraded. If you want to see your party members appear in their default outfits and those outfits being more useful in combat throughout the course of the game, this mod is for you. This mod was intended for the party members’ unique outfits to be usable in combat throughout the entire game, especially during the sequences where you can only control the party members while the player character is not around. Therefore, the properties of these items may be overpowered, especially in the early game. I make no promises to make a “balanced” version of this mod, because I play the KotOR games for the story and characters and not combat. If gameplay and combat balance are very important to you, this mod is not for you. The idea of this mod was inspired by jonathan7's Party Clothing mod for KotOR 1. While jonathan7 had also made a similar mod for TSL as part of the Force Fashion II mod, I don't use Force Fashion II because it is not compatible with The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). Therefore, I decided to make my own version of a similar mod for TSL that is compatible with TSLRCM. Technically, this mod was my first attempt at KotOR modding. However, initially this mod was only for my personal use. Now I have decided to release this to the public. 2. USAGE NOTES: For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new TSL playthrough. If you want to add these improved party member outfits manually via the cheat console or KotOR Savegame Editor, here are the item codes: llk_attonjkt - Atton's Ribbed Jacket llk_baodursuit - Bao-Dur's Tech Suit llk_disgarment - Disciple's Garment llk_handgarment - Handmaiden's Garment llk_kreiarobe - Kreia's Robe llk_mandarmor - Mandalore's Armor llk_mirajkt - Mira's Ballistic Mesh Jacket llk_visasrobe - Visas' Robe 3. INSTALLATION: Extract the TSL Improved Party you downloaded to anywhere you like, as long as it is not within the KoOR 2 directory. Run Install TSL Improved Party Outfits.exe, point the installer to your KotOR 2 directory and let the installer do its magic. This mod also provides an optional file that improves Handmaiden's Robe to have the same stats as the Handmaiden's default outfit from this mod. If you want to install the improved Handmaiden's Robe, go to the "Optional - Improved Handmaiden's Robe" folder, copy a_robe_x01.uti and paste it in your Override folder. NOTE: If you already have the .utc files of the humanoid party members in your Override folder (the file names are p_[party member name].utc), when you install this mod a new folder named "backup" will be created by TSLPatcher in the same folder as the TSLPatcher. Do not delete the folder or any of the files within the folder if you are planning on uninstalling this mod. 4. UNINSTALLATION: Go to your Override folder, delete ia_Class9_201.tga, the .tga files starting from ia_cloths_202.tga to ia_cloths_208.tga and the .uti files with the "llk_" prefix (without the quotation marks). If you also installed the Improved Handmaiden's Robe from this mod, go to your Override folder and delete a_robe_x01.uti. If a "backup" folder was created when you installed this mod, go to the "backup" folder, cut and paste any .utc. file(s) from the folder and paste the file(s) in your Override folder. If no backup folder was created, simply delete p_atton.utc, p_baodur.utc, p_disciple.utc, p_handmaiden.utc, p_kreia.utc, p_mand.utc, p_mira.utc and p_visas.utc from your Override folder. 5. KNOWN ISSUES: When you upgrade any of the party member's outfits from this mod on the workbench, the outfit would look like a basic clothing in the workbench's interface. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it since it appears to be hardcoded. If you find any other bugs or problems, please let me know. 6. MOD COMPATIBILITY: This mod will likely conflict with any other mods that modify any of the following files, especially if the other mod also modifies the party members' starting armor: p_atton.utc p_baodur.utc p_disciple.utc p_handmaiden.utc p_kreia.utc p_mand.utc p_mira.utc p_visas.utc If you want to use any other mods that modify the above files, AND the other mod is installed by putting any of the above files in Override folder, you need to install my mod AFTER the other mod. The optional Improved Handmaiden Robe component is not compatible with any other mods that modify the .uti file of Handmaiden's Robe (a_robe_x01.uti). This mod is not compatible with any other mod that modifies the party members' starting armor or clothing when they join your party. This mod should be compatible with any reskin mods for the party member's default outfits, unless they edit the armor slot in aforementioned .utc files of the party members. 7. PERMISSION: You may modify this mod for your personal use. However if you want to use any files from this mod for your own mod, please ask for my permission before releasing your mod. If I give you permission for it, I request that you credit me when you release your mod. Thank you. I do not use nor support Steam Workshop, so I do not wish any of my mods to be uploaded to Steam Workshop. 8. CREDITS: jonathan7 for the Party Clothing mod that became the inspiration of this mod Fred Tetra for the KotOR Tool tk102 for K-GFF GFF Editor Stoffe for TSLPatcher THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE THIS FILE AT YOUR OWN RISK AND NEITHER THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES NOR THE AUTHOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter Leilukin Submitted 02/04/2017 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  14. Three different Mando armor mods!
  15. It happens...

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