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Found 18 results

  1. Version 2.0.1


    The Harbinger is a victim of double-sabotage, by both a group of cult assassins and one crazed protocol droid, who did their jobs a little too well. There are missing pieces of the ship's hull geometry, UV errors, lightmapping issues, and broken animations all throughout the ship. Let's fix them up! Installation: Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. This mod also includes an optional 16x upscale of the cracked window texture, which can be found in the "Additional" subfolder. Simply take the .tpc out into the main mod folder to activate it, if you wish. Also, be sure to uninstall version 1.0, "Harbinger Bridge Repairs", if you previously installed it. This mod is made for and tested on PC, so if you are attempting to install this for a different platform, you will have to let me know how it works for you. Uninstallation: Remove the folder "Ultimate_Harbinger_Model_Repairs_v2.0.1" from your override. Included Files: Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. For this mod I have fixed up 56 of the shipd's total of 57 submodules, so it will not likely be compatible with mods that replace any of the area models for the ship. The mod is therefore not compatible with "Harbinger Hull Fixes" by DarthParametric, though it fixes the same issues, as well as a great many more. This mod may be compatible with other lighting mods such as "A Darker Peragus REDUX" by Malkior, and "...A Darker Peragus" by Canderis. The four lightmaps included in this mod are all custom-made and named, so there should be no file name conflicts, it is simply a matter of how they look in-game against those mods' lightmaps. This mod is fully compatible with visual improvement mods such as Kexikus' "TSL Backdrop Improvements", and most any texture mods. It also includes an optional upscaled version of the cracked window texture that I recommend, which you can find in the "Additional" subfolder. Acknowledgments: Huge thank-you to Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, Cortisol for making my life easier with the Holocron Toolset, and ndix UR for making image compression convenient with tga2tpc. This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
  2. View File Ultimate Harbinger Repairs The Harbinger is a victim of double-sabotage, by both a group of cult assassins and one crazed protocol droid, who did their jobs a little too well. There are missing pieces of the ship's hull geometry, UV errors, lightmapping issues, and broken animations all throughout the ship. Let's fix them up! Installation: Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux. This mod also includes an optional 16x upscale of the cracked window texture, which can be found in the "Additional" subfolder. Simply take the .tpc out into the main mod folder to activate it, if you wish. Also, be sure to uninstall version 1.0, "Harbinger Bridge Repairs", if you previously installed it. This mod is made for and tested on PC, so if you are attempting to install this for a different platform, you will have to let me know how it works for you. Uninstallation: Remove the folder "Ultimate_Harbinger_Model_Repairs_v2.0.1" from your override. Included Files: Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. For this mod I have fixed up 56 of the shipd's total of 57 submodules, so it will not likely be compatible with mods that replace any of the area models for the ship. The mod is therefore not compatible with "Harbinger Hull Fixes" by DarthParametric, though it fixes the same issues, as well as a great many more. This mod may be compatible with other lighting mods such as "A Darker Peragus REDUX" by Malkior, and "...A Darker Peragus" by Canderis. The four lightmaps included in this mod are all custom-made and named, so there should be no file name conflicts, it is simply a matter of how they look in-game against those mods' lightmaps. This mod is fully compatible with visual improvement mods such as Kexikus' "TSL Backdrop Improvements", and most any texture mods. It also includes an optional upscaled version of the cracked window texture that I recommend, which you can find in the "Additional" subfolder. Acknowledgments: Huge thank-you to Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, Cortisol for making my life easier with the Holocron Toolset, and ndix UR for making image compression convenient with tga2tpc. This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage. Submitter PapaZinos Submitted 03/17/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes
  3. Version 1.0.0


    It looks like the Exchange is getting desperate to keep refugees from leaving the Refugee Sector. Their new bag of tricks includes: removing pieces of architecture from the landing pad, creating over a half-dozen wall and floor gaps, causing crates and railings to pop in and out of existence before your very eyes, and installing a railing inside of the airspeeder. That will make anyone's head spin! Let's fix the place up. Installation: Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II". 7z files can be extracted using Archive Utility on macOS, or with free programs such as PeaZip on Windows and Linux. Uninstallation: Remove the folder "Nar_Shaddaa_Landing_Pad_Fixes" from your override folder. [Included Files:] -301nara.mdl -301nara.mdx -301narb.mdl -301narb.mdx -301narc.mdl -301narc.mdx -301nard.mdl -301nard.mdx -301nark.mdl -301nark.mdx Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. Acknowledgments: Big thanks to Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with KotORTool and Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender. This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.
  4. View File Nar Shaddaa Landing Pad Repair It looks like the Exchange is getting desperate to keep refugees from leaving the Refugee Sector. Their new bag of tricks includes: removing pieces of architecture from the landing pad, creating over a half-dozen wall and floor gaps, causing crates and railings to pop in and out of existence before your very eyes, and installing a railing inside of the airspeeder. That will make anyone's head spin! Let's fix the place up. Installation: Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II". 7z files can be extracted using Archive Utility on macOS, or with free programs such as PeaZip on Windows and Linux. Uninstallation: Remove the folder "Nar_Shaddaa_Landing_Pad_Fixes" from your override folder. [Included Files:] -301nara.mdl -301nara.mdx -301narb.mdl -301narb.mdx -301narc.mdl -301narc.mdx -301nard.mdl -301nard.mdx -301nark.mdl -301nark.mdx Compatibility: Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. Acknowledgments: Big thanks to Fred Tetra for making file extraction easy with KotORTool and Symmetric, Purifier, Ndix UR, and seedhartha for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender. This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage. Submitter PapaZinos Submitted 02/20/2022 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  5. The directional keys and enter on keyboard do nothing outside of dialogue and can't be mapped to WASD or to action command. I've attempted to make the game controls more modern with the in game settings but I can't find a mod that maps dialogue controls to WASD and spacebar to select.
  6. View File Android GUI fixes Modifies some UI elements of the KotOR Android port. There are three .gui files in the package: ftchrgen.gui - Fixes the Feats selection menu not fully showing the last row of feats. areatransition.gui - Moves the Area transition UI element to the center of the screen, makes it slightly bigger and centers the text. xymipc210x7.gui - Moves the Combat message UI element to the center of the screen INSTALL Copy .gui files to android/data/com.aspyr.swkotor/files/override (I also recommend installing KOTOR Widescreen Fade Fix) Please note that I can't guarantee these edits will have the intended result on your device. Tools used: Visual KotOR GUI Editor (KGE) 0.0.4 K-GFF 1.3 Submitter Spulifan Submitted 09/27/2021 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  7. Spulifan

    Android GUI fixes

    Version 1.0.0


    Modifies some UI elements of the KotOR Android port. There are three .gui files in the package: ftchrgen.gui - Fixes the Feats selection menu not fully showing the last row of feats. areatransition.gui - Moves the Area transition UI element to the center of the screen, makes it slightly bigger and centers the text. xymipc210x7.gui - Moves the Combat message UI element to the center of the screen INSTALL Copy .gui files to android/data/com.aspyr.swkotor/files/override (I also recommend installing KOTOR Widescreen Fade Fix) Please note that I can't guarantee these edits will have the intended result on your device. Tools used: Visual KotOR GUI Editor (KGE) 0.0.4 K-GFF 1.3
  8. View File Marauder Strict Fix Pack K2 Marauder Strict Fix Pack for KotOR II: TSL Notice that this is NOT the same as Marauder Fix Pack. Version 1.0.0 -Description- A collection of my fixes for items that had wrong descriptions or properties. This differs from my previous Marauder Fix Pack, by not including consistency fixes. New here is that Droid Anatomy Fix is now included and installed by default after it was updated. -Installation- Uses TSLPatcher. Double-click StrictFixPackK2.exe, confirm your choice and tell the installer where the game path is. -Compatibility- If there is something that would conflict, the installer will not overwrite it. Don’t use it with K2CP because they already include most (if not all) of my fixes. Marauder Fix Pack already has these fixes. There’s no need to combine the two. -Permissions- You have permission to alter this mod and redistribute your modified versions. I'm happy for you to repackage it, include it in your own mods, or upload it anywhere you like. I only ask to be mentioned as the original author of the mod. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetra's Kotor Tool Uses TSL Patcher for installing the mod Submitter Marauder Submitted 09/20/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Marauder Strict Fix Pack for KotOR II: TSL Notice that this is NOT the same as Marauder Fix Pack. Version 1.0.0 -Description- A collection of my fixes for items that had wrong descriptions or properties. This differs from my previous Marauder Fix Pack, by not including consistency fixes. New here is that Droid Anatomy Fix is now included and installed by default after it was updated. -Installation- Uses TSLPatcher. Double-click StrictFixPackK2.exe, confirm your choice and tell the installer where the game path is. -Compatibility- If there is something that would conflict, the installer will not overwrite it. Don’t use it with K2CP because they already include most (if not all) of my fixes. Marauder Fix Pack already has these fixes. There’s no need to combine the two. -Permissions- You have permission to alter this mod and redistribute your modified versions. I'm happy for you to repackage it, include it in your own mods, or upload it anywhere you like. I only ask to be mentioned as the original author of the mod. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetra's Kotor Tool Uses TSL Patcher for installing the mod
  10. Marauder

    Marauder Fix Pack

    Version 1.0.5


    Marauder Fix Pack for KotOR II: TSL There is a new version 1.0.5, make sure to grab the 1.0.5 version of the zip. -Description- A collection of my fixes to upgrade items that had wrong descriptions or properties. It combines all the fixes I have done for TSL. -Fixes (incomplete list)- Fixed the Mandalorian Chamber Mark III doing 3-17 damage instead of 2-16 as in the description. Barab Ore Ingot now correctly shows 2-12 fire damage in the description instead of 2-16. Targetting Scope Mark I was changed to show that it in fact has a slow effect like the others and not a stun effect. Corrected Ion Cell Mark II to show that it does Ion damage like the others instead of Bludgeoning damage. Birestorative underlay Mark III (u_a_unde_14) was missing the word "upgradeable." at the end of it's description. Hurrikaine Crystal description changed to mention the property On Hit: Knockdown DC 18 which was missing before. Firkrann Crystal changed to show that it does Ion damage vs droids instead of regular Ion damage which was missing before. Various whitespace fixes. Various missing colons after "Massive Criticals". Fix for Ostrine edge not showing the requirements to use it. Added missing return carriage for Solari crystal. Many robes were missing part of their descriptions that mark them as upgradeable. Droid Anatomy Description Fix is now included in main install -Installation- Just double-click MarauderFixPackK2.exe, confirm your choice then tell the installer where the game path is. -Compatibility- For now this is still not compatible with 90SK's TSL Loot & Immersion Upgrade, but this will probably happen in the next point release. This mod will not overwrite anything however, meaning you can safely use it and still get some of the fixes whilst using other mods. -Copying- You have permission to alter this mod and redistribute your modified versions. I'm happy for you to repackage it, include it in your own mods, or upload it anywhere you like. I only ask to be mentioned as the original author of the mod. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetra's Kotor Tool Uses TSL Patcher for installing the mod
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This is a mirror. The main file can be found on Nexusmods. Updates will be found, and feedback should be directed, there. Summary This mod modifies the Mandalorian Armors found in KotOR, and fixes a few of the issues present. Most of these items were cut from the game, and this mod makes no attempt to restore them, however any mod that does will benefit from these fixes. There are 3 files in this mod, and each fixes a seperate issue. First, the icon for Mandalorian Armor (cut from the game), doesn't resemble the armor at all. It looks like a modified version of Cassus Fett's armor, but the armor doesn't look like Cassus Fett's. It is also a Class 9 style armor icon (i.e. 9 defense, 0 dex bonus), but the Mandalorian Armor is a Class 8 armor (i.e. 8 defense, 1 dex bonus). Class 8 armor icons lack the large shoulders of Class 9 icons. The icon for Mandalorian Battle Armor (found in various parts of the game) is fine, and resembles the armor, however it is in the style of Class 8 armor, and features very limited shoulders. I have moved this icon to the Class 8 Mandalorian Armor, and made a new icon for the Class 9 Mandalorian Battle Armor. This new icon is a merged and color matched version of the old Mandalorian Battle Armor icon, and the yellow Mandalorian Heavy Armor icon. Lastly, the Mandalorian Assault Armor (found on the unknown world) now uses its intended appearance (which it also uses in KotOR 2). Normally in the game it is a disguise item, which makes the player into a standard blue Mandalorian. This doesn't make any sense considering it is supposed to be reserved for elite troopers. Features Mandalorian Assault Armor now uses its intended appearance, as seen in KotOR 2 Mandalorian Armor now uses the icon of Mandalorian Battle Armor, as it shared the design of the Class 8 armor icon Mandalorian Battle Armor has a new icon, composited from the Mandalorian Heavy Armor icon, and the old Mandalorian Battle Armor icon Requirements & Compatibility Put the 3 files in the Override This should be compatible with everything Recommended Mods Armor Accurate Mandalorians makes all the NPC Mandalorians use textures similar to the armors obtainable by the player Mandalorian Assault Armor Restoration is not compatible (this mod implements a similar change to the Assault Armor) Other Links If you would like to know what else I am working on, you can follow me on my Twitter. If you want to see more of my mods, you can view all of them on my Nexus profile. If you would like to see more, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel, or follow me on Twitch, where I play a variety of games and showcase a variety of mods. If you want to discuss any of my work, or just want to hang out, you can join my Discord. If you want to directly contact me, my email address is Thank you for reading, enjoy!
  12. Version 1.0.6


    Fixes to different upgrade items that had problems with their descriptions. My first released mod, thought I'd get it out there instead of on disk and give back to the community. This version adds a fix for the Ostrine edge not showing it's usage requirements and a return carriage for the Solari Crystal. Suggestions welcome. Use it however you like, just throw a mention my way.
  13. Version 1.0


    TSL Prestige Class Saving Throw fixes - version 1.0 By Rovan NOTE: I’d like to suggest to any potential users to keep track of the mods you’ve installed, exactly in the order you’ve installed them in. Description: Prestige classes are, quite frankly, pretty fun. However, one glaring error in the game is how both the Jedi Master and the Sith Lord have terrible, terrible saving throws, especially when compared to their predecessor, the Consular. This mod aims to fix this grievous error, part of the many injustices rendered unto the Force-wielding prestige classes. Installation: There are two folders in this mod: one contains fixed saving throws for the Jedi Master and Sith Lord prestige classes, changing them so they at least equal the Jedi Consular’s saving throws. Drag both “cls_st_jmaster.2da” and “cls_st_sithlord.2da” into the Override folder of KoTOR 2. The other folder contains “standardizations” for the Jedi Weapon Master and Sith Marauder prestige class saving throws, to match those of the Jedi Guardian. This portion is wholly optional, but if you wish to install this portion, drag both “cls_st_jweapmas.2da” and “cls_st_sithmar.2da” into the Override folder of KoTOR 2. NOTE: I did not edit the Jedi Watchman or the Sith Assassin saving throws, mostly because they seemed just about right; the Watchman is more defense oriented with the best saving throws in the game, while the Assassin is more offense oriented, but with weaker saving throws than the base class, the Sentinel. Uninstallation: Remove “cls_st_jmaster.2da” and “cls_st_sithlord.2da” from the Override folder, and/or “cls_st_jweapmas.2da” and “cls_st_sithmar.2da” as well. Permissions: Do NOT reupload this to anywhere without my permission, especially the Steam Workshop. Do NOT make any edits to this mod and re-upload it, claiming it as your own. If you want to use this mod as part of your own mod, send me a message via any of my contact info listed below. Credits: Fred Tetra for making the ever so wonderful KOTOR Tool… and Rece on DeadlyStream for providing a tutorial on how to install KOTOR Tool via Wineskin! Also, cheers to VarsityPuppet for being encouraging and Fair Strides for providing a ReadMe template. :v Contact Information: Add me on Steam at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns (NO PRIVATE PROFILES WILL BE ADDED). I can also be contacted here on, where I uploaded this mod. There should be no compatibility problems with TSLRCM whatsoever. A note about the screenshots: I was using NiuHaka's DarkHarbinger PMHC04 Reskin at the time when I took them. That mod is not part of the mod in any shape or form.
  14. File Name: Mandalorian Armor Fixes File Submitter: darthbdaman File Submitted: 09 Nov 2017 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: Yes This is a mirror. The main file can be found on Nexusmods. Updates will be found, and feedback should be directed, there. Summary This mod modifies the Mandalorian Armors found in KotOR, and fixes a few of the issues present. Most of these items were cut from the game, and this mod makes no attempt to restore them, however any mod that does will benefit from these fixes. There are 3 files in this mod, and each fixes a seperate issue. First, the icon for Mandalorian Armor (cut from the game), doesn't resemble the armor at all. It looks like a modified version of Cassus Fett's armor, but the armor doesn't look like Cassus Fett's. It is also a Class 9 style armor icon (i.e. 9 defense, 0 dex bonus), but the Mandalorian Armor is a Class 8 armor (i.e. 8 defense, 1 dex bonus). Class 8 armor icons lack the large shoulders of Class 9 icons. The icon for Mandalorian Battle Armor (found in various parts of the game) is fine, and resembles the armor, however it is in the style of Class 8 armor, and features very limited shoulders. I have moved this icon to the Class 8 Mandalorian Armor, and made a new icon for the Class 9 Mandalorian Battle Armor. This new icon is a merged and color matched version of the old Mandalorian Battle Armor icon, and the yellow Mandalorian Heavy Armor icon. Lastly, the Mandalorian Assault Armor (found on the unknown world) now uses its intended appearance (which it also uses in KotOR 2). Normally in the game it is a disguise item, which makes the player into a standard blue Mandalorian. This doesn't make any sense considering it is supposed to be reserved for elite troopers. Features Mandalorian Assault Armor now uses its intended appearance, as seen in KotOR 2 Mandalorian Armor now uses the icon of Mandalorian Battle Armor, as it shared the design of the Class 8 armor icon Mandalorian Battle Armor has a new icon, composited from the Mandalorian Heavy Armor icon, and the old Mandalorian Battle Armor icon Requirements & Compatibility Put the 3 files in the Override This should be compatible with everything Recommended Mods Armor Accurate Mandalorians makes all the NPC Mandalorians use textures similar to the armors obtainable by the player Mandalorian Assault Armor Restoration is not compatible (this mod implements a similar change to the Assault Armor) Other Links If you would like to know what else I am working on, you can follow me on my Twitter. If you want to see more of my mods, you can view all of them on my Nexus profile. If you would like to see more, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel, or follow me on Twitch, where I play a variety of games and showcase a variety of mods. If you want to discuss any of my work, or just want to hang out, you can join my Discord. If you want to directly contact me, my email address is Thank you for reading, enjoy! Click here to download this file
  15. View File Marauder Fix Pack Marauder Fix Pack for KotOR II: TSL There is a new version 1.0.5, make sure to grab the 1.0.5 version of the zip. -Description- A collection of my fixes to upgrade items that had wrong descriptions or properties. It combines all the fixes I have done for TSL. -Fixes (incomplete list)- Fixed the Mandalorian Chamber Mark III doing 3-17 damage instead of 2-16 as in the description. Barab Ore Ingot now correctly shows 2-12 fire damage in the description instead of 2-16. Targetting Scope Mark I was changed to show that it in fact has a slow effect like the others and not a stun effect. Corrected Ion Cell Mark II to show that it does Ion damage like the others instead of Bludgeoning damage. Birestorative underlay Mark III (u_a_unde_14) was missing the word "upgradeable." at the end of it's description. Hurrikaine Crystal description changed to mention the property On Hit: Knockdown DC 18 which was missing before. Firkrann Crystal changed to show that it does Ion damage vs droids instead of regular Ion damage which was missing before. Various whitespace fixes. Various missing colons after "Massive Criticals". Fix for Ostrine edge not showing the requirements to use it. Added missing return carriage for Solari crystal. Many robes were missing part of their descriptions that mark them as upgradeable. Droid Anatomy Description Fix is now included in main install -Installation- Just double-click MarauderFixPackK2.exe, confirm your choice then tell the installer where the game path is. -Compatibility- For now this is still not compatible with 90SK's TSL Loot & Immersion Upgrade, but this will probably happen in the next point release. This mod will not overwrite anything however, meaning you can safely use it and still get some of the fixes whilst using other mods. -Copying- You have permission to alter this mod and redistribute your modified versions. I'm happy for you to repackage it, include it in your own mods, or upload it anywhere you like. I only ask to be mentioned as the original author of the mod. -Credits- Made with Fred Tetra's Kotor Tool Uses TSL Patcher for installing the mod Submitter Marauder Submitted 11/16/2016 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  16. File Name: Upgrade Item Description Fixes File Submitter: Marauder File Submitted: 18 Sep 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Fixes to different upgrade items that had problems with their descriptions. My first released mod, thought I'd get it out there instead of on disk and give back to the community. This version adds a fix for the Ostrine edge not showing it's usage requirements and a return carriage for the Solari Crystal. Suggestions welcome. Use it however you like, just throw a mention my way. Click here to download this file
  17. File Name: TSL Prestige Class Saving Throw fixes File Submitter: Rovan File Submitted: 25 Feb 2016 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes TSL Prestige Class Saving Throw fixes - version 1.0 By Rovan NOTE: I’d like to suggest to any potential users to keep track of the mods you’ve installed, exactly in the order you’ve installed them in. Description: Prestige classes are, quite frankly, pretty fun. However, one glaring error in the game is how both the Jedi Master and the Sith Lord have terrible, terrible saving throws, especially when compared to their predecessor, the Consular. This mod aims to fix this grievous error, part of the many injustices rendered unto the Force-wielding prestige classes. Installation: There are two folders in this mod: one contains fixed saving throws for the Jedi Master and Sith Lord prestige classes, changing them so they at least equal the Jedi Consular’s saving throws. Drag both “cls_st_jmaster.2da” and “cls_st_sithlord.2da” into the Override folder of KoTOR 2. The other folder contains “standardizations” for the Jedi Weapon Master and Sith Marauder prestige class saving throws, to match those of the Jedi Guardian. This portion is wholly optional, but if you wish to install this portion, drag both “cls_st_jweapmas.2da” and “cls_st_sithmar.2da” into the Override folder of KoTOR 2. NOTE: I did not edit the Jedi Watchman or the Sith Assassin saving throws, mostly because they seemed just about right; the Watchman is more defense oriented with the best saving throws in the game, while the Assassin is more offense oriented, but with weaker saving throws than the base class, the Sentinel. Uninstallation: Remove “cls_st_jmaster.2da” and “cls_st_sithlord.2da” from the Override folder, and/or “cls_st_jweapmas.2da” and “cls_st_sithmar.2da” as well. Permissions: Do NOT reupload this to anywhere without my permission, especially the Steam Workshop. Do NOT make any edits to this mod and re-upload it, claiming it as your own. If you want to use this mod as part of your own mod, send me a message via any of my contact info listed below. Credits: Fred Tetra for making the ever so wonderful KOTOR Tool… and Rece on DeadlyStream for providing a tutorial on how to install KOTOR Tool via Wineskin! Also, cheers to VarsityPuppet for being encouraging and Fair Strides for providing a ReadMe template. :v Contact Information: Add me on Steam at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns (NO PRIVATE PROFILES WILL BE ADDED). I can also be contacted here on, where I uploaded this mod. There should be no compatibility problems with TSLRCM whatsoever. A note about the screenshots: I was using NiuHaka's DarkHarbinger PMHC04 Reskin at the time when I took them. That mod is not part of the mod in any shape or form. Click here to download this file
  18. As most know, I released a fix for PMHH01 and a reskin done by DarthParametric. Well I've decided to go beyond and reskin Dopak to look like Edward Kenway from Assassin's Creed IV. I also have more planned, keep you informed and tell me what you all think. This will include movie style dark side transitions.