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  1. Version 1.2.1


    Keep in mind this is still a demo / early access for a project that is insanely oversized and may never be fully completed, so probably best for most users to avoid this project / mod for the time being until I have cleared things up a bit more. But feel free to check it out if you wish. The goal of the Expanded Galaxy Project is to provide as much additional content for both games as possible. NOTE : The current included readme is outdated, so the installation instructions are included below. Installation steps for the project. #0 Install KotOR2. #1 Install Official 1.0b Patch ( Steam users don't need this ) #2 Install TSLRCM 2022 #3 Install M478EP 1.5 #4 Install Coruscant Jedi Temple #5 Install Expanded Galaxy 1.1.8 ( Download included on this page ) This is all required for the project to work properly. Also make sure to download and install the latest patches, I will upload everything in a single package eventually. <-> Credit to everybody that helped me along the way or contributed. bead-v - Upgradeable Swoop Bike Mod - Ebon Hawk Model Fixes - Kreias Vibrosword - Rocket Launcher Sounds Ashton Scorpius - Ebon Hawk Downloadable Map (No Longer Included) - Ebon Hawk Map Unlocks On Enter Instead - Jedi Malak Mouth Fix - Twilek Head Fixes Option A Darth Insidious - advice DarthParametric - advice DarthRevan101 - advice Darth_Sapiens - Animated Logo ( TSLRCM / M478EP ) - I will update this to say the correct version numbers JC - advice JCarter426 - K2 Loadscreen Template - Republic Soldier Fix for K2 v1.1 - VO Fix for K2 v1.1 - Zhug Attack Fix for TSLRCM v1.1 - Minor Fixes for K2 v1.5 - Shader Fixes for K2 v1.1 - Feat Fixes for K2 v1.1 ( Not Included Yet ) - Minor Fixes for K1 v1.1 - Dense Aliens for K1 ( Not Included Yet ) - Jedi Tailor for K1 v1.4 ( Not Included Yet ) - Korriban - Back in Black for K1 v2.3 ( Not Included Yet ) - Republic Soldier Fix for K1 v1.3( Not Included Yet ) Stoney - Sleheyron Demo / Maps - Placeable Ebon Hawk Model ( Included in the Port ) ebmar - advice Effix - advice for a fix InSidious - advice & TSL Lost Modules deathdisco - Coruscant / Jedi Temple Mod ( Not Included but required ) TimurD2003 - M4-78 Fog Fixes Kexikus - Updated Coruscant Texture & Planet Icon - Extended Jedi Council Meeting VarsityPuppet - Malachor V Sideways opening doors - Peragus Tweak ( removed due to a bug ) - Trayus Rank Reform danil-ch - Extended Carth Meeting - Kreia's dialog on small kindnesses - Kreia's Fall In-Game Cutscene - Sensor Droid Appearance Change Schizo - Re-scaled Trandoshans Alvar007 - Darth Malak Model Included From Playable Darth Malak Mod ( disguise optional ) lachjames - KotOR Save Importer For TSL ( included and optional for now ) - K2 Overlay Console ( included and optional, normaal and steam versions ) Marauder - Mandalorian Chamber Mark III Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation ) - Reduced Graphics Mod ( optional ) - Robe Description Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation ) - Droid Anatomy Description Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation ) jonathan7 - Bodies Stay Mod ( optional ) ndix UR - PMHC06 TSL Head Fix ZimmMaster - TSL Walking & Running Animation Fix Markus Ramikin - Kill The Ithorian LDR - Terentatek Models Darth Shan - Extra Difficulty Options seedhartha - Advice on Importing/Exporting in Blender & Creating the latest KotOR Blender Plugin! N-Drew25 - Selkath Xbox Voice Files PapaZinos - Various Level Model Fixes SithHolocron - Nar Shaddaa Docks' Computer and Monitor Upgrade and Animated Swoop Monitors zbyl2 - Advice & Help finding files that do stuff in TSLRCM. Cortisol - PyKotOR itself. th3w1zard1 - various updates to PyKotOR that helped with the installers for the project. many more and a big shout out to everyone that has supported the project on the Discord channel. <-> Thanks to everybody that made this project possible, I will update the read-me and many more things in time. Thor110 Discord : - For Testing & Story Discussion as well as the latest patches. There is now an installer included.
  2. Hi guys!!! I've decided start a new (which I think different of all I've seen) topic and I believe it can be interesting. In this, my next Play-through with TSL, my intention is indicate the MODs I'm installing at each time of game play and, as far as possible, the results. It's basically for three main reasons. First, the combination of several MODs can help somebody to choose/confirm an election due some compatibility doubts or simply for a nice game play. Second, usually I install the MODs just before they're involved (although there is a large list of them that must be installed before start a Play-through and others that the timeline/story line is indifferent) and due the enormous quantity of MODs available, the Community can help me to choose my next MODs to install according with my story line in the game, within a previous selection, compatibility issues, recommendations, warnings and opinions. All will be welcome. Third reason, because I like the idea. My choices are absolutely mine with no other consideration that enjoy and (a MUST) try to keep the compatibility along the game, so, please, let no one be offended if I use one MOD and not other. Anyway, several times my final choice change from one day to another. Of course this "in Real Time" (more or less) selection will not be a guarantee to finish successfully the game and/or see a MOD in all its grandeur due the complexity of a lot of MODs working together. It's a risk that I am prepared to run. And you? Anyway it can be funny. How can it be otherwise all the credits are for the authors of the MODs who deserve a very well recognized tribute. Well, finished my 'statement of intentions' I'll say that the Play-through is based on TSLRCM 1.8.5 + M4-78EP ---------------------------------------------------------------- Let's start After a fresh installation of KotOR 2 - TSL and before start the Playthrough Order of Installation 01 - Patch 1.0b (I think that my recently recovered english version of TSL is the US version and the Patch 1.0a can't be applied. Anyway you can found all Patches and versions here at DS). 02 - HQ Movies Update Patch (all 6 parts) 1.0 By Sith Holocron (according to the description it must be installed before than TSLRCM) Statement: I wanted install HQ Music Update Patch 1.0 By Sith Holocron but I realize too late I had to do it before install TSLRCM and obviously other MODs. I'm sorry. Next time. 03 - TSL Restored Content Mod 1.8.5 By zbyl2 04 - M4-78 Enhancement Project 1.5 By zbyl2 05 - KOTOR 2 Community Patch 1.4 By A Future Pilot -------------------------------------------------------------------- BTW!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't like NOTHING that now the Posts merge itselfs. In any case, give that option to the users would be nice enough. -------------------------------------------------------------------- (Ara ve quan el pengen) Well, this a combination of three MODs that reskin the interior of the Ebon Hawk and all of them are 'Drag and Drop' files. Some files coincide the name so you have to choose which file you like. If someone is interested I can upload the list I made. 04a - Hi-res Ebon Hawk By FF97 04b - The EbonHawk-HDTP R1 By desmasic 04c - Ebon Hawk Texture Enhancement 1.0 By Fallen Guardian Statement: As I am still testing things and I'm still at the Prologue (no real Play-through yet) with the damaged surrounds of the EH, I'll wait to install MODs in which I am very interested as 'KOTOR2 Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (not including Galaxy Map) 1.1' by Sith Holocron and Xarwarz, or 'KOTOR2 More Subtle Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (still not including Galaxy Map) 1.2' by Sith Holocron and Dark Hope (they are not complementary as I thought the first time). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE / Add-on about reskin of the Ebon Hawk. I've included some files of the MOD 'KOTOR2 Animated Ebon Hawk Monitors (not including Galaxy Map) 1.1' although I want to see the REAL effect with the Hawk repaired and, as all are Drag and Drop files MODs I still can change some things easily. I don't want overload the thread with unnecessary screenshots so I'll wait until later to upload them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've made some adjustments at my combination of files. I've removed 'CM_Baremetal.tga', changed some files related with screens and added some '.txi' files that @ebmar uploaded some time ago (you can find them within the posts of This is the result, the screenshots diminishes the effect, you'd HAVE to see it in game!!!!! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 05 - Prologue sensor droids fix By danil-ch A funny MOD. I like a lot. 06 - Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields 1.2 By Vasilii Zaytsev 07 - [TSL] High Quality Starfields and Nebulas 1.3 By Kexikus Statement: I've found different files related with Peragus so I've installed both MODs 08 - Darth Sapien's Presents T3M4 HD 2k 1.00 By Darth_Sapiens Really a very nice, nice, nice work with T3-M4. Statement: I tried to combine it with 'Effixian's T3-M4 Blue & Red' By Effix but I couldn't. 09 - TSL Improved Party Outfits 1.0.1 By Leilukin Statement: The description says: "For the best experience with this mod, it's recommended to have a completely new TSL playthrough." So, here it is but for obvious reasons I can't see nothing yet. EDIT / Add on: A very useful and necessary improvement. 10 - Badass Bastila 1.0 By Medragor-des What can I say? I fell in love with Bastila in the first KotOR and this a great work. 11 - Effixian's Alternative Female Underwear By Effix I had the alternative of 'Handmaiden-style Undies For Female PCs' By Shem But I liked the first one more. 12 - Custom Starting Feats 1.1 By rkr87 A very good start of the game. 13 - Implant Feat Restoration 1.1 By N-DReW25 Statement: The idea of to save precious Attributes Points destined to increase the Constitution only for wear powerful implants is just great. 14 - High-Level Force Powers 2.0 + Update By Stoffe I am looking forward to seeing what can I do with my new Powers. -----------------------------------------------
  3. Could somebody please help to make a compatibility patch for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes or Hybrid Robes with the Lore friendly Qel-Droma Robes mod?
  4. Howdies beloved staffs and site owner/s, I'm thinking if DS can provide a Requirements \ Mods requiring this file drop-down list similar like our neighbor has. I'm certain that'd go a long way making things easier both for the mod authors and end-users. Much thanks for considering this -- cheers! 🍻
  5. This thread lists the mods known to be compatible or incompatible with SWKotOR on Android and any accompanying conflicts. Unless otherwise stated, assume all the following are K1R compatible. If you have confirmed that any number of mods are compatible or have a link to an unlincked mod, leave a comment below and this post will be appended. Compatible Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge Canon Galaxy Map for KotOR Crixler's New Lightsaber Crystal Pack Enhanced Merchants Tomb of Exar Kun Kainzorus Prime's NPC Overhaul KotOR 1 Restoration Party on the Leviathan Roleplay Padawan Sunry Murder Enhancement Super Enhanced Mod Weapons of the Old Republic Redhawke's mods XediiXarwarz's mods Incompatible
  6. Are Mods that are compatible with TSLRCM 1.8.5 compatible with MTSLRCM 1.8.6?
  8. View File Expanded Galaxy Demo Keep in mind this is still a demo / early access for a project that is insanely oversized and may never be fully completed, so probably best for most users to avoid this project / mod for the time being until I have cleared things up a bit more. But feel free to check it out if you wish. The goal of the Expanded Galaxy Project is to provide as much additional content for both games as possible. NOTE : The current included readme is outdated, so the installation instructions are included below. Installation steps for the project. #0 Install KotOR2. #1 Install Official 1.0b Patch ( Steam users don't need this ) #2 Install TSLRCM 2022 #3 Install M478EP 1.5 #4 Install Coruscant Jedi Temple #5 Install Expanded Galaxy 1.1.8 ( Download included on this page ) This is all required for the project to work properly. Also make sure to download and install the latest patches, I will upload everything in a single package eventually. <-> Credit to everybody that helped me along the way or contributed. bead-v - Upgradeable Swoop Bike Mod - Ebon Hawk Model Fixes - Kreias Vibrosword - Rocket Launcher Sounds Ashton Scorpius - Ebon Hawk Downloadable Map (No Longer Included) - Ebon Hawk Map Unlocks On Enter Instead - Jedi Malak Mouth Fix - Twilek Head Fixes Option A Darth Insidious - advice DarthParametric - advice DarthRevan101 - advice Darth_Sapiens - Animated Logo ( TSLRCM / M478EP ) - I will update this to say the correct version numbers JC - advice JCarter426 - K2 Loadscreen Template - Republic Soldier Fix for K2 v1.1 - VO Fix for K2 v1.1 - Zhug Attack Fix for TSLRCM v1.1 - Minor Fixes for K2 v1.5 - Shader Fixes for K2 v1.1 - Feat Fixes for K2 v1.1 ( Not Included Yet ) - Minor Fixes for K1 v1.1 - Dense Aliens for K1 ( Not Included Yet ) - Jedi Tailor for K1 v1.4 ( Not Included Yet ) - Korriban - Back in Black for K1 v2.3 ( Not Included Yet ) - Republic Soldier Fix for K1 v1.3( Not Included Yet ) Stoney - Sleheyron Demo / Maps - Placeable Ebon Hawk Model ( Included in the Port ) ebmar - advice Effix - advice for a fix InSidious - advice & TSL Lost Modules deathdisco - Coruscant / Jedi Temple Mod ( Not Included but required ) TimurD2003 - M4-78 Fog Fixes Kexikus - Updated Coruscant Texture & Planet Icon - Extended Jedi Council Meeting VarsityPuppet - Malachor V Sideways opening doors - Peragus Tweak ( removed due to a bug ) - Trayus Rank Reform danil-ch - Extended Carth Meeting - Kreia's dialog on small kindnesses - Kreia's Fall In-Game Cutscene - Sensor Droid Appearance Change Schizo - Re-scaled Trandoshans Alvar007 - Darth Malak Model Included From Playable Darth Malak Mod ( disguise optional ) lachjames - KotOR Save Importer For TSL ( included and optional for now ) - K2 Overlay Console ( included and optional, normaal and steam versions ) Marauder - Mandalorian Chamber Mark III Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation ) - Reduced Graphics Mod ( optional ) - Robe Description Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation ) - Droid Anatomy Description Fix ( any dialog fixes might have been broken since tslrcm 1.8.6 implementation ) jonathan7 - Bodies Stay Mod ( optional ) ndix UR - PMHC06 TSL Head Fix ZimmMaster - TSL Walking & Running Animation Fix Markus Ramikin - Kill The Ithorian LDR - Terentatek Models Darth Shan - Extra Difficulty Options seedhartha - Advice on Importing/Exporting in Blender & Creating the latest KotOR Blender Plugin! N-Drew25 - Selkath Xbox Voice Files PapaZinos - Various Level Model Fixes SithHolocron - Nar Shaddaa Docks' Computer and Monitor Upgrade and Animated Swoop Monitors zbyl2 - Advice & Help finding files that do stuff in TSLRCM. Cortisol - PyKotOR itself. th3w1zard1 - various updates to PyKotOR that helped with the installers for the project. many more and a big shout out to everyone that has supported the project on the Discord channel. <-> Thanks to everybody that made this project possible, I will update the read-me and many more things in time. Thor110 Discord : - For Testing & Story Discussion as well as the latest patches. There is now an installer included. Submitter Thor110 Submitted 05/26/2020 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible Yes  
  9. I stumbled upon this today & fail to see how it has not gotten ????, except by lack of exposure. This is petitioning for official Windows 10 compatibility, native widescreen, modern resolution options, controller support, steam workshop & achievements. Please share, sign, & articulate reasons why KotOR 1 deserves the same basic modernization that TSL received over 2yrs ago.
  10. Edit: I guess I need to do more reading and less jumping around asking questions, since by looking at the support topics on the download pages I can plainly see if they have TSLRCM compatibility or not. I rushed into TSL when I got it recently (haven’t played in 2 years, haven’t finished in 10) and installed a bunch of mods I found on reddit. During my playthrough I began discovering tons of other great mods on this site and wanted to know what kind of compatibility issues I’d run into with the ones not listed by Snigaroo. I’m working with a fresh install and TSLRCM 1.8.5 Any information you have regarding the compatibility between the mods in the Unknown Compatibility category and Known to be Compatible categories, and incompatibilities between one mod or the other in either category, will be greatly appreciated. Known to be Compatible from Snigaroo TSLRCM 1.8.5 Extended Enclave TSLRCM Tweak Pack HK 50, HK 51 Reskin Dark Harbinger Kill the Ithorian Kinrath Egg Drop Thorium Charge Mod Workbench Crystal Attunements Prestige Save Fixes New Mandalorian Banner Fix Mandalorian Worn Out Armor Choose Mira or Hanharr Extended Korriban Arrival Peragus Sith Troops to Sith Assassins Sith Assassins - With Lightsabers Bao Dur/Darth Maul Power Cost Correction Improved AI Unknown Compatibility *reported as compatible TSL Improved Party Outfits OR Unique Upgradeable Clothes - which one should I get? Are both compatible together? The former looks like it would be a bit unbalanced in the early parts of the game, while the latter is limited to Atton and Mira. Invisible Head Gear* Ultimate Personal Items – this will go great with Sith Assassins with Lightsabers, considering it gives you lightsabers…but does it take away something from the essential experience (of waiting to build your own saber and playing with guns or melee weapons for a while)? Full Jedi Council* Implant Feat Restoration 1.0* Effects Log 1.0* Upgrade Items Description 1.0.6 Remove Force Alignment Restrictions – Robes Remove Restrictions for Force Powers by Armor 1.0
  11. Hello Deadlystream ! After a good year of using the amazing Loot and Immersion by 90SK I decided to try something new in terms of armor mods. Im concerned about the compatibility of these mods: Movie Jedi Master Robes 1.5 Darth Darkus' Armored Robes 1.3.1 Master Jorn Edition L0ki's Jedi Armor Mod Cortosis Armor Merchant Heavy Armor Expansion Peragus Mining Gear Prequel Robe Replacer Unique Upgradeable Clothes Combat Suit Revisited Canonical Mandalore Im gratefull for any advice I get concerning this matter. (This is my first forum post so this might be in the wrong section of the forum)
  12. Hi guys! First off thank you a lot for these original mods. Its really great for this game, because nobody of the Big Game Companys cares about the interests of gamers but only for the profit...Thanks a lot!!! So now to my question/problem: I have The German Version of Kotor 2 and wanted to install the M4-78 Mod. I could find a data (patch) from a Kotor Fansite that turns The German Version into English. The data is called "dialog.tlk". So I wanted to know if the replacement of the German version with the english one could allow me to play the mod without that DLGConverter. Will there be problems? Thanks a lot for all help! CypressFX