Kaidon Jorn

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Kaidon Jorn last won the day on January 27

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209 Jedi Grand Master

About Kaidon Jorn

  • Rank
    Bebeh Gurrrl Cat Dad
  • Birthday 07/14/1972

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  • Location
    Atlanta, Ga
  • Interests
    Cats, Star Wars games, modding, music, movies, good beer.

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  1. Lil ridiculous id'nt it? Got out in front of my skies a bit...
  2. Thanks. I did leave the carpet in only the Library room. There is still just a few things I need to add or fix before I do anything with it. I'm actually working on Trayus Academy now, doing the Trayus Core. Screenies incoming.
  3. Holy crap man. I think I really messed up a tendon in my forearm. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      I'd suggest getting it checked out. Better safe than sorry

    3. Bek


      Hope you're feeling better.

    4. Kaidon Jorn

      Kaidon Jorn

      thanks. been a rough couple of weeks. hurt my elbow,  then got really sick, then threw my back out while changing the sheets. 


  4. Awww shucks...but hey, don't forget about Varsity Puppet's Holowan Duplisaber Beta - Mods - Deadly Stream or JC's TSL Workbench Lightsaber Creation - Mods - Deadly Stream. USM was the entire reason I got into modding in the first place.
  5. Wow. USM, huh? Know whut'd be cool tho? Crazy34's blade models on those hilts.
  6. Dialog files. Bao Durs is supposed to grant it to you when you build your first thru him. Have a different dialog?
  7. Ohhhh. Interesting. Ok well..what I got from it was ...just change the door. malachor door2 don't work.
  8. Some things I've been doing... Can anyone tell me why this happens?...what is that? CM_Bright on a door? Only happens on the Jorran door, and the door to the library on Coruscant. Still alot more to do for Coruscant.
  9. Hey hey hey ya that worked! Passed through both of those areas and did not run into any invisible barriers. I just tossed those .wok files in override and it fixed it. So thanks a ton for that. I am most grateful.
  10. Yes that's what I did - removing those placeables. I will try that .wok as you suggested. Thanks for the tip.
  11. OH... Oh no...maybe it wasn't box1 Maybe it was plccrt That was my first time actually using Holocron Toolset and I was able to at least figure out which placeables I need to delete. So that's good! Thanks for the help! Well new problem. Hmmm...is that the rubble supposedly taken out by PapaZino's model fixes? Arrgh.
  12. I converted the Restored Jedi Enclave's room models into the 952COR models for those rooms. Restored Enclave Sublevel - Modder's Resources - Deadly Stream The rubble is gone and its all rebuilt but those are still there. But its just the outside wall part.
  13. Ok I can't get rid of these. Deleted every struct in the git file named "box1" and also the .utp file named box1 in the module file. But they're still there. The droids are gone - took care of that no problem. But these huge metal box crate things won't delete.
  14. Ok. So I would need to rename or edit Rebuilt Jedi Enclave's 610DAN .vis file to use with it? Am I way off base?