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Files posted by Quanon

  1. Quanons Star Forge and Endar Spire Upscaled Textures

    This mod will add upscaled textures for the Star Forge and Endar Spire sections of the game. Except the skies see note below.
    All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc...
    I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game.
    A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone,
    rerendered not just upscaled.
    It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy!
    Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here:
     => https://deadlystream.com/files/file/723-high-quality-skyboxes-ii/


       (0 reviews)



  2. Quanons Calo Nord Skin

    This is a small skin pack I had laying about. It just improves Calo Nord, the bounty hunter.
    You'll get two variants, in this pack, each has its own folder.
    The "Gamelook", as the name implies, is Calo in his blue vest outfit and white hat. 
    Second folder, QsLook, is a minor recolor of my own choice. It gives him a tanned darker vest.
    And black hat. Other details remain just the same.
    He now has a mustache! I know! It just made sense to me 😄
    To install; unpack and then copy the contents to your override folder. 


       (0 reviews)



  3. Quanons Taris Upscaled Textures

    This mod will add upscaled textures for the planet Taris. Except the skies and Sith base see note below.
    All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc...
    I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game.
    A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone,
    rerendered not just upscaled.
    It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy!
    Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here:
    For the Sith base get my other Upscaled pack! 😉
    Another great mod you might consider, for the cantina signs; by SithHolocron:
    Other big improvement, to the Taris arena, mainly the crowds and fights, by DarthParametric:


       (0 reviews)



  4. Quanons Rakatan Upscaled Textures

    This mod will add upscaled textures for the Rakatan parts of the game. The Unknown World and temple areas like on Dantooine.
    Except the skies, see note below.
    All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc...
    I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game.
    A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone,
    rerendered not just upscaled.
    It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy!
    Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here:


       (0 reviews)



  5. Quanons Sith Interieurs Upscaled Textures

    This mod will add upscaled textures for the Sith bases, Taris, Manaan, and Malaks ship, the Leviathan, you explore in the game.
    All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc...
    I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game.
    A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone,
    rerendered not just upscaled.
    It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Have a look at the screenshots and; Enjoy!


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  6. Quanons Korriban Upscaled Textures

    This mod will add upscaled textures for the Korriban part of the game. Except the skies, see note below.
    All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc...
    I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game.
    A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone,
    rerendered not just upscaled. For the Dreshdae part grab the Czerka pack or my Kashyyk mod.
    It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy!
    Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here:


       (0 reviews)



  7. Quanons Ebon Hawk Interior Upscaled Textures

    This mod will add upscaled textures for the interior of the Ebon Hawk. Except the skies, see note below.
    All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc...
    I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game.
    Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled.
    It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Have a look at the screenshots and; Enjoy!
    EDIT: Looks like I forgot to pack the tpc normalmap files, you can get these with the extra ZIP I provided.
    Just unpack/ copy to the override folder!
    Sky textures are made by the great Sithspecter get them here:
     => https://deadlystream.com/files/file/938-high-quality-cockpit-skyboxes/
    Install these after my pack and just overwrite them when asked.
    Other great texture mods to improve the many monitors and screens in the Ebon Hawk by talented SithHolocron:
     => https://deadlystream.com/files/file/848-animated-ebon-hawk-monitors-not-including-galaxy-map/
     => https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1237-more-subtle-animated-ebon-hawk-monitors-still-not-including-galaxy-map/
     => https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1032-kotor1-canon-animated-galaxy-map/
     => https://deadlystream.com/files/file/724-kotor1-animated-galaxy-map/


       (0 reviews)



  8. Quanons Kashyyk Upscaled Textures

    This mod will add upscaled textures for the Kashyyk part of the game. Except the skies, see note below.
    All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc...
    I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game.
    A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone,
    rerendered not just upscaled. Also included are the textures used by the Czerka Offices on Kashyyk and a few other places in the game.
    It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Enjoy!
    Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here:

     => https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/69


       (0 reviews)



  9. Quanons Manaan Upscaled Textures

    This mod will add upscaled textures for the Manaan part of the game. Except the skies, see note below.
    All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc...

    I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game.
    A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone, rerendered not just upscaled.

    It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Have a peek at the screenshots and: Enjoy!
    Minor note: No the Sith base is not included, this is a separate texture set within the game,
    it gets used on various other locations to. So it'll be a pack on its own.
    Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here:
     => https://deadlystream.com/files/file/723-high-quality-skyboxes-ii/
     => https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/69
    For the best looking Cantina signs, pick up this mod by SithHolocron:
    => https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1135-animated-manaan-cantina-sign-for-kotor1/


       (0 reviews)



  10. Quanons Tatooine Upscaled Textures

    This mod will add upscaled textures for the Tatooine part of the game. Except the skies, see note below.
    All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc...

    I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game.
    A few textures do get to this size, example is the Ebon Hawk. Normal maps have also been redone,
    rerendered not just upscaled.

    It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Have a peek at the screenshots and; Enjoy!
    Also try and spot the babies while on Tatooine.
    EDIT: Added a tiny zip with a missing wall texture!
    Sky textures are made by the awesome Kexikus get them here:


       (0 reviews)



  11. Quanons Dantooine Upscaled Textures

    This mod will add upscaled textures for the Dantooine part of the game. Except the skies, see note below.
    All textures are now 4x their original size. Example a 128x128 becomes 512x512, etc...
    I've not gone up to the 4096x4096 sizes as I don't see what that would add to this older game.
    It's still a 400% improvement on the older files. Have a peek at the screenshots I made and; Enjoy!
    Sky textures are made by the awesome modder Kexikus get them here:


       (0 reviews)



  12. Quanon's Modeling Tutorial (Part 3)

    Part of the...

    From Sith Holocron: Only Part 3 of this tutorial was found at JumpStationZ.  Hopefully, there's enough in here to be helpful to somebody.


       (1 review)



  13. Malachor Exterior Reskin By Quanon

    This mod started by a request from SithHolocron to give Malachor better looking skies. Though when the skies where ready, the other textures looked really off. The contrast between the jagged cliffs and the sky was just to big in my opinion. So the mod evolved into a full reskin of the exterior areas of Malachor. All the rocks, debris, cliffs and floor got a new texture.
    Only a few things haven't been changed; the broken and crashed spaceship parts and those broken eggs from the storm beasts remain the same.

    A nice little preview:


       (13 reviews)



  14. Quanons and Marius Praetorian Armour Pack

    This mod will install a unique armour for your
    Jedi Character. Nothing gets replaced, the armour works as a disguise.
    Like the Sith armour or the Tusken Raider clothes in the game.
    Because the armour works as a disguise you automatically also wear the helmet.
    Though I've included the helmet as a seperate item, so it can be used with
    any other armour/ clothing from the game to.
    Happy gaming!


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  15. Quanons & Djh269 Armor Pack

    Quanons & Djh269 Armor Pack
    This mod will install a unique set of armours for your Jedi Character. Nothing gets replaced, the armors work as a disguise.
    Like the Sith armor or the Tusken Raider clothes you find in the game.
    Because the armor works as a disguise you'll notice that the head of your character also changes.
    It will look like a black head; a very dark leather texture has been applied.
    Next pick, any of the helmets included with this mod. And your armor is now complete!
    To get the goodies, read on below 🙂
    This mod will also change the encounters with the Sith you have on Tatooine and Kashyyk.
    Now each battle is unique, instead of being clones, all npcs have been made a little harder to beat.
    As a reward, beat the evil guys on Tatooine and somewhere in Anchorhead a container will be appear
    with all the nice new armors.
    To install:
    Use the TSLpatcher and it will apply all the needed changes to your game. Done!
    This mod should not create any conflicts with most other mods out there. I still advice, to install it after bigger mods, such as the K1 restoration mod.
    Since that mod alters lots of files. Use the TSLpatcher to avoid bugs and problems 😉
    Djh269: Setting up the TSLpatcher, altering the Sith parties, creating the scripts.
    Quanon: Models and skins; UTI files.


       (6 reviews)



  16. Quanons Jolee Reskin

    Quanons Jolee Reskin.
    It has taken me some time to get the last of my reskins out of the door. But it's here!
    Jolee, the old Jedi hermit, crazy wisecracking cook, had been done for some time.
    So have a peek at the screenshots, as I've given him the same treatment as my other reskins.
    A nice size boost; which allowed me to put in a more texture to his skin and clothes.
    I've kept his classic vanilla look, so no changes to his design. Just more crisp and sharp looking details all over.
    Jolee comes with 3 differant icons. I've put those in a folder. When installing just rename the icon properly.
    You only need to remove the '02' or '03' suffix. For the other files, just copy them to the Override and done!
    By demand a more hairy chest version has been added!


       (8 reviews)

    1 comment


  17. Quanons Bastila Shan Reskin

    This mod will replace and update Bastila Shans textures. Mainly her armor, underwear and head skin.
    Each has been given a size increase: 2048x2048pix. Which allowed me to put in a few more details.
    The slave outfit, when you meet Bastila, for the first time on Taris hasn't been updated, just yet.
    But I felt, that I could release this anyway and at a later date do the slave outfit.
    Redrob also contributed an update to Bastilas head model, he fixed nasty bugs on her UVmap, which improved
    on how her skin gets applied to the model. And this ofcourse just improves the whole thing overall!
    Added a second version: this one is even more "vanilla", eyes are differant; less vibrant lipstick and make-up.
    Thanks Redrob!
    Version 1.3:
    A reworked head skin; now also comes with 4 hair colors to pick from. Underwear model has been tweaked to match the new head.
    Her regular outfit has NOT been altered.


       (10 reviews)



  18. Quanons Carth Onasi Reskin

    Another reskin finished.
    This time Carth gets a facelift. Upped the size of his head, clothing and underwear skin.
    Kept it very vanilla, no major changes to hair color, eyes or anything of that sort: just basic Carth. But a little crisper looking.
    Update V1.2:
    Carth did receive a make over on his hair. He can now be a blondy; a manly black or, more like his vanilla look a 'brunette'; comes in 2 flavors, regular tone and a darker shade.
    Pick your favorite! Each has a matching portrait.
    The regular brown is closets to his old game look. Only the hair has received an update. All the other parts of this mod are the same like before.


       (9 reviews)



  19. Quanons Mission Color Pack

    Quanons Mission Color Pack
    Hello, everyone,
    Here follows a small mod, well more a variation on a mod I did earlier. A reskin for Mission Vao.
    Though this time I altered her skin color. You can pick any of 5 I made.
    Red, Green, Yellow, Purple and White/ Cream.
    Have a look at the screenshots and the row of portrait shots.
    Those will show you just how colorful I made it.
    As before, nothing changed much to her vanilla look, besides the color.
    To install, copy all the TGA files, each color has it's own folder, to your Override.
    That's it! The mod is installed.


       (3 reviews)



  20. Quanons Twilek Outfits

    Quanons Twilek Outfits.
    A new pack to replace the old Twilek skins with a new look.
    These are new and are differant then the old skins. So it's not really a reskin. Since I went for another style on all of them.
    Look at the screenshots to pick and choose. I did NOT redo the heads though.
    I suggest using Caches mod for that. She did a really great job and you can seem them in the screenshots!
    So you know it just fits
    The green twilek has 2 options. A Black/ Red out fit or you can go for just the red look overall.
    Each skin as a TXI file so you should get some shiney effect. It's set to CM_Spec as I like the look of that effect more then CM_Baremetal.
    Feel free to adjust the TXI to your own liking.
    Copy the files from my mod folder to your Override.


       (9 reviews)



  21. Quanons Gammorean Reskin Pack

    Quanons Gammoreans Reskin Pack:
    This little mod will update all the Gammorean skins. All of them had their size increased to 1024x1024.
    I've been able to put in some extra details, on the faces; better looking eyes. Leather look to their armors.
    Tweaked the contrast/ brightness; etc... A good overall polish to make them their best, even though they are pigs
    Copy and paste all 5 files from my pack.
    That's it!


       (8 reviews)



  22. Quanons T3M4 Reskin

    Another update to a party member, this time the little astro-droid T3M4.
    Like all my other releases, the texture has a larger size, added details, more crispy looking good stuff!
    And it stays faithfull to his Bioware look. So, yes, baby blue paint job still
    Really easy to install: copy all the files to your override! And done!
    Just check out the renders and screenshots to know if it is to your liking.


       (9 reviews)



  23. Quanons HK-47 Reskin

    This mod replaces all HK-47s textures. Just like my other party member reskins; the size has
    been increased to 2048x2048. Which allowed me to put in some extra details and give a decent update to the skin.
    There's now a more visible metal texture but otherwise; nothing major has been altered to HKs skin.
    I did tweak the contrast and colors but its still the same rusty killer droid.
    Look at the comparison picture to get a better idea

    Unpack and copy the 3 files P_HK47_01.tga and TXI, plus PO_Phk47 to your override.
    That simple!


       (13 reviews)



  24. Quanons Zaalbar Reskin

    This simple little mod will replace Zaalbars skin. It has been given a size increase, 2048x2048, which allowed me to put in some more details.
    It does keep the classic game look; it also comes with a matching portrait.
    Just copy the files to your Override and Zaalbar will use the skin instantly.


       (10 reviews)



  25. Quanons Canderous Ordo Reskin

    This mod will replace and update Canderous texture files. It keeps the same look, but adds in more details.


       (14 reviews)

