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Everything posted by Zhaboka

  1. Yes! I understood the reasoning, but it all felt so... literal. Like... we would've been totally fine with a less-congruous retcon if it meant making a better movie. I completely agree. This was something TFA narrowly avoided, but most modern blockbusters are afflicted with. I was frrrreeeaaaaking out over the new ships and the archival footage and the CGI resurrection and the intense amount of fan service, but once I was out of the theater it came off in retrospect as a whole lot of bravura. Like... did we need all those expensive elements? The new ships, yes, definitely. But why integrate this film so closely with ANH? Why not let these characters stand alone and go off and do other things once the Death Star plans are delivered? That being said, the fan service does give the whole thing a near-magical vibe and in-film hype.
  2. This is easily the best fan film I've ever seen. Awesome to see Anna Akana transcend her comedic persona and do some dramatic stuff.
  3. Throw on a mini-map, some placeables, and a couple dozen NPCs, and that baby looks vanilla-immersive.
  4. Can I just say THIS IS MY JAM TO THE MAX 100% I LOVE YOU 90SK
  5. Yay! First time I've ever had a cut recording of mine brought back to life.
  6. Oooooh every time I play TSL there's gonna be a new M4 and that's greeeeeeeeat
  7. WOW there's some cognitive dissonance going on there, because the sand looks so realistic but the the rest of KotOR can't keep up. Nice work!
  8. Lovin' it! Rhen Var especially, obviously - it gives me huge Alzoc III vibes.
  9. WOW that sure is a step up from the vanilla skin. His face is like a real human face instead of a frozen mask!
  10. Loving the wrinkles on ol' Candy's face.
  11. Down to be a dialogue editor/writer. I've done tons of dialogue editing as a beta tester for a bunch of Newbie mods, several Fallen Guardian mods, and, of course, M4-78.
  12. Very excited for this! Playing the K1 version for the first time right now and I'm VERY impressed.
  13. Hmmm... yeah, so prolly means it's unfixable... ah, well, I shall suffer on...
  14. YAY! It's not just me! Too bad it sounds like it's a deep engine bug...
  15. Ahhh... using the original discs, still. Aspyr could only help with the re-released version, right?
  16. I know this has nothing to do with Quanon's (awesome) pending addition to this mod, but I just started playing K1 with the initial release of this and MAN it looks good. I'm finding myself just staring at the skyboxes, totally distracted from my quests.
  17. I've had this annoying bug ever since I started playing vanilla TSL way back in 2006 or so. I was wondering if it was just me or if everyone's TSL is like this, and if so, if there might be a way to fix it. Here it is: Whenever I buy something in a store in TSL, the list auto-jumps back up to the top once I've completed the purchase. So if I'm deep into a prosperous merchant's inventory and then buy something, I have to scroll back down to where I was and find my place again every time. In K1, the inventory list stays put when you buy something, but in K2 it always jumps back up to the top. It doesn't sound like much, but it can get super-annoying when you're buying a lot of stuff.
  18. Zhaboka

    KotOR 1 Restoration

    To those of you having trouble with the installer or the 7Z file - download the free 7Z application and use it to copy the 7Z's contents into an uncompressed folder, then run the TSLPatcher executable. That was the only combination that worked for me.
  19. Zhaboka

    KotOR 1 Restoration

    Yeah, also having problems with the 7Z file. PMing ZM90 now.
  20. How did I not find any of these when I looked through DI's files right before posting that??? I must be going insane... Excited to play through K1 again with DI's very much finished and released mod! Update: I in fact downloaded this mod upon its release in February 2015. I'm officially going insane.
  21. LKIM was legit. I've never released a mod, although I do I have my own custom saber colors mod (I'm very obsessive-compulsive about such things). But the first mod I every recorded a voiceover for appears to be a Basic rendering of Daemon Drexl's dialogue for a BoS:SR add-on that never got released. First released one might be Newbie's Korriban expansion, not sure... The one I want released the most that's still kicking around in development is Insidious' K1 holocrons mod - my VOs for that were awesome, and I don't usually think anything I do is awesome.
  22. I love how he looks like a museum specimen with those lights. MAN THE HYPE IS REAAALLLL
  23. I remember this mod! Nice to see it back in the fold. Best of luck!