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Everything posted by JustABitAgroed

  1. Does anyone know if Kreia's (jinger's) "Rebuilding the Jedi Enclave" is either compatible with or included in the RP?
  2. Okay, thanks for the reply. Hopefully, we'll see an update for that in the future. 🤞
  3. Just to make sure, Ravager Rewrite, even with the TSLCR patch, is still incompatible?
  4. Hey Jonathan, I had a quick question about this mod. While I'm assuming it doesn't, will this mod stop enemies from TSLRCM from disappearing? AKA the droids in the HK factory, primarily?
  5. Yep. They're both in Star Forge areas. I plan to do another 2 playthroughs just to make sure everything's finalized anyway, but I think that should be good. Thanks so much, JC. I'm (very) slowly getting the hang of this. XD
  6. There does seem to be a file of the same name, but with a different number. Once I've search for something, is there any way to find where it is in the game specifically? I assume I couldn't just sort everything by that reference number, could I?
  7. I was concerned about that. But I think if I can just use the sta file then it should be alright, yeah?
  8. It was way easier than I was making it. Just ripped the utc from the module with KotOR Tool, changed the stats and boom. Glad it wasn't something more complicated. Even though I didn't end up using your method I really appreciate the help, Salk. Thanks.
  9. Hey guys, I'm trying to fix Fenharel's Corrupted Bastila mod, but I'm having trouble with the final confrontation with Bastila aboard the Star Forge (Light Side). From what I can tell (worked for the Leviathan Interrogation at least) I just need her utc file for the area so that I can change Bastila's alignment to dark side, and that should make her "Corrupted Head" appear. But I don't know how to rip the file from the base game, nor even the name of the file I would be looking for, how to find that out, or if I just need to create one from scratch. Any help would be very much appreciated. This is the last thing I need to fix to perfect my build.
  10. I considered putting it there but didn't think that was the correct place to request a game save.
  11. Found one from a friend. If anyone wants me to upload it let me know.
  12. Sorry if this is the wrong place to be asking for this. Let me know if it is and I'll take it down. I'm trying to solve a mod conflict that's causing the game to blackscreen on the trip from the Unknown World to the Star Forge. My saves are too modded for me to use, so if anyone has a Light Side (just needs to be LS as far as the temple decision goes) Save Game that's as unmodded as possible and at least somewhat close to that area, you'd save me a good 6-ish hours of time doing a speedrun. Thanks for your help.
  13. That did the trick. Thanks a million, JCarter.
  14. Okay, thank you very much. The mod I'm working on only changes those two files and not the tlk file so I think I'll have to try the second option.
  15. Hey guys, I have a hopefully straight-forward question this time. Simply put, how do you edit the text of .dlg files? Specifically, I'm just trying to fix a couple typos in tar02_bendak021.dlg and tar02_duelorg021.dlg. I've tried playing around with them in KotOR Tool without much success. Thanks for any help you can provide.
    Unfortunately it's incompatible with redrob's mod so I won't be using it, but other than that, great work.
  16. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, but it doesn't appear to change the blade at all.
    Was extremely useful in refining my build. Thank you very much.
    Works well except for two things: when you go to upgrade it, it doesn't have a texture in the bottom right, and when you equip it, it loses its name (goes back to Mandalorian Assault Armor). Also quite OP, but that was an easy fix. Overall, great work.
  17. Sorry to hear that but thank you for trying so hard. I'll check out that file as soon as I get the chance.
  18. I was going to say, "You're honest-to-god not going to believe this.", but after reading through the other comments, I think you just might: this mod makes Calo Nord, when he shows up on your first planet/after your first Star Map, hold his left pistol at a 90° angle. Only then and at no other time. That's the only problem I've had with it. I pinpointed it to this mod though. I have nothing else installed. Go figure. Here's a vid: https://youtu.be/XsOhhDUHtdM Shame though, other than that I really like it. Especially the alternative texture. Nice work.
  19. Yes, I know that all too well. I tried messing with it myself and editing it in any meaningful way proved quite troublesome. Thank you for the reply and best of luck in your efforts.
  20. Hey ebmar, not trying to rush you by any means, but could I get an ETA on the dark version of the blade? I'm making a build of the game for a friend and wanted to know if it'll be finished by the time he's planning to play it. Thanks.
    Makes BoSSR crash on startup due to the file 'k_pend_area01'. Otherwise, really like it. Nice work.