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Everything posted by JustABitAgroed

  1. View File K1 Fenharel Style Character Select Screen Portraits for Carth, HK, and T3 Hey guys. This is my very first 'mod' (feels almost insulting to call it that but what can you do?), such as it is. I made this for my own personal use but thought I'd see if anyone else would like to use it. Please leave feedback on whether you'd like different backgrounds etcetera and I can see about updating/adding to it. If like me, both Fenharel's character retextures and the HK SWTOR retexture by DarthParametric have become a staple in your override folder, and you're also a little insane in the membrane, you may have been bothered by the fact that Fen included some awesome portraits for each character on the party select screen, yet Carth (even though he was retextured), HK, and T3 have no such portraits. For me, it broke the immersion of the mod to have this juxtaposition. Therefore, I've created portraits for them (while trying to stay as faithful to his style as possible). Installation: Just stick the TGA's in yer good ole override folder. Warning: DarthParametric's HK retexture already has a po_phk473 file but it is under a different file format. Even though your computer won't say that it conflicts, you need to go into the override folder and delete the file named po_phk473.dds manually for his portrait to show up. Compatibility: Shouldn't have any conflicts with anything besides mods that change po_pcarth3, po_phk473, or po_pt3m33 (of which I haven't seen any aside from the one detailed in the installation section above, so you should be good to go). Anyway, let me know what you guys think and thanks a bunch for being such an awesome community. Submitter JustABitAgroed Submitted 07/22/2018 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  2. That did work. Thank you for your help. If I could trouble you guys for one more thing, I opened the uti files with KotOR Tool and found out how to edit them (I'd prefer to balance the weapons rather than take them out entirely), but when I tried to save the file and stick it in my override, it crashed the game when I entered the area. What am I doing wrong?
  3. Never mind. Sorry. I wasn't understanding what you guys were saying. I think I've got it now. I'll give it a test run and find out.
  4. From what I understand at least, this should work with it: http://www.wsgf.org/article/star-wars-knights-old-republic I have the steam version of the game and it's worked flawlessly for me. GL;HF. 😁
  5. (I have no modding experience so please forgive my ignorance.) (Hopefully, this is the right place to be asking. Sorry if it's not.) I was wondering how to take specific items out of the game. There was a mod that I tried recently and loved but it gave the player some really overpowered items that I wanted to get rid of. I deleted the mdl, mdx, tga, and txi files from my override folder, but the weapon would still show up in-game without a texture, so I tried deleting all mentions of the weapon from baseitems (with Notepad) and then the game wouldn't start. Any assistance rendered would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
  6. For context, I have probably the best PC build I could have for this specific part of the game. That said.. once I had a lvl 7 PC, I came back with just Carth and first-tried the fight. Just put a shield on each and went to work. No other items. Killed her about round 5. Thought that might've been a fluke because she didn't heal for whatever reason so I tried it one more time. The second time was harder. She used both her life support packs, but still, I went through one full shield and it was over. Third time was very similar to the second. Fourth time I killed her on round 4 and she didn't heal again. Fifth time, same story. The times she chooses to heal seem to be somewhat random but often don't occur until at least round 4 (got round 3 once in 8ish go's at her). If I had a third party member I'd be killing her consistently by round 3. Overall, she still needs an extra oomph. To reach your desired difficulty, either a health or a defense upgrade is a must. Also (I think you'll like this one), instead of a concussion, I'd just give her a thermal detonator, in order to give her the possibility of taking out one of your companions almost, if not immediately (and make it so that you absolutely have to dodge it, which again, I do like the idea of). Might even consider giving her a shield on top of that, as keeping her with her blaster out is about half as hard as the alternative. I did give it a try on Normal difficulty as well, and I'm sorry to say it was painfully easy. With Zaalbar and Carth in my party, I used no items whatsoever and just let the game play itself (letting the AI control my entire squad). Even with her healing both times, she was still dead by round 8, with none of my squad going down, or even being below half HP for that matter. So at this point, even on impossible, with only two party members (if we're being honest, I could, within reason, just solo her as long as she doesn't take her vibroblade out), I'm not having to use stims, mines, grenades, or even micro all that well. One last change I'd like to see is giving her weapons a slight buff. Right now, her blaster is barely better than Bendak's, and her vibroblade is worse than the prototype. I'd say she still needs some, calibrations. Oh yeah, not sure what that 3 damage was all about earlier. Didn't get that this time.
  7. I didn't mean it like that. Maybe you just weren't using all the tools at your disposal. ❤️ Unfortunately, I don't really like the way that would make Calo Nord feel. (Before I go on, this is vastly more of a problem I have with the vanilla game rather than with your Selven (even if she does turn out to be harder than the story fight.)) While I like the idea of having Selven be an optional mini-boss that's harder than the story progression boss (sort of like Nameless King in DS3), it throws a lot of shade Calo's way and makes him seem insignificant. Selven is the most dangerous assassin on Taris, but Calo's supposed to be one of the (if not the) best bounty hunters in the galaxy. Making Selven's fight anywhere close to the difficulty of Calo/Davik already makes her seem supremely bad***. Making it harder just further diminishes Calo Nord (especially in the eyes of a first-time player) to the guy that talks big (despite his stature lol) but goes down like a chump, which isn't what I think BioWare intended (from my point of view at least). First, you hear Mission talk him up like he's the best thing since Tarisian ale, then twice you get to see him in action (one of which he instagibs you if you try to talk to him), but then you find out he's just another one of Davik's/The Exchange's lackeys. They even make it seem like he and Canderous are rivals when based upon what we had seen and heard up until that point, Calo's in a whole different league. I really wish that Calo could just not be in Davik's estate at all, so that then when he comes after you post-first star map, he's unbelievably intimidating. He'd be the guy that, last time you saw him, shot you dead without so much as lifting a finger, rather than the guy who barely escaped you alive back when you weren't even a jedi yet. They took such a hard left turn with how they presented him. It's very jarring. Haha. Sorry. </ventsession> But yeah, I'd prefer if you didn't exacerbate this problem if at all possible. If there's one mod that would be at the top of my request list, taking Calo out of Davik's estate would definitely be it. It'll probably never happen though since you'd also have to redo two cutscenes and a bunch of other stuff. Sad day. It's funny when you think about it. He's a far more important character, but he basically got the same treatment that Selven did. "It's like poetry; they rhyme." as the man once said. Sheesh, how many force powers do you need? 😅Never been my style. I think if they baited out her vibroblade and ran her through some mines it still wouldn't be so bad, but I see your point.
  8. I'm running a blaster build this go-round so my PC's a good bit harder to hit, but the main problem was that I ran out of shields. I think if I have the shields and especially the mines from the Undercity/Sewers to play with then it would be quite do-able. That's exactly my point, though. Way I see it, if I can beat her on Imp, then an average player should be able to do it on Normal. So basically just think of me as a play tester for balance. I don't want the fight to be overly hard certainly, but I wouldn't mind it being the second hardest fight on the planet (after Calo/Davik)
  9. Huh. Alright. It seemed as though she was very consistently doing 3 damage through my shields but perhaps that was carryover damage or something like that? I'll try to remember to look at the feedback next time.
  10. Very happy to report that it is absolutely mathematically impossible to beat her as soon as you can enter the area. At least on the hardest difficulty. Maybe if she didn't do 60 DPR 1 hour into the game lmao. I'll keep coming back to see at what point I can get her. I think if I have more shields and grenades, I may still be able to pull it off with only two party members, but we'll see. I noticed what appears to be 3 points of unstoppable damage BTW. 😉
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Hey guys. This is my very first 'mod' (feels almost insulting to call it that but what can you do?), such as it is. I made this for my own personal use but thought I'd see if anyone else would like to use it. Please leave feedback on whether you'd like different backgrounds etcetera and I can see about updating/adding to it. If like me, both Fenharel's character retextures and the HK SWTOR retexture by DarthParametric have become a staple in your override folder, and you're also a little insane in the membrane, you may have been bothered by the fact that Fen included some awesome portraits for each character on the party select screen, yet Carth (even though he was retextured), HK, and T3 have no such portraits. For me, it broke the immersion of the mod to have this juxtaposition. Therefore, I've created portraits for them (while trying to stay as faithful to his style as possible). Installation: Just stick the TGA's in yer good ole override folder. Warning: DarthParametric's HK retexture already has a po_phk473 file but it is under a different file format. Even though your computer won't say that it conflicts, you need to go into the override folder and delete the file named po_phk473.dds manually for his portrait to show up. Compatibility: Shouldn't have any conflicts with anything besides mods that change po_pcarth3, po_phk473, or po_pt3m33 (of which I haven't seen any aside from the one detailed in the installation section above, so you should be good to go). Anyway, let me know what you guys think and thanks a bunch for being such an awesome community.
  12. If someone could make a version compatible with BoS (or tell me how to do so in terms my tiny non-modding brain can understand) that would be super clutch.
  13. Now that I've gotten to that part of the game, Saul Karath actually only has the regular Sith Assassin Pistol. So it seems you simply mixed up the files there. That being the case, I'm afraid I'll have to remove this from my personal overrides until that mistake is rectified.
    Hello Revanator. First off, thank you for this mod. I always felt Saul's pistol was far too underwhelming and you've found a great way of improving it without making the already tough Leviathan fight more difficult. The only problem I have with this mod is that you receive Saul's pistol from the Dark Jedi group on Tatooine, possibly long before you even come near the Leviathan. If you could simply remove this item from that Dark Jedi's inventory (since I assume, even though the version he carries in the vanilla game is weaker, it's probably still the same file, lemme know if I'm wrong on that front though) that would be much appreciated and would more than earn a 5/5 from me. One other thing I might change is giving the gun a x3 crit multiplier (and maybe lowering the damage a bit in response if you think it's too good, especially because of how the raw damage compares to Cassus Fett's Heavy Pistol). Right now, it's still mathematically better to use Master Rapid Shot compared to Master Sniper Shot, and frankly, that's just unbecoming of a quote-unquote Sith Assassin Pistol, you know? Update in Comment #7. Update: Simply renaming the file to g_w_hldoblstr004 will allow it to work properly. Great job on this. Review updated to a 5.
  14. Hey ebmar, just played the update. Glad to see that the weapons are basically perfectly balanced now. I would however up the difficulty on Selven's fight. Or at least tweak it slightly. I was just able to beat her after a few tries with a level 4 PC (entering the area as soon as I could) and just Carth in my party. I think the main problem is that she throws all those concussions at the beginning. This stops her from healing and once you dodge the concussions (all of which she throws in the same spot) you're able to just DPS her down by about round 6 or 7 on Imp difficulty (somewhat reliant on Carth's Power Blast/Poison Grenade RNG, but still extremely doable, and far under the intended difficulty). While I do like the idea of forcing someone to dodge the grenades, it does make the fight far too easy. If you took away (or had fewer of) those concussions and perhaps gave a little unstoppable damage (energy shields made it pretty easy mode as well) to her pistol (say 1-10 base, +3 Unstoppable (rather than Energy) to match the Vibroblade) then it would up the difficulty to a more desirable spot (and make her blaster more unique as a bonus, plus it adds to her characterization that she has an illegal disruptor mod on her blaster). Also, really glad to see the incoherency in the weapon descriptions is gone. Makes it look less like a mod and more like a part of the original game, which is always a plus. Thanks again.
    Hey ebmar, wanted to say you did a great job on this. Selven has a great new look and I definitely needed three people to take her down on Imp difficulty. It was almost as hard as the Gadon fight, as it should be. Great addition. I did have a couple questions and critiques, most having to do with her pistol. Firstly, how does Damage Bonus: Physical, Random work? Random as in completely random? What's the ceiling of the damage bonus that it could get (because I can see it getting far too powerful far too quickly)? Next is how does the Piercing Damage bonus affect the gun? I thought that Piercing/Slashing/Bludgeoning were leftover code and didn't affect the gameplay at all, or at least not in any relevant way. Last thing regarding the pistol: there's no (visible) bonus for upgrading the Hair Trigger on the weapon, and you also can't see that the gun has been changed at all (in the gun's description) when you've upgraded it aside from On Hit: Slow. My only other critique is that for the point at which you get it in the game, the vibrosword is a bit too powerful. It's the best melee weapon you'll have until you start to get some really good lightsaber crystals (at least post-Dantooine). I'd tone it down just a bit (simply removing the Damage Bonus: Physical would do wonders for its balance). Overall, great job and thank you for making it. I hope you keep working to improve the fantastic foundation. Edit: Just realized it's likely that I was playing a previous version. I'll have to check out the newest update. Double edit: One other thing I forgot to mention is that 2 out of the 3 times (third was with the new update) that I've fought her, as soon as I kill her, it's introduced a graphical glitch where the screen goes black but the game is still running fine. It's quickly fixed by saving and loading, but it's something to fix if possible. Update (1.2): see comment #8. Update (1.3): This mod is now more than up-to-snuff. It does well to keep the original balance and feel of the game while simultaneously adding much more weight to an otherwise underwhelming character that could have, should have, and now is, something really dang awesome. Very well done. 6/5. Stick it in your override and keep 'er there, this one's a mainstay. Congrats and thanks, ebmar. 😁
  15. Says he's Devaronian but he's wearing Iridonian armor? Takes me out of it too much.
  16. @verb8imSimply turning off shadows in the graphics options seems to do the trick.