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ebmar last won the day on August 4 2023

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About ebmar

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  1. After watching The Lion King's teaser-trailer I lowkey hoping Disney pull of one 3D animation SW movie using the same engine in the future. Knights of the Old Republic.... Dang with all the resource they have I suppose they can easily nailed the luxurious beauty of the Old Republic; but why they don't just do it?! :fpc:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ebmar



      That's not how movies work......

      Lol what a mess I thought they were rendered in the same fashion [such things as Frostbite, CryEngine or RAGE existed in animated movies industry] as video games. 🤪

    3. Malkior


      Nah. They bake them for days before they're composited into the final film. That's why back in the day, "Pre-Rendered" cutscenes tended to look laughably better than the game that followed.

    4. DarthParametric



      such things as Frostbite, CryEngine or RAGE existed in animated movies industry

      Sure, they exist for pre-visualisation purposes. You don't make actual movies in a game engine (not Hollywood-level movies anyway). That said, there is an emerging market for real time stuff with game engines in lower level things like advertisements. Epic is really pushing hard with Unreal in that segment. Even there though traditional CG still holds sway, and is likely to do so for many years yet.