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About masternetra

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice

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    Michigan, USA
  • Interests
    Random Stuff.

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  1. Nice, now if we can have a version for the Taris workbench. I mean you do spend a while on Taris.
  2. Did get it and it was still a problem, but turns out just needed to start a new game. The mod (and it's requirements) where applied during pegarus apparently it just didn't like that it seems.
  3. This breaks the game. At the point where you're between pergasus and telos/citadel station this mod puts you at telos on the galaxy map, preventing you from actually traveling to it and thus preventing you from being able to move forward (and as a result not able to go anywhere at all).
  4. love the mod, and while probably not going to be touched, did notice there doesn't seem to be a item for the droid upgrade feats. A bit of a important one to miss sense the droid upgrade feats are what determine what level of items droids can equip.
  5. Yea the problem is that a new model was used which will mess up the textures of the other armors in the armor category. I've updated details with a Note at top.
  6. Sent you a message asking your help on how to do something a few days ago.

  7. I'm haviing a issue with the inventories of some UTP files. I would go in to edit the inventory and am unable to change the values (Quanity, ResRef). This only happens with some files, while others I can change just fine and I don't know why. File permissions are the same between both kinds (workable inventories and the non-workable) of UTP files and I've trade reloading the utp file and the Kotor Tool with no change.
  8. masternetra

    Revan Items

    Love the mod, just wish there was a short saber version too since there is nothing restricting you from actually placing the crystal in a short light saber resulting in a bit of weirdness.
  9. If you can fix it, your free to do so. I'm not anal about permissions, just give the credit where credit is due. If your fix includes the helmet, you'll need Sithspecter's permission. Otherwise knock yourself out.
  10. I wouldn't know I didn't get far into it, but I heard people while on their who enjoyed it so I dunno.
  11. So currently there is a petition called "Bring the Old Republic era of Star Wars to Netflix" with current (at the time this is posted) 112,986 signatures (needs 150k). Even if the series doesn't get made, it could signal to disney that there is a interest still in the KOTOR section of the Star Wars Universe and they could end up doing more KOTOR stuff. Petition:
  12. View File Complete Republic Armor NOTE: This currently replaces the textures for the armors in the same armor category as republic mod armor with the uniform texture. This mod combines SW's Republic Armour mod and Sithspecter's Helmet mod into one easily obtainable armor mod. Sadly I myself am no good with texturing and the armor uses a new model (the helmet was some unusual coding thing done by sithspecter) which messes up vanilla textures for republic mod armor and the armors in it's armor category. If anyone can work the uniform texture into working as well on a existing vanilla armor category's model somewhere feel free to do so, or can retexture the affected armors to look as close to their vanilla versions as possible, it would be appreciated. Meanwhile if you want to have least have the affected armors look differently then download SW's Republic Armour mod, extract it and take the PFBD01 to PFBD08 and PMBD01 to PMBD08 files and overwrite the ones in this mod. ======================================== A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION ======================================== TITLE: Complete Republic Armor AUTHOR: Masternetra VERISON: 1.02 E-MAIL: ***Data Corrupted*** WEBSITE: None DESCRIPTION: Ever wanted to have the full republic armor set, armor and helmet? ..No? Well then move along this is for people who do, and besides no one likes you. For everyone else, this mod does all that and more! CREDITS: - Sithspecter - For Helmet Textures and Model related stuff. - SW (?) - Armor Models SPECIAL THANKS TO: - Fair Strides - Guidance. PERMISSIONS: Feel free to update/fix, and upload as you like. Just give credit where credit is due, and don't sell it of course. If you utilize the helmet you'll need Sithspecter's perm. **Included** *(Items)* -Republic Armor (g_a_class5080)- ++ Defense 5 ++ Base Price: 500 ++ Dexterity +1 (Max 4) ++ Defense +2 -(Armor Reinforcement) ++ Immunity: Poison - (Mesh Underlay) ++ Damage Resistance: Universal +10% - (Mesh Underlay) -Republic Helmet (g_i_mask060)- ++ Defense 1 ++ Base Price: 100 ++ Charisma +1 ++ Defense +2 -(Armor Reinforcement) ++ Immunity: Mind-Affecting - (Mesh Underlay) *(Optionals)* - Equippable NPC's (These NPC's are equipped with the armor) ++ Carth ++ Trask - Merchants (All options have a Enhanced Merchants Verison available as well for those who have that mod) ++ Dantoine General Store (Jedi Enclave) ++ Igear (Outcast Store) - Start Options (At least one if you actually want to start with the armor and helmet without cheating or waiting to purchase them later) - ++ Trask Dialog Start (Gets added to you during the starting dialog with Trask) ++ Trask Inventory Start (Gets added after Trask joins your party)(This replaces the Equippable NPC verison as well) **WARNINGS** - Trask Inventory Start and Equippable NPC's/Trask are incompatible use one or the other. (Trask Inventory Start is same as the Equippable NPC verison except he has a extra Armor+Helmet for you in inventory) **CHANGE LOG** (1.01) - Changed Armor icon sense I am unable to contact shem for permission. (1.02) - Fixed Trask Dialog Start not giving you a helmet. - Applied the republic armor texture as a Temporary Fix for republic mod armor and such armors. Turns out the model used for this mod's armor replaces the model used by the Republic Mod armor. **INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS** Put everything in the mod's override folder in override as well as all the files you want from the optional stuff. (Do not put any folder in the game's override folder, just files.) KNOWN BUGS: Trask's visual don't reflect him wearing a helmet. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter masternetra Submitted 10/28/2016 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  13. Version 1.02


    NOTE: This currently replaces the textures for the armors in the same armor category as republic mod armor with the uniform texture. This mod combines SW's Republic Armour mod and Sithspecter's Helmet mod into one easily obtainable armor mod. Sadly I myself am no good with texturing and the armor uses a new model (the helmet was some unusual coding thing done by sithspecter) which messes up vanilla textures for republic mod armor and the armors in it's armor category. If anyone can work the uniform texture into working as well on a existing vanilla armor category's model somewhere feel free to do so, or can retexture the affected armors to look as close to their vanilla versions as possible, it would be appreciated. Meanwhile if you want to have least have the affected armors look differently then download SW's Republic Armour mod, extract it and take the PFBD01 to PFBD08 and PMBD01 to PMBD08 files and overwrite the ones in this mod. ======================================== A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MODIFICATION ======================================== TITLE: Complete Republic Armor AUTHOR: Masternetra VERISON: 1.02 E-MAIL: ***Data Corrupted*** WEBSITE: None DESCRIPTION: Ever wanted to have the full republic armor set, armor and helmet? ..No? Well then move along this is for people who do, and besides no one likes you. For everyone else, this mod does all that and more! CREDITS: - Sithspecter - For Helmet Textures and Model related stuff. - SW (?) - Armor Models SPECIAL THANKS TO: - Fair Strides - Guidance. PERMISSIONS: Feel free to update/fix, and upload as you like. Just give credit where credit is due, and don't sell it of course. If you utilize the helmet you'll need Sithspecter's perm. **Included** *(Items)* -Republic Armor (g_a_class5080)- ++ Defense 5 ++ Base Price: 500 ++ Dexterity +1 (Max 4) ++ Defense +2 -(Armor Reinforcement) ++ Immunity: Poison - (Mesh Underlay) ++ Damage Resistance: Universal +10% - (Mesh Underlay) -Republic Helmet (g_i_mask060)- ++ Defense 1 ++ Base Price: 100 ++ Charisma +1 ++ Defense +2 -(Armor Reinforcement) ++ Immunity: Mind-Affecting - (Mesh Underlay) *(Optionals)* - Equippable NPC's (These NPC's are equipped with the armor) ++ Carth ++ Trask - Merchants (All options have a Enhanced Merchants Verison available as well for those who have that mod) ++ Dantoine General Store (Jedi Enclave) ++ Igear (Outcast Store) - Start Options (At least one if you actually want to start with the armor and helmet without cheating or waiting to purchase them later) - ++ Trask Dialog Start (Gets added to you during the starting dialog with Trask) ++ Trask Inventory Start (Gets added after Trask joins your party)(This replaces the Equippable NPC verison as well) **WARNINGS** - Trask Inventory Start and Equippable NPC's/Trask are incompatible use one or the other. (Trask Inventory Start is same as the Equippable NPC verison except he has a extra Armor+Helmet for you in inventory) **CHANGE LOG** (1.01) - Changed Armor icon sense I am unable to contact shem for permission. (1.02) - Fixed Trask Dialog Start not giving you a helmet. - Applied the republic armor texture as a Temporary Fix for republic mod armor and such armors. Turns out the model used for this mod's armor replaces the model used by the Republic Mod armor. **INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS** Put everything in the mod's override folder in override as well as all the files you want from the optional stuff. (Do not put any folder in the game's override folder, just files.) KNOWN BUGS: Trask's visual don't reflect him wearing a helmet. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  14. I originally just assumed it was some creature that just wasn't in the areas the player could go to but were plentiful elsewhere in areas nearby. (maybe scared off by the whole grove thing).
  15. It's not like they drop anything anyway. They're more of nuisance then anything else (and normal and easy difficulties anyway), though could you imagine doing dantoine on impossible with them AND the kath hounds coming down on you? Keeping in mind they seem to like to travel about in groups of 5 or more. It sucks KOTOR doesn't have a attack non-hostile targets thing but I'd rather they be passive towards everyone who isn't a predator to them. P.s. I can see why they were cut, their noise can get really annoying after a while.