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Everything posted by Revanator

  1. Unless the author/creator dies and his estate chooses to not renew the license. Which in this case could mean the modder leaves the community and does not return. Just a thought, not stating my opinion on it one way or another.
  2. Just a thought: if a modder leaves the community and is no longer actively modding, should they retain the rights to their mods? Sort of like how copyrights expire if they're not renewed....
  3. What would you need this collaborator to do?
  4. I don't think you lose all rights.... I don't agree with what Nexus has done. I'm just calling for a bit more of a calm reaction to this, instead of all the modders getting really upset over this. Do I count as a modder? I guess technically, but not really. So maybe I'd feel differently if I'd put as much work into one of these as you guys have. But I see several people in this thread really quite angry at Nexus despite the fact that the situation is still amendable and fixable. You can regain all rights to your mods; do so and move on.
  5. It's so nice and fair for you to decide on rights on mods for someone else's game...
  6. I found a similar thing. After the fight, Jolee didn't go to his hut, but I could still talk to him and get him to join me.
  7. Just to clarify, you have no other mods installed, correct? (Aside from TSLRCM and M4-78)
  8. GL isn't involved anymore, Hidalgo's word actually mean a lot more now.
  9. Pretty sure Pablo Hidalgo tweeted that Windu died in RotS, to squash that rumor.
  10. Revanator

    A Closer View

    Fantastic piece of work. One thing though: it reverts back to the standard camera angle/zoom when in combat. It's rather jarring, really.
  11. Anyone know of another site that I can go to to find some nice KOTOR and TSL mods?

  12. Since we're speaking about languages, stick some Mando'a in the Mandalorian Dxun camp, if you ever get to it. I might be the only one here who can read it but it's worth doing for full immersion. That is, if you ever decide to do Dxun. Totally up to you.
  13. HUGE fan of your work man, glad to see that it is still going strong!
  14. What makes this incompatible with TSLRCM?
  15. Anyone know what the specialized loot is in Kressh's tomb? I'm thinking about adding his gauntlet to the game, but I'm wondering how hard that would be.

    1. DarthParametric


      It would appear to be sith_mummy.utp in 711KOR_s.rim. It would be easy enough to add additional items to it, but given Obsidian's propensity to reuse resrefs in TSL, I'm not sure whether it is unique. You may need to package it as a MOD, although you could probably also use a script.

  16. I believe this proves several things...first, that Nexus really does care about the mod creators and their rights. What they wrote there shows a good understanding of the established rules and a desire to uphold them. Secondly, I think it shows that they believe they are doing the right thing for the sake of the community. Whether you think they are or not, this seems to point to them doing this out of a desire to protect the creations of other passionate fans. But yes, the irony here is very sweet.
  17. I don't disagree. These people should be recognized for their hard work. But I do question how much control they can truly claim over it.
  18. I've been a mod user for years, though only in the past few months have I begun to mod games myself. I'm not going to pretend to understand what used to happen 10 years ago in the modding community, or even 3-5. However, I do take issue with people being this uptight about their "intellectual property" being misused or stolen when it's entirely based off of, used assets and files from, and completely made possible by someone else's work. I get the frustration with the way Nexus acted. I understand why they did it, and even though it's not perfect, it has worked for some. For others, it's nothing more than an annoyance, or worse. Think what you will. I just question how legitimately you can claim full rights to a modification to a game you don't own the rights to. If there's been some well-known law on this, then please, enlighten me. But it's my understanding that this all falls under "fair use". In which case, so does Nexus' actions.
  19. I don't know if it's my widescreen hack or what, but anytime I try to grab a screenshot in-game it's just an all-black screen.
  20. View File Saul Karath's Pistol A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MOD Mod Name: Saul Karath's Pistol Creator: Revanator Creation Date: 6/13/16 Contact:, or PM me on the DeadlyStream forums (preferred) This is a very simple mod that edits the uti file for the Sith Assassin Pistol found on Saul Karath's body to make it powerful and unique. It's fully upgradeable, with some pretty sweet properties once you have done so. This mod also renames it and gives it a unique description to furhter set it apart. Installation: Simply copy the uti file into your override. Uninstallation: Delete said file from your override folder. Bugs: None that I can see. Compatibility: Compatible with any mod that does not touch the uti for Saul Karath's pistol (named Sith Assassin Pistol, though his is unique). Thanks to jc2 for the screenshots! Submitter Revanator Submitted 06/13/2016 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  21. Anyone know which texture the Baragwin Shadow Armor has when Mission wears it?

  22. Version 1.0


    A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC MOD Mod Name: Saul Karath's Pistol Creator: Revanator Creation Date: 6/13/16 Contact:, or PM me on the DeadlyStream forums (preferred) This is a very simple mod that edits the uti file for the Sith Assassin Pistol found on Saul Karath's body to make it powerful and unique. It's fully upgradeable, with some pretty sweet properties once you have done so. This mod also renames it and gives it a unique description to furhter set it apart. Installation: Simply copy the uti file into your override. Uninstallation: Delete said file from your override folder. Bugs: None that I can see. Compatibility: Compatible with any mod that does not touch the uti for Saul Karath's pistol (named Sith Assassin Pistol, though his is unique). Thanks to jc2 for the screenshots!
  23. Just go into the Jekk-Jekk Tarr before that whole plot plays out with your PC wearing a breath mask, and HK and T3. No poison damage and you can finish all those quests then.