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Everything posted by N-DReW25

  1. So is this in kotor tool or another program because I am lost here (so add a -1 defence bonus penalty to the properties list im guessing)
  2. Thats the problem cinagar weave armor in kotor tool properties has only like 2 defence bonus yet in game its 6 defence bonus. I checked ariund the uti and I saw under base item 4 defence bonus meaning thats adding to the properties to make 6 but I can't change that to 3 and if I change it to something else I could get light combat suit robes or light combat suit vibrosword I will trt what you said and Try to find a work around
  3. This mod is to make the default game more engaging for the players.I am a new modder and so far I need help with the first part the endar spire. Main problem is I am replacing the cinagar weave armor and turning it into the light combat suit from tsl but I can't figure out how to get 3 defence bonus on the armor. That is the only problem I have so far but this mod plans to add whatever kotor 2 items into kotor 1 and maybe even change the stats to match the items in tls. Features on the endar spire includes: Trask and carths name tags will be named to have ulgo and onasi (all npc's should have this) Trask will be lightsided (80% to be exact) Trask will come with a blaster carbine Some republic troopers will be individual and will drop some basic items The hidden bag on the bridge will have a mandalorian blaster pistol The dead jedi and sith will drop red and blue crystals Carth will have his blasters and bonadan alloy armor on the endar spire and on taris The light combat suit will replace cinagar weave armor and can be found in the combat suit chest (meaning the combat suit is no longer in their) Sith on the bridge are dark jedi both dropping bondar crystals The prototype vibrosword is better The red sith is a sith officer I Hope I can make the light combat suit and work on Taris and release the demo(full version will be a full game mod and hopefully will be a tlspatcher install)