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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. He wrote a program to generate the required offsets for each resolution automatically. He hasn't been around for a while so you are either going to have to use one of the existing ones, or manually calculate the required values for your resolution yourself.
  2. There's no existing support for an edited GUI fitting that resolution. The closest that @ndix UR's High Resolution Menus covers is 5120x2160 and 5120x2880. If you are trying to patch the base resolution in the EXE, you'll want to use UniWS. Just select KOTOR from the drop down menu, pick a resolution to patch, and enter your custom resolution into the provided fields.
  3. They don't need to be high level either. They just need to be able to get to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
  4. You only need to send the scanner to your Republic alt. They can find the part which is Bind to Legacy and then mail it to your Imperial character, or put it in Legacy Storage.
  5. Yes, the supermodels are the only strictly mandatory requirement.
  6. Now that Dark Jedi Wear Robes is released, it's time to beef up their adversaries with a companion mod. The ranks of the Jedi are a little thin on variety. In my latest playthrough, their Star Forge boarding party apparently comprised 90% Mullet Men. So I plan to spice that up a bit with some new alien Jedi appearances. The first batch are done - Rodian, Kel Dor, and Nautolan males: Like the Dark Jedi mod, this will make use of the ported TSL Knight robe models from @JCarter426's Cloaked Jedi Robes mod. I'm not sure what the full roster will look like just yet, but I've previously messed around with both Rodian and Nautolan female heads, so those are on the list. Beyond that I am undecided.
  7. View File Dark Jedi Wear Robes (for JC's Cloaked Jedi Robes Mod) This mod changes the Dark Jedi appearance (male and female) from a skin tight jumpsuit to the TSL Knight robes (ported to K1 by JCarter). The hood and head of the original models have been retained, with the hood being worked into the torso mesh to make it a more natural looking extension of the cloak. Two extra masked head variants have also been added, ported from the TSL Dark Jedi/Assassins. The Dark Jedi you encounter throughout the game have had their appearances diversified between these three versions, along with swapping a few genders here and there. Additionally, the three Dark Jedi masters on the Star Forge have been given unique appearances. This mod takes advantage of the port of TSL’s robes added by @JCarter426’s mod “JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1”. As such, that mod is a prerequisite. You must at the very least install the supermodels from JC's mod (S_FemaleXX/S_MaleXX), as this mod will not function correctly without those. Compatibility: As mentioned, the mod relies on JC's robes mod. As such, any other mod that alters the supermodels will not be compatible unless based on his supermodels. The mod changes the base vanilla appearances of the four male and one female Dark Jedi. It will not be compatible with any mods that alter those. The mod makes extensive module changes. Make sure that any mods that brute force MOD file installs, like NPC Overhaul or K1R, are installed first. Acknowledgements: Thanks to @JCarter426 for making the modder's resource used to make these robes available, for helping out with script edits for the Star Forge Deck 2/3 modules to diversify the random spawns, and tracking down the obscure spawn origin of one particular group Thanks to @Fair Strides for the edited version of TSLPatcher capable of handling duplicate filenames Thanks to @bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit Thanks to @ndix UR for TGA2TPC Thanks to @Darth_Sapiens for the Cubemap Pack modder's resource Masks for two of the Masters on the Star Forge ported from The Old Republic MMO Thanks to zaramot on the Xentax forums for the TOR GR2 Max import script Thanks to @akimbo73 for pointing out the TSLPatcher issue with the SF Deck 3 module Submitter DarthParametric Submitted 12/18/2018 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  8. No, probably not. Using mesh alpha in conjunction with texture blending additive is the only way I have managed to get meshes to properly render behind glass/transparent objects.
  9. Must be whatever font I used. That's god damn annoying. Edit: How's this?
  10. It uses the full texture, as per the template. The original UVs only used 1/4 of the texture width, but I figured making it the full width either allows for an animated texture, or you could output a static texture at something like 128x512.
  11. She's using the Jedi_White_Female appearance, which doesn't use player robe models. She is unaffected by the current version of the mod.
  12. I always get lost running Anchorhead, so I decided to try adding some signs to the buildings you can enter to make them easier to spot. I'm not much chop with sign designs though, so I am looking for someone to give me a hand with some better ones. Here's what I have so far: And here is a better look at the individual designs: The cantina sign is taken from the vanilla texture LTS_signs, and the sign frame is vanilla as well. The others use a sign frame from TOR, with the textures being various mishmashes of TOR textures. Although the Czerka one is just something I slapped together myself, and the swoop was taken from one of the vanilla loading screens. I've attached some templates if anyone wants to have a crack. Sign_Templates.7z
  13. Version 1.0.1


    This mod changes the Dark Jedi appearance (male and female) from a skin tight jumpsuit to the TSL Knight robes (ported to K1 by JCarter). The hood and head of the original models have been retained, with the hood being worked into the torso mesh to make it a more natural looking extension of the cloak. Two extra masked head variants have also been added, ported from the TSL Dark Jedi/Assassins. The Dark Jedi you encounter throughout the game have had their appearances diversified between these three versions, along with swapping a few genders here and there. Additionally, the three Dark Jedi masters on the Star Forge have been given unique appearances. This mod takes advantage of the port of TSL’s robes added by @JCarter426’s mod “JC's Fashion Line I: Cloaked Jedi Robes for K1”. As such, that mod is a prerequisite. You must at the very least install the supermodels from JC's mod (S_FemaleXX/S_MaleXX), as this mod will not function correctly without those. Compatibility: As mentioned, the mod relies on JC's robes mod. As such, any other mod that alters the supermodels will not be compatible unless based on his supermodels. The mod changes the base vanilla appearances of the four male and one female Dark Jedi. It will not be compatible with any mods that alter those. The mod makes extensive module changes. Make sure that any mods that brute force MOD file installs, like NPC Overhaul or K1R, are installed first. Acknowledgements: Thanks to @JCarter426 for making the modder's resource used to make these robes available, for helping out with script edits for the Star Forge Deck 2/3 modules to diversify the random spawns, and tracking down the obscure spawn origin of one particular group Thanks to @Fair Strides for the edited version of TSLPatcher capable of handling duplicate filenames Thanks to @bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit Thanks to @ndix UR for TGA2TPC Thanks to @Darth_Sapiens for the Cubemap Pack modder's resource Masks for two of the Masters on the Star Forge ported from The Old Republic MMO Thanks to zaramot on the Xentax forums for the TOR GR2 Max import script Thanks to @akimbo73 for pointing out the TSLPatcher issue with the SF Deck 3 module
  14. It might be because the blade planes are considered their own separate node type. While the ASCII has a mesh alpha value, that may not carry over to the binary model, or be used by the game. That would be a question for bead-v/ndix UR. As to the Ajunta Pall model, no, that was a model hierarchy issue. The game apparently crashes when you have skinned meshes using mesh alpha below trimeshes with mesh alpha in the hierarchy.
  15. You could try editing the saber models and setting the mesh alpha of the blade planes from 1.0 to something like 0.9. You may have to incrementally adjust the value to see what it looks like. But it's probably never going to render the way you want it to.
  16. There are various sound-related script snippets in the thread of ebmar's that I linked to in the previous post. If you want visible lightning, I would think the best approach would be to add some planes to the skybox model (typically that is its own "room") and then animate their visibility and set it as a scriptloop animation for the room. Then it can be called via script as needed. // Room Animation Constants int ANIMATION_ROOM_SCRIPTLOOP01 = 1; //Up to 20 animations are possible // 738: PlayRoomAnimation // Plays a looping animation on a room void PlayRoomAnimation(string sRoom, int nAnimation); There are a few different ways you could approach this. You could have triggers around the level that fire when the player walks past. You could hijack existing scripts that fire during certain events. You could add scripts to dialogues, if that is appropriate. You might be able to have some sort of timer-based approach, probably triggered via the OnEnter, but that's more the realm of scripting gurus to address. The way you'd want to set it up would be to have a couple of room scriptloops you can switch between, a base one that does nothing and then one or more that controls the visibility of the lighting. Then the scripts would switch between them so the lighting only occurs when you want.
  17. Modding standards. Just chucking stuff in the Override is lazy.
  18. Yes. At least if you want to make a public release. I may be mistaken, but I believe you can only specify a single ambient sound track. However, similar to what @ebmar asked about in a recent thread, you could probably use scripting to get around this. In fact given your comment about thunder, you may be better switching them so that the rain is the default track and the thunder is one you script to play at various instances. You could also potentially harness the same scripting to play a room animation that adds some lightning VFX.
  19. The mesh is split along UV seams. We always traditionally had a problem where ye olde MDLOps was unable to smooth across such seams, but this was fixed in more recent revisions of MDLEdit. I believe it is also fixed in MDLOps, it just hasn't been pushed to the public release. The reason you get a hard seam is there are two sets of verts at each point along the seam, and each has their own normal. When you unify these into a single averaged normal, you get a smooth transition across the seam (i.e. no visible seam). It should be easy to visualise this in Max/GMax if you decompile that model, load up the ASCII and add an Edit Normals modifier.
  20. That has nothing to do with normal maps. It's a smoothing error.
  21. You can also currently get an Old Republic flair: from the Anniversary vendor on the fleet, found in the Strongholds section. The vendor also has a number of stronghold decorations and, most importantly for new players, a holostatue which will allow you to purchase new skills out in the field without needing to visit a trainer. All of it is free until January 15, I believe.
  22. A model is the entire...container, for want of a better term. A mesh is the polygonal geometry within the model. Typically a model is comprised of multiple meshes, although in some cases, such as VFX, there may be no meshes at all.