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Everything posted by DarthParametric

  1. Direct Kolto injection. That is going to sting.
  2. All the script source is available and commented. It is already available on the Github repo in the Source folder. Non-script fixes vary. Generally there is only a vague description in the readme to limit spoilers. Certain fixes we have added in the latest version have been assigned an Issue, which typically provides much more information on the nature of the problem and the specifics of the fix (resolved issues will be in the closed section). As to the TLK suggestion, my personal preference would be not to include something that of that nature. If people want to use it, they can choose to do so, and it will be compatible with K1CP as long as the install the TLK first.
  3. Since we are probably getting close to content-lock for v1.8, I figured I'd post an update of where K1CP is currently at in terms of added content. Some of these additions are from existing mods, but many have been created specifically for K1CP. CHANGELOG v1.8 - TBA 2019 Additions Added a fix to the skin weights of the male player head PMHC01 Added a fix for the commoner Asian male head comm_a_m to restore eye animation Added a fix for clipping collars on female Class 7 (PFBF) and Class 9 (PFBH) armours Added a fix for the credits incorrectly scaling during the Dark Side ending Added a number of model fixes for the Endar Spire to address various geometry issues Added a fix for a stray blaster appearing in the middle of a hallway in the Sith Base on Taris Added a fix for missing lightmaps in the entrance of the Taris Upper City cantina Added a fix for the positioning of the Council on Dantooine to prevent floating Added a fix for the hanging ivy on the walls of the Dantooine enclave landing pad Added a fix for an inaccessible container in The One's compound Added higher poly replacements for the placeable human "sitters" (cantina Pazaak players/drinkers) Added a fix for some female non-dancer Twi'leks wearing armour instead of plain clothes Added a fix for some female non-dancer Twi'leks in default stripper garb instead of plain clothes Added a fix for Helena wearing Jedi robes instead of regular clothes Added a fix for Carth prematurely complaining about being out of the loop Added a workaround/partial fix for the post-Leviathan escape stealth bug Added a fix for Dak respawning in the Korriban cantina Replaced broken injection-based Manaan DLGs in previous release with JC's pre-patched ones (TSLPatcher can't delete nodes) Added a fix for Jedi being visible in the back of a Malak cutscene on Deck 1 of the Star Forge Added a fix for a droid with the wrong soundset in the Taris Upper Sewers Added several fixes to the Dantooine training montage Added a fix for the player freezing during the pre-swoop race scene when racing for the Hidden Beks Added a fix for Carth not facing Kandon when interjecting during the pre-swoop race dialogue Added a fix for one of Canderous' goons in the Undercity having the wrong soundset Added a fix for Sand People disguises not working after the player used the rapid transit system or loaded from a save while disguised Added a fix for certain NPC soundsets with wrong or missing sounds Added new soundset for Trandoshans, ported from TSL Added a fix for the exit in the Sith Base on Taris having the wrong label Added a fix for Bastila not showing the fourth vision (K1R's fix) Added a fix for the Twi'lek Czerka Liaison Officers on Kashyyyk not resuming their patrols after dialogue Adjusted the post-Leviathan scene so the player is forced to talk to HK and therefore doesn't miss his content there Added missing landing gear and ramp to the Ebon Hawk in the Leviathan hangar Added more triggers for the second Xor encounter because he would refuse to show unless the player used the rapid transit system Incorporated some of JC's Minor Fixes Added a fix for two female Jedi background NPCs in the Dantooine enclave that would stop walking after being talked to Fixed some bugs in the Dead Settler quest Changed Casus Sandral's appearance from a generic corpse to something more suitable Added a fix for an NPC in the Leviathan bridge cutscenes that had some deformation issues Added improved commoner clothes textures (variants 01 and 07) ported from TSL Added a fix for Calo's Rodian prey in the Taris Undercity Apartments not properly drawing their weapons Added a fix for one of the Sith female NPCs on the Leviathan bridge having a drawn blaster during a cutscene Added an interjection for Carth in the pre-swoop race scene for the Beks to match his one in the Vulkar version Added a creature-based replacement for the corpse in the Dantooine Murder Mystery quest for improved visual quality Added/edited scripts in the Dantooine Murder Mystery quest to have Handon appear injured and for NPCs to exit when appropriate, plus removed some extraneous fades to black Added melee proficiency and/or weapons for some Duros on Dantooine that were lacking them Added a fix for the blade of Bacca's sword not being properly removed from the player's inventory when giving it to Freyyr in the Lower Shadowlands Switched the appearance for guards in the Sith Academy on Korriban to Sith Soldiers rather than Sith Officers Increased the walking speed of the diving suit on Manaan and the space suit on the Leviathan Added JC's Dense Aliens Added a fix for War Droid racetex variants having their blaster texture overridden by the body texture by swapping out integrated blaster mesh for external reference Added a fix for a non-functional trigger script for the Sharina conversation on Tatooine Since it is a bit lengthy to post directly here, you can check out the current Tier organisation/breakdown here (still subject to change). And you can see the full array of mods with attributions here.
  4. Zip up g_i_cmbtshot050.uti, spells.2da, and baseitems.2da from your Override and attach it.
  5. So that log suggests that while baseitems.2da was already present in the Override, spells.2da was not. Did you try deleting the item from your save in KSE, adding the re-installed version, then testing it again in-game?
  6. I'll need more information than that. Do you have the TSLPatcher install log? Might need to see a copy of your baseitems.2da/spells.2da as well.
  7. @Sithspecter: Are you aware of the apparent issue with the War Droid racetex variants, as discussed here? I have a possible solution in that thread, if you wish to make use of it.
  8. Did you run TSLPatcher? Sounds like it wasn't actually installed.
  9. It literally only has two animations - walk and pause (i.e. idle). You'd need to give it combat animations. It also has no hooks for either equipping a weapon, or firing an integrated weapon. In the latter case, it would also need an entry in droiddischarge.2da. Using TSL's C_SenBall as an animation source would be the only practical route. But even then I'm not sure that would work in the manner you seem to want outside of a custom animated cutscene (you wouldn't be deflecting bolts, you'd be smacking it directly with a glowstick).
  10. That's an interesting trick, the ability to change from a 6'6" guy to a 4' midget. Truly a master of disguise. So what's the problem then? If you are using the Calo model already, you should just be able to script it to play ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_USE_COMPUTER the same as the vanilla scene does.
  11. "Disguised" is pretty vague. I am assuming you are just literally using the Calo model, no? In which case it already has the animation.
  12. If it's just the Calo animation you want to use, you probably only need to edit the supermodel and animation scale values. You need to be specific about what models you are using in order to explain how to go about it.
  13. GMax/Max typically, yes. I'm not sure if Blender can handle animations yet. Depending on your preference, you might be able to get away with doing it just via editing ASCII models in a text editor. However, if you are talking about Canderous that introduces a wrinkle, because he is a large body size, which means animation scaling is required. So what you'll actually want to do is create a new intermediary supermodel with just the animation you want. Then you'd point the P_CandBB model to that as its supermodel instead of S_Female02. Your intermediary supermodel would, in turn, point to S_Female02 as its supermodel.
  14. You would need to import the animation onto the model you want to play it and rename it as appropriate.
  15. As I said in your previous thread, K1 doesn't work like TSL. You can only script the animations explicitly listed in nwscript.nss - ignore anything in the 2DA. If you want a custom animation you'll either need to use a stunt model specified in the DLG (which I'm surprised Bioware didn't do in the Calo example), or use the same hacky animation name swap trick if you want to script it.
  16. Not unless you do the same sort of thing, preferably not using an important animation like usecomp. That's usually why people substitute the dance animation - it's one of the few scriptable animations that is pretty much never needed (unless you are making a Twi'lek stripper cutscene I guess).
  17. Per nwscript.nss, animation 113 is ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_USE_COMPUTER. If you look at Calo's model, it has a single animation - usecomp. Seems even Bioware use the dance animation substitution trick (albeit using a different anim).
  18. They need entries added to droiddischarge.2da (as do all droids with integrated weapons). Also, make sure whatever blaster type you equip them with is the NULL variant (i.e. no physical model).
  19. That's the byte code - what the actual compiled script looks like to the engine. You can have nwnnsscomp output it I believe (or at least it's an option for scripts that can't be decompiled), and ncsdis from Xoreos Tools will also convert all scripts into byte code. For scripts that can't be decompiled, you can often figure out what it is doing from the byte code and, depending on the complexity, try and recreate it manually.
  20. When it actually fails to decompile, the only thing you'll see is a message in the status window down the bottom.
  21. It has decompiled it, it is just warning you that its interpretation doesn't match 100% with the original. Generally you can ignore that. You can right click on it and have it show the decompiled code, or just close that tab and say yes when it asks if you want to save it as an NSS.
  22. Ah, I thought it included it. Grab it here and copy the exe to the same folder as DeNCS.jar (ignore the included nwscript.nss and use the game-specific versions I mentioned before) - https://web.archive.org/web/20180820120330/http://www.starwarsknights.com/mtools/nwnnsscomp_st.zip
  23. You'll want to use DeNCS (requires Java) - https://web.archive.org/web/20180820120330/http://www.starwarsknights.com/mtools/DeNCS.zip You'll need to supply it with a copy of nwscript.nss in the same folder in order for it to work. I would suggest making two folders with separate copies of DeNCS, and have the nwscript.nss for K1 in one, TSL in the other. I have come across the occasional script in K1 that won't decompile when using TSL's nwscript.nss. If you want to follow along with that cutscene specifically, I'd recommend starting with tar03_calo031.dlg as there are multiple different scripts used for the various shots. Btw, if you want different VFX you can browse through nwscript.nss to see what constant is required for the one you want.
  24. You can either create a waypoint or use the co-ords directly, whichever takes your fancy. To do the latter: location lBlastPoint = Location(Vector(4.51,48.57,14.57), 0.0); Then you'd apply the effect with something like: effect eExplode = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_FNF_GRENADE_THERMAL_DETONATOR); ApplyEffectAtLocation(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eExplode, lBlastPoint); You should look at the Calo Nord cutscene in Javyar's Cantina (TAR_M03AE). It's quite instructive for this sort of thing. In that scene they also have Calo doing a throw animation and spawn a grenade model on the ground.
  25. You didn't install it properly. The mod requires TSLRCM. You either don't have it, or you are using the Steam Workshop and didn't install into its folder.