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Everything posted by djnugent

  1. I think the Harbinger, probably - seems like that would give me the experience closest to what I'm looking for (according to them). Any opinions or experiences relating to specific pros & cons would be cool. Sounds pretty straight-forward, but there are always "catches". Plus, I never played any games like WoW so I can't speak with an educated opinion
  2. Okay - valid point on the "paying to create new content" comment. I guess there would have to be enough new quality content coming out for me to justify it, which judging by the reply it sounds like they are. So +10 cool points in favor of SW:TOR Knights of the Fallen Empire looks awesome enough to be worth paying for by itself :-) Sorry - already created the account, then hesitated before actually going for it. Otherwise, totally would have. Okay - think I'll give it a shot. I just upgraded my video card and doubled up my RAM, so I'm itching to turn it loose on something Star Wars-y and cool :-) Thanks for the remarks, they were helpful. Any free advice would be cool, too - like little "Things / gameplay quirks I wish I would have known when I started this game the first time" stuff. Either way, I'll figure it out :-)
  3. I just finished TSL again (there were lot's of excellent mods out over the last year). While I'm going to play it through again as a female character (haven't played that story line yet), I was looking at the SW:TOR game a lot more closely. I read the novels that were written based on the game and found them interesting. The Darth Malgus stuff especially. There's a lot more content out there, and now it's "Free to Play" up to level 50. Not fully understanding what that means, or at least if that's actually a deal or not, I thought I would ask this community a few questions to help educate me before dropping any amount of $. Does level 50 even mean anything as far as progression (story and/or character wise)? Nothing would piss me off more than basically just getting started (like say, just getting off of Telos in TSL) and finding out that NOPE - NOW YOU GOTTA PAY The game is a MMORPG - so... is it single-player enough? I just want to play MY character and get lost in the story. Can you play it like you would KOTOR or TSL? If I understand right, the subscription basically means that I have to A: Pay for any/all expansions (obvious) B: Continue to pay just to play a game that I might be happy to purchase outright The Subscription thing is currently the largest factor turning me off to this. I loathe the idea of having to continue to pay for a game after already paying $ for it. Motivating factors that MIGHT make it worth it to ME: - MOST IMPORTANT : Storylines that are at least as good (or at least really complex and interesting) as the ones present in KOTOR and TSL - Enormous galactic map(s) to explore - As "unique" an experience as they promised. Choices are choices, no matter what the outcome (like Light vs Gray vs Dark) - Expansions integrate with the REST of the expansions, allowing for smooth storylines no matter what level and/or point in the story - Gameplay is decent, not super-difficult or complicated, or at least no more than KOTOR & TSL It LOOKS really awesome... but everybody seems to still be disappointed enough to continue to MOD and play KOTOR and TSL. Which tells you something right there. I mean, okay, some of the most compelling Star Wars stories to date, but, gameplay and graphically speaking, it's getting more dated every year. Thank you to anybody taking the time to read it and/or reply. I'm not going to stop playing these awesome mods (I still have to play BOS and BOS:SR !!!) - just looking for some new Star Wars stories to get into. Also - the "motivating factors" are only expressed as the ones that I generally look for first in a game. I'm a sucker for a great story I can get lost in (like Assassins' Creed and L.A. Noir). So, if there happen to be OTHER motivating factors in favor of paying $ for SW:TOR that I haven't considered, please feel free to state them. Might be that it just hadn't occurred to me yet and it may be a really cool reason to play it.
  4. Also, if you haven't yet had this update prompt (because if you have Windows 7, you will get this prompt...), go into your Windows Update Settings and uncheck the "Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates" box and and then click "OKAY". I've been running into this at every work site... it's been messing stuff up, especially when it just decides it's going to go ahead and install itself.... CONTROL PANEL->Windows Update->Change Settings (left-side panel)-> - the check box is under "Recommended Updates"
  5. I can't help it, I'm such a nerd... I've had these (and the TSL version) as part of my override since I first saw them... LOVE IT!
  6. This was happening to me too - it's a video card issue, if I remember correctly. NVidia cards seemed to handle it fine, but I had to back down some of the settings on my ATI card - was almost too much for it to process all at once as I could hear the fan on my card kicking into overdrive. Check your drivers, and if that's not it, try backing down some of the graphics-quality settings a bit.
  7. This has been a staple in my override since I first saw it last year. I LOVE it! Get to change her look depending on my current mood :-)
  8. djnugent

    4k Atton

    Nice mod, must have for me now - I use it exclusively for Atton textures 1 small request and/or suggestion - I have started converting any textures over 512 x 512 to DDS format using Darth Sapiens Bioware TGA to DDS converter tool as it loads SOOOO much faster and more efficiently - UNLESS they are animated textures or, for whatever reason, they don't end up looking the same. Textures at 4096 x 4096 tend to lag a bit on load up, and that's on MY system, which is one of the fastest I've ever built. No worries or complaints, though. Leaving it doesn't make it unplayable, and I'm happy to convert them myself :-)
  9. Yes, learned that this is NOT compatible with the "No Lightsaber Quest" mod... :-) Simply just a matter of reinstalling this Mod and it was fixed. This mod is REALLY cool - imagine my surprise when I was attacked by a rancor in a place where I was NOT expecting one... :-)
  10. Found an article - I have to admit, the only pic that actually impressed me was the small "concept" image of the Dantooine plains... But it looks like crap without Kexikus' High Quality Skyboxes!!! I have the Unreal Engine Development kit... so... what they're doing is super ambitious and all, but you'd seriously need about 100 people working full-time around the clock for 4-5 YEARS to complete this to all of us nerds' satisfaction... It's almost like this is a bunch of gamers who have no concept of why it is we actually are still so obsessed with these games, even after 12-13 years. It's not the damn graphics or special effects - those are being modded/updated right now by the awesome modders on THIS VERY SITE just because we feel that if we're going to play one of the best Star Wars story-lines of all time, then we might as well have something pretty to look at. :-) What we ACTUALLY want is a complete story, or chapters of a much larger story, that we can immerse ourselves into and get lost in. Give US the illusion that WE'RE the ones creating the story as we go. That was the best part of KOTOR/TSL - it felt like a 'choose-your-own-adventure' story, except that your choices all involved being a Jedi. Anyways, here is a link to an article I found - the writer seems to be as torn about the idea as everybody else... Fans Begin Project To Remake Star Wars: KOTOR
  11. Yes...I was reminded about the Escort Droids... and properly Face-Palmed myself immediately afterward... *** I played through the first time as DS...and didn't even realize the escort droids were there until I had finished and was heading back to the Ebon Hawk. Double Face Palm!!! *** Yes Lifeless was probably the wrong word to use - on the other hand, I was trying to think - what would a place look like if it was built by settlers, then all the settlers died, then droids adapted everything created for organics to their needs? Also, weren't they supposed to be preparing for the next batch of settlers? So (in theory), there could be facilities and/or stores of organic compounds just sitting in storage somewhere. Of course... .... .... I have no "real" ideas as to what that would look like. I'm going to be playing it through my 3rd time through, so my memory should be a little fresher
  12. I played through twice - once as DS, once as LS. Nicely done with the different LS/DS story arcs - fit pretty well with the overall TSL theme. Of course, we wouldn't be proper nerds if we weren't ready to point out the minor, less-than inconvenient things we would like to see ironed-out... 1. I agree on a couple of notes with Kexikus - the journal entries could be a little more informative, only when trying to find droids, or why we're trying to find the droids. 2. Some of the "shadows" being cast by some of the Droids (most prominent in the main area) - they are SUPER long, thin shadows, but only on 1 or 2 of the droids - DOESN'T subtract from gameplay, DOESN'T cause any problems, just something I noticed when trying to solve that "power puzzle" issue... 3. I actually didn't have a problem with how "lifeless" the place looked - I figured if droids had been running the show for that long, all organic/aesthetic stuff would be removed/replaced for something more efficient. Still, more stuff going on in the background is always cool - some animated manufacturing textures would look great. 4. A WARP PANEL - Like on Telos Station, where you can travel from area to area without always having to go through 3 areas. Let's be honest - it's a pretty big map 5. And finally... the VO's. Sometimes (I'M SORRY GUYS, NO KNOCK ON YOUR EFFORTS!!!!) a little cringe-worthy, and ,in all honesty, it is the only thing that makes me think twice before reinstalling the M4-78EP mod (even though I always end up installing it anyway cuz THAT'S how awesome this mod is). Now - I didn't create the MOD, didn't participate in any of the process, and am saying these things as only a Super-Nerd would even notice them - however, I figure if you aren't willing to help, then get out, so I'm volunteering myself as a possible VO candidate. (except for the patrol droids - they sounded like bad-asses!). Also - NONE OF THESE (we'll call them "observations") DO ANYTHING TO DETRACT FROM THE OVERALL QUALITY AND COMPLETION THE MODDERS BROUGHT TO THIS SUPER COOL MOD.
  13. Just a question - is this the same HQ movies pack that was on GameFront? Only found this link for part 5
  14. The shwartz is strong with this one...

  15. The shwartz is strong with this one...

  16. Man - Jorak Uln, another fine fine mod. I am playing through Telos now, and I have yet to see animated textures with this kind of attention to detail. Beautiful. One small request - is it possible to convert some of the TGA files to DDS? The files are so huge that it takes a little while to load and TSL seems to process DDS files much better. though I have run into issues where the DDS files don't perform the same way on some mods. Not a big deal, it's not unbearable by any means. In fact, this mod is so pretty I actually stopped my game to show somebody how awesome this mod is who has no interest in it whatsoever, and even THEY said "Oooohhh, pretty!" I'm becoming a big fan of your work!
  17. What about bone? Wires and blood seem obvious and actually needed, especially with a cybernetic eyeball, but what if it was all grafted to just bone on his arm? Or just bone, period? Especially when the medic in the Harbinger states "I don't even know what's holding this guy together..."
  18. Ah, see now THAT's an answer :-) Answers consisting of "read the entire post, stupid" are perfectly acceptable Thank you LiliArch !!!
  19. Really? Come on, man - unless you have something resembling the answer, let the mod creator answer the question. Just a common courtesy. *Even if FS is too busy watching Episode 7 to answer...
  20. Just checking - does this also include "Solomon's Revenge"? Or does that have to be downloaded separately?
  21. Holy crap... @ HH - yup, that's a lot of copies. See, I just knew somebody had me beat here... Anything special (registry hack/fix, etc) you have to do to separate them? When I tried a straight up install it just tried to move all my files/folders to a new directory.
  22. I just tried an interesting experiment..and it worked. I have had an old Retail copy of KOTOR (With the original discs!!!) that's installed with all kinds of awesome MODS. I just purchased the GOG Saber Package . Somewhere I had read a forum asking if the games could be installed multiple times so that Full Re-Write mods (like RoR & The Jedi Masters) could be installed alongside without totally overwriting their normal game. Couldn't be done because you'd have to be able to tell the registry that they were separate games with different names. Except that I just did it with the GOG copy using GOG Galaxy. My Retail copy: Installed to C:\Star Wars\SWKotor2\ The GOG Copy I let install to it's default, which seems to write it's own unique GOG registry entries. I tested - launched my retail copy with a save, there it was. Launched GOG version - and it's VANILLA!!! I don't know if this will work with a Retail copy and a Steam copy too. Let me know if this is actually a breakthrough or if this is common knowledge!!! It's happened before and it's okay to point that out that somewhere else is a much more informative thread!!!
  23. THEY'RE DOING IT AGAIN!!!! GOG Star Wars Saber Bundle
  24. Video Card Driver? Like ATI vs NVidia? Also, sometimes the Root folder (example - C:\Program Files (x86)\SWKotor2\ ) needs the 'Read Only' attribute unchecked, and I've set security settings so that 'Everyone' has full modify permissions to that folder. Might consider doing it for the entire STEAM folder just be sure it doesn't happen for other games too. I will say that this was happening to me too for a while - Catalyst Control Center issue. I ended up backing to version 14.4 Check THIS post on my findings and see if that helps at all (assuming that's the case). You can download that specific version and install it, then prevent it from updating.
  25. Sale was over almost before it started...