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About DarthArgost

  • Rank
    Jedi Apprentice
  • Birthday 07/25/1993

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  1. Just a question, the merchant on onderon has no items. I had an old version but i just updated when i saw the lack of items in the merchant.
  2. No, I have never used KSE, I have tried with other mods and no mods other than TSLRCM
  3. Starting new game, I play the game until I need to save, load the save and I am a different character, male figure with female portrait, lvl 12, with a lightsaber and a kill-blaster/laser, latest version of tslrcm, windows 8, on steam, tried with other mods and then just this one both didn't work, I have uninstalled the game, reinstalled didn't change, tried three times starting a new save and game nothing changed.
  4. So is this a simple reskinmod or is it a whole new Armour set. Anyway great mod.
  5. I would use a blaster over a lightsaber any day with this mod
  6. quick question, i went through all of the quest line and such, but when i get to the guy I'am supposed to hand it in he gives the line which you get in the beginning even through i have the visa, so is there a way to fix this like giving me the item code for the visa, also i installed the 2.2 patch during this playthrough, will that cause this issue to arise, anyway cool mod even with all the running around.
  7. Forget the last comment, found them, just had some visual bugs so im uninstalling and then downloading it and putting it back on to see if it works
  8. so i tried to cheat them in with the command "ia_JediRobe_050.tga" multiple times and i seem to get no where if you could post the codes up on the website that would be awesome, anyway sorry to be a bother, i know you have other things to do
  9. Quick question, i have had this installed for about two play through's and i still haven't in countered any of them, is it a re skin of robes(if so please tell) or is it just a chest somewhere? Cool mod though.
  10. Sorry for bothering you again but during my play through i noticed i was gaining no new hilts, there were none available at the the crafting bench except for the Acolyte and the Aggressor, please help if you have time.