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Xedii last won the day on November 25 2015

Xedii had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

17 Jedi Padawan

About Xedii

  • Rank
    Jedi Padawan

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  1. I can tell you enjoyed this...this station is a close fit for the mass effect citadel it shows in your work. Think you can mod the whole game? This is the best looking one so far...keep it going
  2. The animation master continues to impress....keep it coming
  3. Keep up the swotor conversion can't wait to see what's next
  4. Xedii

    Shiny EDGES

    Nice man as you progress at texturing I'll be obsolete by the end of the year.
  5. Things are shaping up nicely i really like the weathering on the wall pic..... the chairs remind me of what i did in my 2012 mod. Keep it up
  6. Xedii


    Ok kool vid the transperent textures kinda came out around when the kotor collections cd appeared...all games before that those textures had a metal shine to them. I couldn't understand what had changed but thanks for clearing that up.
  7. Xedii


    Good idea ill consider that Where was the mod review done ---------------------------------------------- Pix Update