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Everything posted by Mephiles550

  1. I'll admit, I thought the same way which you were thinking about this level. I ended my first full playthrough of the M4-78 Mod with negative impressions. I thought that the quests were unclear, repetitive, boring, annoying, and all the time I had to spend going from one side of the industrial zone to the next was considerably annoying (I know that this issue is addressed for the most part with the Escord Droid, but I don't believe it covers all the parts of the Industrial Zone). Of course, I thought that there were plenty of positive aspects about the mod overall, such as all of the dedication and hard work put into it, the overall complexity of the quests themselves, how the quests could extend beyong M4-78 into Telos, and how the mod made such creative use of scrapped modules. When I uninstalled M4-78, I actually decided to give the older version on Filefront a chance, as I've seen a video that showed off the majority of the level, and how the the overall straight-forwardness of the original version was 10X higher than that of the newer version. The original version pretty much just consists of the rule "Get from point A to point B while killing all of the enemies and finding hidden goodies," with a few extra quests here and there. At first, I preferred this version tremendously, and admired how the simplicity of the level could still make for a fun mod. Eventually though, the simplicity began to bore me, so when I re-installed Kotor 2 again, I decided to retry the newest version of M4-78 at the time, the version before the latest update. Upon playing the newest version of M4-78 for a second time, I began to admire the level design, side quests, and fine details added into the levels much more, as I constantly compared the newer M4-78 to the older version available on Filefront. The fact that I also already completed the mod before and knew the majority of what was to be expected also helped the second experience tremendously, I think. I also began exploring for new secrets and attempting all of the side quests the mod had to offer to ensure that I would experience the entirety of the mod. Let me tell you, I enjoyed this second playthrough a hell of a lot more than my first. My third playthrough only impressed me more. When the latest update for M4-78 came out, I became even more impressed at the modders for how they improved my original experience even more by fixing the majority of bugs I had with the level, and adding in some more content. TL;DR: It's understandable, to me anyway, that you dislike the M4-78 mod, and I'm sure some others do as well; however, I heavily recommend you play it again in a second playthrough after setting aside all of the confusion as to figuring out what you need to do in the mod. If you don't want to try it again, than perhaps you should try out the original version here:;89207 Also, do we even know why the level was scrapped? Sleheyron was scrapped, but was that for a good reason, or for time constraints? Sleheyron originally contained an additional Star Map - would that have ruined the experience, or improved it? M4-78, if included in the final vanilla version of Kotor II like Obsidian intended, might have proven itself a great addition to the game. There's also a chance the level could have been the worst part of the game. We just won't know, and we certainly can't determine why a level was scrapped based off of a mod that's probably 50% different story wise than Obsidian originally intended.
  2. Not sure if this will help, but in your list of mods, do you remember the order you installed each, or at least some of them? If so, do you remember if the NPC Overhaul mod was one of your first or last mods you installed in the game? IIRC, The NPC Overhaul Mod modifies each individual level not through the override, but put's changes in the Module folder itself (I could be wrong about that though. It's been a while since I've used that mod), so renaming the Override folder might not help much. Eitherway, try re-installing the Appearance and Telos parts of the Overhaul mod, then get a save before entering Slusk hideout and try again.
  3. And if you're confused as to why the Ubese model is labeled as "Sithassn", than look at some of the TSL pre-release game shots. The Ubese were the original Sith Assassins. Obsidian probably decided to redesign the Assassin during the middle of the game's development, or had planned to use the current Sith Assassin as the Ubese model at one point until they decided to swap their places, resulting in the current Sith Assassin. I honestly prefer the current model we have as the Sith Assassin. While I do wish the Ubese could have had some more game time, the current Sith models with have now looks more like a Sith should than the Ubese do. I suppose that's debatable, though.
  4. I'm imagining how the Yavin space station was handled in the Xbox version of Kotor, which was paid dlc, on a much larger scale.
  5. At last... At long last... The fix has been made! Thank you so much! Instant download.
  6. I'm also having the metallic gold armor at the workbench instead of the correct armor. I think that's just a problem with the workbench itself, and cannot be fixed.
  7. Out of curiosity, is this door the one you used for your Sleheyron map?
  8. Would it really matter in the long run though if force users were no longer rare? All life is touched by the force in one way or another and the force is an energy field created by all beings, as Kreia and Obi wan both say (or at least they say something similar). If this is the case, than everyone should be able to use it. Things would probably still be the same regardless of whether or not Midichlorians existed or not. I doubt the idea of Midichlorians even existed in Good ol' Georgie's head before Phantom Menace (if this is wrong though, I would love to know where the concept of Midichlorians were used prior), and before that came out, what was life like in Star Wars? Hardly anyone could actually use the force because they didn't know how to use it, believe it, or even know what it really was. Besides, some people didn't want to waste away their life as a jedi or sith anyway. Some people hated both groups, never wanting to associate themselves with any of their capabilities. The Midichlorians felt shoehorned last minute into the Phantom menace as a plot device to explain how Anakin was better than the rest of the jedi. I'm also bringing back up the comparison to Qi energy: not everyone knows how to use it, most people could care less about using it, and some people might not be able to understand it ever. The energy is still there though, and the body could still, technically, be able to use it. I suppose it doesn't matter. Logically, the idea of Midichlorians makes sense. I just greatly prefer the force to be something more mystical and universally adaptable as opposed to just lolgeneticgift. I also know little to nothing about Qel Droma, so I don't really have a proper explanation for that. XD
  9. Mephiles550


    Guess it's time for my first request here. Well, here it goes: can someone make the Soldier, Scout and Scoundrel basic clothing as separate models and items that any class can wear? I'm asking this because I always prefer playing as the scout for various reasons, but I like all three different options of basic PC clothing. I'm also asking this because I've got my appearance.2da file set to make the basic clothing for all classes the standard republic uniform, which I prefer, but I also like the regular clothing also. It looks more fitting for, say, Taris or Korriban. There are also a lot of good re-skins for those clothing models out there that I'd like to use for them. If it has already been done before, can someone link the mod here?
  10. I believe the crash happens as a result of the Bandon head mouth animations being messed up or something. I'm probably wrong on that one though. Sorry, but I think you have to be in a different module for the changes to work.
  11. IIRC, I believe the problem had something to do with the Darth Bandon head, which is the head that the Serroco leader uses in the Overhaul mod. Re-installing the Overhaul mod's appearance part fixed the issue for me, I think.
  12. Does this crash happen when you try to talk to the Serroco Veteran leader? I had one or two crashes when I tried to talk to that guy with the NPC Overhaul mod before.
  13. As much as I dislike the idea of midichlorians and would much rather view the force as a concept similar to qi/chi, Yoda might have just been referring to Luke and himself when he said "we". I don't really see this as good evidence against midichlorians. While I may not like the idea behind midichlorians, I think that they are most likely what allow force users to actually feel the force. The Rakata researchers were trying to find biological reasons for their loss of the force due to the "plague", and the information they need is in their temple. If Revan gives it to them, they claim that they might now know the reason why the Rakata have lost the force. The reason, if genetic mutations were behind their force loss due to the plague, most likely means that their midichlorians were altered. (It's been a while since I've done this side mission, so sorry If I'm missing a few key points) Again, I dislike the idea of midichlorians, and I would prefer that anyone could be able to use the force, provided they are capable to be trained, but there are multiple clues that point to midichlorians being the cause for force sensitivity.
  14. Wow. I never expected removing the logo texture of all things would have solved the problem. XD
  15. Flip them? There was no need to flip them to begin with. The textures were perfectly formatted with the map.
  16. Ya. Personally, that purple texture is my least favorite part of the entire texture pack. So much so that, when I still used it, I replaced that single texture with something else. It sticks out so badly.
  17. I think that's what the textures are supposed to look like. I remember seeing that purple grid texture multiple times in my last playthrough with that mod(which, admittedly, I don't remember the majority of the details). I could be wrong though.
  18. Did you make sure to install individual part of the NPC Overhaul mod? Also, Movies tend to play better in Windowed mode, so try to enable that.
  19. Hmm... I remember I was able to get both Kotor and TSL to run on my old laptop, which had both Windows Vista and a fairly similar, if not even worse, hardware setup. Anyway, maybe you need to lower your graphics settings, or just completely disable certain things, like others said. Hassat was probably right to assume that the the smoke is probably playing havok with your laptop.
  20. Davik Kang's "pride and joy" that he protects is just a phone booth... I would love to see that in game. XD
  21. Yay! I'll make sure to make this my first download for TSL once I re-install the game.
  22. Considering how the movies conflict with nearly all of the big texture/graphic mods out there for Kotor to begin with, I don't think the effort would be well spent. A good chunk of people also skip the movies for various reasons anyway, so those people wouldn't need the mod. I would enjoy a mod like you suggested, as I do enjoy the movies to begin with, but it'll be a while from now at the very least.
  23. I know next to nothing about Doctor Who, but isn't the Interior of the Tardis supposed to be incredibly spacious? Maybe you could replace the Ebon Hawk model with the Tardis, and going inside the Ebon Hawk could still make some sense. XD
  24. I'm not 100% sure, but I think security spikes work like they're supposed to in the Xbox version of the game. Weird...
  25. For Kotor, leaving the security spikes unusable was more likely than not just an oversight added in the game while close to its release date. Bioware could have easily corrected that little bug. Obsidian must have noticed the bug during TSL's development and intentionally fixed it. I doubt it would have taken either team long to fix it.