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Status Updates posted by Mephiles550

  1. Vanilla Darth Nihilus is too easy of a boss, but giving him Force Death Field instead of just lvl 1 Force Drain makes him way to difficult. He'll sometimes use Death Field 3-4 times in one turn. The power can be really broken sometimes when used by enemies.

    1. Mephiles550


      While giving Nihilus Death Field does make him annoying sometimes, I do enjoy the extra challenge and I think it suits a character of his prowess more than just drain life.

    2. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Yes I agree that he was way too easy for a sith lord that destroys planets.

    3. Kate The Bionic Uterus

      Kate The Bionic Uterus

      I always thought that a party member should die in that fight.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  2. Could one make an arguement that TSL without the restored content mod could still be considered a complete game by itself? Obviously it technically isn't, but could one interpret the story without the mod in a way that makes it seem complete?

    1. milestails


      The mere thought of playing TSL without TSLRCM is a very frightening prospect indeed.

    2. zbyl2


      Sure, it's easy. You can start it and you can see the ending. Therefore, the game is complete.

    3. Mephiles550


      The more I think about possibilites, the more times I remember that HK-47 says you can get to the HK-50 factory when you really can't and that Malachor is a giant mess of a plothole.

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  3. For some reason, TSL refuses to load lightsaber hilt textures. I have no idea why. I'll empty out my override and have only the lightsaber mod, and it'll be a chrome mess.

    1. Mephiles550


      AAAAARGH STEAM. Is there a potential fix?

    2. Mephiles550


      Nvm, so apparently adding spaces in between each word of "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" fixed the issue. Wtf?

    3. VarsityPuppet


      Yeah I don't know what the deal is with that. Could be Aspyr changed something in their code so it changes the way it reads swkotor2.ini

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  4. Would anyone happen to have a link to one of the older HK-50 factory mod builds from before the times of TSLRCM?

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Lots of nvm's lately :)

    2. Mephiles550


      If you mean from my status update requests than ya I noticed that also. Sith Holocron was a big help.

    3. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Oops, I actually confused you with SH. My bad 0_o

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  5. I thought all Kotor 1 player models were already included in Kotor 2, even if not used? Is that not the case?

    1. DarthParametric
    2. Mephiles550


      That's interesting, thanks for clarifying.

      The question popped up after seeing the latest topic about porting Juhani to TSL, I always thought those player models were already there. 

    3. DarthParametric


      A bunch of heads got remodelled/re-uv'd, others just got outright replaced, so it's a bit of a mixed bag as to what remains. The most well known example is mullet man being turned into one of the Hispanic male heads.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. I may feel like an outdated hipster while using the original 4CD TSL copy or original JK2/JK3 copy, but I feel like that's how the games were meant to be played.

    1. milestails


      Original 4CD FTW!

    2. HK-47


      Statement: I still do it that way. Though I've been forced to install with an image of my K2 play disc, I still use the CD to play the game.

    3. Xuul


      I have my 4CD copy of Kotor on a USB stick since I hate having to switch the disks every time i reinstall

  7. Anyone ever mod Halo CE on PC before? How hard is it compared to Kotor and TSL to mod?

    1. L0ki194


      Rather simple, actually. Step 1 is to always grab Halo Custom Edition for it, which was made by Gearbox, the people who ported Halo CE to PC. Custom Maps you literally just download the file, then drag it to the "maps" folder, and it should be able to play. Currently, I've been hyped about a Single Player mod called "CMT SPV3", which is still in development.

    2. Mephiles550


      You misunderstand me, I know how to install mods but I don't know how to edit mod files.

    3. L0ki194


      Ah... damn, sorry about that. I have no experience in that front unfortunately. I would assume there's at least some tutorials on the Halo Maps forum.

  8. The fact that they give you 5000 Credits in the Lehon temple always confused me. You can't go anywhere to spend your credits after you fly to Lehon. :/

    1. milestails


      You could always use RedHawke's Rodian Elder Merchant mod.

    2. milestails


      "This simple mod spawns Gviian Sluupor a freindly stranded Rodian Merchant, as well as a Workbench, on entry to the Elder encampment on the Unknown world, you will find him on the other side by all the Metalboxes and Plastic Cylenders. I hated that there was no place on the unknown world to sell the items you could not use and also have some killer items to buy, so here he is. This mod is also fully compatable with all of My Mods and just about everyone else's mods as well."

    3. milestails
  9. Bring out the hype and the salt, we've got another remake rumor:

  10. I heard from some people that TSL on Steam has more modding limitations than it's disc counterpart (Can't install too many mods without problems). I typically have around 2+GB of mods and I make my own patches to make all of these mods compatible. Is it true about the limitations or are there none?

    1. DarthParametric


      The limitations refer to using the Workshop. Avoid doing that and just stick with typical modding and you'll be fine. The Workshop implementation is ass anyway, it will just lead to headaches for anything more than simple overrides like textures and so forth.

    2. Mephiles550


      Standard Copy & Paste procedure and the TSL patcher work just fine as normal? Good, thank you!

    3. DarthParametric


      Yes, just use the Steam install directory as you would for the GOG or CD version. TSLPatcher won't handle automatic lookup because of different registry entries, but you can manually point it to the right location.

  11. So many appearance problems in Kotor could be fixed if Kotortool could detect custom appearances properly like KSE could. D:

    1. djh269


      Are you talking about utc's? If your kotor tool detects the correct registry paths for k1 and tsl it should detect custom appearances

    2. DarthParametric


      Enable the option for it to use the Override folder and it will pull data from any custom appearance.2da, etc.

    3. Mephiles550


      Thank you DP, I wasn't aware of that option before. That saves some headaches.

  12. I hate overpowered mod items in Kotor. Brotherhood of Shadow looks fun, but I'll probably end up weakening dozens of items in Kotortool if I download it again.

    1. Tyvokka


      I found BOS rather difficult but maybe thats just me.

    2. LDR


      Yeah BOS is a bit tougher than base-game.

    3. Mephiles550


      That doesn't mean I need a set of light armor from Czerka that turns me into a hulk. BOS isn't really that hard. The only time I thought it was tough was during the stealth part with the droid and Shadow's visions, all of which limit you to only a handful of items and whatever you find. Solomon's fight may have been a little tough, but nothing unbeatable.

  13. What's happening with the BOS 2.0 mod installer? Is it still being worked on?

    1. Fair Strides

      Fair Strides

      Yes it is. I actually got the installer all finished (with no errors running it!) this last weekend... But the hard drive physically failed literally the next morning. :( :( :( So I need to re-do the installer from scratch, again. *sigh*

    2. Mephiles550
    3. jc2


      My sympathies FS.

  14. Out of curioisity, does anyone have a solid explanation as to why Kotor gets screwed over with Intel HD Graphics? It's not an APU problem because I've used AMD APUs and Kotor runs great, all things working normally. Intel HD, no matter which variety, just doesn't agree with Kotor... or a couple other games for that matter. Odd

    1. DarthParametric


      It's likely down to the way the engine is coded, although it's odd that issues persist with entirely new Intel integrated GPUs a decade and a half later. Perhaps ndix UR could provide some insight based on firsthand poking under the hood.

    2. LiliArch


      My guess is that something in Intel drivers just doesn’t like KotOR’s engine.

    3. ndix UR

      ndix UR

      I'd have to run the GPU caps viewer on the Intel driver to say specifically, but the short answer is that the game uses old OpenGL extensions, often NV_ or ATI_ namespaced ones. The big two have kept those features in their newer packages while Intel has, presumably, not gone back and implemented every historical OpenGL extension. Especially since OpenGL is the ignored stepchild to Direct3D on Windows. Long story short, it is unlikely to ever get better and it's not a hardware issue.

  15. I tried to replace the Great Storm Beast on Malachor with a Rancor in Kotor Tool and it crashed a second after it showed the rancor loaded. Do you think the problem was something wrong with the animations or the model being too big and stuck in the map? Or was it something else? I'm stuck. 😕

    1. N-DReW25


      Maybe the big Rancor lacks animations and it crashes the game due to either a missing model or missing model data, did you manage to see the Ranor before the game crashed and did it do anything (Walk, Run, Attack etc)?

    2. Mephiles550


      I saw the rancor at the size I expected and it had regular idle animations. It stood where the big storm beast spawns. But it wouldnt move forward at all so the game crashed after like 2 or 3 seconds looking at it 

    3. Mephiles550


      Actually, I just tried it again and this time it worked! I didn't do anything different either. The fight is actually a lot more intimidating now!

      The only bug I occasionally get when trying this fight is that sometimes, after I kill it, I randomly die. That makes no sense to me.

    1. AmanoJyaku


      Probably legit. He tried to jump into someone else's body in the last film...

      ... It was stupid.

    2. Stormie97
    3. AmanoJyaku


      Eh, it's a prank.



      In the recently released book The Art of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


  16. Got back into Kotor modding and Deadlystream cause of Kotor 2's mobile port announcement, great early christmas gift.

    I decided to try Brotherhood of Shadow along with my other 14GB of Kotor mods. From the save provided with the mod, it's worked fantastically well from start to finish, with only a few tidbits here needing some obvious patching. I'm stunned by how little I have to fix. 

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      What needs patching?  Will you be releasing these fixes?

    2. Mephiles550


      No because all of the fixes would only be relevant to my own personal override folder's contents, it would be useless to anyone else and would probably just cause more problems.


      Most of the glitches I encountered were related to the 2da files, with some objects here and there likely not having been in their right spot, e.g, Akirkon at the last fight was a czerka employee, the force cage at the end was a rock, and solomons grave was a puddle of oil, etc. They werent common, but noticable. Those were really the only problems I had. 

      I will say tho that I would genuinely pay money to have someone with a decent VO and microphone replace all of Shadows twilek lines with actual english. Its seriously unbearable hearing twilek speak in moments that are actually well written. 

    3. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      You could always try and see if you want to hire a voice actress. 

  17. You guys think that Disney's pumping out just too much Star Wars stuff at this point?

    They're making a new show based on Andor from Rogue One and I just don't care anymore since they've got like 6-7 other series coming out and more movies about to come out. I've lost so much interest in modern Star Wars, not because it's necessarily bad but because there's so much of it. It's OK to take breaks now and again.

    1. DarthParametric


      They need to be constantly pumping out filler material for Disney+ in order to keep people subscribed. Hence the string of Star Wars and Marvel TV shows. Quality is well down the list of their priorities. The only way they'll stop is if the financials stop making sense, as happened with their Star Wars theatrical plans.

    2. djh269


      Whilst I am a nerd who can never get enough content, I'm missing independent movies sometimes. And TV series that have original concepts. Whilst I'm not bored at this point in time I can completely understand why some/alot of people are getting bored of it all.

      Disney acquiring both Marvel and Star Wars is a gift and a curse. We'll get a lot of exposition, but disneyifing everything will get very boring soon.

    3. VarsityPuppet


      You know what they say about quality vs. quantity...

  18. TSL has a max character level of 50. Is there any possible way to get that far? What's the highest level you've reached before?

    1. milestails
    2. Rece


      47. How? Idk.

  19. Anyone remember OldFlash's Final Touch mod? That was pretty much THE mod to have for TSL back in the days before TSLRCM. Well, that and USM, but they were probably incompatible. :X

    1. milestails


      Yeah. I never dug the screenshots for that mod. Oldflash's vision for the game aesthetically didn't jive with mine. Never used it.

    2. Mephiles550


      I mainly used it for the saber hilts, the new remote model and some other robe skins. The mod kicked ass, even if I didn't really care for some parts of it. The Mandalorian model kicked ass.

  20. MDLops is a very useful tool, although it's not really friendly to newcomers. I'm using it to fix some texture issues with ToastyFresh's Weapon mod for TSL.

    1. 1Leonard


      Cool! It always bothered me that he never finished it up until now...

    2. Mephiles550


      With some of Inyri's weapon models and a couple of other weapon models available here on DeadlyStream, I'm trying to replace every single ranged weapon in TSL with higher quality ones, the majority of which being ToastyFresh's models. Maybe I'll eventually get to updating some melee weapons at one point, but my priority is on ranged weapons. :)

  21. Anyone know the model names of the butt-ugly war droids in the Dark Side ending of Kotor so that I can replace them? You know, the ones that look like they came from an early ps1 game and are supposed to look like this:

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      The texture is C_DrdWar01.tga if that helps.

    2. Mephiles550


      Found it, it's "stuntdroids"


      thank you anyway, Holocron. I'm now deciding which model to change it with. I really hate how Obsidion decided to include so many low poly models in the game. Now I have to replace them all. Ugh

  22. K1 Override is now 4.5 GB. New personal record? :P

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      What mods are you using?

    2. Mephiles550


      A bunch of graphics mods, several small mods, bits and pieces from other mods, and my own personal tweakings. It all looks balanced and polished in the end, but let's just say I couldn't use K1R for compatibility reasons. I did download it so I could get the script files for the restored rough-cut Wookie crystal for example.

  23. Yesterday was a great learning experience. Before yesterday, I knew next to nothing about 2DA files outside of how to merge them. Now after having made extensive edits to three different 2DA files, I feel like I can add a lot more variety to Kotor. :)

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Good to hear! What do you have in mind?

    2. Mephiles550


      I've already, for the most part, fixed my issues with wearing Darth Bandon's armor by modifying 2 different 2da files. I've also made some edits to lightsabers and their crystals via the upcrystals.2da file and I've made some old mods that use an appearance file manually compatible by only taking some parts of what I want from them.

  24. I regret installing the Coruscant level mod. It works perfectly, but damn is it broken. I can go from a weak character to a god in a few minutes with all of the loot and force powers you can get from the planet.

    1. djh269


      I like the referenced Kotor 1 items you get in it. But you do get Force Crush too early if you play it as a 1st/2nd planet.

    2. jc2


      I mean you could exercise restraint and not use them? o.O But yeah I had the same issue, I just installed this mod to fix that issue.